[..] net.politics

Oldest | Popular

Orphaned Response (157 replies, 02/13/86)

"Secular Humanism" banned in the US Schools. (143 replies, 10/30/85)

Discrimination and Affirmative Action (91 replies, 06/28/85)

Air raid on Libya (90 replies, 05/24/86)

Handgun control (81 replies, 07/16/85)

America-bashing (73 replies, 09/11/85)

corporal punishment in schools (67 replies, 09/24/85)

Discrimination against women and statistics (54 replies, 07/26/85)

Reagan's re-election (53 replies, 12/20/84)

Personal Defense (52 replies, 06/13/85)

One for our side (51 replies, 12/06/85)

Merry Christmas from the NRA (51 replies, 01/25/85)

Middle East, Oil and the costs of Militarism (49 replies, 11/29/85)

"Tax Supported" Churches. (46 replies, 10/22/85)

Massachusetts seat belt law (43 replies, 01/10/86)

DWI Crackdowns (43 replies, 08/16/85)

Reagan's joke (42 replies, 10/28/84)

American Hostages (41 replies, 09/08/85)

Abortion and Capital Punishment (40 replies, 12/11/84)

Star Wars Defense... (37 replies, 10/12/84)

Plutonium (34 replies, 05/22/86)

Islamic tolerance (34 replies, 02/23/86)

Apartheid on the West Bank (34 replies, 12/23/85)

Bicycles, Violence and Hatred (34 replies, 06/11/85)

Unemployment & the minimum wage (32 replies, 08/21/84)

NYC subway hero (31 replies, 01/10/85)

Grenada (30 replies, 10/02/85)

The Shame of the President (30 replies, 05/27/85)

State Tax Dedudction (29 replies, 06/16/85)

poll (29 replies, 04/03/85)

White greed (29 replies, 03/07/85)

In the Name of God (28 replies, 03/27/86)

Congratulations to the NRA (28 replies, 07/13/85)

Terrorism (27 replies, 05/19/86)

Discrimination and AA (27 replies, 07/13/85)

privatization of education (26 replies, 08/22/86)

Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jerry Falwell and Reagan (26 replies, 12/27/85)

"We will bury you." -Khruschev (26 replies, 12/22/85)

Soviet Reaction to Pershings (26 replies, 12/23/83)

The Presidents how I feel they rate in history (25 replies, 06/24/86)

Social Security (24 replies, 12/04/85)

Schools and Churches (24 replies, 10/09/85)

Slave labor built Siberian pipeline (23 replies, 03/24/86)

Television coverage and censorship in Canada (23 replies, 03/14/86)

Edwin Meese (23 replies, 01/21/86)

Aviation Week on Star Wars (23 replies, 01/20/86)

Terrorism Inc. (23 replies, 10/22/85)

Violation of separation church and state???? (23 replies, 06/08/85)

What is socialism? (23 replies, 02/15/85)

Arab tolerance (22 replies, 01/06/86)

Extent of hunger in America (22 replies, 12/12/85)

State Terrorism (22 replies, 10/29/85)

Nicaraguan Parallel (22 replies, 09/27/85)

Thoughts on America Bashing (22 replies, 08/29/85)

Islam (22 replies, 08/15/85)

Lives saved by nuking Japan?!? (21 replies, 07/02/86)

airbags (21 replies, 01/20/86)

Zionism is not racism; Anti-Israel = antisemitic (21 replies, 12/09/85)

Tax relief for Churches--ARRRRGHH (21 replies, 10/20/85)

Hypocrisy (21 replies, 04/02/85)

Laws Nobody Obeys ARE NEEDED (21 replies, 12/04/84)

Net.politics to Europe, Lets start net.world-politics (21 replies, 06/30/84)

voting (21 replies, 03/27/84)

Reagan a pathological liar:re to Cramer (20 replies, 03/28/86)

A suggestion for a ground rule in any pornography debate (20 replies, 10/24/85)

Vet kills his baby. (20 replies, 03/01/85)

It Cant Happen Here (20 replies, 02/06/85)

Libertarianism (20 replies, 12/24/84)

ID (20 replies, 09/02/84)

Female Veep (20 replies, 08/23/84)

The Day After (20 replies, 11/23/83)

Dangerous Military Myth (19 replies, 03/27/86)

Don Black, Nazis, and the amazing disappearing Holocaust (19 replies, 04/03/85)

Official Language Of USA (19 replies, 03/08/85)

Those Crates (19 replies, 12/06/84)

Fuzzy headed liberals (19 replies, 11/08/84)

Star Wars Defense Plan (19 replies, 09/17/84)

Communist Attrocities in Vietnam (19 replies, 06/21/84)

Richard Nixon, etc. (19 replies, 04/26/84)

E.g. Student Gov't Project. (18 replies, 03/06/86)

Seat Belts (18 replies, 08/06/85)

Discrimination and AA and Racism (18 replies, 07/08/85)

Yuppies (18 replies, 05/31/85)

affirmative action (18 replies, 05/22/85)

Star Wars -> Nuclear war (18 replies, 04/21/85)

Gun Control (18 replies, 03/04/85)

Tutu Makes a DooDoo (18 replies, 01/16/85)

Bastille mentality alive and well in USA (18 replies, 12/07/84)

Strategic Arms (18 replies, 11/01/84)

gunpoint (18 replies, 10/31/84)

alternate, hopefully safe, energy sources (18 replies, 08/30/84)

Enforced socialism?!?!?!? (18 replies, 05/09/84)

Reply to Sevener on Property Rights (17 replies, 03/07/86)

The use of nonviolence. (17 replies, 02/06/86)

"A Design Proposal That Would Make Passenger Planes Safe" (17 replies, 01/22/86)

Protesting the Beirut Hostage Crisis (17 replies, 07/31/85)

Yea for the BOMB!!! (17 replies, 07/26/85)

To Hell With Diplomacy (17 replies, 07/16/85)

A new self-defense idea! (17 replies, 05/15/85)

nicaragua (17 replies, 10/05/84)

Reagan FLAME (17 replies, 04/12/84)

BTL Takes the Lead (17 replies, 11/23/83)

School Prayer (16 replies, 10/31/85)

Islamic Mystics - The Sufi (16 replies, 09/29/85)

We're next (16 replies, 08/29/85)

More on justice (16 replies, 01/20/85)

Comments on Libertarianism (16 replies, 12/11/84)

Letters for Peace (16 replies, 07/25/84)

anti-nuke questions (16 replies, 12/16/83)

PWhat if They Threw a War... (16 replies, 12/05/83)

A Modest Proposal (15 replies, 09/12/86)

Small Nuclear Bombs (15 replies, 05/23/86)

Line Item Veto at Presidential Level (15 replies, 03/05/86)

Myers on nrh on "untrue propaganda" (15 replies, 01/03/86)

The role of America in world hunger & red spread (15 replies, 08/26/85)

Financing the government of a free society (15 replies, 07/08/85)

The medical industry is not regulated? (15 replies, 03/01/85)

a pro abortion argument (15 replies, 02/07/85)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career (15 replies, 11/14/84)

Liberty and Isolation are not the same things. (15 replies, 09/26/84)

religion and public life: texas (15 replies, 08/12/84)

participative democracy (15 replies, 06/09/84)

SIMPLE TAX: Article Excerpts (15 replies, 05/24/84)

earmarking tax money (15 replies, 11/16/83)

Democrats vs. Republicans (15 replies, 08/12/83)

A Flame at Affirmative Action (15 replies, 06/22/83)

Seat belts, Helmets and Freedom of Choice (14 replies, 08/16/86)

Reply to 'Update #2 on technical travel to Nicaragua' (14 replies, 07/18/86)

Libertarianism and the Police (14 replies, 07/30/85)

Coke and the Real Thing (14 replies, 07/23/85)

Responsibility for the Holocaust: Reply to Saumya Debray (14 replies, 06/12/85)

NYC subway "hero" (14 replies, 02/06/85)

Criticism of Dutch Government (14 replies, 12/15/84)

3rd world savages (14 replies, 12/15/84)

The WSJ on Reaganomics (14 replies, 12/03/84)

Grenada rescue & weakness (14 replies, 11/19/84)

Liberal media bias (14 replies, 11/01/84)

The Sub-Minimum Wage Again (14 replies, 09/24/84)

Stalin and Slavery (14 replies, 12/30/83)

The Bible and our great Nation. (14 replies, 09/14/83)

Korean Jet (14 replies, 09/11/83)

Population control (13 replies, 09/08/86)

Nuclear power: Petr Beckmann (13 replies, 08/20/86)

Nuclear power vs Coal vs Alternatives (13 replies, 07/17/86)

Making War (13 replies, 03/29/86)

Death to baby killers, NOW! (13 replies, 01/28/86)

Libya: Let's not Bomb 'em (13 replies, 01/26/86)

Equality through Reaganomics ? (13 replies, 11/27/85)

Re (13 replies, 10/25/85)

Yay for California!!! (13 replies, 10/02/85)

We've GOT to do somethin' for Peace Dept. (13 replies, 08/21/85)

America: soft, rich, pacifist (13 replies, 04/10/85)

Question for Canadians (13 replies, 03/29/85)

Who says religion isn't important in America? (13 replies, 03/11/85)

American (13 replies, 02/20/85)

Socialism (13 replies, 02/01/85)

How about another topic (13 replies, 01/26/85)

Corrupting youth: Conservative [sic.] Campus Tabloids (13 replies, 11/06/84)

Politics, morals and nukes (13 replies, 10/19/84)

Towards making hosts and their admin free from a criminal offence (12 replies, 06/23/86)

Lyndon Larouche (12 replies, 03/23/86)

Enigma and the Eastern Front again (12 replies, 03/01/86)

Adverse effects of the Abolition of (12 replies, 02/09/86)

Politics of Oxfam America (12 replies, 01/24/86)

Could D. Black have legal problems? (12 replies, 10/14/85)

Planned Parenthood (12 replies, 10/03/85)

Taxes: the cost of Civilization & Democracy: Reply to JoSH (12 replies, 06/25/85)

Mr. Sykora isn't civil? Mr. Reagan isn't honest? (12 replies, 06/07/85)

Peace in the Middle East (12 replies, 11/02/84)

Listen to Radio Moscow (12 replies, 10/10/84)

1986 SUPREME COURT RULING (12 replies, 07/25/84)

USSR on Usenet (12 replies, 04/16/84)

Response to Anti-Reagan Tirade (12 replies, 04/13/84)

U.S. Bombings (12 replies, 12/10/83)

reorganization of soapbox newsgroups (11 replies, 06/02/86)

How about a temporary net.libya? (11 replies, 05/14/86)

Welfare (11 replies, 03/30/86)

Forced Landing (11 replies, 03/01/86)

Adverse effects of the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons... (11 replies, 01/30/86)

our neighbors (11 replies, 01/07/86)

More double standards (11 replies, 12/31/85)

Arabists in n.r.j. (11 replies, 11/21/85)

Terrorism, etc. (11 replies, 11/05/85)

Red plot foiled at govt. agency (11 replies, 06/05/85)

Libertarians and ERA (11 replies, 04/27/85)

Euromissiles in Belgium (11 replies, 02/20/85)

Wage Rates: Unions, Minimum Wage Laws, and Employer Oligopoly (11 replies, 02/09/85)

MHCS results (11 replies, 01/19/85)

Don't restrict MY access to handguns just because (11 replies, 01/10/85)

Big Brother IS wtaching you - cross border phone traffic (11 replies, 12/24/84)

Obituary (11 replies, 12/14/84)

The real issue about nuclear weapons (11 replies, 12/14/84)

Expertise:Nuclear War Casualties (11 replies, 12/02/84)

A Question for Libertarians (11 replies, 11/17/84)

A Vote for Mondale (11 replies, 11/08/84)

"Majority" rule (11 replies, 11/07/84)

Context of the Debate (11 replies, 10/23/84)

US-USSR talks (11 replies, 10/11/84)

Lockport Blast: safety of oil vs nuclear power (11 replies, 08/04/84)

submitted for comments (11 replies, 07/27/84)

School Prayer -- My personal opinions (11 replies, 03/15/84)

How to Decrease the Chances of Total Destruction (11 replies, 12/11/83)

RE. Scopes II (10 replies, 08/22/86)

Censorship in Canada (10 replies, 03/27/86)

Children, Hunger and School Lunches (10 replies, 03/27/86)

CIA and terrorism (10 replies, 03/19/86)

"Russia: Love It Or Leave It" (10 replies, 03/03/86)

The definition of terrorism is NOT flexible! (10 replies, 12/19/85)

Social Security vs Social Welfare (10 replies, 11/13/85)

If you could save lives, would you ? (10 replies, 09/24/85)

Personal Defenses (10 replies, 05/01/85)

Euromissiles (10 replies, 04/15/85)

MX Missile Vote (10 replies, 04/02/85)

Beyond Marchionni and Dubuc (10 replies, 02/20/85)

Exactamoondo! (10 replies, 01/18/85)

CONSISTENCY? Still waiting... (10 replies, 01/15/85)

Nuclear power "experts" are just trying to erase the Sputnik era (10 replies, 12/02/84)

Closed Eyes to the raping of a nation (10 replies, 11/30/84)

Nuclear War Casualties (10 replies, 11/07/84)

ERA (10 replies, 10/27/84)

Unilateral Disarmament (10 replies, 09/18/84)

Selective reporting (10 replies, 08/04/84)

Do Russians ALWAYS lie? (10 replies, 04/16/84)

Private school tax deduction vs NEA (10 replies, 11/20/83)

Double standards (10 replies, 09/23/83)

another topic (10 replies, 05/07/83)

re Seat belts, Helmets and Freedom of Choice (9 replies, 08/08/86)

Reagan and Alternatives:re to jj (9 replies, 03/27/86)

The Sandinista Problem II: The Home Front (9 replies, 03/18/86)

The "Patria" incident (9 replies, 03/17/86)

Types of Property (9 replies, 03/15/86)

Goodbye (9 replies, 03/15/86)

Satellite Signal Scrambling (9 replies, 03/15/86)

Israeli torture? (9 replies, 02/14/86)

Some Ideas from India: Laws of Manu: Duties of Sudras (9 replies, 01/17/86)

American Foreign Policy (9 replies, 01/17/86)

Supply-side Economics: the Savings Rate (9 replies, 11/09/85)

El Salvador, Nicaragua (9 replies, 11/07/85)

reagan's weekends (9 replies, 09/24/85)

Understanding the Shiites (9 replies, 07/11/85)

TechNICA a correction (9 replies, 07/10/85)

Alternative Action (9 replies, 06/13/85)

The net's favorite form of argument (9 replies, 05/29/85)

How does education help all of us? Reply to Sykora (9 replies, 05/18/85)

President-come (9 replies, 05/03/85)

deleted & added newsgroups (9 replies, 04/17/85)

To tim sevener re media bias (9 replies, 03/07/85)

Seat-belt laws (9 replies, 02/19/85)

World War III (9 replies, 02/13/85)

We need the arms race (9 replies, 02/10/85)

Split Politics in 3 (9 replies, 01/19/85)

Myths destroyed (9 replies, 12/21/84)

Comments on the Libertarian Platform (9 replies, 12/16/84)

Big Brother (9 replies, 12/16/84)

Education of creationists' children (9 replies, 12/08/84)

libertarianism VS economic reality (9 replies, 12/05/84)

Women Heads of State (9 replies, 11/07/84)

Corrupting youth con't (9 replies, 11/06/84)

To all those voting for Mondale (9 replies, 11/02/84)

What is a libertarian? (9 replies, 08/31/84)

Ethics and others in libertarianism (9 replies, 08/07/84)

Foreget Reagan, Forget Mondale, Forget Hart (9 replies, 07/29/84)

Selling them the rope with which to hang us... (9 replies, 03/30/84)

Hart scares me to death!! (9 replies, 03/15/84)

Cruise Missiles (9 replies, 02/12/84)

High-Frontier, What Scientists Can Do (9 replies, 12/13/83)

Who's deterring whom? (9 replies, 12/04/83)

Is America a Democracy (8 replies, 01/23/86)

Whom Should We Believe (8 replies, 01/02/86)

Degradation and Death in Nicaragua (8 replies, 01/01/86)

Rajiv Gandhi takes a cue from the ultra-Zionists (8 replies, 01/01/86)

You ain't Done Nothin' if You ain't been called a Red: (8 replies, 12/28/85)

Israeli Indian Relations (8 replies, 12/12/85)

Supply-side Economics: the Savings (8 replies, 11/09/85)

Nicaraguan Parallel: Some ke (8 replies, 10/27/85)

South African solutions anyone? (8 replies, 08/14/85)

Greenpeace (8 replies, 08/02/85)

Bernhard Goetz Update (8 replies, 07/13/85)

The Shame of the President:the Last and Next Holocaust (8 replies, 05/10/85)

Victims of Equal Access (8 replies, 04/28/85)

Nicaraguan Self-determination (8 replies, 04/25/85)

China is more of an ally than New Zealand? (8 replies, 04/25/85)

I'm OK, you're excess population (8 replies, 04/10/85)

Affirmative Action, Reverse Discrimination (8 replies, 03/29/85)

freedom, democracy, etc (8 replies, 02/10/85)

Mormons not Christians!? (8 replies, 02/03/85)

Libertarianism & freedom (8 replies, 01/16/85)

Libertarianism: Anarchism, Schools, Defense, Society (8 replies, 01/09/85)

Big Brother IS wtaching you (8 replies, 12/18/84)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: VIII (8 replies, 12/03/84)

SPACE Issues in the Election (8 replies, 11/10/84)

A vote for "nobody" this November (8 replies, 10/12/84)

Presidential Politics (8 replies, 09/05/84)

Horror at the Republican Convention (8 replies, 09/05/84)

My fellow Americans, (8 replies, 08/29/84)

Mondale Who? (8 replies, 08/21/84)

A International subject (8 replies, 05/30/84)

give-aways (8 replies, 04/17/84)

YOU EARNED IT??? (8 replies, 04/17/84)

Child molestation and pornography (8 replies, 02/20/84)

A New Constitutional Amendment (8 replies, 02/12/84)

Starvation and population (8 replies, 02/03/84)

More Spread the Wealth (8 replies, 12/29/83)

The Star-Spangled Banner (8 replies, 12/08/83)

Invitation (8 replies, 11/24/83)

Liberals vs. Conservatives (8 replies, 11/09/83)

The Bible and the Constitution (8 replies, 07/11/83)

life of nuke wastes (7 replies, 08/04/86)

Legal drinking age (7 replies, 01/23/86)

Media mis-representation example... (7 replies, 01/21/86)

Seein' Red and God? (7 replies, 01/12/86)

A question of allegiance (7 replies, 12/20/85)

Democracy, Wars, Imperialism and Nationalism:I (7 replies, 12/18/85)

Don Black, KKK - More than a coincedence? (7 replies, 12/16/85)

Gone with the wind. (7 replies, 11/04/85)

Nicaraguan Parallel: Some key fa (7 replies, 10/21/85)

Need Frank Zappa Quote! Slade Gordon in tears? (7 replies, 10/14/85)

Soviet Conventional Offensive Capability, an unConventional view (7 replies, 10/11/85)

Stick it in yer ear. (7 replies, 10/10/85)

They Can't Drive 55 (7 replies, 10/03/85)

South Africa (7 replies, 08/19/85)

handgun control -- one more time (7 replies, 08/05/85)

AA/Quota's, etc, why I don't like them... (7 replies, 07/22/85)

Gee, where are they?? (7 replies, 07/19/85)

Reagan Quotes (7 replies, 07/01/85)

The funny thing about the opponents of AA (7 replies, 06/21/85)

Discrimination and Affirmative Action: Reply to Sykora (7 replies, 06/06/85)

news item (7 replies, 05/24/85)

uc divestment (7 replies, 05/18/85)

My article on Nicaragua (7 replies, 05/04/85)

War With Japan. (7 replies, 05/03/85)

Milk in Sudan and Ethiopia (7 replies, 03/18/85)

Guns as Protection (7 replies, 03/08/85)

food for thought (7 replies, 03/07/85)

A Question! (7 replies, 03/04/85)

Emigration vs. withdrawing from a group:Human Race (7 replies, 03/04/85)

Re. MHCS from Frank Adrian (7 replies, 02/21/85)

freedom, democracy, etc:Reply to cliff (7 replies, 02/11/85)

handgun reqistration... (7 replies, 02/06/85)

Jesse Jackson and Falashas (7 replies, 02/04/85)

Conscription/Slavery (7 replies, 01/27/85)

Crime in New York (7 replies, 01/25/85)

Libertarianism & Luck (7 replies, 01/25/85)

Libertarianism & basketball (7 replies, 01/21/85)

Good evening. This is the CBS Evening News, Jesse Helms reporting. (7 replies, 01/17/85)

Socio-economic cancer (7 replies, 01/09/85)

Propaganda/Disinformation Story to be Aired by NBC-TV (7 replies, 01/06/85)

A fresh new supply of organs! (7 replies, 12/12/84)

education (7 replies, 12/06/84)

Boy, is net.politics busy these days... (7 replies, 12/04/84)

Wisdom of European Heads of State (7 replies, 11/29/84)

Vietnam Controversy (7 replies, 11/21/84)

'Majority' rule (7 replies, 11/16/84)

Final Presidential Poll Results (7 replies, 11/14/84)

Corrupting Youth (7 replies, 11/08/84)

starving libertarians (7 replies, 11/06/84)

The Chronic War-Preparers (7 replies, 11/05/84)

Reagan (7 replies, 10/31/84)

Reagon's mistakes - list wanted (7 replies, 10/03/84)

Libertarians considered psychotic (7 replies, 09/13/84)

defense budget a payoff? (7 replies, 07/26/84)

Technical Aid to Nicaragua (7 replies, 06/15/84)

Unions, onions, and things... The Saga Continues (7 replies, 04/21/84)

Unions, onions, and other things to cry about (7 replies, 04/14/84)

Slander! (7 replies, 03/30/84)

Voltaxes and Theftaxes (7 replies, 03/30/84)

American Aircraft Carrier collides with USSR sub! (7 replies, 03/29/84)

Dr. Spock the diplomat (7 replies, 03/26/84)

Property (7 replies, 03/18/84)

addendum to my flame (7 replies, 02/09/84)

More Joy of Starvation (7 replies, 02/08/84)

flame on America (7 replies, 01/26/84)

Power corrupts? A note. (7 replies, 01/07/84)

Helpless in Lebanon (7 replies, 11/09/83)

Was King a man of peace ? (7 replies, 10/26/83)

Birth control and education (7 replies, 08/01/83)

CHOICE and the Senate (7 replies, 07/04/83)

What IS wrong with socialism (7 replies, 02/26/83)

gas tax (7 replies, 12/20/82)

MX Dense Packing (7 replies, 12/03/82)

Nuclear power and risk (6 replies, 07/30/86)

Jack Stanley's Presidential rating list (6 replies, 06/06/86)

A. LINCOLN A MAN SO MISUNDERSTOOD> (6 replies, 05/22/86)

Eight MIT students arrested in Apartheid protest (6 replies, 03/25/86)

That dirty 'ol CIA (6 replies, 03/25/86)

Democratic Rights and Property :re to Tanenbaum (6 replies, 03/09/86)

Protest in Russia and the U.S. (6 replies, 03/04/86)

On Democracy:re to Lewis on History (6 replies, 03/02/86)

Conventional Arms Balance in Europe (6 replies, 02/21/86)

The Hidden Costs of Smoking (6 replies, 01/24/86)

"Reds" vs "fascists":Reagan's remarks (6 replies, 01/21/86)

Marxism; Yugoslav style // to Brian Mahoney (6 replies, 01/10/86)

Louis Farrakhan / Jerry Falwell Quiz (6 replies, 12/26/85)

American Official Detained, Searched & Interrogated in North Ireland (6 replies, 11/23/85)

The dollar and the trade deficit (6 replies, 11/15/85)

Falwell (6 replies, 10/26/85)

Another Zionist Plot . . . Hmmmmmmm. (6 replies, 10/25/85)

creation or evolution in schools (6 replies, 10/22/85)

ACLU and Parent's Rights (6 replies, 10/10/85)

HOW TO DEAL WITH A JERK (6 replies, 09/30/85)

support for areligious moral codes (6 replies, 09/30/85)

More of the Saga (6 replies, 09/10/85)

Definitive expose' of Sandinistas? (6 replies, 08/30/85)

Commemorating Hiroshima (6 replies, 08/14/85)

Watch them closely when they quote statistics (6 replies, 07/26/85)

Income Disparities Based On Sex (6 replies, 07/17/85)

Comparable Worth (6 replies, 07/15/85)

Double Standards in American society (6 replies, 07/12/85)

Discrimination against women (6 replies, 07/11/85)

Blasting libertarians (6 replies, 06/01/85)

I don't favor Apartheid, but... (6 replies, 05/29/85)

The students of the country care about the world (6 replies, 05/23/85)

Strangling Nicaragua (6 replies, 05/09/85)

Air bears, fighting tickets... etc.. (6 replies, 04/25/85)

Mandatory seatbelt laws (6 replies, 04/13/85)

American Populist Party (6 replies, 04/10/85)

The United Nations (6 replies, 04/05/85)

Important Vote (6 replies, 03/20/85)

Well, Reagan was RIGHT!! (6 replies, 03/03/85)

results of poll of world news servic (6 replies, 03/01/85)

Why taxation *is* coercive (6 replies, 03/01/85)

Are Unions made in Heaven? (6 replies, 02/26/85)

DeGaulle and the French (6 replies, 02/22/85)

FORCE, Democracy and Libertarian (6 replies, 01/31/85)

Military conscription/slavery (6 replies, 01/28/85)

Nicaraguan Elections (6 replies, 01/27/85)

CBS takeover bid by Jesse Helms and others (6 replies, 01/19/85)

The 2nd amendment (6 replies, 01/16/85)

Democracy and Libertarianism (6 replies, 01/15/85)

self defense, etc. (6 replies, 01/11/85)

Milo's (6 replies, 01/09/85)

Experts:Are they all Milos? (6 replies, 01/02/85)

Why private police forces won't work (6 replies, 12/20/84)

US weapons in Europe (6 replies, 12/04/84)

BYE FRITZ (6 replies, 12/03/84)

Controlling Nuclear Weapons (6 replies, 12/02/84)

Government waste (6 replies, 11/27/84)

Election Result:More War in '84! (6 replies, 11/19/84)

New Rightist Reaganite trounced in Massachusetts (6 replies, 11/19/84)

Soviet Union invading Europe (6 replies, 11/02/84)

Criticism of US foreign policy (6 replies, 10/03/84)

Whoa! WHAT propaganda campaign? (6 replies, 10/02/84)

Soviet arms control violations (6 replies, 09/07/84)

Parents' "rights" and responsibilities - reply to Rich Rosen (6 replies, 08/30/84)

Homosexual teachers- a serious question (6 replies, 07/24/84)

A new theory about flight 007 (6 replies, 06/27/84)

Louisiana Creationism Law (6 replies, 06/21/84)

The Constitution in Electronic form :-) (6 replies, 05/25/84)

Russians Pull Out (6 replies, 05/18/84)

Nuclear power reduces radioactivity (6 replies, 05/04/84)

Nuclear power and the free market (6 replies, 05/02/84)

Richard Nixon What LAW? (6 replies, 05/01/84)

Do the rich pay their fair share? (6 replies, 04/23/84)

Some Questions (6 replies, 04/23/84)

What Would You Do? (6 replies, 04/11/84)

Why are we at war with USSR? (6 replies, 04/04/84)

The Falwellite Frenzy (6 replies, 04/01/84)

Conspiracy Theories (6 replies, 03/27/84)

Jesse Jackson - the Petrodollar Stops Here (6 replies, 02/13/84)

The Joy of Starvation (6 replies, 01/28/84)

Unilateral disarmament? (6 replies, 12/25/83)

War is Inevitable?! (6 replies, 12/16/83)

Israeli Prisoners (6 replies, 12/06/83)

British Built Airfield in Grenada (6 replies, 11/08/83)

MLK and Jewish holidays (6 replies, 10/27/83)

Life in a Judeo-Christian State (6 replies, 10/06/83)

Societal consensus as a basis for law (6 replies, 08/11/83)

Abortion, another view. (6 replies, 07/28/83)

State Run Enterprises (6 replies, 06/23/83)

progressive tax (6 replies, 12/21/82)

re Re Seat belts, Helmets and Freedom of Choice (5 replies, 07/31/86)

Libertarianism, Objectivism and Shopping Malls (5 replies, 07/24/86)

Plutonium, Water, Tactical vs. Strategic (5 replies, 05/24/86)

Libyan Air-raid/ open letter to (5 replies, 05/22/86)

Who can be secure? (5 replies, 05/10/86)

The peaceful Americans (5 replies, 03/27/86)

Criticism of America :re to critics (5 replies, 03/27/86)

Reagan evil?: re to jj (5 replies, 03/14/86)

CIA (5 replies, 03/11/86)

Reagan and arms reductions: re to Albrecht (5 replies, 03/10/86)

Contras as an army of national liberation (5 replies, 03/09/86)

Political Quote of the Month (5 replies, 03/02/86)

Minimum SAT Scores Needed to Get Into U. of Georgia (5 replies, 02/18/86)

Oil and the costs of Fission Electricity (5 replies, 11/14/85)

Terrorism, Inc. (5 replies, 10/18/85)

secular humanism banned in schools (5 replies, 10/03/85)

Reply to a cheap shot (5 replies, 09/10/85)

The free market and scuba diving (5 replies, 08/28/85)

Yugo automobile and human rights (5 replies, 08/28/85)

America's role in world hunger & red spread (5 replies, 08/18/85)

Hahvahd Bridge (5 replies, 08/14/85)

Hunger and the Free Market (5 replies, 08/09/85)

Ronald Reagan's response to hijackers (5 replies, 07/01/85)

Kidnaping Shiites (5 replies, 06/28/85)

who uses the road (5 replies, 06/24/85)

Propiganda, Sevener, Sykora, and MMT (5 replies, 06/13/85)

Reflections on Memorial Day (5 replies, 06/12/85)

Sunday shopping (5 replies, 06/08/85)

Sunday sales of cars <and booze> (5 replies, 05/21/85)

Potential invisibility (5 replies, 05/14/85)

Suppression of research presentations by DoD (5 replies, 05/10/85)

On forgetting and forgiving (5 replies, 05/07/85)

Re. Personal Defense (5 replies, 04/18/85)

Manditory Seatbelt Laws (5 replies, 04/08/85)

upcoming press conference (5 replies, 03/28/85)

Paying for TV programs, here and in UK (5 replies, 03/10/85)

another twist on the gun issue (5 replies, 02/28/85)

A Medal For Colonel Wilford (5 replies, 02/25/85)

World War III. Part 1 (5 replies, 02/17/85)

Libertarians and economic democracy (5 replies, 02/14/85)

response to Gun Control advocates (5 replies, 01/04/85)

sundry delayed responses (5 replies, 12/22/84)

Big Brother IS wtaching you -- NSA Keywords (5 replies, 12/13/84)

7X difference on weapons?? (5 replies, 12/08/84)

Soviets to Blame as well (5 replies, 11/26/84)

Catholic Pastoral Letter (5 replies, 11/23/84)

3rd world savages! (5 replies, 11/20/84)

Schultz on International Terrorism (5 replies, 11/04/84)

Libertarianism in One Lesson (5 replies, 11/01/84)

Birth Control Via Abortion (5 replies, 10/22/84)

Ballistic Missile Defense (5 replies, 10/02/84)

Liberterianism (5 replies, 10/01/84)

Presidential Vote Results (5 replies, 09/10/84)

Random comment and reply about MAD and the Star Wars plan (5 replies, 08/25/84)

Libertarianism Query (5 replies, 08/22/84)

Americans: Response to Dave London (5 replies, 08/17/84)

Vote for President (5 replies, 08/05/84)

NO cuts in social security (5 replies, 08/01/84)

Just when you thought it was going to be a dull election... (5 replies, 07/18/84)

An interesting occurrence. . . (5 replies, 07/16/84)

Indians and state law (5 replies, 07/11/84)

Domino theory (5 replies, 06/28/84)

Innocent Sandanistas (5 replies, 06/16/84)

Kids suffer in Shangri La (5 replies, 05/12/84)

the Holocaust (5 replies, 05/11/84)

nuclear waste products (5 replies, 05/06/84)

Nuclear Attack Warning Alarm (5 replies, 04/30/84)

Flat Tax (5 replies, 04/20/84)

The Great Educational Debate (5 replies, 04/16/84)

Reagan Hood (5 replies, 04/13/84)

Reagan and the economy, again. (5 replies, 04/07/84)

giveaways (5 replies, 04/06/84)

U.S. invades Grenada (5 replies, 03/22/84)

A Stilted World View (5 replies, 03/15/84)

Can ideas be dangerous? (5 replies, 03/06/84)

Reagan's stand on abortion (5 replies, 03/01/84)

Native Americans (5 replies, 02/24/84)

Nuclear arms race (5 replies, 02/17/84)

Anti-American Fulminations (5 replies, 01/23/84)

Jackson and the Democrats (5 replies, 01/11/84)

Being Nasty To The Good Ol' SU (5 replies, 12/24/83)

Ronald Rayguns Strikes Again (5 replies, 12/20/83)

Accidental Launches (5 replies, 12/19/83)

Do: Re: Mi: BTL takes the lead (5 replies, 12/16/83)

ASIAN HISTORY (5 replies, 12/15/83)

'The Day After' (5 replies, 11/20/83)

WhGrenada WHO?!?!?! (5 replies, 11/03/83)

MLK Holiday (5 replies, 10/14/83)

USSR Downs Plane -- What Can We Do? (5 replies, 09/10/83)

war in the americas (5 replies, 07/28/83)

Reagan's Press Conference (5 replies, 07/27/83)

Reagan"s Press Conference (5 replies, 07/08/83)

hey (5 replies, 03/10/83)

gas tax and public transportation (5 replies, 12/08/82)

Shopping Malls (4 replies, 07/21/86)

Why are there so few [female|black] physicists? (4 replies, 07/16/86)

Recall $100 bills? (4 replies, 03/27/86)

Anti-Moslem Bigotry (4 replies, 03/26/86)

The 1967 War (4 replies, 03/25/86)

Censorship in Canada, Freedom of Speech and Zundel (4 replies, 03/20/86)

Haganah and terrorists (4 replies, 03/15/86)

The Reason For Hunger (4 replies, 03/06/86)

The Zionist Double Standard (4 replies, 03/05/86)

Axis military after WW II:re to Lewis (4 replies, 02/06/86)

American troops in Turkey, S. Korea (4 replies, 02/05/86)

Redbaiting and Bad Guys (4 replies, 01/11/86)

Hackers for Nicaragua? (4 replies, 01/07/86)

seat belts and hidden premises (4 replies, 01/03/86)

Mixing Races (4 replies, 12/16/85)

Degradation and Death in Nicaragua:Re to nrh (4 replies, 12/12/85)

Kahane & the State of Israel (4 replies, 12/06/85)

QUOTES NEEDED (4 replies, 12/02/85)

An Attack on Islam (4 replies, 11/28/85)

La Prensa in Nicaragua (4 replies, 11/02/85)

Sometimes I (4 replies, 10/29/85)

Green Peace and French Nuke Tests (4 replies, 10/29/85)

House bill 3036, amendment 705 (4 replies, 10/21/85)

The McGeer Connection (4 replies, 10/17/85)

Nicaraguan Parallel: Some key facts (4 replies, 10/11/85)

taxes (4 replies, 10/10/85)

USA: a religious country? (4 replies, 09/30/85)

Changing Realities in South Africa (4 replies, 09/13/85)

This is a repeat for those who ignored it. (4 replies, 08/27/85)

South Africa Again (4 replies, 08/20/85)

American Krugeraands? (4 replies, 08/20/85)

exploitation of resources/sugar (4 replies, 08/14/85)

Libertarianism, Mike vs Mike (4 replies, 07/30/85)

Fueling the Conflict in Lebanon (4 replies, 07/27/85)

Comparable worth -- what I suggest instead (4 replies, 07/06/85)

The Horrible thing nobody's had the guts to say about AA (4 replies, 06/23/85)

Reynolds Tobacco -- Nabisco Merger (4 replies, 06/15/85)

Ed Hall speaks his mind. (4 replies, 05/31/85)

jj doesn't wanna play anymore! (4 replies, 05/28/85)

An Alternative to the MX (4 replies, 05/28/85)

Ruining a criminal's night (4 replies, 05/03/85)

The ?Shame? of the President-come off it (4 replies, 04/30/85)

Why not here? (4 replies, 04/18/85)

Social Programs Cause the Deficit (4 replies, 04/18/85)

MX Victory for USSR (4 replies, 04/11/85)

Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War (4 replies, 04/10/85)

Sandinistas and Human Rights (4 replies, 04/04/85)

Soaking the Rich (4 replies, 03/29/85)

Subway sheep, facts/statistics (4 replies, 03/08/85)

Religion and politics don't mix? (4 replies, 03/08/85)

For Carrick Talmadge (4 replies, 02/28/85)

ROTC firebombing (4 replies, 02/26/85)

Seat-belt laws: It's not an issue of freedom (4 replies, 02/17/85)

The Divine Right of Kings (4 replies, 02/04/85)

US control of NATO (4 replies, 02/03/85)

It is about time! (4 replies, 01/31/85)

Inflation in a Free Economy? (4 replies, 01/26/85)

the FORCE of Property (4 replies, 01/23/85)

Only people kill people? (4 replies, 01/21/85)

frequenting the wrong peoples wives (4 replies, 01/18/85)

British Weapons Enforce Apartheit in South Africa (4 replies, 01/12/85)

A statistic on poverty (4 replies, 12/22/84)

'smear' campaign (4 replies, 12/21/84)

How about helping our own (4 replies, 12/17/84)

Wealth Distribution (4 replies, 12/17/84)

Voter turnout in US (4 replies, 12/13/84)

Lethal force used by police (4 replies, 12/05/84)

Making Friends for the Soviets (4 replies, 12/03/84)

Nazis (4 replies, 12/03/84)

Napoleon on religion and politics (4 replies, 11/19/84)

Israel and Muslims (4 replies, 11/16/84)

VAT (4 replies, 11/16/84)

A Fact for Milo! (4 replies, 11/14/84)

Crazee Chuckie Percy (4 replies, 11/13/84)

RReaganites Circumvent Campaign Spending Law (4 replies, 11/09/84)

the Opportunity Society (4 replies, 11/07/84)

Fuzzy headed liberal (4 replies, 11/06/84)

Fuzzy headed liberals: Part II (4 replies, 11/05/84)

Zaccaro wants a cabinet post (4 replies, 10/22/84)

knee-jerk libertarians (4 replies, 10/18/84)

Ferraro quotes to scourge Reaganites (4 replies, 10/16/84)

Afghanistan's government's invitation (4 replies, 09/28/84)

Supreme Court Justices--SCREAM!!!!! (4 replies, 09/19/84)

Are Stealth Bombers "Really" Invisib (4 replies, 09/17/84)

Reagan's zinger (4 replies, 09/06/84)

World Population Control (4 replies, 08/28/84)

Libertarian position on certain 'law (4 replies, 08/23/84)

how to eliminate the federal deficit (4 replies, 08/22/84)

Libertarian position on certain 'laws' (4 replies, 08/15/84)

A Sketch of Arms Control Agreements (4 replies, 08/11/84)

Deficits and Canada (4 replies, 07/31/84)

Nuclear Winter and Nuclear Freeze (4 replies, 07/30/84)

Beat Him or Impeach Him (4 replies, 05/30/84)

How to fight Communism. (4 replies, 05/11/84)

Reagan and Truth (4 replies, 04/22/84)

Nicaraguan Arms Smuggling (4 replies, 04/20/84)

In Defense of the Soviet Union (4 replies, 04/18/84)

Unarmed forces (4 replies, 04/17/84)

church and state and atheism (4 replies, 04/02/84)

How to Solve NASA's budget problems (4 replies, 03/27/84)

Jesse Jackson: Anti-semite and Liar (4 replies, 03/15/84)

pro-smut diatribe (4 replies, 03/13/84)

Canadian and American systems (4 replies, 03/03/84)

Hypocritical state of the Union. (4 replies, 02/29/84)

VATs That!!! (4 replies, 02/22/84)

re : voting (4 replies, 02/22/84)

Starvation: The Rebuttal (4 replies, 02/17/84)

Tainted Grain: Where will it end up?? (4 replies, 02/13/84)

are nukes suicidal? (4 replies, 02/12/84)

CBS last Saturday evening: Who is Ly (4 replies, 02/02/84)

Race, Jackson, Reagan and Goodman (4 replies, 01/21/84)

Run Jessie, Run! (4 replies, 01/07/84)

Correction (4 replies, 12/25/83)

Uses of Space (4 replies, 12/13/83)

A Tribute to Freedom Fighters (4 replies, 12/05/83)

Vietnam Series on PBS (4 replies, 12/05/83)

Cuban missile memory (4 replies, 12/03/83)

Replace MAD with MAF (4 replies, 11/25/83)

A Missile Epistle (4 replies, 11/25/83)

Views on the USSR (4 replies, 11/19/83)

US Casualties (4 replies, 11/12/83)

Grenada: The Rolling Lies (4 replies, 11/09/83)

Marines in Lebanon (4 replies, 11/06/83)

earmarking taxes (4 replies, 11/02/83)

What is Socialism (4 replies, 09/24/83)

IS THIS WHAT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR (4 replies, 09/19/83)

Socialism has never worked? (4 replies, 09/16/83)

Nicaraguan flaming- please move to net.flame (4 replies, 09/16/83)

jrc's comments... (4 replies, 09/12/83)

El Salvador: Opinions. (4 replies, 09/10/83)

Entrapment (4 replies, 09/09/83)

Nicaragua: Know Thy Enemy (4 replies, 09/08/83)

Basis for legislation (4 replies, 08/11/83)

Limited Laws for All Time? (4 replies, 07/15/83)

Totalitarian vs. Communist (4 replies, 07/02/83)

subsidies and morality (4 replies, 06/23/83)

The third option... (4 replies, 05/02/83)

How many Jews slaughtered? (4 replies, 04/04/83)

Monarchies today (4 replies, 03/11/83)

Crack Down on the Drunks (4 replies, 12/21/82)

MX decision (4 replies, 11/30/82)

Nuclear power: Bernard Cohen, nuclear expert (3 replies, 07/22/86)

Libertarianism, Objectivism and Liberty (3 replies, 07/16/86)

How bad the attacks on cities were in World War II (3 replies, 07/04/86)

Please desist from embedding Ctrl-L's (3 replies, 06/04/86)

Does CND exist because of totalitarianism? (3 replies, 05/27/86)

the sinking of the USS Liberty (3 replies, 03/28/86)

USS Liberty - part II (3 replies, 03/22/86)

Afghan rebels and Contras: a difference (3 replies, 03/21/86)

Organized Objectivism (3 replies, 03/13/86)

British Institutions of Government: Powers of the Sovereign? (3 replies, 03/09/86)

other problems inherent to Democracy... (3 replies, 03/07/86)

On Democracy: A Plan to Implement a Practical Modern Democracy (3 replies, 03/06/86)

Death Squads (3 replies, 02/21/86)

Who is Tomas Borge? (3 replies, 02/13/86)

Israel/Iran/arms (3 replies, 02/06/86)

Middle East settlment. (3 replies, 02/06/86)

Might makes right in the Middle East (3 replies, 02/03/86)

American troops in Turkey, S. Korea, Germany,..... (3 replies, 01/30/86)

No Danger on the Right (3 replies, 01/30/86)

airbags LONG response (3 replies, 01/20/86)

Libya, Syria, Israel,... (3 replies, 01/20/86)

Abu Nidal and Libya -- barking up the wrong tree (3 replies, 01/18/86)

Reagan gets "tough" with Libya (3 replies, 01/14/86)

Central American Conflicts: a reading list (3 replies, 01/10/86)

McIntyre and the Fairness Doctrine (3 replies, 01/09/86)

Star Wars, Computers and Doomsday Machines (3 replies, 01/07/86)

Russian quotes: John Birch Society?? (3 replies, 12/20/85)

Israel a theocracy? (3 replies, 12/20/85)

Concentration Camps (3 replies, 12/05/85)

Interesting assertions about Reagan (3 replies, 12/04/85)

Arab Psyche (3 replies, 12/04/85)

Equality through Reaganomics ? M (3 replies, 12/02/85)

Factophobia (3 replies, 11/28/85)

Social Security,Pyramids, Banks and Insurance (3 replies, 11/28/85)

the Monolithic Communist Conspir (3 replies, 11/28/85)

Peace Initiatives in Ireland: A Reply to Adrian Kent (3 replies, 11/23/85)

Supply-side: increased revenues:Income Tax Receipts (3 replies, 11/18/85)

Calculation of Social Security benefits vs payments (3 replies, 11/17/85)

A Scout's Duty to God (3 replies, 11/17/85)

Flirting with Anarchy (3 replies, 11/09/85)

What Social Credit is. (3 replies, 11/09/85)

The myth of Allied invasion of R (3 replies, 11/06/85)

skulls and snakes (3 replies, 11/05/85)

re re Planned Parenthood (3 replies, 10/18/85)

Don Black's "America First" viewpoint (3 replies, 10/18/85)

State Terrorism: Whose? (3 replies, 10/17/85)

Satanism, Witchcraft, and the Tax Man (3 replies, 10/08/85)

Terrorist bashing (3 replies, 10/07/85)

The REAL Final Solution (3 replies, 09/25/85)

Tuition tax credits (3 replies, 09/24/85)

Weisenthal's Fables (3 replies, 09/22/85)

Public Schools, Equality and Democracy (3 replies, 09/16/85)

Possible Ban on Pornography (3 replies, 09/15/85)

Statistics are like a bikini... (3 replies, 09/14/85)

Proposal for starting net.peace (3 replies, 09/12/85)

Falwell, South Africa, Homosexuality, and divestiture. (3 replies, 09/09/85)

South Africa - moderates vs. militants (3 replies, 09/05/85)

a good example (3 replies, 08/30/85)

Evolution banned in the US Schools. (3 replies, 08/28/85)

Censorship (3 replies, 08/27/85)

Supposed monopolies: AT&T (3 replies, 08/24/85)

erotica/pornography (3 replies, 08/22/85)

Our 51st state? (3 replies, 08/21/85)

Missing Children (3 replies, 08/21/85)

More Thoughts On America-Bashing (3 replies, 08/21/85)

America Bashing (3 replies, 08/20/85)

Belated Good Wishes! (3 replies, 08/19/85)

Secular humanism banned in schools that receive Federal aid! (3 replies, 08/15/85)

Supposed monopolies: the railroads (3 replies, 08/11/85)

Islam, Christianity and Hitler (3 replies, 08/08/85)

Comparable Worth -- Myth and Method (3 replies, 08/07/85)

DWI Crackdowns;Motorcycle sentences (3 replies, 08/02/85)

And the first woman President is... (3 replies, 08/02/85)

Beirut Hostage Crisis (3 replies, 07/25/85)

Puritan Morality (3 replies, 07/25/85)

Greenpeace Foundation - contacts (3 replies, 07/24/85)

A new topic -- pressure from the victims (3 replies, 07/23/85)

Query: Shiite casualties in US naval bombardment (3 replies, 07/15/85)

Handguns (3 replies, 07/12/85)

more points of information (3 replies, 07/11/85)

AA Implies Guilt--BS (3 replies, 07/08/85)

Responses to Cramer, AA and Discirmination (3 replies, 07/08/85)

Beirut solutions (3 replies, 07/05/85)

Responding to Terrorism (3 replies, 07/04/85)

Financing the government of a free s (3 replies, 06/30/85)

Re. Reagan's response (3 replies, 06/25/85)

Tecanica -- technical aid to Nicaragua (3 replies, 06/21/85)

"Job creation" considered ridiculous (3 replies, 06/16/85)

Disinvestment Helpful to South Africa? (3 replies, 06/14/85)

arguments (3 replies, 06/12/85)

Affirmative Action/Discrimination (3 replies, 06/12/85)

Oxymoron (3 replies, 06/03/85)

Article on Computer Technology and Star Wars (3 replies, 06/01/85)

Bitburg - my 2 cents worth (3 replies, 05/28/85)

Definitions: Right vs. Conservative (3 replies, 05/26/85)

San Juan del Sur (3 replies, 05/15/85)

re Re Yuppies (3 replies, 05/03/85)

Baba ROM DOS on jj (3 replies, 04/25/85)

Regarding libertarians and arguments thereof (3 replies, 04/24/85)

Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War: Part 2 (3 replies, 04/12/85)

MURDER of CBS News crew in Lebanon (3 replies, 03/28/85)

socialists and weapon acquisition (3 replies, 03/25/85)

Proposal for a Peace Network (3 replies, 03/20/85)

The sun does shine (3 replies, 03/18/85)

Handgun control, again... (3 replies, 03/17/85)

Ethnic Epithets (3 replies, 03/10/85)

monopolies unstable? (3 replies, 03/09/85)

Mr. Sevener's mythical media bias (3 replies, 03/08/85)

TV Lisence (3 replies, 03/06/85)

FORCING 30 MILLION (3 replies, 03/04/85)

Re. Mike Huybensz's comments on Vet kills baby (3 replies, 03/01/85)

Reagan and Qadaffi (3 replies, 02/17/85)

the FORCE of Property: People's Freedom to Produce (3 replies, 02/11/85)

Cagney and Lacey (3 replies, 02/10/85)

political interests: note (3 replies, 02/04/85)

freedom and taxes: Reply to Barry (3 replies, 02/03/85)

Social (3 replies, 02/01/85)

EuroMissiles and Belgium (3 replies, 01/30/85)

Vulgar Libertarians (3 replies, 01/23/85)

The FORCE of Property -- More Straw Men (3 replies, 01/23/85)

Sanctuary (3 replies, 01/22/85)

gun control, seatbelt laws, drunk driving, etc. (3 replies, 01/22/85)

other PEOPLE's wives (3 replies, 01/22/85)

The Left and Gun Control (3 replies, 01/16/85)

Do those for gun control "hate guns"? (3 replies, 01/14/85)

FORCE, Democracy and Libertarianism (3 replies, 01/11/85)

Re : Re: Re: Harold Brown and the arms race (3 replies, 01/10/85)

The NRA and Moynihan-Biaggi (3 replies, 01/09/85)

Nuke Survival/Leibowitz Project (3 replies, 12/30/84)

Socialism & libertarianism (3 replies, 12/28/84)

Still more holes in libertarianism (3 replies, 12/20/84)

Corp. for Public B'cast (3 replies, 12/18/84)

U.S. Congress Voted for Complete Irish Independence (3 replies, 12/17/84)

School taxes -- defining the problem (3 replies, 12/13/84)

Education of creationists' child (3 replies, 12/12/84)

Bastille... actually about gun control (3 replies, 12/07/84)

Don"t blame me (3 replies, 12/07/84)

What is a Nicaragua? (3 replies, 12/03/84)

doublespeak awards (3 replies, 12/02/84)

Detesting the governments of the Eastern Bloc (3 replies, 11/29/84)

"Gay Rights" (3 replies, 11/27/84)

Congrats to the winning candidate's supporters (3 replies, 11/22/84)

U.S. exports torture tools (3 replies, 11/21/84)

Expertise, Nuclear War, and Casualties (3 replies, 11/20/84)

starvation and freedom (3 replies, 11/17/84)

Weird (3 replies, 11/15/84)

"No more taxes" Reagan? (3 replies, 11/13/84)

volunteers: Declaration of Independence (3 replies, 11/09/84)

The polls don't mean a thing. (3 replies, 11/05/84)

Flip-flopping Fritz (3 replies, 11/03/84)

Statistical correction (3 replies, 11/02/84)

taxes and the deficit (3 replies, 11/02/84)

Walter Wego speaks out (3 replies, 11/02/84)

a question (3 replies, 10/14/84)

SANDANISTAN DEMOCRACY (3 replies, 10/14/84)

Death of a Terrorist? (3 replies, 10/08/84)

History Corrected - WWII (3 replies, 10/05/84)

Disarm. & Foreign Policy (3 replies, 10/02/84)

Invasion of Grenada (3 replies, 09/26/84)

Reagan Juggled (3 replies, 09/25/84)

Reagan's Remark (3 replies, 08/25/84)

Defense cuts - RSVP (3 replies, 08/20/84)

Attention Libertarians (3 replies, 08/17/84)

Down on the farm (3 replies, 08/09/84)

drinking age legislation (3 replies, 07/11/84)

The Return of KAL 007 (3 replies, 07/03/84)

The Russians -- Olympus Interuptus (3 replies, 05/18/84)

resistance in the Holocaust (3 replies, 05/12/84)

Nixon charges fraud in 1960 Chicago (3 replies, 05/04/84)

Let's Talk About Conservation! (3 replies, 05/03/84)

Old King Coal (3 replies, 04/19/84)

The idle money of the rich (3 replies, 04/17/84)

Unemployment rate statistic (3 replies, 04/12/84)

Even more on Lyndon LaRouche (3 replies, 03/30/84)

Using tax money to feed hung (3 replies, 03/29/84)

School prayer... say what ?!? (3 replies, 03/26/84)

Dumb Politics (3 replies, 03/23/84)

Freeze your rear off, Andy Tannenbaum! (3 replies, 03/22/84)

grass roots politics, antinukes (3 replies, 03/12/84)

Zero Sum Gain??? (3 replies, 03/09/84)

Who SAYS it's yours? (3 replies, 03/09/84)

Using tax money to feed hungry people (3 replies, 03/01/84)

Nuclear Winter Rebuttal (3 replies, 02/18/84)

Innocent Civilians / Re: Flame On America (3 replies, 02/15/84)

I am FULL of HUNGER (3 replies, 02/13/84)

Reagan Bucks Public Opinion (3 replies, 02/13/84)

Who Made the Following Statements??? (3 replies, 02/01/84)

Run Jackson Run (3 replies, 01/17/84)

John Anderson is running. (3 replies, 01/13/84)

More on J. Jackson (3 replies, 01/12/84)

Political Muck (3 replies, 01/11/84)

Star Spangled Banner (3 replies, 01/04/84)

Red AND Dead (3 replies, 12/19/83)

Star Strangled Banana (3 replies, 12/16/83)

ACCIDENTAL LAUNCH (3 replies, 12/15/83)

Defense Spending and the Economy (3 replies, 12/11/83)

Nuclear exchange (3 replies, 12/07/83)

Disinformation, KGB and CIA, the vie (3 replies, 12/06/83)

Re starving people and Reagan (3 replies, 12/01/83)

The Day After, Nuclear Arms (3 replies, 11/25/83)

Expanding nuclear arsenal (3 replies, 11/23/83)

Empires: History Question (3 replies, 11/20/83)

More Congressional Stupidity On Grenada (3 replies, 11/18/83)

O'Neill Shifts on Grenada (3 replies, 11/16/83)

semantic vs. Semitic (3 replies, 11/11/83)

runway length at Grenada (3 replies, 11/10/83)

Our casualties vs. their casualties (3 replies, 11/09/83)

Tax-voluntary check-off system (3 replies, 11/08/83)

Israel & the PLO: replies to various people (3 replies, 11/07/83)

Lebanon and Grenada (3 replies, 11/03/83)

More on Handguns (3 replies, 10/30/83)

back in the USSR (3 replies, 10/27/83)

The economic case against Socialism (3 replies, 10/01/83)

Chile (3 replies, 10/01/83)

Rick Sample (3 replies, 09/26/83)

a Query (3 replies, 09/09/83)

Nuclear Moonies (3 replies, 09/09/83)

Alternative to Elections (3 replies, 09/01/83)

Restricting Officials to Single Terms (3 replies, 08/21/83)

Dems, Reps, Vietnam, and Isolationism (3 replies, 08/10/83)

Democrats Versus Republicans (3 replies, 08/08/83)

Euromason scandal? (3 replies, 07/27/83)

TC's altruism (3 replies, 07/24/83)

Bible & Const. reply promised-answers to questions. (3 replies, 07/18/83)

Altruism vs morality (3 replies, 07/09/83)

How to Argue with Libertarians (3 replies, 07/08/83)

Govt and Agriculture (3 replies, 06/30/83)

limited laws and government (3 replies, 06/22/83)

A Response to Jeff Myers Note (3 replies, 05/29/83)

Are nuclear weapons *special*? (3 replies, 05/11/83)

Libertarian Political Creed (3 replies, 04/27/83)

Nearly all of us are guilty (3 replies, 04/03/83)

The Roots of Socialism are rotted (3 replies, 03/01/83)

degrees to be part of divorce settlements? (3 replies, 02/17/83)

thoughts on Russia (3 replies, 11/21/82)

Nuclear power and Alternatives: Geothermal (2 replies, 09/11/86)

Nuclear power and Conservation: News for thought (2 replies, 09/04/86)

S.2575 Elec Comm Priv Act text on net.sources (2 replies, 08/29/86)

Nuclear power: the fast breeder (2 replies, 08/25/86)

Nuclear power: Ehrlich (2 replies, 08/22/86)

privatization of education:re to Cramer (2 replies, 08/11/86)

more fire fodder (2 replies, 08/04/86)

life of nuclear wastes (2 replies, 07/22/86)

Containment domes & Grapite Reactors: re to Stein (2 replies, 07/16/86)

USA vs IRA? (2 replies, 05/25/86)

Rambomania (2 replies, 05/19/86)

Censorship on the net (2 replies, 05/15/86)

Democracy & Peace (2 replies, 03/27/86)

Shopping Malls: re to Tom Hill (2 replies, 03/26/86)

USS Liberty (2 replies, 03/26/86)

What Happened to Nicaraguan Jews (2 replies, 03/26/86)

Reply to Sevener on Petition signing (2 replies, 03/25/86)

Start Wars: 95% is no good: re to A (2 replies, 03/24/86)

Start Wars: 95% is no good: re to Arromdee (2 replies, 03/24/86)

The Big Lie (2 replies, 03/21/86)

USENET costs--who's paying for what? (2 replies, 03/21/86)

Contras arm&arm w/Guard (2 replies, 03/19/86)

The "Liberty" incident (2 replies, 03/19/86)

Support the Contras Now (2 replies, 03/18/86)

Muslim Personal Law " shariat " (2 replies, 03/17/86)

Sinking of the Liberty (2 replies, 03/17/86)

Reagan's hidden victims: the *working* poor (2 replies, 03/15/86)

What's So Unthinkable About Slave Labor?? (2 replies, 03/15/86)

Airport Fog (2 replies, 03/14/86)

State Dept. and naivete of Clayton Cramer (2 replies, 03/10/86)

Reagan and the arms race: re to Albrecht (2 replies, 03/10/86)

Soviet and American Human Rights:re to Yoshi (2 replies, 03/07/86)

Honduras: Reagan's Springboard (2 replies, 03/06/86)

Silly us (2 replies, 02/26/86)

British Institutions of government (2 replies, 02/22/86)

Space Shuttle Children's Fund (2 replies, 02/18/86)

On Democracy (2 replies, 02/14/86)

British Institutions of Government: Reply to Frank Adams (2 replies, 02/12/86)

ENIGMA and the Eastern Front (2 replies, 02/11/86)

Israeli militarism (2 replies, 02/05/86)

YOU ARE LOSING YOUR FREEDOMS (2 replies, 01/27/86)

Israel supplies Arab terrorists? (2 replies, 01/26/86)

Enforceable agreement (2 replies, 01/23/86)

South African boycotts (2 replies, 01/23/86)

Terrorism Outrage (2 replies, 01/21/86)

Usenet should exclude South Africa (2 replies, 01/20/86)

Seat belt laws (2 replies, 01/04/86)

Soviet jokes, offensive only to Stalinists (2 replies, 12/19/85)

Request to Chedley / a question of allegiance (2 replies, 12/19/85)

A note to the people of the free world from Canada, about censorship. (2 replies, 12/14/85)

Anti-Semitism and history (2 replies, 12/13/85)

US burial and armed strength:Re to Stalnaker (2 replies, 12/04/85)

The free market (2 replies, 11/30/85)

Reply to Tim Sevener re: US armed strength. (2 replies, 11/27/85)

Philip W. Anderson's Case Against Star Wars'' (2 replies, 11/25/85)

Jerry Falwell and the Moral (2 replies, 11/24/85)

Washington (2 replies, 11/22/85)

Fiscal Irresponsibility and the Line-Item Veto (2 replies, 11/17/85)

social vs defense spending (2 replies, 11/15/85)

social vs. defense spending: a compromise (2 replies, 11/14/85)

net.bizarre is just the first... (2 replies, 11/11/85)

Extent of hunger in America: Dec (2 replies, 11/05/85)

The myth of Allied invasion of Russia after the revolution (2 replies, 11/01/85)

Should we teach Copernicanism? (2 replies, 10/29/85)

Don Black misunderstands! (2 replies, 10/26/85)

Lies - or a schizophrenic time sense (2 replies, 10/26/85)

NPR Bias? (2 replies, 10/24/85)

The Real Reason behind Push to Bring Creationism to Classroom (2 replies, 10/24/85)

Creationsim in Christian Thought (2 replies, 10/22/85)

The beat goes on. (2 replies, 10/14/85)

Planned Parenthood, the wisdom issue (2 replies, 10/14/85)

Noise pollution (2 replies, 10/14/85)

Churches and Taxation (2 replies, 10/09/85)

The REAL Final Solution, reply to Sherman, long but informative (2 replies, 09/30/85)

Humanism, Catholicism, and Walter Lippmann (2 replies, 09/29/85)

Secular humanism banned etc. (2 replies, 09/25/85)

"Christian" Nations (2 replies, 09/20/85)

"Secular Humanism" banned (2 replies, 09/18/85)

The kidnapping of Duarte's daughter (2 replies, 09/18/85)

"Secular Humanism" banned in th (2 replies, 09/18/85)

New rigged world title rules (2 replies, 09/17/85)

Slander on the Net (2 replies, 09/17/85)

The Pot and the Kettle (2 replies, 09/16/85)

Secular Humanism, Creationism & Toddism (2 replies, 09/11/85)

corporal punishment in schools -Reasoning with children (2 replies, 09/11/85)

Signposts (2 replies, 09/10/85)

Patriotism and America Bashing (2 replies, 09/06/85)

Being "overqualified" (2 replies, 09/06/85)

Have welfare programs hurt the poor? (2 replies, 08/28/85)

Reagan Poll, or the cat came back.. (2 replies, 08/26/85)

What if Jerry Falwell is right? (2 replies, 08/26/85)

Some numbers on Social Security (2 replies, 08/23/85)

Greenpeace, fund-raising etc. (2 replies, 08/23/85)

Military specifications (2 replies, 08/20/85)

Thoughts on.. (2 replies, 08/18/85)

Supposed monopolies: Standard Oi (2 replies, 08/14/85)

Supposed monopolies: the railroa (2 replies, 08/14/85)

Mine's bigger than yours. (2 replies, 08/10/85)

Reply to Don Black (2 replies, 08/08/85)

More Thoughts On America Bashing (2 replies, 08/06/85)

Education, Science and Culture (2 replies, 08/06/85)

Supposed monopolies: US Steel (2 replies, 08/05/85)

carcinogens in your food... (2 replies, 08/03/85)

Control-Meta-Guns (2 replies, 07/31/85)

About Reagan's illness (2 replies, 07/24/85)

Economics (2 replies, 07/18/85)

whose watching the kids (2 replies, 07/15/85)

Labor Market (2 replies, 07/15/85)

Victims of Terrorism (2 replies, 07/13/85)

The missing premise (2 replies, 07/13/85)

minimalism in government (2 replies, 07/12/85)

Point of Information (2 replies, 07/12/85)

Terrorism and TWA 847 (2 replies, 07/05/85)

Libertarian Dogma in net.women? (2 replies, 07/02/85)

Terrorism and Turkey (2 replies, 06/28/85)

The new shame of the President (2 replies, 06/27/85)

J.Sonntag's bogus anti-AA argument: AA Implies Guilt (2 replies, 06/25/85)

The libertarian solution to probs. of occup. safety (2 replies, 06/07/85)

State Tax Deduction (2 replies, 06/06/85)

Sunday closings and Saturday suffering (2 replies, 06/06/85)

Blue Laws and the Supreme Court (2 replies, 06/04/85)

The net's favorite form of argument -- reply to Sykora (2 replies, 06/01/85)

Fighting Intolerance (2 replies, 05/31/85)

Pride (2 replies, 05/30/85)

JJ on Propaganda: (2 replies, 05/29/85)

how not-helping-people hurts them (2 replies, 05/29/85)

Abuse of public media by extremist groups (2 replies, 05/27/85)

"Imperialism", Hitler, Holocausts, and misleading argument style (2 replies, 05/24/85)

Silence on the net (2 replies, 05/20/85)

Victim liability - Assembly bill AB 200 (2 replies, 05/13/85)

Nicaragua, Reagan, the Soviets, and the Devil (2 replies, 05/08/85)

SDI and Arms Control (2 replies, 05/06/85)

The Shame of the President: A Retraction (2 replies, 05/05/85)

Bitburg (2 replies, 05/04/85)

House Votes NIX on Contra Aid (2 replies, 05/02/85)

mod.politics update (2 replies, 05/02/85)

Oh dear, is it something in the water at utzoo? (2 replies, 04/29/85)

Libertarian Arguments -- Reply to Baba (2 replies, 04/26/85)

More on net.politics.nukes/net.politics.arms (2 replies, 04/16/85)

The UN as a World Forum -- Reply to Kelly (2 replies, 04/10/85)

Those Naughty Sandinistas (2 replies, 04/09/85)

America, circa 1776 vs. Nicaragua, circa 1985 (2 replies, 04/09/85)

those "soft" Americans (2 replies, 04/09/85)

Suppression of Dissent (2 replies, 04/05/85)

A Review of "Hard Questions About Arms Control" (2 replies, 04/04/85)

"Hard Questions About Arms Control" (2 replies, 04/02/85)

Our Terrorists (2 replies, 04/01/85)

A brief note on the taxation of corporate income (2 replies, 03/27/85)

net.politics.nukes, I said. (2 replies, 03/23/85)

Various & Sundry (2 replies, 03/22/85)

Slavery (2 replies, 03/18/85)

Media bias - a new angle (2 replies, 03/16/85)

rebuttal to Hall and Stewart re: Gun Control (2 replies, 03/11/85)

Libertarian elected to Alaska state legislature (2 replies, 03/09/85)

Is this a Republic or a Democracy? (2 replies, 03/08/85)

Reply to tim sevener re. Media usage (2 replies, 03/08/85)

Gun Control...again (2 replies, 03/06/85)

Defense of Freedom (2 replies, 03/05/85)

An Apology to Cliff (2 replies, 03/03/85)

Inflation, Unemployment, &c -- Reply to Baba (2 replies, 03/02/85)

A Mathematical Model for Radical Centrism (2 replies, 03/01/85)

Reagan Right, Dave Rubin wrong (2 replies, 03/01/85)

Media Irresponsibility (2 replies, 02/26/85)

Big Corporations 'filling the (2 replies, 02/25/85)

Michael Jackson & Reagan's son Ronny Junior (2 replies, 02/19/85)

Big Corporations 'filling the vac (2 replies, 02/15/85)

New Reason to overhaul drug laws (2 replies, 02/13/85)

Socialism -- Where Are You Looking? (2 replies, 02/13/85)

Recent Indian double agent story (2 replies, 02/08/85)

Have I got a deal for you! (2 replies, 02/06/85)

Kampuchea and Responsibility (2 replies, 02/02/85)

freedom and taxes: Reply to JoSH (2 replies, 01/31/85)

Nancy Reagan (2 replies, 01/31/85)

Sanctuary for Political Refugees from Central America (2 replies, 01/29/85)

Anyone interested in a firearms enthusiasts' mailing list? (2 replies, 01/26/85)

Freedom, coercion, and free markets (2 replies, 01/25/85)

Almendros' IMPROPER CONDUCT (2 replies, 01/23/85)

It Can Happen Here (2 replies, 01/23/85)

Relativism and Libertarianism (2 replies, 01/23/85)

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! (2 replies, 01/23/85)

Cipriani's Withering Away of the State -- Sevener's Straw Man (2 replies, 01/22/85)

New York Officials Act Against Northern Ireland Discrimination (2 replies, 01/20/85)

Shooting it out (2 replies, 01/16/85)

Constitutional rights and bearing arms (2 replies, 01/15/85)

handgun "control" (2 replies, 01/11/85)

The Supreme Court and the Morton Grove decision (2 replies, 01/10/85)

Wanted: Sufficient proof that Tutu is anti-Semitic (2 replies, 01/09/85)

Killing Styles (2 replies, 01/09/85)

gun control and freedom of choice (2 replies, 01/09/85)

Gun Deaths in England (2 replies, 01/04/85)

Guns DO kill -- a different analysis (2 replies, 01/03/85)

Anti-porn ordinance (2 replies, 12/29/84)

Collecting debts & Libertarianism (2 replies, 12/23/84)

more on oligopolies - another answer to Tim Sevener (2 replies, 12/21/84)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: VI (2 replies, 12/21/84)

A statistic on poverty 2 (2 replies, 12/18/84)

INdira Gandhi (2 replies, 12/18/84)

Harold Brown and the arms race (2 replies, 12/17/84)

The real issue about nuclear weapons-Reply to Robin Roberts (2 replies, 12/16/84)

a CONSISTENT libertarian speaks out (2 replies, 12/14/84)

number one lie (2 replies, 12/12/84)

The Speech Reagan Didn't Give On Election Eve (2 replies, 12/11/84)

the defense industry and the graduating engineer. (2 replies, 12/11/84)

An American invented the phone, thus this is an American net (2 replies, 12/11/84)

Ethiopia (2 replies, 12/10/84)

"Free" education (2 replies, 12/08/84)

A response to Shawn P. Daly's response to a Mondale supporter (2 replies, 12/06/84)

Media bias (2 replies, 12/05/84)

Dark Ages (2 replies, 12/04/84)

tough issues have many sides (2 replies, 12/01/84)

Those Crates Again (2 replies, 11/30/84)

On peace and weapons (2 replies, 11/29/84)

Scandalously honorable Studds supported. (2 replies, 11/27/84)

Government, who is it for? (2 replies, 11/26/84)

1st world savages (2 replies, 11/22/84)

Read this book! (2 replies, 11/19/84)

Bastille mentality (2 replies, 11/13/84)

The Emergency Response Network reposting (2 replies, 11/09/84)

The Emergency Response Network (2 replies, 11/09/84)

not.history (2 replies, 11/09/84)

Electoral Comparison (2 replies, 11/08/84)

Gandhi Assassination - Media Distortion of facts (2 replies, 11/06/84)

grenada and the new book milo refers to (2 replies, 11/05/84)

Crowd-getters in the Final Days: Massachusetts (2 replies, 11/05/84)

Say, WHAT????? (2 replies, 11/04/84)

Deja vu in the Philippines (2 replies, 11/03/84)

the Dartmouth Review, corruption (2 replies, 10/30/84)

KNOWN BY YOUR ENEMIES (2 replies, 10/29/84)

The Bear (2 replies, 10/28/84)

Relevant quote for the coming elections (2 replies, 10/23/84)

lebanon (2 replies, 10/22/84)

Somewhat puzzled reply to Rich Rosen on libertarianism (2 replies, 10/21/84)

George Bush and "Mrs. Ferraro" (2 replies, 10/20/84)

Japanese Military (2 replies, 10/16/84)

U.S. inhumane v/v Japan & A-bomb? (2 replies, 10/14/84)

`Debate' suggestion (2 replies, 10/14/84)

Re : Re: Re: Disarm. & Foreign Policy (2 replies, 10/14/84)

Israeli Interests (2 replies, 10/12/84)

A commom senerio. (2 replies, 10/12/84)

New Jersey Resident Seeks Political Asylum (2 replies, 10/12/84)

NICARAGUA, CIA (2 replies, 09/26/84)

AGENTS, EVERYWHERE! (2 replies, 09/20/84)

Soviet landings in Sweden (2 replies, 09/10/84)

Candidates (2 replies, 09/09/84)

School Prayer Amendment (2 replies, 09/07/84)

A "serious" proposal for presidential candidates (2 replies, 08/31/84)

Nicaragua, a free country??? (2 replies, 08/30/84)

Is Nancy (2 replies, 08/25/84)

religion and public life -- NOW and the Mormon judge (2 replies, 08/16/84)

Soviet Uncivilization (2 replies, 08/16/84)

Bye Bye Geraldine (2 replies, 08/16/84)

FURTHER offenses to hamsters, pterodactyls, and very small rocks (2 replies, 08/06/84)

Parents' "rights" and responsibilities - reply to Larry Bickford (2 replies, 08/02/84)

Reagan campaign appearance (2 replies, 07/31/84)

Interest Rates. part 2 (2 replies, 07/28/84)

Phone Numbers for House Switch Board & President's Office (2 replies, 07/28/84)

Budget Deficits (2 replies, 07/26/84)

Question About DEFICIT REDUCTION ACT (2 replies, 07/26/84)

Jesse and Farrakhan (2 replies, 07/26/84)

Mondale Chooses Running Mate (2 replies, 07/18/84)

Advertisement for ATT (2 replies, 07/11/84)

Fed. Drinking Age vs State's Rights (2 replies, 07/05/84)

JESSE/FARRAKHAN (2 replies, 06/30/84)

Sam Hall and Vietnam (2 replies, 06/28/84)

The Sandinistas and Nicaragua (2 replies, 06/26/84)

Survival in the Nuclear Winter (2 replies, 06/13/84)

Request for "weapons" information (2 replies, 06/11/84)

Religion and the Government (2 replies, 06/04/84)

Unions and Such... (2 replies, 06/01/84)

Federal Attack on Religion? (2 replies, 05/22/84)

all toadies, about face! (2 replies, 05/19/84)

The Fascist Experience (2 replies, 05/16/84)

Muslim States and Political Regressiveness (2 replies, 05/15/84)

Holocaust and Jewish Resistance (2 replies, 05/08/84)

A reply to T.C. Wheeler--the case fo (2 replies, 05/04/84)

moskvax, kremvax and kgbvax on the net (2 replies, 05/02/84)

How about net.politics.philosophy? (2 replies, 04/30/84)

Richard Nixon (2 replies, 04/26/84)

What Studs Says About The Net (2 replies, 04/25/84)

Sol Invictus. (2 replies, 04/23/84)

Artificial Big Brother (2 replies, 04/17/84)

Semi-Mandatory Birth Control - A New Point (2 replies, 04/15/84)

Unemployment Statistics (2 replies, 04/13/84)

Give me that old time opium! (2 replies, 04/11/84)

Those pesky Meeses (2 replies, 04/10/84)

implication of a recent bill (2 replies, 04/10/84)

Sevener vs. Wheeler on nuclear power (2 replies, 04/08/84)

High-tech income tax revolt (2 replies, 04/06/84)

Wide Appeal (2 replies, 04/06/84)

'Protest for Syrian Jewry' (2 replies, 04/03/84)

Univ. of Minn. CS Dept. (2 replies, 03/29/84)

Hiroshima: The Decision (2 replies, 03/27/84)

USN Carrier collides with Russian sub (2 replies, 03/27/84)

Gary Hart/Jesse Jackson ticket (2 replies, 03/23/84)

A question about the "Freeze" (2 replies, 03/15/84)

`Saber-Rattling' Considered Fictional (2 replies, 03/12/84)

The last word on Lyndon Who? (2 replies, 03/12/84)

Why should I pay taxes? (2 replies, 03/06/84)

grass roots politics + antinukes (2 replies, 03/04/84)

What Would Happen If They Pulled The Plug?? (2 replies, 03/02/84)

Slurred Speech (2 replies, 03/02/84)

Reagan unjustly maligned on Pershing (2 replies, 02/22/84)

two propositions (2 replies, 02/19/84)

Nukes n Drugs n Rock n Roll (2 replies, 02/09/84)

Canadian broadcast regs query (2 replies, 02/09/84)

the defeathering of Malthus (2 replies, 02/08/84)

FREEDOM & SECURITY (2 replies, 02/03/84)

Western news media and the Third World (2 replies, 02/02/84)

renner vs. jj: an apology (2 replies, 01/31/84)

Starvation-More Rambling (2 replies, 01/30/84)

State of the Union (2 replies, 01/27/84)

Apology (2 replies, 01/27/84)

Attitude about war (2 replies, 01/22/84)

Reagan and Goodman (2 replies, 01/21/84)

Reagan and Goodman and Jackson (2 replies, 01/13/84)

Reagan ignores "Kissinger" commission (2 replies, 01/12/84)

Reply to Chip Hitchcock (2 replies, 01/03/84)

Irish Genocide: Lesson 3: First Blood (2 replies, 12/30/83)

How to say "Walesa" (2 replies, 12/28/83)

Grenada, One More Time (2 replies, 12/23/83)

demo representive gov't (2 replies, 12/19/83)

An alternative to TDA (2 replies, 12/19/83)

Nuclear silliness II (2 replies, 12/13/83)

who decides (2 replies, 12/07/83)

Bias in history teaching -- international survey (2 replies, 12/06/83)

The arms race--doom & gloom vers (2 replies, 12/06/83)

Accidental war (2 replies, 12/05/83)

Money not "wasted" on silos and space (2 replies, 12/05/83)

Nicaragua vs Greneda (2 replies, 12/03/83)

Scott Pector on Grenada (2 replies, 12/02/83)

An Alternative to Limited Nuclear Wa (2 replies, 12/02/83)

Invitation ... FLAME (2 replies, 12/01/83)

THE MEDIA (2 replies, 11/28/83)

U.S. presidential succession (2 replies, 11/24/83)

Why I think we ought to be in G. & L (2 replies, 11/24/83)

Common interests of countries (2 replies, 11/24/83)

Cooky (2 replies, 11/20/83)

Evacn of Cdns in Grenada blocked? (2 replies, 11/18/83)

Zionism != Terrorism (2 replies, 11/12/83)

Notes on Evacuation Day (2 replies, 11/10/83)

Washington Post (2 replies, 11/09/83)

After Granada, who's next? (2 replies, 11/09/83)

What We Lost in Grenada (2 replies, 11/08/83)

tekcad!franka and rabbit!jj (2 replies, 11/08/83)

Church vs State (2 replies, 11/05/83)

News relating to Grenada (2 replies, 11/03/83)

Misery Desires Company... (2 replies, 11/03/83)

Too many people? (2 replies, 11/02/83)

Spelling Counts (2 replies, 10/26/83)

Life in America (2 replies, 10/26/83)

MLK day, the real reason (2 replies, 10/24/83)

James Watt and Horses (2 replies, 10/12/83)

Israel bombing Palestinian civilians? - reply to Jim Balter (2 replies, 09/28/83)

Religion vs. Science? (2 replies, 09/28/83)

Strange Belief Systems (2 replies, 09/18/83)

Comment by brunix!rb to my article on socialism (2 replies, 09/16/83)

KAL 007 and Moral Consistency (2 replies, 09/10/83)

Dave Holt Good and Bad (2 replies, 09/09/83)

Republics vs. Democracies (2 replies, 09/07/83)

Blame the Damn Russians! (2 replies, 09/05/83)

Star Chambers and the police (2 replies, 08/16/83)

Censuring as defined by Congress (2 replies, 07/24/83)

Sexual Congressmen (2 replies, 07/23/83)

"Sexual congressmen (2 replies, 07/20/83)

China and the arms race (2 replies, 07/16/83)

Instinctive altruism? (2 replies, 07/13/83)

Abortion is three issues, not one. (2 replies, 07/08/83)

Robots and Employment (2 replies, 07/01/83)

RFC: Software as Foreign Aid ? (2 replies, 06/23/83)

two points to ponder (2 replies, 06/21/83)

Abortion arguments (2 replies, 06/16/83)

Smile and say . . . (2 replies, 06/12/83)

A just legal system - possible? (2 replies, 05/10/83)

you can keep your common guilt (2 replies, 05/04/83)

economic coercion, Phillipines, Chil (2 replies, 04/21/83)

payment under duress (2 replies, 04/06/83)

How to Save the World (2 replies, 04/06/83)

Reason for a government (2 replies, 03/22/83)

When My Life Is Not My Own (2 replies, 03/12/83)

a new topic: privacy (2 replies, 03/03/83)

Canadian "propaganda" (2 replies, 02/25/83)

The Flying [sexist] Engineers (2 replies, 02/24/83)

Answer to question about what's wrong with socialism (2 replies, 02/19/83)

Should we get rid of Miss Buxley in the Beetle Bailey comic strip? (2 replies, 12/24/82)

First Use Pledge (2 replies, 12/17/82)

First Strike? How so? (2 replies, 12/16/82)

Connie Francis and rape laws (2 replies, 12/11/82)

Libertarianism & selfishness (1 reply, 09/10/86)

breeder reactors - final comments. (1 reply, 09/06/86)

Pot war puts us in wrong CAMP; now people take a crack at coke (1 reply, 08/25/86)

A Warning to All Recipe Book Readers, Authors, Publishers and Distributors (1 reply, 07/31/86)

Nuclear power and Ecology: re to Ng1 (1 reply, 07/24/86)

nuclear power density (1 reply, 07/21/86)

Austria... Waldheim... "nothing country"... (1 reply, 06/11/86)

The Presidents, and how they rate in history (1 reply, 06/02/86)

Cancer -- was 'Plutonium' (1 reply, 05/24/86)

Is the UK Labour Party a Commie Threat? (1 reply, 05/20/86)

new newsgroup net.politics.terror to deal with Libya (1 reply, 05/12/86)

Ingition! (1 reply, 05/10/86)

Libyan Crypto-Systems (1 reply, 05/07/86)

Libyan Air Raid (1 reply, 05/03/86)

Air raid on Libya and TV coverage (1 reply, 05/02/86)

good news... (1 reply, 04/23/86)

Brother Jed (1 reply, 03/31/86)

Us statistics (1 reply, 03/27/86)

"Free Speech" according to Sykora (1 reply, 03/27/86)

Free speach and government regulation of TV (1 reply, 03/27/86)

"tax giveaways" (1 reply, 03/27/86)

Reagan a pathological liar (1 reply, 03/26/86)

The President (1 reply, 03/26/86)

Marcos' goodies (1 reply, 03/26/86)

LaRouche Seizes Illinois (1 reply, 03/25/86)

Democracy has atrophied (1 reply, 03/25/86)

Tim Sevener's inability to read English (1 reply, 03/25/86)

America: *MY* Country:re to Arromdee,et al (1 reply, 03/21/86)

Aid for Nicaraguan Contras (1 reply, 03/20/86)

Contras arm&arm w/Guard: Nicaraguans NOT Sandinistas (1 reply, 03/19/86)

Engima and the Eastern Front (1 reply, 03/19/86)

discussion of welfare system failures (1 reply, 03/18/86)

"More is Better" or Let's Blow up the Sun RE to Guy (1 reply, 03/16/86)

On dissent and criticism. (1 reply, 03/16/86)

Malls and pamphlets (1 reply, 03/15/86)

Reagan and arms reductions: re to guy (1 reply, 03/14/86)

Israeli sinking of the Liberty (1 reply, 03/13/86)

Dangerous Military Myth:re to Dahlke (1 reply, 03/13/86)

The Sandinista Problem II: The Home Front: Guy (1 reply, 03/13/86)

Western Union (1 reply, 03/11/86)

Double Standard (1 reply, 03/10/86)

Orphaned Responce (1 reply, 03/10/86)

Who's in control?: rightwing paranoia (1 reply, 03/06/86)

Libelous Accusations and the Truth about Everything (1 reply, 03/06/86)

Free and Fair Elections (1 reply, 03/02/86)

Quote of the Weekend (1 reply, 03/02/86)

Religious & physical extermination in Tibet (1 reply, 02/27/86)

"Totalitarian" Nicaragua (1 reply, 02/24/86)

High school assignment -- survey -- please respond (1 reply, 02/24/86)

Comandantes and churchmen in Nicaragua (1 reply, 02/21/86)

Phillipines Election (1 reply, 02/19/86)

Brookings Ins Report on Religion in America (1 reply, 02/18/86)

more politics of oxfam: there they go again?! (1 reply, 02/17/86)

Totalitarian Nicaragua (1 reply, 02/17/86)

Human rights in Nicaragua (1 reply, 02/12/86)

Hannibal/history/horsefeathers/Hitler (1 reply, 02/11/86)

Senatorial double-dippers & the Constitution (1 reply, 02/10/86)

Israeli mindset (1 reply, 02/05/86)

Forms of government (1 reply, 02/04/86)

Islamic Tolerance : the final chapter (1 reply, 02/03/86)

Irving Kristol's plan to save Russia (1 reply, 02/02/86)

Communism like a Diamond is Forever (1 reply, 02/02/86)

Soviet Jews (1 reply, 02/01/86)

Hypocrisy in gov't et al (1 reply, 01/31/86)

What will happen in the middle east (1 reply, 01/29/86)

Divestment Issues at Reed College (1 reply, 01/28/86)

The use of violence. (1 reply, 01/27/86)

Correcting m.rindsberg (1 reply, 01/26/86)

"Indians" in the Middle-East (1 reply, 01/26/86)

personal responsibilty and seatbelts? (1 reply, 01/24/86)

Sam's anti-anti-semitic canards (1 reply, 01/23/86)

Airbags, blowhards, and straw men strike again. (1 reply, 01/23/86)

Legal dwinking a (1 reply, 01/20/86)

Arab Reaction Totally Neglects Our Outrage Against Int'l Terrorism (1 reply, 01/18/86)

Admiring China todasy (1 reply, 01/17/86)

Proof, etc. (1 reply, 01/16/86)

Reagan wimps out... (1 reply, 01/16/86)

Seatbelts-the disinformation continues! (1 reply, 01/16/86)

"Islamic Tolerance": textual sources (1 reply, 01/13/86)

The Rugged Individual and the Altruistic Social Savior (1 reply, 01/12/86)

Proof: US <-> USSR != ZERO SUM (1 reply, 01/11/86)

The White Man's burden (1 reply, 01/08/86)

Adams on American Foreign Policy (1 reply, 01/06/86)

Adams on Vietnam (1 reply, 01/06/86)

defining racism (1 reply, 01/06/86)

Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh (1 reply, 01/03/86)

Duarte,Christian Democrats (1 reply, 12/30/85)

Happy Holidays (1 reply, 12/27/85)

free speech on net (1 reply, 12/27/85)

Censorship Toughened in Nicaragua (1 reply, 12/20/85)

Request to STOP X-POSTING to n.r.j (1 reply, 12/19/85)

US burial and armed strength:Re (1 reply, 12/19/85)

Arab Psyche???? How about the Dutch? (1 reply, 12/17/85)

Yellow Rain: re to Frank Adams (1 reply, 12/16/85)

World Conquest (1 reply, 12/16/85)

Mis-quote: "We will bury you!" (1 reply, 12/13/85)

Whom should we believe? (1 reply, 12/11/85)

Unequal food distribution :re to Jan, Brazil (1 reply, 12/11/85)

Mr. Sinha's remarks regarding Israel, Kaddoumi, etc. (1 reply, 12/11/85)

Russian quotes (1 reply, 12/07/85)

Freedom and ownership, round3 (1 reply, 12/06/85)

50% Reduction in Nuclear Arms (1 reply, 12/06/85)

What is Fit to Print ? (1 reply, 12/05/85)

Factophobia Revisited (1 reply, 12/02/85)

A Simple (1 reply, 11/28/85)

The Monarchists Have Won! (1 reply, 11/26/85)

the Monolithic Communist Conspiracy revived (1 reply, 11/26/85)

Equality through Reaganomics ? Medians again (1 reply, 11/25/85)

Social Security,Pyramids, and Banks (1 reply, 11/22/85)

Social Security and other pyramids (1 reply, 11/21/85)

President Reagan and his plans... (1 reply, 11/21/85)

Revenues vs. spending: calculated per person (1 reply, 11/18/85)

Porn and Violence: a Social Disease (1 reply, 11/16/85)

weenies (1 reply, 11/15/85)

dollar economics (1 reply, 11/14/85)

Retirement and "Social Welfare" (1 reply, 11/14/85)

One for ... (1 reply, 11/13/85)

In Defense of N.Ireland (1 reply, 11/13/85)

Supply-side Economics: the myth of "increased revenues" (1 reply, 11/11/85)

U.S. citizen held in Northern Ireland (1 reply, 11/08/85)

Lies or a schizophrenic time sense (1 reply, 11/06/85)

Noble arab brothers and sisters (1 reply, 11/06/85)

Report your neighbor for fun and profit (1 reply, 11/06/85)

Question about Social Credit (1 reply, 11/04/85)

Exercise Caution (1 reply, 11/02/85)

This one didn't make national headlines either. (1 reply, 10/31/85)

Who was damaged by the hate literature (1 reply, 10/29/85)

Meir Kahane (1 reply, 10/27/85)

Yet more AntiSemitic propaganda (1 reply, 10/26/85)

One more time. (1 reply, 10/24/85)

Maybe Rambo Was Right? (1 reply, 10/23/85)

Gone with the wind: CJFOTOW wins yet another (1 reply, 10/23/85)

Freedom of speech and the holocaust (1 reply, 10/22/85)

Satellite viewing "freedoms" (1 reply, 10/21/85)

US involved in attack on Tunis? (1 reply, 10/20/85)

Company in Heaven and Hell (1 reply, 10/19/85)

Soviet Strength (1 reply, 10/17/85)

Hate literature laws no violation of (1 reply, 10/16/85)

Hate literature laws no violation of freedom of speech (1 reply, 10/15/85)

PBS Series On War (1 reply, 10/11/85)

Ramblings (1 reply, 10/11/85)

Re "Tax Supported" Churches (1 reply, 10/10/85)

Lies Re Islam (1 reply, 10/10/85)

Reprisals against Terrorists. (1 reply, 10/09/85)

Christmas -- a national holiday? (1 reply, 10/06/85)

Soviet Conventional Offensive Capability... (1 reply, 10/06/85)

Nelson Mandela and the ANC (1 reply, 10/01/85)

Jewish history and Don Black (1 reply, 10/01/85)

Hypocracy of Libertarians (1 reply, 09/28/85)

re; how a competent KGB agent does his job (1 reply, 09/26/85)

sceular humanism banned etc. (1 reply, 09/25/85)

Don Black sticks it in his ear from Occupied America (1 reply, 09/25/85)

Patriotism (1 reply, 09/25/85)

Revolution (1 reply, 09/24/85)

Don Black (1 reply, 09/23/85)

From the pages of the Spotlight (1 reply, 09/23/85)

re; how a competant KGB agent does his job (1 reply, 09/23/85)

Lunatic fringe (1 reply, 09/23/85)

Black & Fiengold (1 reply, 09/22/85)

DIR/NEW (1 reply, 09/20/85)

net.peace (1 reply, 09/17/85)

Leave what is God's the Hell alone ! (1 reply, 09/14/85)

Changing Realities in South Africa:RE to Mutschler (1 reply, 09/13/85)

Corporal Punishment (1 reply, 09/11/85)

The pornography debate (1 reply, 09/11/85)

Blacks removed from juries (1 reply, 09/10/85)

Chew on this for a while. (1 reply, 08/30/85)

To JJ, re secular humanism in the schools (1 reply, 08/29/85)

Witness for Peace and the Freedom Riders (1 reply, 08/26/85)

net.nlang.spanish request (1 reply, 08/24/85)

White Americans for Apartheid (1 reply, 08/23/85)

How Don Black gets his message across (1 reply, 08/23/85)

"Random Muslim bigots" and J. Martillo (1 reply, 08/22/85)

Is Sugar a Staple? (1 reply, 08/21/85)

Fulminations (1 reply, 08/19/85)

South Africa and the OAU (1 reply, 08/19/85)

Posse Comitatus (1 reply, 08/18/85)

Who needs it? (1 reply, 08/18/85)

The Bomb (1 reply, 08/17/85)

Bananas (1 reply, 08/16/85)

Union Legislation (1 reply, 08/15/85)

Puritan Morality and drinking (1 reply, 08/15/85)

Ray Frank and More Thoughts On America Bashing (1 reply, 08/14/85)

Hiroshima, Beiruit, Atomic Bombs and Politics (1 reply, 08/12/85)

To Todd Jones (1 reply, 08/08/85)

Attacks on America, women, and logic (1 reply, 08/08/85)

Hiroshima, Beiruit, and Atomic Bombs (1 reply, 08/08/85)

test (1 reply, 08/08/85)

We've GOT to do somethin' about Ken Dept. (1 reply, 08/07/85)

Book on Japanese history (1 reply, 08/07/85)

Re*3: Islam (1 reply, 08/07/85)

Say Jim Wall, what a spiffy idea! (1 reply, 08/06/85)

net.protocol (1 reply, 08/06/85)

Seat Belts and the cost of auto fatalities (1 reply, 08/05/85)

Supposed monopolies: Standard Oil (1 reply, 08/05/85)

Free markets and monopolies (1 reply, 08/05/85)

Xtianity: What happened to the library at Alexandria? (1 reply, 08/04/85)

Thoughts on $1288 Ash Trays (1 reply, 07/31/85)

Win one, lose one. (1 reply, 07/31/85)

Handgun megaflames. (1 reply, 07/30/85)

How "Free" Should Free Markets Be? (1 reply, 07/30/85)

Liberty Lobby Lawsuit (1 reply, 07/30/85)

Shiites, Jingoism and Responsibility (1 reply, 07/26/85)

American balance of payments, imports/exports. (1 reply, 07/23/85)

Discrimination against women an (1 reply, 07/20/85)

Enlightened comment for Charles Forsythe! (1 reply, 07/19/85)

Lebanese Shiites & Israel (1 reply, 07/19/85)

The Great Wheeler/Perlow Slap Out (1 reply, 07/18/85)

Watch them closely -- statistics (1 reply, 07/17/85)

america and israel (1 reply, 07/15/85)

Sykora flambe (1 reply, 07/13/85)

Inhibit the terrorist (1 reply, 07/11/85)

One man's opinion. (1 reply, 07/08/85)

Nazi view of morality (1 reply, 07/08/85)

Discrimination against women and (1 reply, 07/06/85)

Todd Jones, or idle hands/devils work, ect. (1 reply, 07/05/85)

quest for ways to inhibit the terrorist (1 reply, 07/04/85)

AA and Discrimination (1 reply, 07/01/85)

TERRORIST ACTS (1 reply, 07/01/85)

Carnes: myopic remarks - "pressure Israel" and Reagan-bashing (1 reply, 07/01/85)

Ghettos (1 reply, 06/29/85)

American Blacks & Swahili (1 reply, 06/25/85)

Libertarianism and responsibility (1 reply, 06/20/85)

FTC rejects industry proposal on cigarette labels. (1 reply, 06/20/85)

That's right: the women ARE smarter (1 reply, 06/20/85)

"The `Star Wars' Defense Won't Compute" in Atlantic (1 reply, 06/18/85)

The Big Liar (1 reply, 06/16/85)

Discrimination and AA-more than a fair shot? (1 reply, 06/15/85)

Computing and Social Responsibility (1 reply, 06/14/85)

*The Intellectual Activist* is neither. (1 reply, 06/14/85)

Bicycle Route Passes in Portland, Oregon (1 reply, 06/13/85)

Discrimination and Affirmative Action Attn Beth (1 reply, 06/11/85)

Articles on gay Nicaraguans (1 reply, 06/10/85)

Discrimination/Affirmative Action (1 reply, 06/06/85)

Libertarian Ignorance of Economics: Cobwebs: Reply to nrh (1 reply, 06/06/85)

Fraud at last! (1 reply, 06/06/85)

The Horrible thing nobody's had the guts to say about Affirmative Action (1 reply, 06/06/85)

Rand on Quotas (1 reply, 06/05/85)

Libertarians and Safety Standards (1 reply, 06/05/85)

"ELECTABILITY" CRITERIA: today's guest MIKE SYKORA! (1 reply, 06/05/85)

Is William Buckley a closet libertarian? (1 reply, 06/04/85)

Whiteboys' Manifesto (1 reply, 06/01/85)

Ignoring Fascist Hate Groups (1 reply, 05/31/85)

Violation of separation church and state? (1 reply, 05/31/85)

Moving Violation of separation CHURCH/STATE! (1 reply, 05/28/85)

Living With Bitburg (1 reply, 05/25/85)

Ordinary people (1 reply, 05/22/85)

Goodbye Netnews (1 reply, 05/21/85)

Bicycles, violence, gore, etc., etc. (1 reply, 05/21/85)

"New Libertarianism" is to Libertarianism as .... (1 reply, 05/18/85)

Libertarians and Holocaust Revisionists (1 reply, 05/17/85)

jj whines again (1 reply, 05/16/85)

Forgiveness for Non-humans (1 reply, 05/14/85)

The JEWISH PRESS on the Genocide Treaty (1 reply, 05/14/85)

netnews integrity (1 reply, 05/14/85)

Familiar lines in Mr. Sykora's diatribe (1 reply, 05/13/85)

Divestment: An example (1 reply, 05/11/85)

Personal Defense, rebuttals (1 reply, 05/09/85)

A Plea for Civility (1 reply, 05/09/85)

Forgiving and Forgetting (1 reply, 05/09/85)

Visiting Bitburg cemetery (1 reply, 05/07/85)

A few facts about some not-so-well-known connections (1 reply, 05/05/85)

familiar lines? in Mark Modig's message (1 reply, 05/05/85)

The Old Ways - recollections of Don Black's first words (1 reply, 05/04/85)

Libertarian Arguments (1 reply, 05/01/85)

Libertarian Arguments -- Reply**3 to Baba (1 reply, 04/30/85)

USSR in World War II, continued (1 reply, 04/29/85)

tom west's version (1 reply, 04/28/85)

"Disarmament" during the 70's: More warheads (1 reply, 04/28/85)

Contract Programming REGULATIONS (1 reply, 04/26/85)

Libertarians and ERA: South Africa: Reply to Cramer (1 reply, 04/26/85)

Trivia Question: Who was John Hus (1 reply, 04/26/85)

MAKE MY DAY! (1 reply, 04/26/85)

Bicycles, Violence and Hatred: tickets (1 reply, 04/25/85)

Jamming the NSA (1 reply, 04/21/85)

The Bishop of Durham Speaks Out (1 reply, 04/20/85)

'Perversions' -- Reply to Carnes (1 reply, 04/20/85)

The arms race: Both sides are guilty: Reply to Matthews (1 reply, 04/19/85)

"Perverse" libertarian notion of liberty. (1 reply, 04/18/85)

: U.S Armed Force in Russia: Reply to... (1 reply, 04/18/85)

AK's and other junk (1 reply, 04/15/85)

A white man speaks his mind. (1 reply, 04/15/85)

U.S Armed Force in Russia (1 reply, 04/12/85)

Personal Defense at its Ultimate (1 reply, 04/12/85)

\"Yes, Virginia, there IS a....\" (1 reply, 04/11/85)

An alternative alternative to seatbelt laws. (1 reply, 04/11/85)

Proposed group: net.politics.nukes (1 reply, 04/09/85)

Family Farms (1 reply, 04/09/85)

Don Black, Nazis, ... (1 reply, 04/09/85)

Soviet capitalism? (1 reply, 04/08/85)

Defending the US-a Questionaire (1 reply, 04/08/85)

Nicaraguan Opposition access to TV: Reply to Sevener (1 reply, 04/08/85)

American Populist (1 reply, 04/08/85)

What did Kruschev really say? A correction (1 reply, 04/07/85)

US armed force in Russia in 1920's (1 reply, 04/05/85)

Star Wars (1 reply, 04/04/85)

Russel Spence's heroic Nazis (1 reply, 04/03/85)

Women aircrew. (1 reply, 04/03/85)

Raisa Gorbachev's occupation (1 reply, 04/02/85)

Update on KAL007 tragedy? (1 reply, 04/01/85)

Bias: Israel and Palestine (1 reply, 04/01/85)

Free market drug trafficing (1 reply, 04/01/85)

Zarcone on illegal markets (1 reply, 03/29/85)

Boy, did I mess up!!! (1 reply, 03/29/85)

Con$cience and Military Tax Campaign (1 reply, 03/29/85)

Stuff it, Mr. Zarcone! (1 reply, 03/29/85)

MURDER of CBS News crew in Lebanon: Bias?? (1 reply, 03/28/85)

Corporate Taxation -- Reply to Sevener (1 reply, 03/28/85)

The United Nations -- Reply to Kelly (1 reply, 03/28/85)

income tax figures (1 reply, 03/27/85)

Totalitarianism (1 reply, 03/27/85)

the dark forces (1 reply, 03/27/85)

Drugs & the free market: more facts for Robert Z. (1 reply, 03/25/85)

free market drugs (1 reply, 03/25/85)

Economic Issues -- Back to Torek (1 reply, 03/23/85)

The sun in the eastern hemisphere. (1 reply, 03/22/85)

on Drugs-free markets--exeunt this sophistry, please! (1 reply, 03/22/85)

as cruel as nature (1 reply, 03/22/85)

Drug dealing a ??FREE?? market? (1 reply, 03/18/85)

We don't need enemies. (1 reply, 03/18/85)

To Dave Harris (1 reply, 03/17/85)

A couple of fariy tales (1 reply, 03/17/85)

Reagan was WRONG! (1 reply, 03/15/85)

Control issues (1 reply, 03/14/85)

Fascism in Chicago? (1 reply, 03/14/85)

Dr. Josef Mengele, Nazis, and grotesque hypocrisy (1 reply, 03/14/85)

To DAVE BROWN re. bi-lingualness (1 reply, 03/11/85)

Drugs are sold in a free market? (1 reply, 03/11/85)

renta-pigs (1 reply, 03/08/85)

Sheep on the Subway : ohmygod! a fact! (1 reply, 03/07/85)

Libertarianism in the real world: restitution for victims (1 reply, 03/07/85)

Huh? (1 reply, 03/06/85)

money is its own reward (1 reply, 03/05/85)

Libertarianism and American Indians -- a clarification (1 reply, 03/04/85)

net.history (1 reply, 03/03/85)

"Invitations?": Vietnam, Afghanistan: Reply to D Rubin (1 reply, 03/01/85)

Where has all the money gone, long time passing? (1 reply, 03/01/85)

net.politics,net.women (1 reply, 03/01/85)

My Diabolical Plan (1 reply, 02/28/85)

Lawyers in Libertaria (1 reply, 02/26/85)

Euromissiles Again! (1 reply, 02/25/85)

A Thought for the Weekend (1 reply, 02/25/85)

Emigration vs. withdrawing from a gr (1 reply, 02/24/85)

Libertarianism and the American Indian -- A Brief Note (1 reply, 02/24/85)

A Mathematical Model for Radical Cen (1 reply, 02/24/85)

Inflation, Unemployment, the Free Economy, and Nausea (1 reply, 02/23/85)

Phased Array Radar (1 reply, 02/23/85)

To Joan Claybrook (1 reply, 02/22/85)

World Championship stopped (1 reply, 02/22/85)

Public Citizen letter (1 reply, 02/21/85)

White greed, Rap and Reggae (1 reply, 02/20/85)

World War III. Part <about 6 or so> (1 reply, 02/18/85)

Media coverage of armed response to (1 reply, 02/18/85)

Unions, Management and Japan : Reply to Jeff Sonntag (1 reply, 02/17/85)

Taxation, coercion, reply back to Tim (1 reply, 02/15/85)

Population Control and Social Problems (1 reply, 02/14/85)

Unemployment Redefined (1 reply, 02/14/85)

To "THE WATCHER" (1 reply, 02/13/85)

adendum (1 reply, 02/08/85)

Free Enterprise, the Depression and Unemployment (1 reply, 02/06/85)

'Clearing up my proabortion argument' - a broken promise (1 reply, 02/06/85)

Big Corporations "filling the vacumn" (1 reply, 02/05/85)

Wrong again JoSH (1 reply, 02/05/85)

freedom and taxes (1 reply, 02/03/85)

Wage Rates -- Reply to Sevener (1 reply, 02/03/85)

Eureka, I've struck nerves! (1 reply, 01/30/85)

Paradises -- Reply to Carnes (1 reply, 01/29/85)

Reply to nrh: Private Charity Stats (1 reply, 01/29/85)

A short economics lesson for Mr. Mc Kiernan (1 reply, 01/29/85)

Libertarianism & property (1 reply, 01/29/85)

Use, Property, and Fable:Libertaria (1 reply, 01/29/85)

Pro-abortion Crusade (1 reply, 01/29/85)

Socialism vs Capitalism:Part 1 (1 reply, 01/26/85)

No, but my favorite color is pink (1 reply, 01/26/85)

Cipriani's Withering Away of the State -- Response to Myers (1 reply, 01/25/85)

A small clarification (1 reply, 01/24/85)

re-distribution of wealth (1 reply, 01/24/85)

Social Security -- Reply to Larry Welsch (1 reply, 01/23/85)

Give 'em Hell, Ronnie! (1 reply, 01/23/85)

NYC subway murderer (1 reply, 01/22/85)

Freedom to vs Freedom From in Li (1 reply, 01/17/85)

Northern Ireland (1 reply, 01/15/85)

Apartheid and South African Divestiture (1 reply, 01/15/85)

More anti-gun control propaganda fro (1 reply, 01/14/85)

The NRA (1 reply, 01/13/85)

A screw, indeed! (1 reply, 01/13/85)

shoe size (1 reply, 01/11/85)

Is the NRA a "responsible sporting organization"? (1 reply, 01/11/85)

let the scum have their way (1 reply, 01/11/85)

Majority Rule? (1 reply, 01/11/85)

Tutu's address (1 reply, 01/11/85)

Bleeding IRA Terrorists (1 reply, 01/11/85)

belated note: another libertarian consistency problem (1 reply, 01/09/85)

housing projects (1 reply, 01/09/85)

Handgun Control, Inc. (1 reply, 01/08/85)

Big Brother? psaw! (1 reply, 01/05/85)

Happy New Year to NRA members (1 reply, 01/03/85)

democracy vs. indefinate incarceration/private deadly force (1 reply, 12/29/84)

Big Bro Watching? (1 reply, 12/28/84)

The Libertarian Thought Process (1 reply, 12/21/84)

His article defending the IRA (1 reply, 12/21/84)

My article defending the IRA (1 reply, 12/18/84)

Reagan propaganda (1 reply, 12/17/84)

Southern Poverty Legal Center / Klanwatch Project (1 reply, 12/16/84)

Innuendos and Facts (1 reply, 12/15/84)

Bob Geldorf is my new hero!! (1 reply, 12/14/84)

Northern Ireland: does it want to seceed? (1 reply, 12/12/84)

Central America (1 reply, 12/12/84)

Pastoral letter on women (1 reply, 12/11/84)

a non fallacy (1 reply, 12/11/84)

Comment on war in three countries. (1 reply, 12/11/84)

disjointed armys (1 reply, 12/09/84)

Those Marksist-Lennonist Sandanistas (1 reply, 12/08/84)

Prostitution in Amsterdama legal? (1 reply, 12/08/84)

"Free" education - comment to Bob Stewart (1 reply, 12/08/84)

robber barons (1 reply, 12/08/84)

The state of net.nlang.celt (1 reply, 12/07/84)

rueness competition? (1 reply, 12/07/84)

A non-hostile question for Libertari (1 reply, 12/07/84)

a monopoly (1 reply, 12/07/84)

Elections in Nicaragua (1 reply, 12/07/84)

Taxes vs. Freedom (1 reply, 12/07/84)

Immigrants (1 reply, 12/06/84)

Disparity in US vs Soviet weapons spending (1 reply, 12/05/84)

Ronald Reagan (1 reply, 12/04/84)

Viet Nam Atrocities (1 reply, 12/04/84)

roads (1 reply, 12/02/84)

why not? (1 reply, 12/02/84)

Get me to "ground-zero", fast! (1 reply, 12/02/84)

The Monroe Doctrine (1 reply, 11/30/84)

Comments on the Libertarian plat (1 reply, 11/29/84)

libertarian army (1 reply, 11/29/84)

...free press <> impartial press (1 reply, 11/29/84)

Pot Use revised upwards (1 reply, 11/26/84)

Moral Majority (1 reply, 11/26/84)

Reagan's re-election/European defense (1 reply, 11/23/84)

Emergency Response Network (1 reply, 11/21/84)

In Defense of Milo (1 reply, 11/20/84)

non-English Articles (1 reply, 11/18/84)

Silkwood anniversary (1 reply, 11/16/84)

Empty silos vs mobile MX (1 reply, 11/15/84)

American hostages in Lebanon (1 reply, 11/14/84)

Interesting Article (1 reply, 11/13/84)

those funny white lines (1 reply, 11/13/84)

Pareto Efficiency (1 reply, 11/13/84)

grenada and the ussr (1 reply, 11/12/84)

Welcome to the '60s (1 reply, 11/12/84)

Comments on the Libertarian Platform, part 3 (1 reply, 11/12/84)

Laws Nobody Obeys ARE NEEDED ?? (1 reply, 11/12/84)

Indira Gandhi's assassination (1 reply, 11/11/84)

Don't blame me ....... (1 reply, 11/09/84)

libertarianism vs. efficiency (1 reply, 11/09/84)

Comments on the Libertarian Platform, part 1 (1 reply, 11/09/84)

Laws Nobody Obeys (1 reply, 11/08/84)

fellowship announcement (1 reply, 11/08/84)

Abortion doesn't belong on net.polit (1 reply, 11/08/84)

Eating Crow and Taxes (1 reply, 11/07/84)

Milo, Oh Milo, can you hear us.... (1 reply, 11/07/84)

Ronald Reagan's homophobic career: V (1 reply, 11/07/84)

Public Goods--econ lesson for renner, glosser (1 reply, 11/05/84)

Protective legislation (1 reply, 11/04/84)

Theft, taxes, and Libertarianism (1 reply, 11/04/84)

JoSH in fa.poli-sci (1 reply, 11/04/84)

Political & Homosexual arguments OUT of net.misc! (1 reply, 11/03/84)

Giant Smokestacks (1 reply, 11/03/84)

Religion and homophobia (1 reply, 11/03/84)

The Cat in the Hat for President (1 reply, 11/02/84)

The Game of Nations (1 reply, 11/02/84)

ERA and existing laws (1 reply, 11/01/84)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: IV (1 reply, 11/01/84)

Reagan as a BIG spender (1 reply, 10/31/84)

Trisha Loves BIG BROTHER (1 reply, 10/31/84)

Dying Reagan, Gay Rights, and General Rights (1 reply, 10/30/84)

Resentment of Ferraro (1 reply, 10/30/84)

KNOWN BY YOUR ENEMIES ... and friends (1 reply, 10/30/84)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: III (1 reply, 10/29/84)

private fire-brigades (1 reply, 10/29/84)

When in doubt, say something stupid and meaningless (1 reply, 10/29/84)

Fuzzy headed liberals-Carter's Foreign Policy (1 reply, 10/28/84)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: II (1 reply, 10/28/84)

Was WWII Japan close to developing l (1 reply, 10/25/84)

Presidential Poll (1 reply, 10/25/84)

replies to trc, stuart, danw, and rs (1 reply, 10/21/84)

I'm off to see Fritz and Gerry! (1 reply, 10/19/84)

Statements on the Killing of Brian Stewart age 13 by the British Army (1 reply, 10/18/84)

Reagan....and Bruce Springsteen??? (1 reply, 10/16/84)

Nuclear Weapons and City Attacks: Reply to Rubin and Medin (1 reply, 10/14/84)

Bombing Japan (1 reply, 10/13/84)

gagging left and right (1 reply, 10/12/84)

REGAN'S JOKE (1 reply, 10/12/84)

Why I'm voting for Mondale - Part II (1 reply, 10/12/84)

What/Who is McWhirter? (1 reply, 10/11/84)

Mondale-Reagan debate (1 reply, 10/10/84)

the Shah (1 reply, 10/10/84)

Why the second bomb, on Nagasaki ? (1 reply, 10/09/84)

Sandinistan democracy (1 reply, 10/06/84)

George Washington on Religion (1 reply, 10/06/84)

Japan and the Bomb (1 reply, 10/05/84)

Talking Like A Reagun (1 reply, 10/04/84)

GLASS HOUSES (1 reply, 10/04/84)

Liberty and Isolation are not the sa (1 reply, 10/04/84)

Damn Russians (1 reply, 10/03/84)

Gender Gap Myth revealed (1 reply, 10/01/84)

Northern Ireland Coroner Quits Over Killings by RUC (1 reply, 10/01/84)

Vagueness, ERA, and the Constitution (1 reply, 10/01/84)

Genocidal Homework (1 reply, 09/28/84)

Vote NO! (1 reply, 09/27/84)

RayGuns Mistakes: List Wanted (1 reply, 09/27/84)

Not so obscure (1 reply, 09/26/84)

reply to Henry Spencer {socialism and such} (1 reply, 09/25/84)

socialism and such (1 reply, 09/25/84)

A minute of silence (1 reply, 09/20/84)

libertarians in space (1 reply, 09/20/84)

School Prayer Amendment - postscript (1 reply, 09/18/84)

Star Wars, Disarmament - Can this be moved to net.politics (1 reply, 09/13/84)

KAL 007: One Year Later - Could Ther (1 reply, 09/12/84)

KAL 007: One Year Later - Could There Have Been Survivors? (1 reply, 09/10/84)

Mike Kelly on Afghanistan and reality (1 reply, 09/07/84)

Congressman Harkin (1 reply, 09/06/84)

Where is Mondale when you need him? (1 reply, 09/06/84)

Star Wars or not? (1 reply, 09/06/84)

Whos In Charge Here? (1 reply, 09/05/84)

Education and kids (1 reply, 09/01/84)

30 to 10 and counting (1 reply, 09/01/84)

My spelling.... (1 reply, 09/01/84)

[Soviet] Treaty Violations (1 reply, 08/29/84)

SOVIET UNCIVILIZATION\ (1 reply, 08/28/84)

Who is Susan Catania? (1 reply, 08/27/84)

Unions, etc (1 reply, 08/24/84)

Williams on the Minimum Wage (1 reply, 08/24/84)

Soviet Treaty Violations (1 reply, 08/23/84)

Doomsday machines revisited (1 reply, 08/22/84)

Fallacies of Zero-growth Economies (1 reply, 08/22/84)

Minimum wages (1 reply, 08/22/84)

Radioactivity of coal-fired power plants vs. TMI (1 reply, 08/20/84)

police registration (1 reply, 08/20/84)

Trishas Religious Problem (1 reply, 08/18/84)

lockpost blast, nuclear power, new energy sources, conservation (1 reply, 08/13/84)

ID, government issued (1 reply, 08/12/84)

How Jackson Defeated Reagan (1 reply, 08/09/84)

Comments on Olympic Opening Ceremonies (1 reply, 08/06/84)

More on Libertarianism, and a question (1 reply, 08/04/84)

Canada and Deficits (1 reply, 07/31/84)

Religion an issue? (1 reply, 07/28/84)

Club of Rome (1 reply, 07/28/84)

Supreme Court (1 reply, 07/26/84)

Peace through Friendship (1 reply, 07/25/84)

Reagan says Nicaraguan election a sham (1 reply, 07/25/84)

people organizing to pursue their beliefs (1 reply, 07/24/84)

Bye (1 reply, 07/20/84)

And now for something completely different... (1 reply, 07/17/84)

Jackson and Castro (1 reply, 07/06/84)

The morals poll result. (1 reply, 06/27/84)


"Witness in Nicaragua" - Christ, Marx, and *The Name of the Rose* (1 reply, 06/20/84)

Communist atrocities in Viet Nam (1 reply, 06/19/84)

Flaming Liberals (1 reply, 06/17/84)

Nuclear Winter (1 reply, 06/12/84)

US intervention in Iraq/Iran (1 reply, 06/08/84)

Iraq/Iran warfair? (1 reply, 06/06/84)

John DiNardo and Participative Democracy (1 reply, 06/06/84)

Have you seen the Flat-Tax form proposed by the Democrats? (1 reply, 06/04/84)

Lessons from Maroney case (1 reply, 06/01/84)

Iran/Iraq war spillover (1 reply, 05/26/84)

Yosis Creation (1 reply, 05/25/84)

Coal vs. Nuclear: some numbers (1 reply, 05/14/84)

corporate tax cuts (1 reply, 05/07/84)

More on Participatory Democracy (1 reply, 05/05/84)

Nuclear Odds & Ends (1 reply, 05/04/84)

Fascism/Communism (1 reply, 05/03/84)

nffbyfr of the month. (1 reply, 04/30/84)

A reply to Hall/Taylor on nuclear power (1 reply, 04/26/84)

democracy (1 reply, 04/24/84)

What are "tax expenditures?" (1 reply, 04/23/84)

Can we really "soak the rich?" (1 reply, 04/23/84)

A reply to Scott Renner on nuclear power (1 reply, 04/19/84)

Terrorists on the Loose! (1 reply, 04/19/84)

Oh Henry! (1 reply, 04/19/84)

Cruise Stopped (1 reply, 04/18/84)

Reagan'scon's contempt for law (1 reply, 04/17/84)

Unions vs management or unions with management? (1 reply, 04/16/84)

Unions, onions, and things for Ken Perlow to cry about (1 reply, 04/15/84)

Ad parody (1 reply, 04/14/84)

Re : Nicaraguan Arms Smuggling (1 reply, 04/11/84)

US vs Nicaragua, international law (1 reply, 04/10/84)

Black Muslims (1 reply, 04/10/84)

Pornography and Civil Rights (1 reply, 04/06/84)

Jesse Jackson as a candidate (1 reply, 04/05/84)

An Answer to Sevener (1 reply, 04/04/84)

Thanksgiving & religion (1 reply, 04/01/84)

Sch. Prayer -- THE LAW ??? (1 reply, 03/31/84)

POLL TIME AGAIN (1 reply, 03/30/84)

Politics, religion and book-burning (1 reply, 03/30/84)

Reagon and deserving students (1 reply, 03/30/84)

Fritz, Fritz, Go With Fritz (1 reply, 03/29/84)

Silent Prayer in Schools is *Not* Illegal (1 reply, 03/29/84)

Viva Sweden! (1 reply, 03/28/84)

Israel (1 reply, 03/27/84)

Smut and Free Speech (1 reply, 03/26/84)

Answer to Freeze Question Revisited (1 reply, 03/25/84)

Hart/Jackson in '84 (1 reply, 03/22/84)

Always Lie to Pollsters (1 reply, 03/22/84)

PENTHOUSE FORUM (1 reply, 03/22/84)

church and state and holidays (1 reply, 03/22/84)

"Protest for Syrian Jewry" (1 reply, 03/21/84)

Elimination of public schools (1 reply, 03/17/84)

Followup on promotion of Non-God..... (1 reply, 03/16/84)

Hart and His New Ideas (1 reply, 03/15/84)

radiation chart (1 reply, 03/15/84)

Compelled Oaths: An Open Letter (1 reply, 03/14/84)

Action or guilt (1 reply, 03/14/84)

The actual functions of the U.S. government (1 reply, 03/14/84)

Extended Civil Disobedience? (1 reply, 03/13/84)

Jackson's slur and his Crime (1 reply, 03/11/84)

Collection of tax money, and some questions (1 reply, 03/09/84)

Sympathy for the Devil (1 reply, 03/09/84)

Jackson, Cramer, JDL and the Klan (1 reply, 03/07/84)

School Prayer -- Nightline, MacNeil/Leherer segments (1 reply, 03/07/84)

...Welcome to 1984... (1 reply, 03/07/84)

Bozo IS Running (1 reply, 03/06/84)

Jackson's treated w/kid gloves (1 reply, 03/06/84)

Using FASTFOOD Profits to feed h (1 reply, 03/05/84)

Freeman or Slave? (1 reply, 03/02/84)

Addendum to Flame (1 reply, 03/01/84)

Mike Kelly and Reagan's un-democ (1 reply, 03/01/84)

Voting: Low Turnout (1 reply, 02/29/84)

Abortion (1 reply, 02/28/84)

Sophies flame (1 reply, 02/26/84)

Property, who owns what? (1 reply, 02/24/84)

Using tax money to feed hungry peopl (1 reply, 02/24/84)

Trotsky, Stalin, Socialism (1 reply, 02/23/84)

Starvation (1 reply, 02/19/84)

Hunger problem (1 reply, 02/17/84)

More on Starvation (1 reply, 02/17/84)

Armageddon on your pocket calculator (1 reply, 02/15/84)

Waiting since 1917 (1 reply, 02/13/84)

Canadian broadcast regs query - long response (1 reply, 02/11/84)


Opinion Polls == Propaganda (1 reply, 02/08/84)

Pershing II & launch-on-warning (1 reply, 02/07/84)

Starvation and Corruption (1 reply, 02/07/84)

Presidential Candidates, who do you like? (1 reply, 02/07/84)

About Polli, netnews, courtesy, and thoughtfullness (1 reply, 02/06/84)

Guilt and punishment (1 reply, 02/04/84)

Means justifying the ends (1 reply, 02/02/84)

CBS last Saturday evening: Who is Lyndon Larouche, and what does he do? (1 reply, 01/30/84)

The Joy of Starvation***New Subject, also*** (1 reply, 01/30/84)

Fidel on US, Latin America (1 reply, 01/25/84)

The Joy of Starvation-"The road to Hell..." (1 reply, 01/25/84)

Facetious comments on the presidency (1 reply, 01/23/84)

Hiroshima and Nagasacki (1 reply, 01/23/84)

Private international actions (1 reply, 01/21/84)

Agronski & Co. (1 reply, 01/17/84)

Flame on America - Another foreign viewpoint (1 reply, 01/17/84)

"Intellectual leaders" (1 reply, 01/16/84)

What did Jessie say?!? (1 reply, 01/08/84)

Wale-n-sa (1 reply, 01/06/84)

Wake up, you folks (1 reply, 01/06/84)

Quote about overall situation in Mid. East - and a question (1 reply, 01/05/84)

TDA and the East (1 reply, 12/31/83)

An Historical Capsule (1 reply, 12/30/83)

Irish Genocide: A Reply to Kenneth Almquist (1 reply, 12/29/83)

Uses of fear (1 reply, 12/25/83)

running people lives, etc. (1 reply, 12/25/83)

Survey: a question of politcal philosophy (1 reply, 12/23/83)

BELIEFS AGAIN (1 reply, 12/21/83)

Space industry *YES*, space-based ABM *NO* (1 reply, 12/21/83)

Poland and human rights (1 reply, 12/20/83)

Re TC Wheeler on High Frontier (1 reply, 12/20/83)

tale of the slave (1 reply, 12/20/83)

Steve Wall on Grenada. (1 reply, 12/18/83)

The Star Spangled Banner (1 reply, 12/16/83)

Not again! (1 reply, 12/14/83)

Geographic Distribution of Friends (1 reply, 12/13/83)

The Christmas Spirit in Texas (1 reply, 12/13/83)

How to Decrease the Chances (1 reply, 12/10/83)

Martial law in India? (1 reply, 12/09/83)

"The Rise of the Computer State" (1 reply, 12/08/83)

Nuclear silliness (1 reply, 12/04/83)

Query for Canadians (1 reply, 12/03/83)

What if...? (1 reply, 12/02/83)

An Alternative to Limited Nuclear War (1 reply, 11/30/83)

the employer of last resort, govt (1 reply, 11/29/83)

The Day After and nuclear stuffs (1 reply, 11/29/83)

Worse than Nuclear War (1 reply, 11/28/83)

TDA and the Soviets (1 reply, 11/24/83)

The Day After The Day (1 reply, 11/22/83)

'The Day After' and "cuban crisis" (1 reply, 11/22/83)

comes the dawn (1 reply, 11/21/83)

Why are 'they' so paranoid? (1 reply, 11/20/83)

Planning for the Big One in Texas (1 reply, 11/20/83)

Opposition to The Day After (1 reply, 11/20/83)

Granada under Scoon? (1 reply, 11/20/83)

How about net.celts? (1 reply, 11/19/83)

Obviously an ultra-conservative leftist (1 reply, 11/18/83)

"The Day After" (1 reply, 11/17/83)

imposing beliefs--still a good idea (1 reply, 11/16/83)

War of 1812: 3rd Movement (1 reply, 11/15/83)

War of 1812 (1 reply, 11/15/83)

Invasion as a US policy (1 reply, 11/14/83)

El Salvador Joke (1 reply, 11/13/83)

Zionist == terrorist????? (1 reply, 11/12/83)

Update: British Built Airfield in Grenada (1 reply, 11/11/83)

Information Sources: British Built Airfield in Grenada (1 reply, 11/09/83)

why are we in Grenada (1 reply, 11/09/83)

New Question (1 reply, 11/09/83)

Whats going on here ??? (1 reply, 11/08/83)

Grenada and Nicaragua (1 reply, 11/08/83)

On rudeness. (1 reply, 11/08/83)

Cuba and Grenada (1 reply, 11/06/83)

Long-term Effects of Foreign Policy Decisions (1 reply, 11/05/83)

Reagan's Nixonescence? (1 reply, 11/04/83)

Con-Con Information Wanted (1 reply, 11/04/83)

Hello mudda, hello fadda, here I am (1 reply, 11/03/83)

Future of Grenada (1 reply, 11/03/83)

Two notes on spelling (1 reply, 11/02/83)

Grenada & Korea (1 reply, 11/01/83)

The US in Grenada (1 reply, 11/01/83)

GRENADA: EYEWITNESS REPORT (1 reply, 10/31/83)

Free to Choose in Chile (1 reply, 10/24/83)

Russian ships stranded (1 reply, 10/24/83)

refuse the cruise - no thanks (1 reply, 10/23/83)

imposing beliefs, and other good ideas (1 reply, 10/19/83)

Graffito (1 reply, 10/18/83)

A Belated Reply to Paul Dubuc from Pam Troy (1 reply, 10/14/83)

Life in a Judeo-Christian State -- LEAVE OUT the JUDEO part (1 reply, 10/13/83)

Natl Film Board's "War" on basic training (1 reply, 10/11/83)

Nobel Peace Prize (1 reply, 10/10/83)

Israeli Discrimination (1 reply, 10/07/83)

Life in America - response to Pamela Troy (1 reply, 10/07/83)

Israel bombing Palestinian civilians (1 reply, 10/02/83)

unknown (1 reply, 09/30/83)

Romans in the Bible (1 reply, 09/30/83)

Watts gaffe: an uncomfortable truth (1 reply, 09/30/83)

PLO"s arms for a million (1 reply, 09/30/83)

KAL 7 bumper stickers (1 reply, 09/29/83)

Modern Socialism (1 reply, 09/20/83)

England socialist? (1 reply, 09/18/83)

Canadian universal medicare works (1 reply, 09/17/83)

rabbit!jj on socialism (1 reply, 09/15/83)

The KAL-007 incident and military/government use of 747's (1 reply, 09/14/83)


free elections, again (1 reply, 09/14/83)

falling planes (1 reply, 09/12/83)

Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy (1 reply, 09/09/83)

We still have a dream (1 reply, 09/09/83)

Loan sanctions. (1 reply, 09/08/83)

Korean Jet parse date string (1 reply, 09/07/83)

Russians (1 reply, 09/07/83)

Did it really happen? (1 reply, 09/06/83)

Alternatives to Elections (1 reply, 08/29/83)

Elected officials not running the country. (1 reply, 08/22/83)

MX missile: pro and con (1 reply, 08/19/83)

Libyan Imperialism (1 reply, 08/16/83)

Fascism vs. Communism (1 reply, 08/16/83)

Hypocracy in C.A. Policies (1 reply, 08/16/83)

US in Central America (1 reply, 08/15/83)

"By definition" ??? (1 reply, 08/15/83)

jj, name-calling, and a new topic (1 reply, 08/15/83)

WATT anyone? (1 reply, 08/14/83)

The Golden Rule (1 reply, 08/13/83)

"life over liberty (1 reply, 08/11/83)

THE most important thing in the world (1 reply, 08/10/83)

'Sexual congressmen (1 reply, 08/07/83)

Solutions to Teen Pregnancies (1 reply, 08/02/83)

How NOT to argue abortion (1 reply, 07/30/83)

"Sexual Congressmen" (1 reply, 07/22/83)

Standard Oil and anti-trust (1 reply, 07/17/83)

Soviet Cheatin (1 reply, 07/16/83)

True Altruism (1 reply, 07/10/83)

World Government (1 reply, 07/08/83)

CHOICE (1 reply, 07/07/83)

morality based on species survival (1 reply, 07/07/83)

rights, governments, economies (1 reply, 07/05/83)

Will Robots destroy the world? (1 reply, 07/03/83)

MX missle (1 reply, 07/01/83)

Whither the Peace Movement? (1 reply, 06/30/83)

Individual Rights and Morality (1 reply, 06/28/83)

A Defense of Laissez Faire (1 reply, 06/19/83)

lawful and just government (1 reply, 06/15/83)

racism and hi-tech (1 reply, 06/13/83)

Pirate captains of industry? (1 reply, 06/11/83)

The crash and the free market (1 reply, 06/06/83)

US Dept. of War (1 reply, 06/01/83)

Weapons, Tigers, and a really bad idea (1 reply, 05/10/83)


Good grief and a joke on socialists (1 reply, 04/25/83)

Balance of Power? (1 reply, 04/25/83)

Response to Werner (1 reply, 04/23/83)

Econ coercion and practicality (1 reply, 04/22/83)

Medical Research (1 reply, 04/21/83)

Draft Resistance postscript (1 reply, 04/21/83)

No economic coercion (1 reply, 04/20/83)

Re - How to Save the World (1 reply, 04/20/83)

definition of politics (1 reply, 04/19/83)

Calling home pays for war preparation and CIA dirtywork (1 reply, 04/15/83)

A Question on Disarmament (1 reply, 04/09/83)

Irrelevant Issues (1 reply, 04/09/83)

Arms Limitation (1 reply, 04/06/83)

Any nuke designers out there? (1 reply, 04/05/83)

The wider issue of Japanese Internment (1 reply, 03/29/83)

freedom from/to (1 reply, 03/14/83)

Rich People (1 reply, 03/13/83)

BILLIONS and BILLIONS (1 reply, 03/12/83)

The True Tragedy of the Commons (1 reply, 03/12/83)

Property Rights and justice (1 reply, 03/10/83)

taxing the unemployed (1 reply, 03/09/83)

Japanese Internment Camps (1 reply, 03/08/83)

Marxist Computer Science (1 reply, 03/01/83)

Roots are still rotten (1 reply, 02/27/83)

Answer to question about what's (1 reply, 02/24/83)

socialism, capitalism, and strikes (1 reply, 02/24/83)

immigration reform bill (1 reply, 01/14/83)

uofm-cv.114 (1 reply, 12/27/82)

Israeli Arms Sales to Latin America (1 reply, 12/20/82)

Re colon First Use Pledge (1 reply, 12/16/82)

greedy?? (1 reply, 12/15/82)

The Secret History of the Deficit (1 reply, 12/14/82)

redistribution of wealth (1 reply, 12/07/82)

cars versus mass transit (1 reply, 12/03/82)

On Progressive Taxes (1 reply, 12/03/82)

Adventurism in Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, and El Salvador (1 reply, 11/21/82)

Affirm.Action (0 replies, 09/11/86)

S.A., Soviets, & Socialists (0 replies, 08/28/86)

How selling cheap wheat to the Russians actually hurts them. (0 replies, 08/28/86)

Reference Sought: Global Warming, Coastal Flooding (0 replies, 08/27/86)

Nuclear power (0 replies, 08/22/86)

Nuclear power: Beckmann et al. (0 replies, 08/20/86)

Financial aid (0 replies, 08/07/86)

The government preventing us from hurting ourselves (0 replies, 08/01/86)

helmets are wicked (0 replies, 07/30/86)

re Re re Seat belts, Helmets and F (0 replies, 07/30/86)

re Re re Seat belts, Helmets and Freedom of Choice (0 replies, 07/30/86)

net.politics gone from Toronto (0 replies, 07/28/86)

Yellow Rain, again. (0 replies, 07/25/86)

Supreme Court and Sodomy--A Different Thought (0 replies, 07/23/86)

The IRS hassled Mother Jones (0 replies, 07/23/86)

Petr Beckmann and SEVENER delusions (0 replies, 07/23/86)

Toxicity of plutonium (0 replies, 07/21/86)

Nuclear power: John Gofman and friends (0 replies, 07/21/86)

The Virtue of Selfishness: re to Campos (0 replies, 07/18/86)

Libertarianism, Objectivism and Liberty:re to Campos (0 replies, 07/18/86)

Containment domes & Grapite Reactors: re to McQuinn (0 replies, 07/17/86)

Randroids and Affirmative Action (0 replies, 07/16/86)

Containment domes & Grapite Reactors (0 replies, 07/16/86)

property rights (0 replies, 07/15/86)

Petr Beckman and Yellow Rain (0 replies, 07/14/86)

Crime in England/Crime in America (0 replies, 07/11/86)

Update #2 on technical travel to Nicaragua (0 replies, 06/23/86)

The popes since St. Peter and how I rate them in history (0 replies, 06/03/86)

J TYLER A MAN SO MISUNDERSTOOD (0 replies, 05/31/86)

The Presidents - Truman & bombing Japan (0 replies, 05/23/86)

A backbone is only as strong as its weakest link. (0 replies, 05/23/86)

Californium bombs (0 replies, 05/20/86)

Seeking help stopping personal attacks against myself (0 replies, 05/16/86)

Hello Europe? (0 replies, 05/13/86)

Judges in Boston (0 replies, 05/13/86)

British Labour Party (0 replies, 05/09/86)

The elimination of certain non-technical newsgroups by so called "powers-that-be" (0 replies, 05/08/86)

Oriani Fallaci (0 replies, 05/04/86)

Oriani Fallaci on Qaddafi (0 replies, 05/02/86)

the ucbbrahms!* gang (0 replies, 05/02/86)

Correction, Lybia (0 replies, 04/27/86)

On Revealing Evidence (0 replies, 04/22/86)

Tasaday Hoax (0 replies, 04/15/86)

Update on technical travel to Nicaragua (0 replies, 04/01/86)

Here we go again (0 replies, 03/31/86)

Proportion of children living in poverty (0 replies, 03/29/86)

Poster from U of Nicaragua (0 replies, 03/29/86)

Better dead than red -- logical proof! (0 replies, 03/28/86)

"Affluphobia" (0 replies, 03/28/86)

Mike H and Sevener on Cramer (0 replies, 03/28/86)

Idea for a new Weird Al song (0 replies, 03/28/86)

Some observations / suggestions (0 replies, 03/28/86)

Dangerous military myth - re: to Sevener (0 replies, 03/27/86)

Better red than dead -- logical proof! (0 replies, 03/27/86)

On Libya (0 replies, 03/27/86)

the President...Lybia really (0 replies, 03/27/86)

Legality of supporting War abroad (0 replies, 03/27/86)

Ho Chi Minh, democrat (0 replies, 03/27/86)

apologies (0 replies, 03/26/86)

Quote of the Week (0 replies, 03/26/86)

Shopping Malls:their future growth (0 replies, 03/26/86)

Famine Relief Still Needed in Africa (0 replies, 03/26/86)

Anti-Muslim Bigotry (0 replies, 03/26/86)

Slime of the Week Award (0 replies, 03/26/86)

Infant Mortality and poverty (0 replies, 03/25/86)

Defining Poverty: re to Sykora et al (0 replies, 03/25/86)

More background on LaRouche (0 replies, 03/25/86)

LaRouche ties to Reagan (0 replies, 03/25/86)

Axing the *Working* Poor (0 replies, 03/25/86)

Taxes and Income: Reagan's counterrevolution (0 replies, 03/25/86)

Wealth Distribution, and Correction (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Soviet Nuclear Testing: re to Tom Hill (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Poll in Central America, media and facts (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Conservative Media Bias: re to nrh (0 replies, 03/24/86)

SDI: 95% isn't the point: re to Sevener (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Start Wars and Arms control:re to Olson (0 replies, 03/24/86)

What's So Unthinkable About Slave Labor (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Censorship in Canada, Freedom of Speech (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Vote for Reagan?? (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Sport the Contras Now (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Nicaraguans NOT Sandinistas, Cowards NOT Democrats (0 replies, 03/24/86)

Television coverage and censorship (0 replies, 03/23/86)

Criticism of Israel (0 replies, 03/23/86)

Job training, Welfare, Mahoney Barry (0 replies, 03/22/86)

of lies and lunches (0 replies, 03/22/86)

Censorship in Canada, Freedom of Sp (0 replies, 03/22/86)

Shopping Malls, Free Speech, TV (0 replies, 03/21/86)

Presidents compared: re to Cramer (0 replies, 03/21/86)

LaRouche Democrats advocate witch-burning, win Illinois primaries (0 replies, 03/21/86)

Criticism: An instrument of change. (0 replies, 03/21/86)

Kaddaffi Legitimacy (0 replies, 03/19/86)

Excuses for supporting Terrorists:re to Tanenbaum (0 replies, 03/19/86)

cpsr meeting (0 replies, 03/19/86)

Keller on America, and a problem in philosophy. (0 replies, 03/18/86)

Terrorism: definition: re to Tanenbaum (0 replies, 03/18/86)

Media bias in Paid ads (0 replies, 03/17/86)

"Free" speech in America (0 replies, 03/17/86)

The Sandinista Problem: a response (0 replies, 03/13/86)

Reply to Swan on Petition signing (0 replies, 03/12/86)

Canadian situation (0 replies, 03/12/86)

Cambodian Massacre: re to Guy (0 replies, 03/12/86)

Computerized Voting (0 replies, 03/12/86)

William Jennings Bryan (0 replies, 03/11/86)

Enigma & the Eastern Front (0 replies, 03/11/86)

Engima & the Eastern Front (0 replies, 03/11/86)

Honduras & Vietnam: current reading (0 replies, 03/11/86)

Is criticism Un-American? (0 replies, 03/11/86)

In the Name of God: Sojourners (0 replies, 03/10/86)

Language, Truth, and Morality (0 replies, 03/10/86)

Lessons of the Aquino Revolution (0 replies, 03/09/86)

Hunger Strike at Brown University (0 replies, 03/09/86)

The Nazi Germany Problem II: The Home Front (0 replies, 03/08/86)

evading the bottle tax (0 replies, 03/08/86)

Shopping Malls Again: (0 replies, 03/07/86)

The Patria incident (0 replies, 03/07/86)

apartheid (0 replies, 03/07/86)

Soviets as "peacelovers": re to Albrecht (0 replies, 03/06/86)

The Midnight Visit (0 replies, 03/06/86)

Free Speech and Access to electronic media:re to Sykora (0 replies, 03/06/86)

Peace Activist and Gulag:re to Sykora (0 replies, 03/06/86)

Corrupting Democracy (0 replies, 03/06/86)

Reply to Sevener on Propert (0 replies, 03/06/86)

Don't Go, Leo. (0 replies, 03/06/86)

Effect of a garbage dump on local house values. (0 replies, 03/04/86)

correction/extension to my "Nic. human rights 2" (0 replies, 03/04/86)

Contras as an army of national (0 replies, 03/03/86)

Marcos on Gilligan's Isle (0 replies, 03/03/86)

Reply to Daniel Simon (0 replies, 03/02/86)

human rights in Nicaragua, pt 2: double standards? (0 replies, 03/01/86)

Rep. Dornan should be allowed to emigrate (0 replies, 02/28/86)

Reply to Abeles (0 replies, 02/28/86)

Who's in control? (0 replies, 02/28/86)

Nigel West's Books <flame> (0 replies, 02/27/86)

: Sandinista economics, Reaganista foreign policy (0 replies, 02/26/86)

Shopping Mall Plot Uncovered! (0 replies, 02/26/86)

Marcos, Mr. Marcos (0 replies, 02/25/86)

Urgent request for article *HELP* (0 replies, 02/25/86)

Forced Landing??? (0 replies, 02/24/86)

Travel to Nicaragua & work at your profession/hobby for 2 weeks (0 replies, 02/23/86)

more on human rights in Nicaragua (0 replies, 02/22/86)

Forced Landing - Memo to Production Staff (0 replies, 02/21/86)

Israel/Iran/arms/rhetorics - Farzin vs. Farzin (0 replies, 02/20/86)

Media bias -- but really criticism of net.politics (0 replies, 02/19/86)

Israeli torture (0 replies, 02/19/86)

Nicaragua as a ruin: Sandinista economics (0 replies, 02/18/86)

Israel/Iran/arms/rhetorics (0 replies, 02/18/86)

Human Rights in Nicaragua, Part 1 (0 replies, 02/14/86)

PLO and Resolution 242 (0 replies, 02/14/86)

if you had a hammer... (0 replies, 02/14/86)

Israel/Iran/Arms - Argumentation Farzin-style (0 replies, 02/14/86)

The Enemies of Humanity (0 replies, 02/14/86)

The Sandinista Problem: Introduction (0 replies, 02/13/86)

Fraudulent article followup and resolution... (0 replies, 02/13/86)

Gorbachev the reactionary? (0 replies, 02/12/86)

Haiti and Americans (0 replies, 02/11/86)

Abdications, Elections, etc. (0 replies, 02/11/86)

Clearing up the Myers mess (0 replies, 02/11/86)

Israel/Iran/Arms/Missiles/Oil (0 replies, 02/10/86)

Woman to the moon (0 replies, 02/08/86)

We Have Overcome! (0 replies, 02/07/86)

The space program & new shuttles, VERSUS budget-reduction bill (0 replies, 02/07/86)

Baby Doc School of Medicine (0 replies, 02/07/86)

39 Whitehall Street (0 replies, 02/07/86)

Kristol's plan to save Russia (0 replies, 02/07/86)

Joke (0 replies, 02/06/86)

History? (0 replies, 02/05/86)

Nicaragua reading lists: a review --- Part 1 (0 replies, 02/05/86)

Whether Israsel arms Iran (0 replies, 02/04/86)

mindset?? (0 replies, 02/03/86)

Sandinistas increase initimidation of church, politicians (0 replies, 02/03/86)

Apologies Are In Order (0 replies, 02/02/86)

Political prisoners (0 replies, 02/02/86)

Nomenklatura (0 replies, 02/02/86)

Quality vs. Quantity (0 replies, 02/01/86)

Wealth vs. Income (0 replies, 02/01/86)

Hunger in Ethiopia (0 replies, 02/01/86)

Fraudulent article from Rutgers personnel... (0 replies, 01/31/86)

Savimbi (0 replies, 01/31/86)

Irving Kristol's plan to save Russia: more (0 replies, 01/31/86)

American troops: words in my mouth (0 replies, 01/30/86)

Are you considering a career in the defense industry? (0 replies, 01/29/86)

Greens on Delphi (0 replies, 01/29/86)

airbags:mandatory or optional? (0 replies, 01/29/86)

Seatbelts, getting to the Bottom... (0 replies, 01/29/86)

An answer to a question (0 replies, 01/29/86)

Troop balance in Central Europe:re to Lewis (0 replies, 01/29/86)

Absorbing Palestinians into Arab societies (0 replies, 01/29/86)

Political satire (0 replies, 01/29/86)

Dalkon Shield Notice (0 replies, 01/28/86)

Zero nukes in 15 years (0 replies, 01/28/86)

seatbelts & insurance companies (0 replies, 01/28/86)

"Civil Wars" and Terrorism : re to Tannenbaum (0 replies, 01/27/86)

Absorbing Arab Palestinians into Arab Societies (0 replies, 01/27/86)

Israeli maturity - reply to Dan Winkowski (0 replies, 01/26/86)

Israel/Iran/arms/influence/terrorists/foolishness (0 replies, 01/26/86)

Suspect Source (0 replies, 01/25/86)

Farzin vs. Farzin: Israel supplies Arab terrorists? (0 replies, 01/25/86)

RE. Is America a Democracy / to Mat (0 replies, 01/25/86)

Something about terrorism again (0 replies, 01/25/86)

Anti-Semetism -- Anti-Islam (0 replies, 01/24/86)

libya discussion devolves to fundamentals of Israel vs PLO (0 replies, 01/24/86)

Sitting Backwards (0 replies, 01/24/86)

What Percentage of Present-Day Israel do Arabs want back? (0 replies, 01/24/86)

falwell: a different perspective is the wrong one (0 replies, 01/24/86)

"Bad guys" in Nicaragua: people's vote (0 replies, 01/24/86)

Foreign Policy Quiz (0 replies, 01/23/86)

Enough! (0 replies, 01/23/86)

Chedley's anti-semitic canards (0 replies, 01/23/86)

So ya wanna play with words, Chedley? (0 replies, 01/23/86)

Airbags, brakes (0 replies, 01/22/86)

Chedley's antisemitic canards (0 replies, 01/21/86)

Terrorism? It's the victim's fault (0 replies, 01/21/86)

American Revolution (0 replies, 01/20/86)

50% effective (0 replies, 01/20/86)

Abu Nidal and Libya -- barking (0 replies, 01/20/86)

Islamic Tolerance? (0 replies, 01/20/86)

SDI or a world without nukes (0 replies, 01/19/86)

REsponse to Oded Feingold -- US and Soviet Union (0 replies, 01/18/86)

Making the mideast terrorist problem go away? (0 replies, 01/17/86)

Are we outraged or not? (0 replies, 01/17/86)

American Foreign Policy: A Clari (0 replies, 01/17/86)

Is America a Democracy? (0 replies, 01/16/86)

Central American reading (0 replies, 01/16/86)

Central American conflicts: more reading (0 replies, 01/16/86)

Questions for Sevener (0 replies, 01/16/86)

Rizzo Critique and Another CA Reading List (0 replies, 01/15/86)

Divestiture and Tunnel Vision (0 replies, 01/14/86)

USENET to South Africa (0 replies, 01/13/86)

Central America Reading List (0 replies, 01/13/86)

WBAI and "Commie Fronts" (0 replies, 01/13/86)

Tunisian Jews: "no problems" (0 replies, 01/12/86)

American Foreign Policy: A Clarification of Democracy (0 replies, 01/12/86)

Hitler never won an election (0 replies, 01/10/86)

I'm moving (0 replies, 01/09/86)

Snooping state (0 replies, 01/09/86)

Election of Reagan (0 replies, 01/09/86)

The Guardian (0 replies, 01/08/86)

The 14th and the Bill of Rights. (0 replies, 01/08/86)

politics of oxfam (0 replies, 01/08/86)

Majority Opinion and Truth (0 replies, 01/08/86)

the jerk, Ho Chi Minh (0 replies, 01/08/86)

We the people (0 replies, 01/07/86)

American foreign politics (0 replies, 01/07/86)

Air Traffic Controllers (0 replies, 01/07/86)

Hitler (0 replies, 01/06/86)

Good Guy- Bad Guy (0 replies, 01/06/86)

Seatbelt Trade-offs (0 replies, 01/06/86)

Duarte and Negotiations (0 replies, 01/05/86)

Falwell and "Liberty Federation" (0 replies, 01/05/86)

Kadafi and associates - Lets kill 'em all and let Allah sort 'em out (0 replies, 01/03/86)

Seein' Red (0 replies, 01/03/86)

Eating Das Kapital (0 replies, 01/02/86)

Carnes' Hidden Premise (0 replies, 12/31/85)

Vegetarianism and world hunger. (0 replies, 12/31/85)

Robert Thau's dishonest references (0 replies, 12/31/85)

The definition of terrorism is not flexible (0 replies, 12/24/85)

Rudeness, profanity, exultation & other emotional outbursts (0 replies, 12/23/85)

Nuclear strategy (0 replies, 12/23/85)

What happened with Don Black?? (0 replies, 12/22/85)

Who is left and who is right? (0 replies, 12/22/85)

Louis Farrakhan / Jerry Falwell (0 replies, 12/21/85)

Rajiv Gandhi takes a cue from the u (0 replies, 12/21/85)

Khruschev and Stalin:rehabilitation:re to Matthews (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Khruschev and Stalin:re to Jim Matthews (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Allegiance strikes back (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Was Begin terrorist? Was Haganah? (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Variety of things. (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Questions of allegiance - British and Oafish opinions (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Usenet/censorship/foolishness (0 replies, 12/20/85)

Intimidation by the Sandinistas: Congratulations! (0 replies, 12/19/85)

Meese, Gramm, Rudman, and the inten (0 replies, 12/19/85)

Usenet and censorship (0 replies, 12/18/85)

BUG WANTED (0 replies, 12/18/85)

Aouriri/Feingold/Pollard/foolishness (0 replies, 12/18/85)

Star Wars debate (0 replies, 12/18/85)

Nature Pleads Not Guilty (0 replies, 12/17/85)

Intimidation by the Sandinistas (0 replies, 12/15/85)

Perverse over-extension (0 replies, 12/14/85)

newsgroups gone in Western New York area (0 replies, 12/14/85)

Request to Chedley (0 replies, 12/13/85)

Was Begin terrorist? Is Aouriri? (0 replies, 12/13/85)

Don Black, KKK - More than a coincidence? (0 replies, 12/12/85)

Yellow Rain: re to Frank Adams:correction (0 replies, 12/12/85)

Sinha/Feingold/Israel/Arafat/foolishness (0 replies, 12/12/85)

Items of the Federal Budget: Sevener was right.YAY! (0 replies, 12/10/85)

Patriotism - correcting the lobster (0 replies, 12/10/85)

A note to the people of the free world, etc. (0 replies, 12/09/85)

Freedom and property, round 4 (0 replies, 12/09/85)

Walls, constraints, and liberty (0 replies, 12/09/85)

Civility and Richard Carnes (0 replies, 12/09/85)

Intolerance on all sides (0 replies, 12/08/85)

Make War No More (0 replies, 12/08/85)

"Deterrence" and Soviet Paranoia:re to Ray Frank (0 replies, 12/08/85)

Percentages (0 replies, 12/08/85)

Items of the Federal Budget: Sevener was right. (0 replies, 12/06/85)

JJ on jj's comments, whoops! (0 replies, 12/06/85)

Regarding Social (0 replies, 12/06/85)

possible war in Southern Africa (0 replies, 12/06/85)

Causes of War (0 replies, 12/06/85)

Espionage for fun and profit (0 replies, 12/04/85)

Vietnam, Berlin, & Afghanistan:re to Stalnaker (0 replies, 12/04/85)

Some facts About Contadora Situation (0 replies, 12/04/85)

The inequalities in smoking (0 replies, 12/03/85)

Off for a While (0 replies, 12/03/85)

Record labeling ... (0 replies, 12/03/85)

Perfect Presidents (0 replies, 12/03/85)

Contadora, Nicaragua and Reagan:facts for Jan (0 replies, 12/03/85)

the Monolithic Communist Conspir:re to Jan (0 replies, 12/03/85)

Score Keeping (0 replies, 12/03/85)

"Evil Empire and USSR":Re to Jan (0 replies, 12/03/85)

bullshit (0 replies, 12/02/85)

US obligation to aid terrorists? (0 replies, 12/02/85)

You ain't Done Nothin' if You ain't been called a Red:re to Ray Frank (0 replies, 12/02/85)

Islam Article in Whole Earth Review (0 replies, 12/02/85)

Zionism is not racism; Anti-Isra (0 replies, 11/30/85)

Democracy, Wars, Imperialism and Nationalism:II (0 replies, 11/27/85)

Unequal food distribution :re to (0 replies, 11/25/85)

the Monolithic Communist Conspiracy revived, etc... (0 replies, 11/24/85)

Freedom and property, round 2 (0 replies, 11/23/85)

Israel, Guatemala, and Racism (0 replies, 11/22/85)

Summit: some questions (0 replies, 11/22/85)

Summit a Bust: Marching to Armageddon (0 replies, 11/22/85)

Items in the Federal budget: Olson is right (0 replies, 11/22/85)

Empires and Double Standards (0 replies, 11/22/85)

Items in the Federal budget (0 replies, 11/21/85)

Star Trek and the summit (0 replies, 11/21/85)

Unequal food distribution :re to Jan (0 replies, 11/21/85)

Equality through Reaganomics ?: McDonald's! (0 replies, 11/21/85)

US burial and armed strength (0 replies, 11/20/85)

defense spending (0 replies, 11/20/85)

Calculation of Social Security (0 replies, 11/18/85)

Done? (0 replies, 11/18/85)

Peace Initiatives in Ireland: A Reply (0 replies, 11/17/85)

"Master Harold and the Boys" (0 replies, 11/16/85)

defense spending:how much is enough? (0 replies, 11/16/85)

Perspectives on Peacemaking (0 replies, 11/15/85)

supply-side: Income Taxes (0 replies, 11/15/85)

Social Security benefits vs. payments (0 replies, 11/15/85)

Why does our money say "In God We Trust"? (0 replies, 11/15/85)

"social welfare" and the poor: illogic from Olson (0 replies, 11/15/85)

Supply-side: increased revenues:Social Security (0 replies, 11/14/85)

Social Security, Wages, Income and Poor (0 replies, 11/14/85)

social vs. defense spending: more legerdemain! (0 replies, 11/13/85)

Food, Power, and Landed Elites:reply to Jan (0 replies, 11/13/85)

French response to SDI (0 replies, 11/13/85)

The savings rate - consumer (0 replies, 11/13/85)

Social security benefit rates (0 replies, 11/13/85)

Freedom and ownership (0 replies, 11/13/85)

compromise (0 replies, 11/13/85)

Jerry Falwell (0 replies, 11/12/85)

Supply-side: increased revenues (0 replies, 11/12/85)

schizophrenic time sense redux - woof! (0 replies, 11/12/85)

Social Security and Social Welfare (0 replies, 11/12/85)

Food distribution, Reply to Jan (0 replies, 11/11/85)

Food distribution, hunger and per capita averages (0 replies, 11/11/85)

To michab, \"Very Worried\" (0 replies, 11/11/85)

Supply-side Economics: Work and Investment (0 replies, 11/11/85)

Scotland & England (0 replies, 11/11/85)

Supply-side Economics: References Please (0 replies, 11/11/85)

Supply-side Economics: References vs Ignorance (0 replies, 11/11/85)

social vs. defense spending:More IGNORANCE (0 replies, 11/11/85)

Interesting BBS in Santa Fe, NM (0 replies, 11/10/85)

The Vieques Controversy (0 replies, 11/08/85)

Reply to T.C. Wheelers "economic indicators" (0 replies, 11/08/85)

"Social Spending" vs "Social Security" (0 replies, 11/08/85)

Elected Dictator or Balance of Powers? the Line-item veto (0 replies, 11/07/85)

Property,justice,freedom (0 replies, 11/07/85)

C'est la guerre, n'est-ce pas? (0 replies, 11/07/85)

Supply-side Economics: (0 replies, 11/06/85)

Singapore (0 replies, 11/06/85)

snakes and skulls (0 replies, 11/06/85)

One for Our Side Again (0 replies, 11/06/85)

Articles wanted -- our newsfeed was down (0 replies, 11/06/85)

Middle East, Oil and the costs of Mi (0 replies, 11/05/85)

``The Good Fight'' (0 replies, 11/05/85)

The Budget' (0 replies, 11/05/85)

Food for China (0 replies, 11/05/85)

Article #8: Helping Nicaragua... (0 replies, 11/04/85)

Article #7: Computing in Nicaragua... (0 replies, 11/03/85)

"American" being ethnocentric (0 replies, 11/02/85)

Whatever became of these ridiculous lawsuits? (0 replies, 11/02/85)

Article#6: Thoughts on Nicaraguan Organizations... (0 replies, 11/01/85)

Living Conditions in Nicaragua (0 replies, 11/01/85)

Misinformation (0 replies, 11/01/85)

America's Missing-Socks Crisis (0 replies, 10/31/85)

Extent of hunger in America: Deception of Per capita (0 replies, 10/31/85)

Article#5: Two Nicaraguan Occasions... (0 replies, 10/31/85)

Ken Arndt and Don Black: *CONTROVERSY SETTLED!!* (0 replies, 10/31/85)

SDI for and by Kids! (0 replies, 10/30/85)

pornography debate (0 replies, 10/30/85)

Death of Innocents (0 replies, 10/30/85)

pornography and force (0 replies, 10/29/85)

Article #4: El Campo de Nicaragua... (0 replies, 10/29/85)

Green Peace and French Nuke Tests: Sources for Rick McGeer (0 replies, 10/29/85)

Article #3: Sandino Airport and Nicaraguan Customs... (0 replies, 10/28/85)

Capitalism and Singapore (0 replies, 10/27/85)

To My Dear Chap Chedley! (0 replies, 10/26/85)

Article#2: Wages and Prices in Nicaragua... (0 replies, 10/25/85)

Saudi Arabia, Ken Arndt, Michael Ellis; prejudice (0 replies, 10/25/85)

Freedom of Speech (0 replies, 10/25/85)

Saturday Night Special Court Decision (0 replies, 10/25/85)

Article #1...Observations on the Nicaraguan People (0 replies, 10/24/85)

Terrorism and Client States (0 replies, 10/24/85)

Juries Define "TRUTH" - Galileo a heretic ? Absolutely ! (0 replies, 10/24/85)

Apology to Mr Rosen (0 replies, 10/24/85)

USA Constitution R.I.P. (0 replies, 10/23/85)

Hate literature & free speach in Canada (0 replies, 10/23/85)

Point of Information: Economy of Sin (0 replies, 10/23/85)

Summit Letter (0 replies, 10/22/85)

Tax Relief for Churches--ARRRGHH (0 replies, 10/22/85)

Like a doornail. (0 replies, 10/22/85)

Leon (0 replies, 10/22/85)

Recent mod.politcs article, "Face to Face" (0 replies, 10/22/85)

Point of Information: Economy of Singapore (0 replies, 10/21/85)

Pro-Arab Rhetoric vis a vis Egypt (0 replies, 10/21/85)

A Defense (0 replies, 10/21/85)

Sadistic Mass Murdering Musicians (0 replies, 10/20/85)

Sadistic Mass Murderers (0 replies, 10/19/85)

Leviticus 18:4 (0 replies, 10/19/85)

Taxing non-prophet Organizations (0 replies, 10/19/85)

The myth of Allied invasion of Russi (0 replies, 10/17/85)

Todd and the death of the constitution (0 replies, 10/17/85)

the Soviet Monster (0 replies, 10/16/85)

British MP Addresses Congress on British Withdrawal from Ireland (0 replies, 10/16/85)

On reducing nuclear weaponrym now. (0 replies, 10/16/85)

Sorry, Jan (0 replies, 10/16/85)

Responsibility (0 replies, 10/16/85)

archeopteryx (0 replies, 10/16/85)

Sevener's comments (0 replies, 10/15/85)

"Secular Humanism" banned in the (0 replies, 10/15/85)

Don Black's Ramblings (0 replies, 10/15/85)

free flow of information in the media (0 replies, 10/15/85)

Noise pollution, complaint and new responses (0 replies, 10/14/85)

Black, Martillo, Reagan, Lenin (0 replies, 10/12/85)

Churches and taxes (0 replies, 10/12/85)

Terrorism and World War II (0 replies, 10/11/85)

Joe Bob Goes to Sicily :-) (0 replies, 10/11/85)

the politics of skirts (0 replies, 10/11/85)

The Mr. Black Anomaly (0 replies, 10/10/85)

is all humanism secular? (0 replies, 10/10/85)

terrorists hit home (0 replies, 10/10/85)

Bureau of Bureau's (0 replies, 10/10/85)

Conference Committee Members for HR 3036 (0 replies, 10/10/85)

I'm back after a brief hiatus!! (0 replies, 10/09/85)

Tax relief for Churches--ARRRRGH (0 replies, 10/09/85)

Church and State: The Senate and \"Satanism\" (0 replies, 10/09/85)

S.A.T.C. (0 replies, 10/09/85)

It's not that bad, or is it? (0 replies, 10/08/85)

Tax Relief for Churches: ARRRRGHH (0 replies, 10/08/85)

British MP to Address Congress on British Withdrawal from Ireland (0 replies, 10/07/85)

Don Black's Inaccuracies on JDL reporting (0 replies, 10/07/85)

record rating and the \"Occult\" label (0 replies, 10/07/85)

Grenada :US $$$$ in election (0 replies, 10/07/85)

Soviet Conventional Offensive Ca (0 replies, 10/07/85)

"Secular Humanism" - Church vs the Law (0 replies, 10/05/85)

FU-GO WEAPONS (0 replies, 10/05/85)

The Great Peace March... (0 replies, 10/04/85)

Another one we didn't hear about. (0 replies, 10/03/85)

Oaf rambles on. (0 replies, 10/03/85)

Jewish Defense League (0 replies, 10/02/85)

Long, meaningless postings (0 replies, 10/02/85)

Chuq (0 replies, 10/01/85)

record labeling, zappa et. al (0 replies, 10/01/85)

Secular humanism banned, hate for catholics etc. (0 replies, 10/01/85)

History Lesson (0 replies, 10/01/85)

Secular humanism arg. sidetracked (0 replies, 10/01/85)

Secular humanism, really J.Falwell (0 replies, 10/01/85)

Does PEPSI discriminate (0 replies, 10/01/85)

Documenting the Murder of Jews by Nazis and their Allies (0 replies, 09/29/85)

a KGB agent at Bottom, in the Black of night, Arndt U glad? (0 replies, 09/27/85)

Guilt by association and other myths (0 replies, 09/26/85)

Relocation of Natives in US too. (0 replies, 09/26/85)

punishing lefties (0 replies, 09/25/85)

Sometimes I agree with Don Black (0 replies, 09/25/85)

Don Black sticks foot in mouth (0 replies, 09/24/85)

A suggestion for a ground rule etc. (0 replies, 09/24/85)


A suggestion for a ground rule in a (0 replies, 09/23/85)

Don Black, the Holocaust, and the Ontario legal system (0 replies, 09/20/85)

Religion in public schools (0 replies, 09/20/85)

some recent postings from site: scirtp (0 replies, 09/19/85)

Patriotism, nationalism and a sense of place (0 replies, 09/19/85)

Hawaii (0 replies, 09/19/85)

How a competatn KGB agent does his job (0 replies, 09/19/85)

The Trojan Horse of America (0 replies, 09/19/85)

Secular Humanism in Schools (0 replies, 09/19/85)

If you could save lives, would (0 replies, 09/18/85)

Asymmetry (0 replies, 09/18/85)

Contacting European Greens (0 replies, 09/18/85)

Rich Rosens recent (0 replies, 09/17/85)

When the Japanese Bombed Michigan (0 replies, 09/17/85)

Peace Group Mailing List (0 replies, 09/17/85)

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Usenet! (0 replies, 09/17/85)

How a competent KGB operative does his job (0 replies, 09/16/85)

American experience being invaded (0 replies, 09/16/85)

They Beat Dead Horses, Don't They? (0 replies, 09/13/85)

Processed World (0 replies, 09/12/85)

Gene Mutschler's information density (0 replies, 09/12/85)

Secular Devilism (0 replies, 09/11/85)

I love Don Black and Ken Withtheunpronouncablelastname (0 replies, 09/11/85)

Secular Humanism Ban (0 replies, 09/11/85)

A note about disagreement, censorship, and BLACK (0 replies, 09/10/85)

South Africa--who does business there? (0 replies, 09/10/85)

re Orphaned Response (0 replies, 09/10/85)

Dogmatism: reply to Bill Ingogly (0 replies, 09/09/85)

Blacks and Justce (0 replies, 09/07/85)

Enough !! (0 replies, 09/05/85)

The ANC and Communism (0 replies, 09/04/85)

10 (0 replies, 09/04/85)

Don Black in occupied territory (0 replies, 09/03/85)

Hand painted road sign in rural Pennsylvania (0 replies, 09/02/85)

South Africa, morality (0 replies, 09/02/85)

The South? Yuck (0 replies, 09/02/85)

Singing slogans in school (0 replies, 09/01/85)

"Secular Humanism" banned in (0 replies, 09/01/85)

Definitive expose' of Sandinista (0 replies, 09/01/85)

Columbia University and divestment (0 replies, 08/29/85)

BILL SWAN WHERE ARE YOU (0 replies, 08/29/85)

Secular Humainsm & Isaac Asimov (0 replies, 08/28/85)

Banning Secular Humanism Unconstitutional (0 replies, 08/27/85)

human rights (0 replies, 08/27/85)

Belated Good Wishes Redux (0 replies, 08/27/85)

Re "Secular Humanisim" banned (0 replies, 08/27/85)

Delaware has its good points ? Doesn't it ? (0 replies, 08/27/85)

Christian peace activists (0 replies, 08/25/85)

American Krugerands? (0 replies, 08/23/85)

South Africa--Mutschers Plan (0 replies, 08/23/85)

Bananas and Coconuts ARE staples. (0 replies, 08/23/85)

"Mr. Falwell on South Africa"-- an editorial (0 replies, 08/23/85)

Excerpts from The Continuing Crisis (0 replies, 08/22/85)

Porno solution (0 replies, 08/22/85)

Joe Bob Is Alive and Well (0 replies, 08/22/85)

Washington Personal Ads. (0 replies, 08/21/85)

Campy Parts (0 replies, 08/21/85)

Let them eat cake! (0 replies, 08/21/85)

There's a bad moon on the rise (0 replies, 08/21/85)

Info for Sweillam (0 replies, 08/21/85)

Future of southern Africa? (0 replies, 08/21/85)

Falwell's pro-South Africa media campaign (0 replies, 08/20/85)

Don Black -- the missing link ? (0 replies, 08/19/85)

Eliminating the Executive Branch (0 replies, 08/17/85)

Haven't we been here before? (0 replies, 08/16/85)

We've GOT to do somethin' for Jerks Dept. (0 replies, 08/16/85)

US gold coins (0 replies, 08/15/85)

On Creationism as science (0 replies, 08/15/85)

Don Black responds (0 replies, 08/14/85)

"Freedom" in South Africa (0 replies, 08/14/85)

Don Black is a (0 replies, 08/14/85)

Joe Bob Goes to Johannesburg (0 replies, 08/14/85)

Don Black versus the world. (0 replies, 08/13/85)

One Oaf's Opinion type 'n' now, y'all (0 replies, 08/10/85)

SDI reference (0 replies, 08/09/85)

Josef Mengele - forensic report (0 replies, 08/09/85)

America Nudging, (0 replies, 08/08/85)

Sen. Bradley urges support for his Fair Tax proposal (0 replies, 08/08/85)

words to Tom Lehrer songs (0 replies, 08/08/85)

It was Government Terrorism (0 replies, 08/08/85)

A few more quotes (0 replies, 08/07/85)

An Ad Hominem (0 replies, 08/07/85)

Reply on South Africa (0 replies, 08/07/85)

Stalin's victims (0 replies, 08/07/85)

Hiroshima, and Atomic Bombs (0 replies, 08/07/85)

Where Don Black gets his ideas (0 replies, 08/06/85)

Bombs as political weaponry (0 replies, 08/06/85)

Cross that bridge when you get to it (0 replies, 08/06/85)

Twilight Zone (0 replies, 08/06/85)

Academics for Reagan (0 replies, 08/05/85)

Let the weeds grow in our garden!! (0 replies, 08/05/85)

Newsgroup creations and deletions (0 replies, 08/05/85)

Red Dawn (0 replies, 08/03/85)

Who are you Don Black? (0 replies, 08/02/85)

Let Russia beat themselves (0 replies, 08/02/85)

Probability of nuclear war (0 replies, 08/02/85)

Free markets and monopolies: summing up (0 replies, 08/02/85)

Muhammad lived . . . (0 replies, 08/02/85)

Seat Belts & Personal Freedom (0 replies, 08/01/85)

Home Rule. (0 replies, 08/01/85)

On the boycotting of Charles Forsyth's diatribes (0 replies, 08/01/85)

Check out the August 5th issue of Fortune magazine (0 replies, 07/31/85)

I don't know what a Nazi is either (0 replies, 07/31/85)

Petty Nationalism (0 replies, 07/31/85)

Indo-Pakistani Nuclear Report on T.V. (0 replies, 07/31/85)

Pettiness (0 replies, 07/30/85)

The Turks and the Parthenon (0 replies, 07/30/85)

Seat Belt Insurance Policy (0 replies, 07/30/85)

Conservatives? (0 replies, 07/30/85)

Don Black and the Institute (0 replies, 07/29/85)

Handguns again. (0 replies, 07/29/85)

DWI Crackdowns and credit cards (0 replies, 07/27/85)

Minorities in Islamic countries (0 replies, 07/26/85)

Israeli aggression (0 replies, 07/26/85)

About Reagan's illnessSubject: Re: About Reagan's illness (0 replies, 07/26/85)

Seat Belts and Social Darwinism (0 replies, 07/26/85)

Our fearless leader cracks down on International Terrorism: :-) (0 replies, 07/25/85)

Childcare ban: more news -- a correction? (0 replies, 07/25/85)

Power and Corruption (0 replies, 07/25/85)

"The Nuclear Resister" (0 replies, 07/24/85)

Puritan Morality & Legal Drinking Age (0 replies, 07/24/85)

Nontraditional family ban in childcare: more news (0 replies, 07/24/85)

the Hero of Chappaquiddick (0 replies, 07/23/85)

NYS Insect Results (0 replies, 07/22/85)

screwball logic and the balance of trade (0 replies, 07/22/85)

megaflames: Arndt, Black, Forsythe, maybe others (0 replies, 07/20/85)

Response flambe' for guns (0 replies, 07/20/85)

God is now taking sides (0 replies, 07/19/85)

AA/Quota's, etc, (0 replies, 07/19/85)

Handguns, again. (0 replies, 07/18/85)

Racist Apologist for Muslim Attrocities (0 replies, 07/18/85)

Laws, efficiency, and morality (0 replies, 07/17/85)

Coke is the real thing, an apology (0 replies, 07/16/85)

Apology to Jeff Fields (0 replies, 07/16/85)

Lying with statistics (0 replies, 07/16/85)

Socialism and minimal law (0 replies, 07/15/85)

Libertarian public official faces recall (0 replies, 07/13/85)

Economic Effects of Discrimination (0 replies, 07/13/85)

America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel (0 replies, 07/12/85)

Going Away (0 replies, 07/11/85)

Disliking America (0 replies, 07/11/85)

AA, Doesn't It Depend On The Program? (0 replies, 07/11/85)

Unbiased News (0 replies, 07/10/85)

Reagan opinion poll (0 replies, 07/10/85)

sexism & AA (0 replies, 07/10/85)

drinking age? double standard?? (0 replies, 07/08/85)

Understanding the Indians & Soviets (0 replies, 07/08/85)

Apologies re: America-bashing (0 replies, 07/08/85)

The CONSISTENCY was MIXEN. (0 replies, 07/07/85)

"pleasant" work vs. "dangerous" work (0 replies, 07/07/85)

Gay issues and Mass. politicians (0 replies, 07/06/85)

Amoebic Theory Postponed (0 replies, 07/06/85)

New Topic -- Amoebic Theory of Nation Creation (0 replies, 07/06/85)

One idea about the terrorist problem (0 replies, 07/05/85)

Ideas on thwarting airplane terrorism (0 replies, 07/05/85)

Amal men at Atlit (0 replies, 07/05/85)

Is the threat of nuclear winter a deterrent? (0 replies, 07/04/85)

Defining Terrorism (0 replies, 07/04/85)

Hello Again, Don (0 replies, 07/03/85)

Affirmative Action: Adding Gasoline To The Fire (0 replies, 07/03/85)

New Right Money Woes (0 replies, 07/03/85)

Update on the New York State Insect (0 replies, 07/02/85)

Multiple postings/subject lines (0 replies, 07/02/85)

Marriage and Money (0 replies, 07/01/85)

Oh dear, NOT AGAIN!!! (0 replies, 07/01/85)

myopic remarks - "pressure Isra (0 replies, 06/29/85)

Terrorism and the TWA hostages. (0 replies, 06/29/85)

International law and Shiites (0 replies, 06/28/85)

America-Baiting (0 replies, 06/28/85)

State Tax Deduduction (0 replies, 06/27/85)

Promised Reply re 2nd amendment (0 replies, 06/27/85)

Michael Ellis on JJ, retractions, life, and the number 42... (0 replies, 06/27/85)

A resolution to the Hostage Crisis (0 replies, 06/27/85)

Teachers; Pay, rewards, etc. (0 replies, 06/27/85)

constitution and good old days (0 replies, 06/27/85)

myopic remarks - "pressure Israel" and Reagan-bashing (0 replies, 06/26/85)

Self-Defense & Murder (0 replies, 06/26/85)

The continuing saga of AA (0 replies, 06/26/85)

Federal Spending Inequities between states (0 replies, 06/26/85)

Please pass the conglomerate. (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Legislators Buggy Over Insect (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Tecanica: Go help their friends in Salvador too. (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Info wanted on Honduras/Peace Corps - SORRY! (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Info wanted on Honduras/Peace Corps (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Branching off from "Affirmative Action" (0 replies, 06/25/85)

Keeping government in its place (0 replies, 06/21/85)

TechNICA (0 replies, 06/21/85)

Travel to Nicaragua: the Nicaragua Network (0 replies, 06/20/85)

"Overthrow," a Yipster Times publication (0 replies, 06/20/85)

Welcome Back, Don! (0 replies, 06/20/85)

Is America standing tall today? (0 replies, 06/20/85)

TechNICA netfriends (0 replies, 06/19/85)

technica; more information (0 replies, 06/18/85)

And you thought you were safe? (0 replies, 06/18/85)

Drowning in Libertarianism --- HELP! (0 replies, 06/18/85)

STUBBLEFIELD's misrepresentation on TIA (0 replies, 06/17/85)

TIA catalogue of smears (0 replies, 06/16/85)

Komputers and the Klan (0 replies, 06/16/85)

Discrimination & Free Markets (0 replies, 06/14/85)

Libertarianism in the Real World: Private Courts (0 replies, 06/13/85)

Not a zero-sum game (0 replies, 06/13/85)

I disagree with Dave Hudson on TIA. (0 replies, 06/12/85)

Keep net.politics Tripe Out of net.women (0 replies, 06/11/85)

To Stubblefield, re coalitions and compromise (0 replies, 06/11/85)

To Stubblefield, re nukes and libertarians (0 replies, 06/10/85)

Nicaraguan postings (0 replies, 06/10/85)

assurance of product quality (0 replies, 06/10/85)

The Fire Unleashed (0 replies, 06/10/85)

Posion as cure, poison as antidote.... (0 replies, 06/09/85)

ISMs Poll (0 replies, 06/09/85)

Fear and Loathing on the Bike Path (0 replies, 06/07/85)

Helping people. obligations, etc. (0 replies, 06/07/85)

Poison as cure, poison as antidote.... (0 replies, 06/06/85)

Helklping people. obligations, etc. (0 replies, 06/06/85)

Comments on Wallace v. Jaffree (0 replies, 06/06/85)

income tax resistance victory (0 replies, 06/05/85)

G*D, g%D, G}d, 5od, etc. (0 replies, 06/05/85)

Sevener strikes again-straw man-libertarian (0 replies, 06/04/85)

Ed Hall clarifies (0 replies, 06/04/85)

the Sykora-Sevener debate... (0 replies, 06/04/85)

Blue laws protecting specific business interests (0 replies, 06/04/85)

jj on Paranoia (0 replies, 06/03/85)

Discrimination and Affirmative Acton (0 replies, 06/03/85)

Keebler on Black (0 replies, 06/01/85)

Discrimination and affirmative a (0 replies, 06/01/85)

Violation of human dignity and fair play? (0 replies, 06/01/85)

Thau on JJ (0 replies, 06/01/85)

Church/state separation and the first amendment (0 replies, 05/31/85)

Discrimination and Affirmative Action APOLOGY (0 replies, 05/30/85)

Carnes, you're too kind (0 replies, 05/30/85)

Friends, Romans, or Current Occupants (0 replies, 05/30/85)

Free at last! (0 replies, 05/29/85)

Something smells of Arndt. (0 replies, 05/28/85)

Taxation is theft (0 replies, 05/27/85)

Getting a green card (0 replies, 05/27/85)

\"By the way\", (0 replies, 05/26/85)

A PLEA FOR MY OWN SANITY ferchrissakes (0 replies, 05/26/85)

Propiganda, Sevener, Sykora, and MMT <in passing> (0 replies, 05/24/85)

Konkin (0 replies, 05/22/85)

equality (0 replies, 05/21/85)

International Security topic for discussion (0 replies, 05/21/85)

Affirmative Action Fable (0 replies, 05/20/85)

A HIDDEN HOLOCAUST (0 replies, 05/20/85)

I'd rather be in Philly (0 replies, 05/20/85)

Learning the Hard Way (0 replies, 05/19/85)

Remembering (0 replies, 05/18/85)

New Subject: Financial Inequality (0 replies, 05/18/85)

why nazis (0 replies, 05/17/85)

forgiving the Germans (0 replies, 05/16/85)

Strangling Nicaragua; (0 replies, 05/16/85)

mod.politics created (0 replies, 05/16/85)

~h (0 replies, 05/16/85)

Sanctuary update (0 replies, 05/16/85)

students care about the world. (0 replies, 05/16/85)

bananas and exploitation (0 replies, 05/16/85)

Divestiture discussion -- which newsgroup (0 replies, 05/14/85)

Thanks for info. on Jon Hus (0 replies, 05/14/85)

Strangling Nicaragua: Censorship and War (0 replies, 05/14/85)

PBS Frontline, May 7th, The Nazi death camps: another monument (0 replies, 05/14/85)

Silence on the net - The Death of "Janet" - Exile of DKMcK (0 replies, 05/13/85)

Is cbosgd!janet a strawman ? (0 replies, 05/13/85)

Strangling Nicaragua; Reply to Krell (0 replies, 05/13/85)

Revisionism and antisemitism (0 replies, 05/13/85)

familiar lines? in Mark Modig's message Reply to Michael (0 replies, 05/12/85)

nazi germany wasn`t so bad? (0 replies, 05/11/85)

PBS Frontline, May 7th, The Nazi death camps (0 replies, 05/11/85)

Familiar lines in Mr. Feingold's buffer (0 replies, 05/11/85)

Driving safety (0 replies, 05/11/85)

Silence on the net -- Reply to Carnes (0 replies, 05/11/85)

Age of Majority -- Answer for Sykora (0 replies, 05/11/85)

SSX-24 not a treaty violation (0 replies, 05/10/85)

the amazing vanishing Baba (0 replies, 05/10/85)

Bicycles, Violence and Hatred - Fred@varian's note (0 replies, 05/10/85)

Reagan's Credibility (0 replies, 05/10/85)

PBS documentary on the Holocaust (0 replies, 05/09/85)

Personal Defence (0 replies, 05/09/85)

More on fighting tickets (0 replies, 05/09/85)

netnews integrity and the amazing vanishing Baba (0 replies, 05/08/85)

Shame of the Pres (0 replies, 05/07/85)

Reagan, Nazism, etc. (0 replies, 05/07/85)

Sevener's ad-hominem tendencies (0 replies, 05/06/85)

Bitburg: What the SS are saying (0 replies, 05/06/85)

Reconcilliation: The right way (0 replies, 05/06/85)

Bitburg Finale (0 replies, 05/06/85)

Another LBJohnson (0 replies, 05/06/85)

A Fair Compromise with Timmy Sevener (0 replies, 05/05/85)

How does education help all of us? (0 replies, 05/05/85)

Pin the blame on the Germans (0 replies, 05/04/85)

On honoring the dead and forgiving (0 replies, 05/03/85)

Indiana Historical Trivia Request (0 replies, 05/03/85)

Hear, hear Richard Carnes! (0 replies, 05/02/85)

Trade Emargo Against Nicaragua (0 replies, 05/01/85)

Mr. Bizarre visits the A&P (0 replies, 05/01/85)

More on the Genocide Treaty (0 replies, 05/01/85)

Info. on Libertarians? (0 replies, 05/01/85)

Fair play for Nicaragua (0 replies, 05/01/85)

Soviet Aid to other nations: Reply to Krell, et al (0 replies, 04/30/85)

Personal Defense, civilization and some for Tom (0 replies, 04/30/85)

Mislaid Note in Reply to Baba (0 replies, 04/29/85)

Is Reagan responsible for Reagan? (0 replies, 04/29/85)

MIRVed weapons: the Failure of "Peace thru the Arms Race":reply to Milo (0 replies, 04/29/85)


Cavalier Insults -- Response to Fencsik (0 replies, 04/29/85)

London's slandering of jj (0 replies, 04/29/85)

libertarianism and defense (0 replies, 04/29/85)

Milo Medin, and MAD (0 replies, 04/29/85)

UC Protests against Apartheid (0 replies, 04/28/85)

What is the difference between... (0 replies, 04/27/85)

The American Study Tour to Israel (0 replies, 04/27/85)

response to Jeff Hull's letter (0 replies, 04/26/85)

A Question of Mentors (0 replies, 04/25/85)

Wet Tony Wuersch. (0 replies, 04/25/85)

Hear, hear, Jim Mathews! (0 replies, 04/25/85)

Heil to the Chief (0 replies, 04/24/85)

Re. \"Russia\" vs. \"Soviet Union\" (0 replies, 04/24/85)

violent motorists (0 replies, 04/24/85)

Sign Seen at Washington, DC March (0 replies, 04/24/85)

Prepubescents conquer the world (0 replies, 04/24/85)

Is A First Strike Becoming Inescapable? (0 replies, 04/23/85)

SAC bombers mobilization: Reply to Mad Bomber Milo (0 replies, 04/23/85)

Responce to Don Black (0 replies, 04/23/85)

Those naughty Leftists (0 replies, 04/22/85)

"Russia" vs. "Soviet Union" (0 replies, 04/21/85)

Bucky Fuller's books (0 replies, 04/19/85)

U.S. Intervention in Russia (0 replies, 04/19/85)

Yet more on net.politics.nukes/net.politics.arms (0 replies, 04/19/85)

Reagans Freedom Fighters--Butchers and Maimers (0 replies, 04/18/85)

use of deadly force?evil:civilizing (0 replies, 04/18/85)

Missiles in Europe (0 replies, 04/18/85)

mod.politics? (0 replies, 04/18/85)

Deaths of CBS Newsmen in Southern Lebanon - My response (0 replies, 04/17/85)

What will it take to prevent world war? (0 replies, 04/16/85)

Debate tactics, Kelly Version... (0 replies, 04/15/85)

Ultimate P.D. (0 replies, 04/15/85)

Is this for real??? (0 replies, 04/15/85)

The Press and Nicaragua (0 replies, 04/15/85)

U.S Armed Force in Russia: Reply to Fencsik (0 replies, 04/15/85)

_The Double Man_ by Hart & Cohen (0 replies, 04/15/85)

Personal Defenses - how to have gun control in a free society (0 replies, 04/14/85)

Russian civil war, continued (0 replies, 04/13/85)

Nazis, ... (0 replies, 04/11/85)

Their job is to kill people. (0 replies, 04/11/85)

Opposition and Revolution in Nicaragua (0 replies, 04/11/85)

Defending the US-a Questionaire-Perkins biases the audience (0 replies, 04/10/85)

Soviet Freeze Proposal (0 replies, 04/10/85)

The UN -- Reply to Taylor (0 replies, 04/10/85)

Bomb-throwing anarchists (0 replies, 04/09/85)

Constitutions Wanted (0 replies, 04/09/85)

killing for your ideals (0 replies, 04/09/85)

What Do We Stand For, Anyway? (0 replies, 04/08/85)

Meet the Piranha Brothers (0 replies, 04/08/85)

Who Stole My Terminal ! (0 replies, 04/08/85)

Personal Defense - book and recommendations (0 replies, 04/07/85)

I like Ronald. (0 replies, 04/07/85)

America the soft (0 replies, 04/06/85)

Sins of the Sandinistas, Harvard and Berkeley (0 replies, 04/05/85)

I can DISCUSS Nazis (0 replies, 04/05/85)

America: soft, rich, pacifist: Pacifists and rights (0 replies, 04/05/85)

Nicaraguan Opposition access to TV: Reply to Krell (0 replies, 04/04/85)

Libertarianism in the real world: The C.C.E. (0 replies, 04/04/85)

Libertarianism in the real world: Agricultural Marketing Orders (0 replies, 04/04/85)

Confiscated words (0 replies, 04/04/85)

The Genocide Treaty (0 replies, 04/03/85)

international news coverage in newspapers (0 replies, 04/02/85)

victors and victims (0 replies, 04/01/85)

White Supremacy Groups and Free Speech (0 replies, 04/01/85)

Don Black, Russel Spence, etc. (0 replies, 03/31/85)

are racists logical? (0 replies, 03/30/85)

A quote about the Welfare State (0 replies, 03/30/85)

Chapter 6: In Which Mr. Houts Addresses An Open Letter To Mr. Spence (0 replies, 03/30/85)

American-Israeli Civil Liberties Coalition (0 replies, 03/29/85)

Revolution vs. reform (0 replies, 03/29/85)

Q & A (0 replies, 03/29/85)

happy Russians (0 replies, 03/28/85)

Nazis in Canada (0 replies, 03/28/85)

How To Tell Republicans from Democrats (0 replies, 03/27/85)

Cliff on drugs/reasons (0 replies, 03/27/85)

Up against the wall! (0 replies, 03/27/85)

The UN As a World Forum (0 replies, 03/26/85)

Milo's Vision (0 replies, 03/25/85)

Namecalling and reputations (0 replies, 03/25/85)

Dershowitz, the HRBSA, and Apartheid (0 replies, 03/25/85)

Strategic Defense Initiative (0 replies, 03/25/85)

Freedom of speech in the USSR (0 replies, 03/23/85)

Real World Issues (0 replies, 03/23/85)

Absence and Return: Welcome Back! Glad You're Better... (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Reagans Freedom Fighters (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Various & Sundry: is this a joke? (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Recommendation: Book about South Africa (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Handgun sanity. (0 replies, 03/22/85)

The news media and the wars (0 replies, 03/22/85)

torture under the Shah (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Tax Cut Effects (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Foolish desire (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Carnes on Libertarians on Marx (0 replies, 03/22/85)

Unemployment -- Reply to the Reply to the Reply to Baba (0 replies, 03/21/85)

Absence and Return (0 replies, 03/21/85)

How bad was the Shah? (0 replies, 03/19/85)

Calif VFW Against US Policy in Central America, strange happenings (0 replies, 03/18/85)

strength of the Red Army (0 replies, 03/18/85)

Libertarianism in the real world: private fire protection (0 replies, 03/15/85)

When Hutton talks, you better listen! (0 replies, 03/15/85)

Where the Politics Meets the Road (0 replies, 03/15/85)

Illegal drugs are a free market (0 replies, 03/14/85)

In America, everything is. . . (0 replies, 03/14/85)

To Ken Arndt re. bilingualism (0 replies, 03/14/85)

"Chicago's fascist gun laws" (0 replies, 03/13/85)

In God We Trust? (0 replies, 03/13/85)

A brief note (0 replies, 03/13/85)

The 1865 award goes to...Hemmingway, SC. (0 replies, 03/12/85)

Dan Mc Kiernan's death (0 replies, 03/12/85)

can you say cosa nostra? (0 replies, 03/10/85)

YEA Drew Mendler!!!! (0 replies, 03/10/85)

Westmoreland vs CBS (0 replies, 03/09/85)

Guns as Protection-The subhuman suggestion again??: (0 replies, 03/09/85)

humans different than nature (0 replies, 03/09/85)

Does Socialism tend to inhibit freedom? (0 replies, 03/08/85)

European freedom (0 replies, 03/07/85)

Gun Control, Again.... (0 replies, 03/06/85)

Distortion by J. Storrs Hall (0 replies, 03/06/85)

gold (0 replies, 03/06/85)

Raygun Revolution ?? (0 replies, 03/05/85)

Licenced Drivers (0 replies, 03/05/85)

Libertarianism in the real world: consumer services (0 replies, 03/05/85)

food for thought: Markets and Socialism (0 replies, 03/04/85)

Inflation -- Back from B'ba -- to Dan'l again (0 replies, 03/04/85)

Sheep on the Subway (0 replies, 03/04/85)

Who says religion etc... obsolete subject line (0 replies, 03/03/85)

Pentagon report on nuclear winter (0 replies, 03/03/85)

Dollar value of human life (0 replies, 03/02/85)

Cobweb Models and the Farmer: Reply to McK (0 replies, 03/01/85)

Hard case #1 - What did he mean? (0 replies, 02/28/85)

A Mathematical Model for Radical Zen (0 replies, 02/28/85)

Euromissiles in Princeton, NJ (0 replies, 02/28/85)

Inflation -- Back to B'ba (0 replies, 02/28/85)

Cobweb Models and the Farmer (0 replies, 02/28/85)

To DAVE BROWN (0 replies, 02/27/85)

To Dave Rubin (0 replies, 02/27/85)

On impugning others' motives (0 replies, 02/27/85)

Peacekeepers? (0 replies, 02/27/85)

does the fda hurt more than it helps (0 replies, 02/27/85)

reply to Graham, re guns. 'n' onward. (0 replies, 02/26/85)

why glasses cost so much (0 replies, 02/26/85)

Proposed new news group: net.politics.nukes (0 replies, 02/26/85)

Inflation, Unemployment, and Other Dreams: Reply to Cliff (0 replies, 02/25/85)

Productivity of American Farming: Point for cliff (0 replies, 02/25/85)

Unemployment -- Reply to Baba (0 replies, 02/25/85)

Inflation -- Reply to Baba (0 replies, 02/25/85)

To Abeles re religion in America (0 replies, 02/24/85)

The French and DeGaulle (0 replies, 02/23/85)

To David Rubin re. serial # on guns (0 replies, 02/23/85)

Libertarianism and Indians -- Reply to Sevener (0 replies, 02/23/85)

TecNica -- People to People Aid (0 replies, 02/22/85)

Tim Maroney on Consumer Protection (0 replies, 02/22/85)

Phased Array Radar: Clarification for Switzer (0 replies, 02/22/85)

Reply to ken arndt re. Media usage (0 replies, 02/22/85)

Sigh... this is SO outrageously idiotic I can't let it pass... (0 replies, 02/22/85)

Good Housekeeping Most Admired (0 replies, 02/22/85)

"Liberal Media": Reply to Scott Plunkett (0 replies, 02/21/85)

World War III. Part <about 6 or so> Reply to Plunkett (0 replies, 02/21/85)

Libertarianism and the American Indian :Missing the Point (0 replies, 02/21/85)

International Court of Justice 19 Feb 85 (0 replies, 02/21/85)

J Giles on taxes and the proper role of gov't (0 replies, 02/21/85)

To Bob Kaplan re. purpose of media: Reply to Ken Arndt (0 replies, 02/20/85)

to Gary Benson (0 replies, 02/20/85)

Economic Issues -- Reply to Mc Kiernan (0 replies, 02/19/85)

Talking Politics (0 replies, 02/19/85)

Unilateral Moves towards arms control (0 replies, 02/19/85)

International Court of Justice (0 replies, 02/19/85)

Inflation, Unemployment, the Free Economy, and Campbell (0 replies, 02/19/85)

A position of strength (0 replies, 02/19/85)

Licensing minorities into poverty (0 replies, 02/19/85)

More communist jokes... (0 replies, 02/18/85)

Bravo Don Steiny!!!! (0 replies, 02/18/85)

the FORCE of Property: People's (0 replies, 02/18/85)

Taxation, coercion, reply back to Tim: ditto to Barry (0 replies, 02/18/85)

No effects of Overpopulation:Reply to gam (0 replies, 02/18/85)

Financing Terrorism - American Style (0 replies, 02/18/85)

equal pay for equal work (0 replies, 02/17/85)

To Bob Kaplan re. purpose of media (0 replies, 02/16/85)

To Richard A. Brower (0 replies, 02/16/85)

To Marcel Simon (0 replies, 02/16/85)

Economic Issues -- Reply to Torek (0 replies, 02/16/85)

the current flames re: AM Music Awards (0 replies, 02/16/85)

Adrienne, Please Regard (0 replies, 02/14/85)

Communist Joke (0 replies, 02/14/85)

Jobs & Technology - Reply to Baba (0 replies, 02/14/85)

Censorship by Selective Reporting (0 replies, 02/13/85)

Why taxation *is* coercive:Reply to Barry Fagin (0 replies, 02/13/85)

Free Enterprise, the Depression (0 replies, 02/13/85)

News from the Sanctuary movement (0 replies, 02/12/85)

Valentine Day -- a unique gift (0 replies, 02/12/85)

Taxation is theft? (0 replies, 02/12/85)

Re democracy etc. (0 replies, 02/11/85)

economic issues (0 replies, 02/11/85)

One good horse-laugh... (0 replies, 02/11/85)

Reds under the bed? Some readings (0 replies, 02/11/85)

Big corporations -- Reply to Mc Kiernan (0 replies, 02/11/85)

inane comments (0 replies, 02/11/85)

New guide to abortion article distribution!!! :-) (0 replies, 02/11/85)

Jobs and Technology -- Reply to Baba (0 replies, 02/10/85)

Wage Rates -- Reply #2 to Kelly (0 replies, 02/10/85)

Wage Rates -- Reply #1 to Kelly (0 replies, 02/10/85)

Big Corporations -- Reply to Sevener (0 replies, 02/10/85)

worry about ... (0 replies, 02/09/85)

freedom, democracy, etc: Your name deleted (0 replies, 02/09/85)

Sevener, Depressions, and Unions (0 replies, 02/09/85)

Sevener, Economics, and History (0 replies, 02/09/85)

Weinberger off the Wall: and HIS Boss! (0 replies, 02/08/85)

Media coverage of armed response to robbery (0 replies, 02/08/85)

Reagan's spending in perspective (0 replies, 02/07/85)

Whoa there! Don't sell Hitler short! (0 replies, 02/07/85)

results of poll of world news services (0 replies, 02/07/85)

Hostage Incidents (0 replies, 02/07/85)

Weinberger off the Wall (0 replies, 02/07/85)

Info request: Communist persecution of gays (0 replies, 02/06/85)

Eastern Bloc Pen Pals (0 replies, 02/06/85)

More abuses of government (0 replies, 02/06/85)

abortion and brain death (0 replies, 02/05/85)

What is socialism?:tiresome JoSH (0 replies, 02/05/85)

Freedom and Labor: an Example from History (0 replies, 02/04/85)

mmt slanders libertarianss (0 replies, 02/03/85)

"Affirmative Action": Things you don't want to know (0 replies, 02/03/85)

Monetary Theory -- Reply to Sevener (0 replies, 02/02/85)

Re Wage Rates -- Reply to Kelly (0 replies, 02/02/85)

Economics, Marxian and non- -- Reply to Carnes (0 replies, 02/02/85)

Morality, suicide, and flame-smothering chemicals (0 replies, 02/02/85)

Freedom, coercion, & free markets - II (0 replies, 02/01/85)

Nations with state religions: info request (0 replies, 02/01/85)

Monetary Theory, Markets, and the Real World (0 replies, 02/01/85)

Liberty and Slavery (0 replies, 02/01/85)

Reply to nrh: Private Charity St (0 replies, 02/01/85)

Emigration vs. withdrawing from a group (0 replies, 02/01/85)

PORN: What's degrading and what should be done about degradation? (0 replies, 02/01/85)

IMPROPER CONDUCT & Cuban Communism (0 replies, 01/31/85)

A note on Israel,racism, and hypocrisy (0 replies, 01/31/85)

A thought (0 replies, 01/31/85)

Maggie doesn't get a degree (0 replies, 01/31/85)

SS - Laura Creighton replies to Larry Welsch (0 replies, 01/31/85)

What is a libertarian go[u]verment? (0 replies, 01/31/85)

Election results -- minor parties (0 replies, 01/30/85)

Unions in a Free Economy? (0 replies, 01/30/85)

Beyond ... PORNOGRAPHY (0 replies, 01/30/85)

freedom and taxes: Reply to JoS (0 replies, 01/30/85)

An Apology and Note to Jeffrey Deane Myers (0 replies, 01/30/85)

Welsch's Reply to Mc Kiernan (0 replies, 01/30/85)

Racism and Eugenic Research in Sweden (0 replies, 01/30/85)

Democracy in the Workplace:Reply to cliff (0 replies, 01/29/85)

Economics, Marxian and non (0 replies, 01/29/85)

electronic mail to Daniel Kian McKiernan (0 replies, 01/28/85)

Inflation in a Free Economy? Response to cliff (0 replies, 01/28/85)

Inflation in a Free Economy?:Unions:Laurinda (0 replies, 01/28/85)

Zip Guns (0 replies, 01/28/85)

Lawyer's prowess (0 replies, 01/28/85)

SS - A reply to Laura Creighton (0 replies, 01/28/85)

A reply to Mr. Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan (0 replies, 01/27/85)

It Can't Happen Here (0 replies, 01/26/85)

Reply to Janet (0 replies, 01/26/85)

Workers' paradise vs. nonworkers' paradise (0 replies, 01/26/85)

note to Daniel Kiam Mac Kiernan (0 replies, 01/26/85)

Gun Control - and Goetz (0 replies, 01/26/85)

Reagan's redecoration (0 replies, 01/25/85)

question for Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan (0 replies, 01/25/85)

**** SUBWAY OUTFITTERS **** (0 replies, 01/25/85)

Flash news on Sanctuary! (0 replies, 01/25/85)

Who Supports Pol Pot (0 replies, 01/25/85)

A short economics lesson -- Reply to Carnes (0 replies, 01/25/85)

Inflation in Free Economy? -- Reply to Sevener (0 replies, 01/25/85)

"Mc Kiernan's" Withering Away of the State (0 replies, 01/25/85)

gun control - a sarcastic tirade (0 replies, 01/24/85)

Sanctuary, continued (0 replies, 01/24/85)

that's YOUR view Greg (0 replies, 01/24/85)

Pornography (0 replies, 01/24/85)

More Inauguration Misinformation (0 replies, 01/24/85)

A Libertarian answer to taxes: insurance! (0 replies, 01/24/85)

Transylvania-on-the-Hudson (0 replies, 01/24/85)

book (0 replies, 01/23/85)

Who pays for the inauguration? (0 replies, 01/23/85)

Mail-order Von Mieses and others (0 replies, 01/23/85)

Cipriani's Withering Away of the State -- Sevener's Latest Fallacy (0 replies, 01/23/85)

Movie IMPROPER CONDUCT & Cuban Communism (0 replies, 01/22/85)

Information Needed on Pre-WWII German Jews (0 replies, 01/22/85)

McKiernan's Withering Away of the State:Big Business = Government (0 replies, 01/22/85)

The city that works (0 replies, 01/22/85)

Some non-partisan facts about the 2nd amendment (0 replies, 01/22/85)

Libertarianism: Use and Property Rights (0 replies, 01/22/85)

Only people kill spelling errors? (0 replies, 01/21/85)

Social Contract & Libertarianism (0 replies, 01/21/85)

net.politics.theory (0 replies, 01/21/85)

Nancy Reagan:answer (0 replies, 01/21/85)

NRA (0 replies, 01/21/85)

People who gouge others for profits (0 replies, 01/21/85)

The arms race -- and Finlandization (0 replies, 01/21/85)

From Handgun control to Showy Inaugurations: An Informal Net Survey (0 replies, 01/20/85)

Handguns & IRA Terrorists: Some Data (0 replies, 01/20/85)

Bavaria and the Nazis (0 replies, 01/18/85)

WE'RE #1! WE'RE.... #2? (0 replies, 01/18/85)

Arms Race Reference (0 replies, 01/17/85)

British Coal Miners Strike: An Historical Perspective (0 replies, 01/17/85)

handgun control and causes of violence (0 replies, 01/16/85)

More from J. Storrs Hall (0 replies, 01/16/85)

Reagan and our Defense - Is This Any Way To Run A Railroad? (0 replies, 01/16/85)

Accuracy in discussion: handguns versus knives; damage potential (0 replies, 01/16/85)

The Supreme Court vs. citizens (0 replies, 01/16/85)

Addresses for info on the NRA (0 replies, 01/16/85)

The NRA as a sporting organization (0 replies, 01/16/85)

How to defend yourself in your home (0 replies, 01/16/85)

"secular humanism" courses banned (0 replies, 01/15/85)

Fascism Again (0 replies, 01/15/85)

The 2nd Amendment, a reply to Jeff (0 replies, 01/15/85)

Subway attackers criminal records (0 replies, 01/13/85)

Israel/South Africa (0 replies, 01/11/85)

How not to win an argument (0 replies, 01/11/85)

Has handgun control ever worked? (0 replies, 01/10/85)

Handgun Ban Supporter (0 replies, 01/10/85)

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Islamic Brutality (0 replies, 01/10/85)

Harold Brown and the arms race: "Unacceptable Casualties" (0 replies, 01/10/85)

Cipriani's Withering Away of the State..... (0 replies, 01/10/85)

Robert Welch r.i.p. (0 replies, 01/09/85)

Low Income (0 replies, 01/09/85)

Founder of John Birch Society, Robert Welch, dies at 85. (0 replies, 01/09/85)

Milo's Mis-aligned Logic, Nicaragua (0 replies, 01/09/85)

schools, education, ... (0 replies, 01/09/85)

Definition of anti-Semitism; Tutu alledgedly anti-Semitic (0 replies, 01/09/85)

NYC hero - took all the fun out (0 replies, 01/09/85)

Merry Christmas from the NRA - moved to net.politics. (0 replies, 01/08/85)

Freedom to vs Freedom From in Libertarianism (0 replies, 01/08/85)

The NRA and HCI: membership numbers (0 replies, 01/06/85)

the NRA and the Moynihan-Biaggi bill (0 replies, 01/06/85)

The NRA and the cop killer bullet (0 replies, 01/06/85)

The US Supreme Court and the Morton Grove handgun ban (0 replies, 01/06/85)

Happy New Year from your local socialist government (0 replies, 01/04/85)

Supreme Court decisions about gun control (0 replies, 01/03/85)

More anti-gun control propaganda from Scott Renner (0 replies, 01/03/85)

Kolodney's non-sequitur (0 replies, 01/03/85)

Waiting for consistency (0 replies, 01/03/85)

NYC subway hero - slightly tainted (0 replies, 01/02/85)

Go ahead... Make my day! (0 replies, 01/02/85)

Graffito for the day (0 replies, 01/01/85)

Libertarianism, Anarchism and Ursula Le Guin. (0 replies, 12/31/84)

Homicide/Suicide rates: lots of numbers (0 replies, 12/31/84)

Article in Foreign Affairs (0 replies, 12/31/84)

THE WHITE HOUSE, INC. (0 replies, 12/28/84)

Libertarianism vs. Anarchism (0 replies, 12/28/84)

Red Dawn Claim (0 replies, 12/27/84)

the Socialist -------Capitalist (0 replies, 12/26/84)

Nuclear Winter and the First World War (0 replies, 12/25/84)

Reply to Kolodney (0 replies, 12/24/84)

Corrections to Corrections to Corrections (0 replies, 12/24/84)

Big Brother - why we're safe (0 replies, 12/22/84)

A statistic on poverty 1 (0 replies, 12/22/84)

Last Chance (0 replies, 12/22/84)

Illiterates (0 replies, 12/22/84)

A fooled fuzzy-head (0 replies, 12/21/84)

15% poor (0 replies, 12/21/84)

Corrections to Corrections (0 replies, 12/21/84)

post-election bumper sticker (0 replies, 12/21/84)

the Socialist -------Capitalist spectrum (0 replies, 12/21/84)

RACISM and SEXISM and POVERTY (0 replies, 12/21/84)

victimless crime laws + weird connection = handgun deaths (0 replies, 12/21/84)

Big Brother - not to worry (0 replies, 12/21/84)

Private police forces; response to Hull (0 replies, 12/19/84)

A statistic on poverty:Helping the Poor move up (0 replies, 12/18/84)

Everything you wanted to know about the "kremvax affair." (0 replies, 12/17/84)

Net Libertarianism (0 replies, 12/17/84)

when does life begin (0 replies, 12/16/84)

Mk Nuke War Obsolete for 0 (0 replies, 12/16/84)

Charges against murderous police (0 replies, 12/15/84)

Kuwaiti Jet Hijacking (0 replies, 12/14/84)

School taxes -- Compulsory education and illiteracy (0 replies, 12/14/84)

libertarianism fundamentals; ... and (0 replies, 12/14/84)

Charges against murderous policemen (0 replies, 12/14/84)

Itch No Myth (0 replies, 12/12/84)

libertarianism fundamentals; ... and may the best idea win! (0 replies, 12/12/84)

Soviets breaking treaty bounds (0 replies, 12/12/84)

yet another yet another bumper sticker (0 replies, 12/11/84)

New York Times Flames Thatcher on Northern Ireland: Part II (0 replies, 12/11/84)

New York Times Flames Thatcher on Northern Ireland: Part I (0 replies, 12/11/84)

An American invented the phone .... oh? (0 replies, 12/11/84)

teaching evolution (0 replies, 12/11/84)

LP platform - second half (0 replies, 12/10/84)

LP platform - first half (0 replies, 12/10/84)

"Free" education - comment to Laura Creighton (0 replies, 12/10/84)

more on the distribution of wealth in US (0 replies, 12/10/84)

Forty-three years ago. (0 replies, 12/08/84)

Reagan's Defense Spending/Getting le (0 replies, 12/08/84)

Reagan and the Euromissiles. (0 replies, 12/08/84)

The WSJ on Reaganomics:manipulating demand (0 replies, 12/08/84)

Those crates,RE:What is a Nicaragua? (0 replies, 12/08/84)

the economics of oligopolies - response to Tim Sevener (0 replies, 12/08/84)

New book out (0 replies, 12/07/84)

Prostitution in Amsterdam (0 replies, 12/07/84)

A fresh new supply of organs (0 replies, 12/07/84)

Free ed, an answer to Bob (0 replies, 12/07/84)

Big Brother is knocking (0 replies, 12/07/84)

Huns and Vandals (0 replies, 12/06/84)

Legality of Prostitution (0 replies, 12/06/84)

Franchise (0 replies, 12/06/84)

"Free" education - [reply to] comment to Bob Stewart (0 replies, 12/06/84)

Free education (0 replies, 12/05/84)

Treaties and the President (0 replies, 12/05/84)

Income taxes,labor costs, and the Economy (0 replies, 12/05/84)

Disasters in India (0 replies, 12/04/84)

Re*: Education of creationists' children (0 replies, 12/04/84)

Tennessee Master Plan (0 replies, 12/04/84)

hated cults (0 replies, 12/04/84)

What is society (0 replies, 12/03/84)

American press and American foreign policy (0 replies, 12/03/84)

Prositution in Amsterdam (0 replies, 12/03/84)

Libertarians, enjoy!! (0 replies, 12/03/84)

Poor are owed the National Debt??? (0 replies, 12/03/84)

More on the 'benefits' of imperialism (0 replies, 12/03/84)

the futility of measuring utility (0 replies, 12/03/84)

Conservative Media (0 replies, 12/02/84)

Wisdom of European Heads of Stat (0 replies, 12/01/84)

Voter Turnout in Botswana (0 replies, 12/01/84)

want government? (0 replies, 12/01/84)

Libertarians on the ballot (0 replies, 11/30/84)

SURVEY SURVEY SURVEY (0 replies, 11/30/84)

Abortion, Murder, Gullibility (0 replies, 11/30/84)

Obituary - Nazi's (0 replies, 11/30/84)

Your tax dollars at work in Nicaragua (0 replies, 11/30/84)

Negative Income Tax! (0 replies, 11/29/84)

poor starving people (0 replies, 11/29/84)

Oh, Bliss! (0 replies, 11/28/84)

not.moral (0 replies, 11/28/84)

A combo YABS (0 replies, 11/27/84)

I have returned (0 replies, 11/27/84)

KSG Institute of Politics Forum: Nov. 28, Wed. (0 replies, 11/26/84)

measuring VS? comparing freedom (0 replies, 11/25/84)

Pareto efficiency -- comments (0 replies, 11/25/84)

New Trend in Warfare :-) (0 replies, 11/23/84)

Get the abortion articles out of this newsgroup, DAMMIT!!! (0 replies, 11/23/84)

A non-hostile question for Libertarians -- for once (0 replies, 11/22/84)

Want to escape Reagan? Try Canada (0 replies, 11/22/84)

HALT THE SPREAD OF: Re: Abortion and Capital Punishment (0 replies, 11/21/84)

Reagan's Defense Spending/Getting left out (0 replies, 11/21/84)

Resistance Network (0 replies, 11/21/84)

Criticizing the Dutch Government (0 replies, 11/21/84)

It's not my problem (0 replies, 11/21/84)

Third party election results (0 replies, 11/21/84)

D. Brinkley, tax talk, and the WSJ (0 replies, 11/21/84)

miscellaneous (0 replies, 11/20/84)

Ronald Reagan's homophobic career: addition (0 replies, 11/20/84)

1st in _First World_ == first in savagery? (0 replies, 11/20/84)

New Rightist Reaganite trounced (0 replies, 11/20/84)

Welcome to the 60's (0 replies, 11/18/84)

Private Security Firms and the Law (0 replies, 11/18/84)

Billing polluters: Acid Rain (0 replies, 11/18/84)

markets too big for freedom? (0 replies, 11/16/84)

Propriety. (0 replies, 11/16/84)

Oregon Write-ins (0 replies, 11/14/84)

Reposting of: Reagan ties to LaRouche (0 replies, 11/14/84)

ludicrous economics (0 replies, 11/14/84)

Waste and Taxes (0 replies, 11/13/84)

How did the others do? (0 replies, 11/12/84)

LP platform - part nine (0 replies, 11/10/84)

LP platform - part eight (0 replies, 11/10/84)

LP platform - part seven (0 replies, 11/10/84)

Mr. Rizzo on the election (0 replies, 11/09/84)

Congrats to the winning candidate's (0 replies, 11/09/84)

The Party's over... (0 replies, 11/09/84)

Was Walter Wrong? (0 replies, 11/09/84)

Private Security Firms and the L (0 replies, 11/09/84)

RReaganites Circumvent Campaign Spen (0 replies, 11/09/84)

democratic elections El Salvador vs. Nicaragua (0 replies, 11/08/84)

US NEWS on Woman Leaders (0 replies, 11/08/84)

Exit polling (0 replies, 11/08/84)

NOT unanimous (0 replies, 11/08/84)

Americans=finest people: Mondale (0 replies, 11/07/84)

chronic war preparers, a correction (0 replies, 11/07/84)

The *Official* Response to the Election.... (0 replies, 11/07/84)

A Mandate? (0 replies, 11/07/84)

election night (0 replies, 11/07/84)

abortion for poor women (0 replies, 11/07/84)

grenada and the chronic war preparers (0 replies, 11/06/84)

Crowd-getters in the Final Days: Mas (0 replies, 11/06/84)

Public Goods--econ lesson for renner (0 replies, 11/06/84)

It seems James Joyce was a libertarian too... (0 replies, 11/06/84)

Comments on the Libertarian Platform, part 2 (0 replies, 11/06/84)

people -- not so bad after all (0 replies, 11/06/84)

Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: VII (0 replies, 11/06/84)

Why would I vote for W.M. etal (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Exercise (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Rabid!jj on the current presidential race (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Nuclear War Casualitties (0 replies, 11/05/84)

More on Ray "the Sham of it all" Shamie (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Did America "Unilaterally Disarm" in the 70's (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Appointment of Supreme Court Judges (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Some replies to Mike Kelly (0 replies, 11/05/84)

Dartmouth Review - Followup (0 replies, 11/04/84)

let tired lies lie (0 replies, 11/04/84)

B. H. Liddell Hart on unconditional surrender (0 replies, 11/03/84)

Ray "the Sham" Shamie: IIIrd & final part (0 replies, 11/03/84)

MARVed Missiles (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Ray "the Sham" Shamie (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Mondale on Technology (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Sihhs and Hindus (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Ray "the Sham" Shamie, Bay State loonie (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Private Security Firms and the Labor Movement (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Fuzzy headed liberals/Taxation, Deficits (0 replies, 11/02/84)

What Your Defense Dollar Buys You (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Presidential Poll Results (0 replies, 11/02/84)

A Few Short Words for Election Day (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Women Heads of State- picky (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Electing A President and American Politics in general (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Lessons from history (0 replies, 11/02/84)

*THIS* is a choice??? (0 replies, 11/02/84)

Effewct of Ferraro'ds womanhood on financial hassles (0 replies, 11/02/84)

negative.rights (0 replies, 11/02/84)

LP platform - part four (0 replies, 11/02/84)

LP platform - part three (0 replies, 11/02/84)

LP platform - part two (0 replies, 11/02/84)

LP platform - part one (0 replies, 11/02/84)

LP platform - announcement (0 replies, 11/02/84)

history (0 replies, 11/01/84)

Protected Class Stuff (0 replies, 11/01/84)

Answers to ??? on Libertarianism (0 replies, 11/01/84)

Private Fire Departments (0 replies, 11/01/84)

More reasons to vote for Mondale (0 replies, 11/01/84)

Steve Keefe and Republicans (0 replies, 11/01/84)

women leaders (0 replies, 11/01/84)

A Reminder (0 replies, 10/31/84)

Don't Blame Me, I'm voting for Mondale! (0 replies, 10/31/84)

Bush--Ferraro Debate (0 replies, 10/31/84)

Reducing the deficit by budget cuts (0 replies, 10/31/84)

Who libertarians should not vote for (0 replies, 10/31/84)

LaRouche campaign financing fraud (0 replies, 10/31/84)

Taxes and the Deficit- Apologies to George Lake (0 replies, 10/31/84)

AN EXERCISE IN DEMOCRACY (0 replies, 10/31/84)

So willing to die (0 replies, 10/30/84)

Their contagion, our prosperity (0 replies, 10/30/84)

Offensive to Democrats :-) (0 replies, 10/30/84)

a.flame (0 replies, 10/30/84)

When in doubt, say something stupid (0 replies, 10/30/84)

Misreporting news (0 replies, 10/30/84)

U.S.Constitution on USENET (0 replies, 10/30/84)

Pastoral Letter from the Episcopal House of Bishops (0 replies, 10/30/84)

NJ Jobs, Science & Technology Bond Issue (0 replies, 10/30/84)

A third Reagan/Mondale Debate (0 replies, 10/29/84)

News bias (0 replies, 10/29/84)

Dartmouth and National Reviews (0 replies, 10/29/84)

Lost Countries (0 replies, 10/29/84)

Election Decisions (0 replies, 10/28/84)

Quote for the day (0 replies, 10/27/84)

Reagan's economics is hurting me (0 replies, 10/27/84)

A Different Feminist Viewpoint re: Abortion (0 replies, 10/26/84)

Libertarian Party platform - anyone interested ? (0 replies, 10/26/84)

Wanted: Merit Pay feedback (0 replies, 10/25/84)

Sorry about last article. Meant to hit 'r', not 'f'. (0 replies, 10/25/84)

Philippines,Economics and Bob (0 replies, 10/25/84)

Libertarian vs. libertarian (0 replies, 10/25/84)

Vietnam II (0 replies, 10/24/84)

In re "In re" (0 replies, 10/24/84)

The Beef on Lyndon LaRouche (0 replies, 10/23/84)

President's joke (0 replies, 10/23/84)

Mark Modig on Why We Dropped the Bomb? (0 replies, 10/23/84)

Foreign policy presidential debate (0 replies, 10/22/84)

Reply to Mike Ward (0 replies, 10/20/84)

Economics, Philippines and Bob (0 replies, 10/19/84)

Abortion doesn't belong on net.politics (0 replies, 10/19/84)

Soviet Union invading Europe & neigbours (0 replies, 10/19/84)

Libertarian Party addresses and information (0 replies, 10/19/84)

Reply to rabbit!ark (0 replies, 10/19/84)

What is fair? (0 replies, 10/17/84)

Soviet Strategies (0 replies, 10/17/84)

Soviet Strategy (0 replies, 10/17/84)

Scott Renner's reply to the Birth Control via Abortion discussion (0 replies, 10/16/84)

Gerry's House seat (0 replies, 10/16/84)

Kamikaze and Japan/WWII (0 replies, 10/16/84)

Hiroshima more than enough (0 replies, 10/15/84)

Debate suggestions (0 replies, 10/15/84)

replies to trc, stuart, danw, and rsl (0 replies, 10/14/84)

moRe: Politics, morals, & nukes (0 replies, 10/14/84)

Essay: net.politcs.tennis (0 replies, 10/14/84)

Essay: net.politics.tennis (0 replies, 10/13/84)

Was WWII Japan close to developing la bomba? (0 replies, 10/13/84)

Reply to Kin Wong (0 replies, 10/13/84)

Documentary Evidence of Another Child-killing by the British Army (0 replies, 10/13/84)

J. Myers on Japan/WWII (0 replies, 10/12/84)

Reply to mokhtar: Why 2nd bomb so soon? (0 replies, 10/12/84)

Amir's reply to Tom Hill (0 replies, 10/12/84)

New documentary coming (0 replies, 10/12/84)

Death of a Terrorist? Reply to Dave Peak: Part 3 (0 replies, 10/12/84)

About the phillipines (0 replies, 10/11/84)

The IRA Apologist Yelps Again. (0 replies, 10/11/84)

What sane people would not want to do (0 replies, 10/11/84)

Coercion, tact, and government (0 replies, 10/11/84)

Scientists study Flaming (0 replies, 10/11/84)

Death of a Terrorist? Part 1: Back to you Dave! (0 replies, 10/11/84)

Why the second bomb? (0 replies, 10/10/84)

The Great Debates (0 replies, 10/10/84)

Death of a Terrorist? Reply to Dave Peak: Part 2 (0 replies, 10/10/84)

Why I'm voting for Mondale, Part I: The Economy (0 replies, 10/10/84)

Reconsiderations on Hiroshima... (0 replies, 10/09/84)

general rights (0 replies, 10/09/84)

Death of a Terrorist? Reply to Dave Peak: Part 1 (0 replies, 10/09/84)

lay m' off (0 replies, 10/09/84)

This is a Test. No Message Within. Hit "n" key. (0 replies, 10/08/84)

Reply to T.C. Wheeler on Political Asylum for Ann Devaney (0 replies, 10/08/84)

?Facts? This is an election year. (0 replies, 10/08/84)

Interesting article on the theory of voting in American Scientist (0 replies, 10/08/84)

:Re (0 replies, 10/05/84)

Limited Congressional Terms (0 replies, 10/05/84)

on the US REFUSING world domination (0 replies, 10/05/84)

Homework/Piecework/Telecommuting (0 replies, 10/05/84)

Backlash? (0 replies, 10/05/84)

A Correction to Corrected History (0 replies, 10/05/84)

Strategic Reserve Force Proposed by Air Force (0 replies, 10/05/84)

History Corrected (0 replies, 10/04/84)

Union Contributions to Art. (0 replies, 10/04/84)

press coverage in Grenada -- A new TV documentary (0 replies, 10/04/84)

Rights under the ERA (0 replies, 10/04/84)

HOW ABOUT (0 replies, 10/04/84)

Re libertarianism and force (0 replies, 10/03/84)

Some Joke (0 replies, 10/03/84)

Trees and List of Reagan's mistakes (0 replies, 10/03/84)

Was the US plot against Chile a Leftist fabrication? (0 replies, 10/03/84)

the proposed equal-rights amendment (0 replies, 10/03/84)

Nutrition in China vs Nutrition in the US (0 replies, 10/03/84)

Films About Nicaragua (0 replies, 10/02/84)

The Culture of Technology (0 replies, 10/02/84)

Arms Race Map (0 replies, 10/02/84)

News sources (0 replies, 10/02/84)

Not about: Reagan's joke (0 replies, 10/01/84)

libertarians and PHYSICAL FORCE (0 replies, 10/01/84)

...Can this be moved to net.politics (0 replies, 10/01/84)

Gag me with the Natl Rev. (0 replies, 09/30/84)

Complete text of ERA (0 replies, 09/29/84)

Debating Tactics (0 replies, 09/28/84)

And God Spake unto Ronald (0 replies, 09/28/84)

Granada (0 replies, 09/28/84)

Grenadan support invasion (0 replies, 09/28/84)

The culture of Technology - A marvellous book. (0 replies, 09/27/84)

Whoa (0 replies, 09/26/84)

That is how IT happened! (0 replies, 09/25/84)

Grenada as British Property (0 replies, 09/25/84)

Nica accepts Contadora treaty... US doesn't... (0 replies, 09/25/84)

Ketchup for Lunch (0 replies, 09/21/84)

Peacekeeper and a "first strike" (0 replies, 09/21/84)

thanks for the help.... (0 replies, 09/21/84)

Soviet/Swedish affairs. (0 replies, 09/21/84)

How did it get this far? (0 replies, 09/20/84)

the wonderful German language (0 replies, 09/20/84)

For women's equal rights, but not ERA (0 replies, 09/20/84)

DAY OF THE COBRA - New book about KAL Flight 007 Shootdown (0 replies, 09/19/84)

People under Communist rule (0 replies, 09/19/84)

And now for the good news.... (0 replies, 09/19/84)

School Prayer Amendment - postsc (0 replies, 09/19/84)

Liberty and Isolation are not th (0 replies, 09/19/84)

need help with West German political parties (0 replies, 09/18/84)

More on KAL Flight 007: Clarification & Bibliography (0 replies, 09/17/84)

Dear Piet, Re Re Reagan's joke (0 replies, 09/17/84)

more on psychotic libertarians and a (0 replies, 09/17/84)

More on BMD (0 replies, 09/17/84)

more on psychotic libertarians and anarchism (0 replies, 09/14/84)

English Union calls for Withdrawal from Northern Ireland (0 replies, 09/13/84)

Ideological exclusion and immigration (0 replies, 09/13/84)

Witches and Satan (0 replies, 09/12/84)

STARWARS...SOME QUESTIONS (0 replies, 09/12/84)

Reagan Juggled, Juggled (0 replies, 09/12/84)

Challenge to Peter Rowley (0 replies, 09/10/84)

Micros in Nicaragua info (0 replies, 09/08/84)

WWIII has occurred; news at 11 (0 replies, 09/07/84)

Supreme Court Justices--Simard Speaks! (0 replies, 09/07/84)

Afghanistan a soviet satellite before 1979 ????????????? (0 replies, 09/07/84)

The *real* purpose of school prayer? (0 replies, 09/07/84)

Are Stealth Bombers "Really" Invisible to Radar? (0 replies, 09/07/84)

Aquino Inquests: Where do we go from here? (0 replies, 09/06/84)

What is the libertarian position on...? (0 replies, 09/05/84)

Supreme Court Justices -- Well, who ya gonna call!!! (0 replies, 09/05/84)

The last page of Animal Farm again (0 replies, 09/05/84)

Phil Lavette's STAR WARS BASICS (0 replies, 09/05/84)

one world vs. nationalism (0 replies, 09/04/84)

two bullies (0 replies, 09/03/84)

Phil Lavette's STAR WARS BASICS and the them-vs-us mentality (0 replies, 09/02/84)

Look for social solutions to Star Wars (0 replies, 09/02/84)

'None of the above' (0 replies, 09/02/84)

Reagan, Liars, War, Politics, Logic (0 replies, 09/01/84)

I think I'll vote for Mondale... (0 replies, 08/31/84)

Reagan Joke, Star Wars Defense... (0 replies, 08/31/84)

A Recent Social Survey of Britain (0 replies, 08/31/84)

"Star Wars" PLUS arms reductions (0 replies, 08/31/84)

my TIRADE on Soviet Uncivilization (0 replies, 08/30/84)

Ron at 37 (0 replies, 08/30/84)

Beam Weapons: WHat if we don't get them first? (0 replies, 08/30/84)

Is Star Wars vulnerable? (0 replies, 08/29/84)

Libertarian proposal: Avoiding wealth concentration. (0 replies, 08/29/84)

New British Peace Initiatives in Northern Ireland (0 replies, 08/28/84)

A Reply to Sevener is in Flames (0 replies, 08/28/84)

Libertarians and the Third World (0 replies, 08/27/84)

Star Wars Defense and 'Tone of Voice' (0 replies, 08/26/84)

unilateral disarmament, problems of (0 replies, 08/26/84)

Ain't it the truth (0 replies, 08/25/84)

Can't You Take a Joke? (0 replies, 08/25/84)

Reagan [bomb the Russians] joke (0 replies, 08/24/84)

Nuclear Nonsense (0 replies, 08/24/84)

High-Tech Energy (0 replies, 08/24/84)

Reagan Freudian Slip (0 replies, 08/24/84)

Character attacks on Ronald Reagan (0 replies, 08/23/84)

Who is the libertarian cantidate? (0 replies, 08/23/84)

Ethnic insult (0 replies, 08/23/84)

Defense cuts RSVP - clarified re-posting (0 replies, 08/23/84)

More on Libertarianism, and a questi (0 replies, 08/23/84)

Trishas Immigration Problem (0 replies, 08/22/84)

Who's In Charge Here? (0 replies, 08/21/84)

Whos_In_Charge_Here? (0 replies, 08/21/84)

DNC Financial Problems (0 replies, 08/21/84)

Mondale Who? and BUSH! (0 replies, 08/21/84)

Sam Donaldson Gets His (0 replies, 08/20/84)

how to eliminate the federal deficit :-) (0 replies, 08/19/84)

Dave London Violates The Special Powers Act! (0 replies, 08/17/84)

Trishas Religious Problem: reposted for clarity (0 replies, 08/17/84)

Alternative, hopefully safe energy sources (0 replies, 08/16/84)

{Re: Americans: Response to Dave London} -> bonnie!jmm (0 replies, 08/15/84)

"Financial Disclosure Hassles" (0 replies, 08/15/84)

Defense cut RSVP (0 replies, 08/14/84)

The Deficit and the House and The Pr (0 replies, 08/14/84)

Comments on a Carl Rowan column (0 replies, 08/12/84)

Transportation ... (0 replies, 08/11/84)

Presidential Vote Results, part 2 (0 replies, 08/10/84)

Trade, Moralism, Convenience (0 replies, 08/09/84)

Libertarian position on medical regulation (0 replies, 08/09/84)

Sierra Club National News Report (0 replies, 08/09/84)

Transportation and competition (0 replies, 08/09/84)

minimum wage (0 replies, 08/08/84)

Khmer Rouge and Vietnam -- what now? (0 replies, 08/07/84)

Religion in School (0 replies, 08/07/84)

Appropriate driving accident statistics (0 replies, 08/04/84)

The Deficit and the House and The President and ... (0 replies, 08/04/84)

Cuomo's Speech (0 replies, 08/04/84)

more on nuclear power (0 replies, 08/03/84)

House/President's Phone Numbers (0 replies, 08/02/84)

Mondale, Ferraro Hit the Campaign Trail (0 replies, 08/01/84)

Ethics and the roads (0 replies, 08/01/84)

Libertarianism and driving in Germany (0 replies, 07/31/84)

Graffiti (0 replies, 07/29/84)

people organizing to pursue their be (0 replies, 07/29/84)

Incumbents who were booted out (0 replies, 07/29/84)

Reply to J. Winslow (0 replies, 07/28/84)

Reagan says Nicaraguan election a sh (0 replies, 07/27/84)

Women in politics (0 replies, 07/27/84)

Gun control overkill (0 replies, 07/27/84)

re : interest rates (0 replies, 07/27/84)

where to find minor party vote count (0 replies, 07/26/84)

Interest rates (0 replies, 07/26/84)

Peace Letters again (0 replies, 07/26/84)

Political Conventions (0 replies, 07/25/84)

Presidential News Conferences (0 replies, 07/25/84)

Interest Rates. Part 1 (0 replies, 07/24/84)

Why does Ms. Ferraro wear sleeveless dresses? (0 replies, 07/22/84)

Gay teachers (0 replies, 07/20/84)

Convention Sponsors (0 replies, 07/20/84)

Mario was magnificent (0 replies, 07/18/84)

i (0 replies, 07/17/84)

Blaming Israel (0 replies, 07/15/84)

The La Rouche Gambit (0 replies, 07/13/84)

Is there a revolution in the works in the US? (0 replies, 07/13/84)

More about the Moonies (0 replies, 07/13/84)

Eisenhower!!! (0 replies, 07/13/84)

the NPR cross-section on the VEEPism of Ms. F. (0 replies, 07/13/84)

a radical document (0 replies, 07/12/84)

re - CARP (0 replies, 07/12/84)

1986 SUPREME COURT RULING--business vs gov't (0 replies, 07/11/84)

Possible ATT Advertisement (0 replies, 07/09/84)

Dyson's New Book WEAPONS AND HOPE (0 replies, 07/05/84)

Reagan and Castro Related (0 replies, 07/04/84)

G. Washington and Son Remember the Struggle for Freedom (0 replies, 07/04/84)

Irish Soldiers in the American Revolution (0 replies, 07/04/84)

Burford rides again (0 replies, 07/03/84)

Looking for GM & Mass Transit article (0 replies, 07/02/84)

f (0 replies, 07/02/84)

Indiana Style (0 replies, 07/02/84)

Legislating morality (0 replies, 06/27/84)

Economics and US Foreign Policy (0 replies, 06/26/84)

Satellites vs spy planes (0 replies, 06/26/84)

1986, 1996, 2006 Supreme Court (0 replies, 06/25/84)

Social-Lib (0 replies, 06/23/84)

Dominioes (0 replies, 06/21/84)

domino theories (0 replies, 06/20/84)

Dominoes (0 replies, 06/19/84)

Ken Perlow reply (0 replies, 06/19/84)

HF and build-down (0 replies, 06/17/84)

Question: Where does U.S. aid go? (0 replies, 06/15/84)

"The Threat" and Missile Reliability (0 replies, 06/15/84)

U. S. aid to other countries (0 replies, 06/15/84)

interesting quote (0 replies, 06/15/84)

religious wars, communist atrocities (0 replies, 06/15/84)

The Beef on Nicaragua from an ex-cia-agent (0 replies, 06/14/84)

Surviving Nuclear War (0 replies, 06/13/84)

Response to Alex Pour. on the High F (0 replies, 06/13/84)

D-Day: part 3 (0 replies, 06/12/84)

D-Day: What the Soviets teach their citizens (0 replies, 06/12/84)

D-Day: the Soviet point of view (0 replies, 06/12/84)

Reagan's Star Wars plan (0 replies, 06/09/84)

Communist Attrocities [sic] in Vietnam (0 replies, 06/09/84)

Correction to typo in AP response (0 replies, 06/08/84)

Have you seen the Flat-Tax form prop (0 replies, 06/08/84)

Books on Armaments (0 replies, 06/07/84)

Idle speculation about the election (0 replies, 06/07/84)

Response to Alex Pour. on the High Frontier (0 replies, 06/06/84)

Short correction to previous posting on nuking (0 replies, 06/06/84)

High Frontier (0 replies, 06/06/84)

Hypocracy (0 replies, 06/06/84)

Myth of Palestinian Arab claims to Israel debunked (0 replies, 06/04/84)

world.politics (0 replies, 06/03/84)

An International subject (0 replies, 05/31/84)

Net.politics to Europe, Lets start world.politics (0 replies, 05/30/84)

Where're the Democrats? (0 replies, 05/29/84)

Yosi's Creation (0 replies, 05/29/84)

Graffitto (0 replies, 05/22/84)

Condon on political repressiveness (0 replies, 05/21/84)

Nuclear Wastes and Solar Energy (0 replies, 05/21/84)

SIMPLE TAX: Article Exce (0 replies, 05/20/84)

Disrespected laws (0 replies, 05/19/84)

A Criterion for Repeal (0 replies, 05/16/84)

A White House Aptitude Test (0 replies, 05/14/84)

Olympics & the USSR (0 replies, 05/14/84)

Olympic boycott - Soviet viewpoint (0 replies, 05/13/84)

The Muslim Slaughter of Armenians (0 replies, 05/13/84)

LA Olympics (0 replies, 05/13/84)

Muslim States, Hitlerism, etc. (0 replies, 05/13/84)

Amateur Olympics? (0 replies, 05/13/84)

Canadian Women's Mailing List and WEB (0 replies, 05/12/84)

Emma Lazarus (0 replies, 05/11/84)

participative democracy and all that (0 replies, 05/11/84)

U.S. allies in U.N. (0 replies, 05/11/84)

re; the holocaust (0 replies, 05/11/84)

resistance to the Holocaust (0 replies, 05/10/84)

Inscription on the Statue of Liberty, (0 replies, 05/10/84)

Clarifications on Resistance to the Nazis (0 replies, 05/10/84)

All toadies, about-face!! (0 replies, 05/10/84)

Agent Orange Sellout (0 replies, 05/09/84)

Educated to be a slave? (0 replies, 05/08/84)

the net as a participative democracy (0 replies, 05/08/84)

Jesse Jackson's candidacy - Cost Efficient (0 replies, 05/07/84)

Jesse Jackson's candidacy - impact on voter registration (0 replies, 05/07/84)

Interventions - A Chronicle (0 replies, 05/05/84)

More on Jewish Holocaust Resistance (0 replies, 05/04/84)

Israel Questionaire (0 replies, 05/04/84)

SDS on Participatory Democracy (0 replies, 05/03/84)

more on nukes (0 replies, 05/03/84)

Exploding Nuclear Power Plants (0 replies, 05/02/84)

spelling correction (0 replies, 05/02/84)

know nukes (0 replies, 05/02/84)

The Constitution in Electronic form (0 replies, 05/01/84)

Creationism law in Louisiana (0 replies, 04/30/84)

safe nuclear plants : venal contractors (0 replies, 04/27/84)

the death of a nation (0 replies, 04/26/84)

Radioactivity apples and oranges (0 replies, 04/26/84)

A reply to Scott Renner on nuclear p (0 replies, 04/25/84)

safe nuclear plants (0 replies, 04/24/84)

net.politics as usual (0 replies, 04/23/84)

1-800-372-1984 (0 replies, 04/23/84)

Voluntary taxes (0 replies, 04/21/84)

Energy: a list of references from "Science" (0 replies, 04/20/84)

Energy sources: a plea for rational discussion (0 replies, 04/20/84)

Freedom to Travel (0 replies, 04/20/84)

Libyan Embassy, London (0 replies, 04/19/84)

Israel's Prime Ministers (0 replies, 04/19/84)

Maturity & Sexual Maturity (0 replies, 04/19/84)

Maryland, My Maryland (0 replies, 04/17/84)

Louisiana Creationsm Law info? (0 replies, 04/16/84)

Israel Questionnaire (0 replies, 04/16/84)

Nit-picking-of: Re: (0 replies, 04/16/84)

Labor again, this could take 9 months (0 replies, 04/16/84)

Friends of MIAs will not give up their vigil. (0 replies, 04/15/84)

In Memory of Lloyd MacBride (0 replies, 04/14/84)

The State of the Socialist/Capitalist State (0 replies, 04/14/84)


World Future Society meeting June 9 to 16 in Washington DC (0 replies, 04/13/84)

Opium correction and quote (0 replies, 04/13/84)

POLL RESULTS 4-12-84 (0 replies, 04/12/84)

Gary Hart has s o m e wit! (0 replies, 04/12/84)

What are 'tax expenditures?' (0 replies, 04/12/84)

Can we really 'soak the rich?' (0 replies, 04/12/84)

Reagan Tax Cuts soak the Rich (0 replies, 04/12/84)

Capitalism for you and me, too (0 replies, 04/12/84)

YOU EARNED IT?? :simplistic economics (0 replies, 04/11/84)

'Re: YOU EARNED IT??? (0 replies, 04/11/84)

Barry Goldwater on the Mining of Nicaragua's Harbors (0 replies, 04/11/84)

CBO stats from Trereasury Dept. (0 replies, 04/11/84)

Student loans available to anybody and collection enforcement (0 replies, 04/10/84)

Ponder This (0 replies, 04/10/84)

Reply to Paul Dubuc re: Equal Access (0 replies, 04/10/84)

God and Man in the Classroom (0 replies, 04/09/84)

Central America Quiz (0 replies, 04/08/84)

Age of first sexual intercourse (0 replies, 04/08/84)

cold.fear (0 replies, 04/08/84)

Enforced Croquet?!?!?!?!?! (0 replies, 04/07/84)

Marxist economics (0 replies, 04/07/84)

Shortsighted businesses? (0 replies, 04/07/84)

Anti-Arab flaming (0 replies, 04/07/84)

Gary Hart roast quote (0 replies, 04/06/84)

responses to tim (0 replies, 04/06/84)

Jesse Jackson related story (0 replies, 04/06/84)

MORE POLL RESULTS (0 replies, 04/05/84)

Nicaragua and the US (0 replies, 04/05/84)

Marxist economics 101 (0 replies, 04/05/84)

Deserved Contracts (0 replies, 04/05/84)

The E.E.C. (0 replies, 04/04/84)

USSR on the UUCPnet (0 replies, 04/04/84)

Nelson Mandela (0 replies, 04/04/84)

Yes, I earned it. (0 replies, 04/03/84)

Argentine Pesos For Sale (0 replies, 04/03/84)

For this we need a net? (0 replies, 04/03/84)

Giveaways? The rich already pay a lot of tax! (0 replies, 04/02/84)

Anti-Arab flaming on rape-murder in Aleppo (0 replies, 04/01/84)

Gary Hart's record (0 replies, 04/01/84)

R.R. Safety Net (0 replies, 03/31/84)

EARLY POLL RESULTS (0 replies, 03/30/84)

questions, questions... (0 replies, 03/30/84)

Selling them the rope with which to (0 replies, 03/29/84)

Selling us the rope with which to hang you... (0 replies, 03/28/84)

Lyndon Johnson & murder (0 replies, 03/28/84)

Proposal: a radical change in US military policy. (0 replies, 03/26/84)

Pointer to summary of Hart's views (0 replies, 03/24/84)

RE : School prayer... say what ?!? (0 replies, 03/23/84)

Paid in $ (0 replies, 03/23/84)

Humorous Company Motto (0 replies, 03/23/84)

Freeze your rear off, Andy Tannenbaum! -- rebuttal of comments by the frigid Larry Bickford (0 replies, 03/23/84)

Sweeden, and Selling them the rope... (0 replies, 03/22/84)

Thanksgiving (0 replies, 03/22/84)

Hart + Jackson? (0 replies, 03/21/84)

cut/nocut and Hart (0 replies, 03/21/84)

Hanna K. (0 replies, 03/21/84)

The Dems (0 replies, 03/19/84)

Private Property (0 replies, 03/19/84)

church&state & holidays (0 replies, 03/19/84)

My personal political endorsement (0 replies, 03/19/84)

The Zero Option: Can Reagan Count? (0 replies, 03/15/84)

Comment on Candidates (0 replies, 03/15/84)

Nobody for President (0 replies, 03/15/84)

Organization: DEC Engineering Network (0 replies, 03/14/84)

Answer to Freeze Question (0 replies, 03/14/84)

"The Game Room" last weekend (0 replies, 03/14/84)

School Prayer - what to do about it (0 replies, 03/14/84)

school silence (0 replies, 03/12/84)

Keep the politics in net.politics (0 replies, 03/12/84)

Grenada seeks retribution (0 replies, 03/12/84)

William Styron on Reagan, Jefferson (0 replies, 03/12/84)

Japanese A-bomb survivors (0 replies, 03/10/84)

Public schools? Keep apples and oranges separate! (0 replies, 03/09/84)

Mike Kelly (0 replies, 03/07/84)

Anyone Know the Number of the Senate Prayer Bill? (0 replies, 03/07/84)

Bozo vs. the S.D. Chicken (0 replies, 03/06/84)

Running for President/How to Blow It (0 replies, 03/06/84)

AIUSA (0 replies, 03/06/84)

Hart scares me... (0 replies, 03/05/84)

Diablo Canyon (0 replies, 03/04/84)

Objectivist discussions and articles (0 replies, 03/04/84)

Objectivism meetings (0 replies, 03/04/84)

Speaking of Dangerous Ideas ... (0 replies, 03/04/84)

Sham Hearings (0 replies, 03/03/84)

Verbage (0 replies, 03/02/84)

Jacksons slur and his Crime (0 replies, 03/01/84)

Please post all abortion articles to the newly created net.abortion (0 replies, 03/01/84)

Jane, you ignorant slut! (0 replies, 03/01/84)

The New Republic on Gary Hart (0 replies, 02/29/84)

Open letter to Mr. Polli (0 replies, 02/29/84)

Mike Kelly and Reagan's un-democratic policies (0 replies, 02/27/84)

Elections Coming (0 replies, 02/27/84)

Washington Post/ABC Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of Mondale Campaign (0 replies, 02/27/84)

A sociological study (0 replies, 02/27/84)

Collection of tax money, and some qu (0 replies, 02/27/84)

A sociological survey (0 replies, 02/27/84)

Survey: The nature and function of government (0 replies, 02/27/84)

Western Civ Poll Results (0 replies, 02/26/84)

Candian broadcast regs query (0 replies, 02/26/84)

"Peace, idiotic articles, and the need for respect" (0 replies, 02/25/84)

Federal Reserve System (0 replies, 02/25/84)

Why should I pay my taxes? (0 replies, 02/25/84)

Paid in Dollars? (0 replies, 02/24/84)

Peace, "idiotic articles", and the need for respect (0 replies, 02/24/84)

...and some questions (0 replies, 02/24/84)

Federal Plain Language (0 replies, 02/24/84)

California / Re: The demise of the US's precious soil (0 replies, 02/23/84)

In my best John Wayne imitation... (0 replies, 02/21/84)

Thought for the Week (0 replies, 02/21/84)

draft and slavery (0 replies, 02/21/84)

Using FASTFOOD Profits to feed hungry.. (0 replies, 02/20/84)

How different countries do voting and elections. (0 replies, 02/20/84)

Honesty in politics (0 replies, 02/20/84)

Low life at the top. (0 replies, 02/19/84)

Corporations and govt, right to rebel (0 replies, 02/18/84)

re : re : (0 replies, 02/17/84)

re : voting / voting question (0 replies, 02/17/84)

To "Sparky" the wonder-thing (0 replies, 02/17/84)

Constitutional Amendments: A New Twist (0 replies, 02/17/84)

Let's Really "Clean Up" America!! (0 replies, 02/17/84)

mistaken lyrics: classic mistake (0 replies, 02/16/84)

incindary-Re: Native Americans (0 replies, 02/16/84)

Grass roots politics - direct action at Diablo Canyon (0 replies, 02/16/84)

Socialism vs. Stalinism (0 replies, 02/15/84)

Tainted Grain: Where will it end up? (0 replies, 02/15/84)

Canadian broadcasts (0 replies, 02/14/84)

Sigh. Get a LOAD of this! (0 replies, 02/13/84)

Nuking Missiles <==> Nuclear Winter (0 replies, 02/10/84)

Ronnie^2... (0 replies, 02/10/84)

Presidential Candidates, who do you (0 replies, 02/10/84)

A Modest Proposal for net.candidate (0 replies, 02/10/84)

Budget and Deficit Discussions - Part Two (0 replies, 02/09/84)

Budget and Deficit Discussions - Part One (0 replies, 02/09/84)

Putting the SU on the net (0 replies, 02/08/84)

Comment on Presidential Candidates 1984 (0 replies, 02/08/84)

Flame on America -- 'responsibil (0 replies, 02/08/84)

Electoral College (0 replies, 02/08/84)

Innocent Civilians (0 replies, 02/08/84)

Drowning men and life preservers (0 replies, 02/07/84)

Prohibition works! (0 replies, 02/07/84)

Out of Context Quotation (0 replies, 02/07/84)

The Joys of Starvation (0 replies, 02/07/84)

Computers for the Soviet Union (0 replies, 02/07/84)

Arms Freeze and the Polls (0 replies, 02/07/84)

Starvation: A summary of the positio (0 replies, 02/07/84)

Worthy quote (0 replies, 02/07/84)

More info on LaRouche (0 replies, 02/06/84)

State of the Union is supposed to be... (0 replies, 02/06/84)

The Great Communicator Sells 007 for United Air Lines (0 replies, 02/05/84)

little flame (0 replies, 02/04/84)

Reagan unjustly maligned on Pershings (0 replies, 02/04/84)

"Judging people who advocate mass starvation" (0 replies, 02/03/84)

The Deficit (0 replies, 02/03/84)

Figures lie, and... (0 replies, 02/02/84)

Peaceful Coexistence, Alas (0 replies, 02/02/84)

More starvation for fun & profit (0 replies, 02/02/84)

Hunger, Morality and Analysis (0 replies, 02/02/84)

Unexpected Hndouts (0 replies, 02/02/84)

Re. 3'rd World hand-outs (0 replies, 02/02/84)

Starvation: A summary of the positions (0 replies, 02/01/84)

Foreign Policy Question (0 replies, 02/01/84)

** NET PRIMARIES ** (0 replies, 02/01/84)

Be specific, not vitriolic (0 replies, 01/31/84)

'Jimma v. The G.O.P.' (0 replies, 01/31/84)

"Jimma v. The G.O.P. " (0 replies, 01/31/84)

1 (0 replies, 01/30/84)

Judging people who advocate mass starvation (0 replies, 01/30/84)

Intelligence in 1984 (0 replies, 01/29/84)

The joy of starving (0 replies, 01/29/84)

Bombs2 (0 replies, 01/27/84)

Bombs (0 replies, 01/27/84)

The demise of the US's precious soil (0 replies, 01/27/84)

Starvation and Exploitation (0 replies, 01/27/84)

Oh, I gather I was a bit ambiguous-hunger... (0 replies, 01/27/84)

Joy of Starvation Revisited (0 replies, 01/27/84)

Reagan's Union of the State (0 replies, 01/26/84)

L. LaRouche, U.S. Labor Party, Fusion Energy Foundation (0 replies, 01/26/84)

Who is Lyndon Larouche, and what does he do? (0 replies, 01/26/84)

Lyndon LaRouche campaign broadcast (0 replies, 01/25/84)

Who is Lyndon Larouche? (0 replies, 01/25/84)

I hope you're not Christian (0 replies, 01/24/84)

My Dinner With Andropov (0 replies, 01/24/84)

Flame on America -- "responsibility" (0 replies, 01/23/84)

Fast driving... Another way to save fuel (0 replies, 01/23/84)

Fast driving (0 replies, 01/23/84)

Today's heroes (0 replies, 01/21/84)

Latest Soviet weapon :-) (0 replies, 01/21/84)

Theyre No Better (0 replies, 01/20/84)

Can You Guess Who Made the Following (0 replies, 01/20/84)

Hiroshima and Nagasaki (0 replies, 01/19/84)

About laws and 55 mph (0 replies, 01/19/84)

Arrogance and Foreign Policy (0 replies, 01/18/84)

Government, Taxes, and the IRS (0 replies, 01/17/84)

correction to flame (0 replies, 01/16/84)

Anarchy in the PRC? (0 replies, 01/15/84)

Yet Another Presidential Candidate? (0 replies, 01/14/84)

Watch Out Jesse (0 replies, 01/13/84)

John Anderson is running; third parties, and everything (0 replies, 01/13/84)

Can You Guess Who Made the Following Statements?? (0 replies, 01/13/84)

Quantative Prediction of Presidentia (0 replies, 01/13/84)

Goodman (0 replies, 01/13/84)

Jesse Jackson: A Further Look (0 replies, 01/12/84)

Jackson/Goodman (0 replies, 01/12/84)

More Jackson and the Democrats (0 replies, 01/11/84)

jannifer o'neill & husband (0 replies, 01/11/84)

On stereotyping for political effect, also Jackson/Goodman (0 replies, 01/11/84)

Orphaned Response - 'Brainwashin (0 replies, 01/10/84)

Assad and a "moral" appeal (0 replies, 01/10/84)

political Muck and Jesse Jackson's campaign (0 replies, 01/10/84)

Quantative Prediction of Presidential Elections (0 replies, 01/09/84)

The Less Than Noble Savage (0 replies, 01/06/84)

THE '84 ELECTION QUESTION (0 replies, 01/06/84)

Jesse Jackson (0 replies, 01/06/84)

JacJackson and the Democrats (0 replies, 01/04/84)

Orphaned Response - "Brainwashing" (0 replies, 01/03/84)

"Israeli-American Civil Liberties Union": pointer wanted (0 replies, 01/02/84)

Quote about overall situation in Mid. East-and a question:Reply (0 replies, 01/01/84)

Stalin & Slavery (0 replies, 12/31/83)

3 Estonians Sentenced to Terms of up (0 replies, 12/31/83)

Ronnie R. strikes again (0 replies, 12/30/83)

becoming decadent? (0 replies, 12/30/83)

Purpose of Government (0 replies, 12/29/83)

Announcement (0 replies, 12/29/83)

Thanks for the info (0 replies, 12/28/83)

German Left-Wing Teachers Fired, -or- Civil Liberties? Achtung! (0 replies, 12/27/83)

Poll on the decline of Western Civilization (0 replies, 12/27/83)

Nuclear Winter Articles (0 replies, 12/25/83)

leave the Russians out of this (0 replies, 12/23/83)

Quote about overall situation in Mid. East (0 replies, 12/22/83)

Dear Senor General (0 replies, 12/22/83)

We Will Bury You (0 replies, 12/21/83)

Walesa (0 replies, 12/20/83)

3 Estonians Sentenced to Terms of up to 6 Years in Labor Camps for Anti-Soviet Activities (0 replies, 12/20/83)

Being nasty -- Napalm and yellow rain (0 replies, 12/20/83)

What did I tell Ya... (0 replies, 12/19/83)

What some people won't do.... (0 replies, 12/19/83)

Accidental Launches Revisited (0 replies, 12/16/83)

Administration MX policy: clear & succinct (0 replies, 12/16/83)

tekigm!dand and Accidental Launc (0 replies, 12/16/83)

NOVA PROGRAM (0 replies, 12/16/83)

6 Minute Warning (0 replies, 12/15/83)

Repudiation of Stalin (0 replies, 12/15/83)

Accidental war via submarine, etc. (0 replies, 12/14/83)

Irish Genocide: Lesson 2: Before English Occupation (0 replies, 12/14/83)

Irish Genocide: Lesson 1: John and Yoko speak out (0 replies, 12/13/83)

NEW SPACE PROJECT (0 replies, 12/13/83)

definitive ordinality of scoundrels' refuge WRT patriotism (0 replies, 12/13/83)

1984 (0 replies, 12/13/83)

T.C.Wheeler-Please stand up.-With sadness before thought (0 replies, 12/13/83)

Again The Art of War (0 replies, 12/13/83)

tekigm!dand and Accidental Launch (0 replies, 12/13/83)

The Star-Spangled Banner and Nationalism (0 replies, 12/12/83)

Attention: The President has cracked a joke! (0 replies, 12/12/83)

A proposal for a new newsgroup: net.nuke (0 replies, 12/11/83)

Blame (0 replies, 12/10/83)

missing words (0 replies, 12/10/83)

Beertema's prediction (0 replies, 12/10/83)

High-Frontier, What Scientis (0 replies, 12/09/83)

Money not 'wasted' on silos and spac (0 replies, 12/09/83)

Oriental vs. Occidental culture (0 replies, 12/09/83)

Thanks for the help!! (0 replies, 12/08/83)

Patriotism Visited (0 replies, 12/07/83)

Would the whole world really be dest (0 replies, 12/07/83)

High Frontier, What Scientists Can Do (0 replies, 12/07/83)

Wanted: A Sane Nuclear Policy (0 replies, 12/07/83)

The Other Vietnam (0 replies, 12/07/83)

Money not wasted on silos and (0 replies, 12/06/83)

U.S. Bombings - flame (0 replies, 12/06/83)

Vietnam Series on PBS; (0 replies, 12/05/83)

people --> nuke-war ? (0 replies, 12/04/83)

simple statistics question (0 replies, 12/04/83)

CANDU reactor reliability (0 replies, 12/03/83)

Long articles and content thereof. (0 replies, 12/02/83)

THREE DAYS AFTER (0 replies, 12/02/83)

Media Possiblities (0 replies, 12/02/83)

Space Race etc (0 replies, 12/02/83)

Disarmament (0 replies, 12/02/83)

On Silos and Creating Jobs (0 replies, 12/01/83)

Would the whole world really be destroyed? (0 replies, 12/01/83)

Cdn view of Nuclear Arms (0 replies, 12/01/83)

Would this be a good place to discuss political philosophy? (0 replies, 12/01/83)

50's Sci-Fi film article (0 replies, 11/30/83)

TDA and Mr. Berman (0 replies, 11/30/83)

Alleged Soviet support of peace groups (0 replies, 11/30/83)

Welsch's goal 3 for education (0 replies, 11/30/83)

nukes discussion (0 replies, 11/29/83)

Good vs. Evil (0 replies, 11/28/83)

US - Soviet Relations (0 replies, 11/28/83)

An Alternate Method of Funding Educa (0 replies, 11/28/83)

Computers controlling defense systems (0 replies, 11/28/83)

Disinformation, KGB and CIA, the view from England (0 replies, 11/28/83)

Foreign Policy: JFK and Reagan (0 replies, 11/28/83)

Nuclear Boondoggle (0 replies, 11/26/83)

Where were the mailpersons & I.R.S. (0 replies, 11/26/83)

"The Day After" and "cuban crisis" (0 replies, 11/26/83)

drunk driving (0 replies, 11/26/83)

More TDA Comments (0 replies, 11/25/83)

What is political?-- The Day After, etc (0 replies, 11/25/83)

An Alternate Method of Funding Education (0 replies, 11/24/83)

The Day After and political broa (0 replies, 11/24/83)

PLEASE read.. (0 replies, 11/24/83)

Imperialism, British and American Style (0 replies, 11/24/83)

the day after seen in USSR? (0 replies, 11/24/83)

e: TDA and Mr. B (0 replies, 11/23/83)

more on earmarking elections (0 replies, 11/23/83)

Our Ally, Britain, and McGhee (0 replies, 11/22/83)

Back to Grenada (0 replies, 11/22/83)

PLO in Tripoli (0 replies, 11/22/83)

Deliberate WWIII (0 replies, 11/21/83)

Keep it out of net.flame (0 replies, 11/21/83)

KAL 007: the view from Khabarovsk. (0 replies, 11/21/83)

anti-nuke answers (0 replies, 11/21/83)

EuromisslesDs (0 replies, 11/20/83)

Liberals and Conservatives-How about some thought for a change? (0 replies, 11/20/83)

earmarking election - not quite elections! (0 replies, 11/20/83)

Floating Crap Game in Grenada, 2 (0 replies, 11/19/83)

Floating Crap Game in Grenada (0 replies, 11/19/83)

Liberals and Conservatives (0 replies, 11/19/83)

novel representation schemes (0 replies, 11/19/83)

earmarking election (0 replies, 11/19/83)

The Day After - Why can't TV be political - it is privately owned. (0 replies, 11/19/83)

Update: Evacuation Day (0 replies, 11/19/83)

Views on the (0 replies, 11/19/83)

ANN LANDERS COLUMN (0 replies, 11/18/83)

Third Parties (0 replies, 11/18/83)

An Invitation from the President (0 replies, 11/18/83)

Grenada: The Rationale (0 replies, 11/18/83)

The Day After and political broadcasting (0 replies, 11/18/83)

Why are "they" so paranoid? (0 replies, 11/17/83)

The arms race--doom & gloom version (0 replies, 11/17/83)

medical supplies for Nicaragua? (0 replies, 11/17/83)

The reason there is an arms race. (0 replies, 11/16/83)

re starving people (0 replies, 11/16/83)

Korea (0 replies, 11/15/83)

Nuclear Overkill (0 replies, 11/15/83)

BTL in the Lead (0 replies, 11/15/83)

anti abortion legislation (0 replies, 11/13/83)

Grenada Poll, finally (0 replies, 11/13/83)

Americas Closest Ally? (0 replies, 11/12/83)

A comment on the weakness of democracy (0 replies, 11/11/83)

Is Nuclear Overkill Valid? (0 replies, 11/11/83)

Escape from objectivism (0 replies, 11/11/83)

slave labor rowing into space (0 replies, 11/11/83)

British-American letter comments (0 replies, 11/11/83)

War of 1812: 2nd Movement?? (0 replies, 11/11/83)

War of 1812: An overture?? (0 replies, 11/11/83)

Grenada - How to pronounce it. (0 replies, 11/10/83)

Helpless in Lebanon - attack on me. (0 replies, 11/10/83)

'Defense of our national security... (0 replies, 11/10/83)

British Built Ironclads (0 replies, 11/10/83)

Quote for Liberals/Conservatives (0 replies, 11/08/83)

Reporters Under Fire (0 replies, 11/08/83)

houxk.117: British Built Airfield in Grenada (0 replies, 11/08/83)

Survey on situation in Lebanon (0 replies, 11/08/83)

My view on Grenada (0 replies, 11/08/83)

imposing beliefs & other good ideas -- Reply part B (0 replies, 11/08/83)

Here at the New Yorker... (0 replies, 11/08/83)

imposing beliefs & other good ideas -- Response Part A (0 replies, 11/07/83)

The Washington Times (0 replies, 11/07/83)

Evacuation Day (0 replies, 11/07/83)

Grenada Runway Length (0 replies, 11/07/83)

Grenada ==> South Korea (0 replies, 11/06/83)

anonymous european (0 replies, 11/05/83)

imposing beliefs & other good ideas (0 replies, 11/05/83)

Rolling Lies Part 2 (0 replies, 11/03/83)

Spelling vs. Politics (0 replies, 11/03/83)

Grenada poll update. (0 replies, 11/03/83)

Public Opinion & Grenada (0 replies, 11/03/83)

Imperialism in India and China (0 replies, 11/03/83)

Sadat on PBS (0 replies, 11/03/83)

"SADAT" - A multi-part TV movie (0 replies, 11/03/83)

Grenada--the Airport (0 replies, 11/02/83)

How long was (0 replies, 11/02/83)

Hmmm. A new thought on the idea of earmarked taxes (0 replies, 11/02/83)

"Defense of our national security....??" (0 replies, 11/02/83)

Grenada's airport (0 replies, 11/02/83)

A short comment on Grenada (0 replies, 11/02/83)

Grenadian arms (0 replies, 11/02/83)

Cubans in Grenada (0 replies, 11/02/83)

Generic Flames (0 replies, 11/01/83)

Phillipine Intervention (0 replies, 11/01/83)

Grenada -- a poll. Undecided respon (0 replies, 11/01/83)

More on/Moron British Colonial Policy (0 replies, 11/01/83)

Rocket in my pocket for 10 dollars? (0 replies, 10/31/83)

Medical Aspects of Grenada Inv. (0 replies, 10/28/83)

carribean commercials (0 replies, 10/27/83)

Too many people response (0 replies, 10/27/83)

November 12th Demonstration (0 replies, 10/27/83)

Conservatism and style (0 replies, 10/27/83)

A Musical Comment on Current Events (0 replies, 10/26/83)

A *FLAME* Re: Liberals vs. Conservatives (0 replies, 10/26/83)

Stan the l.h. on Conservatives (0 replies, 10/24/83)

Nicaragua gets a breather... (0 replies, 10/23/83)

unc!tim and unc!i-node (0 replies, 10/22/83)


liberals on TV (0 replies, 10/20/83)

Happy Birthday to unc!tim (0 replies, 10/20/83)

MLK Holiday Debate (0 replies, 10/19/83)

Taxing the Church??? (0 replies, 10/17/83)

Judeo-Christian State (0 replies, 10/15/83)

Moral Obligations (0 replies, 10/14/83)

Viennese cooky (0 replies, 10/13/83)

Natl Film Board"s "War" on basic training (0 replies, 10/12/83)

Watt"s resignation (0 replies, 10/11/83)

Life in America - Rebuttal to Gary Samuelson (0 replies, 10/11/83)

Israel & the PLO: replies to various (0 replies, 10/11/83)

Watt's resignation (0 replies, 10/11/83)

Gaffes (0 replies, 10/10/83)

Israel - reply to velu (0 replies, 10/10/83)

Bullseye for Alan Watt (0 replies, 10/08/83)

Life in America - Response to Byron Howes (0 replies, 10/08/83)

Life in America - response to Pamela (0 replies, 10/08/83)

Living in a Religious, non - religious state. (0 replies, 10/07/83)

Living in a Christian society (0 replies, 10/07/83)

Life in America - response to Gary Samuelson (0 replies, 10/07/83)

Response to Turner on Von Mises (0 replies, 10/04/83)

Supreme Court cops out on handguns (0 replies, 10/04/83)

Value of Human Life vs. Value of Property (0 replies, 10/04/83)

New NFB series on war on CBC (0 replies, 10/03/83)

Against Individualism (0 replies, 10/03/83)

Thatcherism from a socialist's viewpoint (0 replies, 10/02/83)

My first Rand! (0 replies, 10/01/83)

Capitolism, Socialism -- both have problems. (0 replies, 10/01/83)

USS Little Rock (0 replies, 09/29/83)

PLO's arms for a million (0 replies, 09/26/83)

more Parachuting (0 replies, 09/26/83)

The Parachute Club (0 replies, 09/25/83)

Smallness within Large Nations (0 replies, 09/23/83)

Israel/Palestine (0 replies, 09/23/83)

English House of Lords and socialism (0 replies, 09/23/83)

Reagan's Response (0 replies, 09/20/83)

Double standards - long reply in defense of Israel (0 replies, 09/19/83)

tapes on Objectivism (0 replies, 09/19/83)

Nicaraguan flaming- please move to n (0 replies, 09/16/83)

Rabbit hunt-- By the way (0 replies, 09/15/83)

Rabbit hunt-You asked for it, you ... (0 replies, 09/15/83)

Spy Planes? (0 replies, 09/15/83)

KAL and Spy Plane (0 replies, 09/15/83)

Self-defense in Lebanon (0 replies, 09/15/83)

Rabbit hunt (0 replies, 09/14/83)

Incompetent Soviet Military (0 replies, 09/14/83)

The KAL-007 incident and military/government use of 747"s (0 replies, 09/14/83)

zionism & racism (0 replies, 09/13/83)

Falling planes & rising Reagan popularity? (0 replies, 09/13/83)

more thoughts on KAL007 (0 replies, 09/13/83)

A NEW MIND (0 replies, 09/13/83)

Identifying Yourself (0 replies, 09/12/83)

KAL 007 (0 replies, 09/12/83)

tekecs!danc (0 replies, 09/10/83)

Response to Murder of KAL 7 (0 replies, 09/10/83)

Reply to Credit Embargo (0 replies, 09/10/83)

Jim Balter (0 replies, 09/09/83)

KAL_inaccuracies (0 replies, 09/09/83)

Do you butter your Samoza ? (0 replies, 09/08/83)

"gallimaufry of chiliastic propaganda" (0 replies, 09/08/83)

New topic: the Citizens' Party (0 replies, 09/08/83)

Another reason of KAL's shooting ? (0 replies, 09/07/83)

Scoop Jackson (0 replies, 09/07/83)

The Key to Peace in Central America (0 replies, 09/07/83)

US Nicaraguan Policy Questioned (0 replies, 09/07/83)

Downing civilian planes (0 replies, 09/07/83)

Response to Velu Sinha - What's the difference between a 707 & 747 (0 replies, 09/07/83)

candidates for '84 (0 replies, 09/07/83)

KAL-007 and the "Hot-line" (0 replies, 09/07/83)

Martin Taylor (0 replies, 09/07/83)

punishment for Korean jet incident (0 replies, 09/06/83)

Korean Jet - Israeli-Libyan incident in 1973 (0 replies, 09/06/83)

Short Story Contest (0 replies, 09/05/83)

What a Society (0 replies, 09/03/83)

SEX!!!!! (0 replies, 09/02/83)

Russia vs. US (0 replies, 09/02/83)

IS THIS WHAT WE"VE BEEN WAITING FOR???? (0 replies, 09/02/83)

IS THIS WHAT WE`VE BEEN WAITING FOR (0 replies, 09/02/83)

Dave Holt's emigree friend. (0 replies, 09/02/83)

IS THIS WHAT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR???? (0 replies, 09/01/83)

who's dreaming (0 replies, 09/01/83)

An Experiment in Democracy: to all net subscribers (0 replies, 09/01/83)

Buckley on Kissinger (0 replies, 08/31/83)

The Incredible Kissinger Returns (0 replies, 08/30/83)

Star Chambers and the police--su (0 replies, 08/30/83)

Philipines (0 replies, 08/29/83)

cfib!craig (0 replies, 08/28/83)

Elected officials not running th (0 replies, 08/28/83)

They Hate Us! They Hate Us! (0 replies, 08/26/83)

Chopped article received. (0 replies, 08/26/83)

Playboy Interview (0 replies, 08/23/83)

Definitions of Republican & Democrat (0 replies, 08/23/83)

Bill of Rights and Star Chambers (0 replies, 08/23/83)

democrats vs republicans a lighter side (0 replies, 08/22/83)

Star Chambers and the police--suppression of evidence (0 replies, 08/19/83)

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (0 replies, 08/19/83)

MX - Senate vote 5/25/83 (0 replies, 08/18/83)

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness (0 replies, 08/18/83)

Fascism is a State of Mind (0 replies, 08/17/83)

Restricting Officials to Single (0 replies, 08/16/83)

jj (0 replies, 08/15/83)

Central and South America again (0 replies, 08/13/83)

Reply to Mike Kelly on C.A. (0 replies, 08/13/83)

Watt -- and Reagan (0 replies, 08/13/83)

Central America and Foreign Policy (0 replies, 08/12/83)

2nd reply to Kenneth Almquist (0 replies, 08/12/83)

The IDU and Republicans (0 replies, 08/12/83)

more questions about liberty (0 replies, 08/12/83)

rights to life and liberty (0 replies, 08/12/83)

selfishness,altruism,reality (0 replies, 08/12/83)

US Policy in South American (0 replies, 08/12/83)

Give me (0 replies, 08/11/83)

C.A. and the Liberals (0 replies, 08/11/83)

Reply to Laura concerning freedom and smoking (0 replies, 08/10/83)

Republicans vs. Democrats (0 replies, 08/10/83)

David Wright (0 replies, 08/10/83)

Thanks for proving my point. (0 replies, 08/10/83)

How I can blame Reagan For Increases (0 replies, 08/10/83)

South of the Borrrrderrr (0 replies, 08/10/83)

Amorpous Deterrence with Dioxin (0 replies, 08/10/83)

liberty and the freedom to breathe (0 replies, 08/09/83)

Selfishness, altruism, and reality (0 replies, 08/09/83)

Repubs vs. Dems (0 replies, 08/08/83)

Liberty questioned; a reply to Tim Maroney (0 replies, 08/08/83)

Reps'n'Dems (0 replies, 08/08/83)

Rabbit (0 replies, 08/07/83)

Aid to Little Countries (0 replies, 08/04/83)

Too much, too little (0 replies, 08/04/83)

so many people asked me about adoption... (0 replies, 08/04/83)

Message to stevens (0 replies, 08/02/83)

British view on Debategate (0 replies, 08/01/83)

The Ultimate Resource (0 replies, 08/01/83)

caring, coercion, and obligations (0 replies, 08/01/83)

Technical term for fallacy (0 replies, 07/29/83)

POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT (0 replies, 07/28/83)

Debategate (0 replies, 07/28/83)

nonsense (0 replies, 07/27/83)

RE-analysis of altruism (0 replies, 07/26/83)

Another candidate for president (0 replies, 07/26/83)

Freemasons (0 replies, 07/23/83)

more on adoption (0 replies, 07/22/83)

circling in on cooperation (0 replies, 07/19/83)

more analysis of altruism (0 replies, 07/18/83)

Liberals and Latin America (0 replies, 07/17/83)

Goedel's theorem revisited (0 replies, 07/17/83)

Bible & Const. reply promised-an (0 replies, 07/15/83)

Latenight Viewing (0 replies, 07/14/83)

Russia/China (0 replies, 07/13/83)

Bible & Const. reply promised (0 replies, 07/12/83)

Analysis of Altruism (0 replies, 07/12/83)

religion and government (0 replies, 07/11/83)

Numerology.... (0 replies, 07/11/83)

tale of an unrepentant altruist (0 replies, 07/11/83)

NDP -- 50 years on (0 replies, 07/08/83)

abhortion (0 replies, 07/08/83)

Reagan's facts (0 replies, 07/08/83)

Late response to Altruism vs Objectivism (0 replies, 07/08/83)

MEDICARE - who pays (0 replies, 07/08/83)

I don't approve; I will not pay (0 replies, 07/08/83)

human scale (0 replies, 07/06/83)

A Parable (0 replies, 07/05/83)

40 hr work week (0 replies, 07/02/83)

Streets in Libertarianism (0 replies, 07/01/83)

Cobwebs in their eyes (0 replies, 07/01/83)

Down on the farm with Tim and Tom (0 replies, 07/01/83)

Godel, get off my Bach (0 replies, 07/01/83)

Big government, unions, and weeds (0 replies, 06/30/83)

Giving away Software (0 replies, 06/30/83)

Is Technology good or bad (0 replies, 06/30/83)

Re-drawing that line at politics (0 replies, 06/28/83)

Drawing the line at politics (0 replies, 06/27/83)

species or individual basis for morality? (0 replies, 06/27/83)

Government, the Devil, and Tom Craver (0 replies, 06/24/83)

judges and juries (0 replies, 06/23/83)

government and the *common good* (0 replies, 06/23/83)

FREEDOM (0 replies, 06/22/83)

enlightenment at MIT (0 replies, 06/19/83)

id AA01869; 18 Jun 83 18:46:53 PDT (0 replies, 06/19/83)

utcsrgv!dave"s comments on Another peek into Israeli courts (0 replies, 06/18/83)

political parties (0 replies, 06/17/83)

pondering politicians and inheritance (0 replies, 06/17/83)

Laissez-faire Capitalism (0 replies, 06/17/83)

pollutics - politics of pollution (0 replies, 06/14/83)

utcsrgv!dave's comments on Another peek into Israeli courts (0 replies, 06/11/83)

Yigal Arens' "Another peek into Israeli courts" (0 replies, 06/11/83)

cartels and self interest (0 replies, 06/11/83)

Capitalism... (0 replies, 06/10/83)

Affirmative Action - Any Alternatives? (0 replies, 06/09/83)

Capitalism, mixed and Laissez-faire (0 replies, 06/08/83)

You can learn something from everybody... (0 replies, 06/07/83)

monopolies and competition (0 replies, 06/06/83)

Craver [directed energy] (0 replies, 06/03/83)

Martin Taylor"s Response (0 replies, 06/01/83)

Another peed into Israeli courts (0 replies, 06/01/83)

Revolutionary==Commie?! (0 replies, 05/29/83)

Black Paranoia and Racism (0 replies, 05/27/83)

Response to Jeff Myers (0 replies, 05/24/83)

118 caster (0 replies, 05/13/83)

Whaling boycott (0 replies, 05/12/83)

100 nuclear submarines to be dumped in the ocean (0 replies, 05/12/83)

RE Are nuclear weapons *special*? (0 replies, 05/12/83)

Laugh a little (0 replies, 05/10/83)

Nuclear advice (0 replies, 05/08/83)

Top 10 nonprofit institutions doing military research during FY81 (0 replies, 05/07/83)

Top 10 businesses doing military research during FY81 (0 replies, 05/07/83)

Judaism & Zionism - previous correspondence with dciem!mmt (0 replies, 05/06/83)

Nuclear War and Communism (0 replies, 05/05/83)

Spring Cleaning (0 replies, 05/03/83)

Who controls the CIA? (0 replies, 05/03/83)

El Salvador sarcastic flaming (0 replies, 04/30/83)

What it all boils down to... (0 replies, 04/28/83)

AN APOLOGY FROM A. ANDREWS (0 replies, 04/28/83)

The Buck Doesn't Stop There. (0 replies, 04/28/83)

A new angle on Space Wars, ABMs (0 replies, 04/25/83)

Genetic engineering? (0 replies, 04/21/83)

USSR or US better? (0 replies, 04/21/83)

State residents should be concerned over environment (0 replies, 04/19/83)

Imperialism and small countries (0 replies, 04/19/83)

New Nuke (0 replies, 04/18/83)

economic coercion, Phillipines, Chile (0 replies, 04/17/83)

nukes and asteroids (0 replies, 04/17/83)

Gandhi/'Gandhi' in South Africa (0 replies, 04/15/83)

Nuclear First Strike (0 replies, 04/15/83)

Modified note on the 3rd Option (0 replies, 04/15/83)

Update on telephone tax info (0 replies, 04/14/83)

Help get someone out of USSR (0 replies, 04/14/83)

the GOOD GRIEF argument (0 replies, 04/13/83)

Domino revisited (0 replies, 04/13/83)

Draft Resisters (0 replies, 04/12/83)

JS's response to the 3RD option (0 replies, 04/11/83)

U.S. involvement in S. America (0 replies, 04/11/83)

The Domino Revisited (0 replies, 04/10/83)

The FREEZE REAGAN/BUSH Campaign (0 replies, 04/09/83)

Re - A Question on Disarmament (0 replies, 04/09/83)

More on Nam (0 replies, 04/07/83)

Watt (0 replies, 04/07/83)

A nuclear conspiracy (0 replies, 04/06/83)

Freezniks Unite! (0 replies, 04/06/83)

Vietnam (0 replies, 04/06/83)

A clarification on taxes and international law (0 replies, 04/05/83)

Common Guilt (0 replies, 04/04/83)

Life in Israeli Occupied Lebanon (0 replies, 04/03/83)

The larger issue of the Nestle boycott, & South Africa (0 replies, 04/01/83)

Freedom and Religion (0 replies, 03/30/83)

complicity=guilt? (0 replies, 03/30/83)

Governments and other thieves (0 replies, 03/24/83)

Dangerous Persons List (0 replies, 03/21/83)

El Salvador (0 replies, 03/15/83)

Freedom from FEAR (0 replies, 03/14/83)

Tragic Commons Again (0 replies, 03/14/83)

Roosevelt response (0 replies, 03/14/83)

Re Response to Billions (0 replies, 03/14/83)

The Banality of the Commons (0 replies, 03/13/83)

Frank Spinney in JIR (0 replies, 03/11/83)

pro-choice groups (0 replies, 03/10/83)

root question on government (0 replies, 03/09/83)

Monarchies today parse date string (0 replies, 03/09/83)

Social responsibility/obligation (0 replies, 03/08/83)

the israeli position in lebanon (0 replies, 03/02/83)

sad flame on flaming (0 replies, 02/28/83)

Ayn Rand et al rotten roots of socialism (0 replies, 02/27/83)

Reagan/Loomis (0 replies, 02/27/83)

Canadian propaganda (0 replies, 02/25/83)

A question of selfishness (0 replies, 02/25/83)

Socialism & TPC (0 replies, 02/25/83)

PDX LBJ Alert (0 replies, 02/25/83)

Socalism (0 replies, 02/25/83)

More on 'isms (0 replies, 02/24/83)

More Rotted Roots (0 replies, 02/24/83)

Today's 'Isms (0 replies, 02/24/83)

Socialism and the phone company (0 replies, 02/24/83)

socialism/capitalism/Ayn Rand (0 replies, 02/24/83)

What's wrong with socialism/and libertarianism (0 replies, 02/24/83)


leading questions (0 replies, 02/22/83)

Portland Light Bulbs (0 replies, 02/21/83)

Socialism again: agreeing to disagree (0 replies, 02/21/83)

Freedom to Think (0 replies, 02/18/83)

Syrian Missle Request (0 replies, 02/18/83)

Douglas Hofstadter & Nuclear War (0 replies, 02/15/83)

Independent Truckers and MX Missile (0 replies, 02/06/83)

The American Spectator (0 replies, 02/03/83)

Phil's comment on Ronald Reagan (0 replies, 02/02/83)

OPEC (0 replies, 01/28/83)

the SS problem. (0 replies, 01/28/83)

SS to Reagan (0 replies, 01/28/83)

The Systems (0 replies, 01/26/83)

congress members pay taxes? (0 replies, 01/26/83)

Social Security Without Socialism (0 replies, 01/26/83)

Social Security for Congressl too! (0 replies, 01/26/83)

THE SOCIAL SECURITY SOLUTION (0 replies, 01/25/83)

What is the 'Peace Movement'? (0 replies, 01/22/83)

social security part 2 (0 replies, 01/21/83)

social security, part 1 (0 replies, 01/21/83)

Ahah! (0 replies, 12/18/82)

Muscle Cars (0 replies, 12/17/82)

flame on drunk drivers (0 replies, 12/17/82)

Respectable Journals (0 replies, 12/16/82)

MX as first strike weapon (0 replies, 12/16/82)

gas tax and consumers (0 replies, 12/16/82)

An opinion on rape laws... (0 replies, 12/13/82)

Misinterpretation of my remarks about Russia (0 replies, 12/10/82)

Back to the Barbarism Discussion (0 replies, 12/09/82)

?fantasy? (0 replies, 12/09/82)

The Correct Plea Is NOT Guilty By Reason Of Insanity (0 replies, 12/08/82)

cars versus mass transit: cost of MY time (0 replies, 12/07/82)

Connie Francis on rape laws, Outdated law query (0 replies, 12/06/82)

The war in Lebanon is not over! (0 replies, 12/05/82)

More info on adventurism (0 replies, 12/05/82)

Congratulations Wyoming (0 replies, 12/03/82)

MX, arms and common things (0 replies, 12/03/82)

About progressive taxes (0 replies, 12/02/82)

Domestic Cash (0 replies, 12/02/82)

Oliphant on MX Densepak (0 replies, 12/02/82)

Taxes and mass transportation (0 replies, 12/02/82)

US loans to other countries (0 replies, 12/02/82)

Re - gas tax (0 replies, 11/30/82)

MX Density (0 replies, 11/29/82)

net.politics (0 replies, 11/13/82)

Capitalists selling the rope for their own hanging:Re to Matthews (0 replies, 01/01/70)

USA: a white country? (0 replies, 01/01/70)