mahoney@bach.DEC (01/14/86)
---------------------Reply to mail dated 11-JAN-1986 17:55--------------------- >As to causing laughter among SA government leaders, I frankly >doubt that the racist leaders are laughing much these days. >Their own end as holders of power is nearly at hand, and at least some of >them seem to know it. The only >successful. Bishop Tutu tells us that divestiture is working and >to re-double our efforts. Victory is near! > Andy Berman > ihnp4!ihlpg!berman These two statements sir are bunk. The government in SA right now is in no more danger of collapse then is our own government. They have the strongest fighting force on the whole of the continent and are willing to use it. Unlike other governments that fell such as Iran and Samoza the fighting force will never be behind the majority. There are some other serious questions to be brought up. One problem is by most accounts SA probably has the bomb. If they do, many analysts feel they will use it to stay in power. Even if this means turning all of SA into a glowing mass. If we can't have it as we want then no one will get it menatlity. This is a serious problem and one that must be answered. Victory from what I have read is years off probably not even in this century. I personally would like to see the government fall but it won't be tommorrow or even the next day. I think many more people are going to die in this conflict and it is unfortunate. Brian Mahoney "If someone has a cure all you can be sure it will make you sick."