[net.politics] Jewish Defense League

black@pundit.DEC (America first, without apologies.) (10/02/85)

> The JDL and the JDO *are* part of the radical right.  I dare you to call any
> JDL'er a leftist to his face.  When it comes to red baiting and racism,
> they are in complete agreement with you.  Like you, they lump everyone
> who disagrees with them together.  Like you, their righteousness blinds them.
> The only thing they have to do with jews on the left is that they are jewish.
> That you identify the political position of people based on their religion
> illustrates your foolish prejudice.  [Jim Balter (ima!jim)]

     prejudice   n.   1.  A strong feeling for or against something FORMED
BEFORE ONE KNOWS THE FACTS; bias.  2.  IRRATIONAL hostility toward members of
a particular race, religion, or group.

     It would seem that having a strong feeling for or against something 
after the facts are known does not constitute prejudice.  Likewise for a
rational hostility.  I guess what's important is whose version of the facts
one accepts.

     So I don't accept the fairy tales of the Holocaustians.  Does that make
me prejudiced, or informed?  Because I speak of the rights of the Palest-
inians, am I prejudiced, or informed?  Because I point out the terror
tactics of the JDL/JDO, am I prejudiced, or informed?  Hello?  Earth to
Usenet--Come in, Usenet.

     Yeah, I guess I do have my prejudices.  I'm very biased against those
who advocate terrorism against innocent civilians.  I'm biased against those
who say "You have no right to [Fill In The Blank]!"  I'm biased against the
criminals that pilfer my paycheck every week.  But am I prejudiced, or 

     Let's be serious, gentlepeople.  I'm well aware that the Jewish 
community cannot control the actions of the criminal JDL/JDO.  No more than
the average Christian Community can be expected to control the Aryan
Nations, for example.  But do you reasonably expect me to say nothing?
Maybe if enough people get p___ed off at the JDL/JDO and their gang of 
thugs, they'll think twice about showing their faces in public.  That's
what happened to the Klan, remember?  

     The major reason why the JDL cannot be tolerated in the US is that they
are an illegal unregistered agent of a foreign nation.  They are an advocate
of the interests of the Israeli UN Protectorate.  They do not in any way 
espouse the interests of the United States.  If they want to go to the State
Department and register as required by law, then let them picket all they 
want.  But until they do so, they enjoy no such privilege.

     The Klan, on the other hand, have no such obligation to register.   They
are not the representative of a foreign power.  They are protected by First
Amendment rights.  Each and every true Klansman is sworn to preserve, protect,
and defend the Constitution of the United States.  (How do I know?  Do your-
self a favor and don't ask.)  

     You know, I don't particularly care who I get all wound up.  I put out 
information and opinion just the same as the Liberal/Socialist/Communists
on the net.  I just draw more flak because my opinions are unpopular, and
maybe I'm not as articulate as some of you.  Too damned bad, isn't it?
I don't need to convince guys like Rich Rosen or Oded Feingold.  I'm just
aiming to "plant the seed" into the minds of a few of the people who read
this net and never ever submit to it.  Maybe, just maybe, they'll do a little
thinking, and realize what's going on.  Maybe I'm bringing a little bit
more information to these people, the so-called "silent majority."  Once in
a while I get a few replies back that indicate I'm hitting home. 

     So sleep on, sheeple.  Just think what it would be like if this net
"had no right to exist."

     --Don Black

      VAXmail:  PUNDIT::BLACK


"...That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed.  That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation
on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

  --Unamimously adopted in Congress, 4 July 1776
