[net.politics] Secular Devilism

helmsoid@scirtp.UUCP (the helmsoid) (09/11/85)

> Wrong! Thats not what secular humanism teaches. 
> It teaches little children how to think about suicide. 

And to think about rock and roll and negroes and commernism!

> It teaches them that some people's lives are worth less than others. 

Well, at least it's got something going for it!

> It teaches them that homosexuality and premarital 
> sex are choices for them to consider. 
> It also teaches them to ignore any
> values they may be learning in the home and that values are purely subjective
> and how to make their own values. (if any!)

That's the truth! It teaches them to listen to Satan, not the Bible!

> Come on! No more BS! Secular humanism is designed to eliminate God from
> our society and its central target is the YOUNG!
> And its working just fine! Because most parents don't have the slightest
> idea what is going on in the public school systems.

That's why we must eliminate the secular huminists, 
I mean secular humanism, and teach children that dead fetuses
and Afrikaaners are oppressed by the commernist homosexual 
fringe group that molest young children.

> If anybody is interested in finding out, Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book

What a gal!

> that tells all the gory details. Can't remember the name off hand but
> will find out and post it!

If only I knew how to read!

>						  Dan

This fella knows what he's talking about! If God is expelled
from classrooms, then the jewish-catholic-interlectuals will
take over and give everybody AIDS and make girls pee in men's
bathrooms and fight in Central America! Please give money to
the Congresshional Club to reaffirm 'merican values in every
corner of the world!!!


	These are the views held by all right-thinking 'mericans.
	If these views ain't held by an individual or organization,
	they must be Godless commernist agitators and will be dealt 
	with appropriately. Amen.
