keduh@hogpd.UUCP (D.HUDEK) (02/17/84)
<< not again. :-) >> mcnc!akt raised a valid point when he/she asked what would prevent the opening up of diploma mills and the related problems of people getting worthless degrees in order to receive a larger allotment of votes. It's a problem all right. I don't really have a solution. Somehow there would have to be some kind of quality control [ unfortunately a government agency of some kind probably ] to only allot votes to those who have "valid" degrees. Then you have to worry about corruption and who monitors the monitors... I dunno, there is already some method of regulating [and restricting the numbers of] those in the medical profession ---- quality control if you will-- to make sure that those who want to practice really have "valid" degrees [ I also suspect that they must pass some state/federal tests of their skills ].{ aside : The AMA also keeps the number of med schools and grads down in order to keep the supply low and the prices high -- there's a completely unsupported wild claim if I ever heard one :-) } There's the related problems of which disciplines are or are not "valid". Do RTF (Radio/Television/Film), Home Ec., Business, Engineering, Physical Education, and Anthropology degrees all count the same ?? Is one degree worth more than another ? What qualities would the ideal decision-maker (voter) have ? A sense of history, humanities, law, logic, science background.... This whole topic is getting so complex and muddled that I wonder if it's even worth discussing anymore or if it's been beaten to death... It was all based on a cute short story set in an imaginary land anyway.... Anyone have an idea for a new, nice, easy, simple-minded political topic to discuss ? [If you get serious and try to think about political/human problems too long your brain starts to overheat... :-) ] * * \ / _____ / \ | ` ' | {ihnp4! or pegasus!} hogpd!keduh | > | | \_/ | \___/