[net.politics] Hunger in Ethiopia

dlo@drutx.UUCP (OlsonDL) (02/01/86)


The following article appeared in the editorial section of the Rocky
Mountain News, Jan. 31, 1986.

     "Americans send food to Ehtiopia for two reasons, to help people
and to gain the satisfaction of performing a humanitarian act.  Both
of those reasons just disappeared."
     "Like it or not, the evidence has become undeniable: Shipments
from the West are now killing more Ethiopians than they save.  The
country's Marxist regime is using those shipments in a campaign of
genocide.  Whether it is unwitting or calculated makes little difference
to its victims."
     "The victims are the residents of northern Ethiopia.  The regime
is forcibly moving them to the south, ostensibly to save them from
famine but actually to destroy the ethnic-based rebel movements they
support.  As many as 100,000 have already died during the resettlement,
but the government has not stopped or even slowed the program.  It is
indifferent to whether these people die."
     "They die in filthy transit camps, deliberately cut off from adequate
supplies of food and water.  They die on unpressurized aircraft, packed
by hundreds in holds designed for 18.  They die in the swampy, malarial
lowlands chosen as their new homes."
     "This horrifying story has now been confirmed by several independent
sources: France's Doctors Without Borders, the U.S. Agency for
International Development and a West German church group.  Internal
reports by United Nations' World Food Program employees back up these
accounts, but the organization has suppressed them."
     "What is especially horrifying is that Ethiopia used Western aid to
make the killing easier.  Western food serves as bait: Villagers are
lured to feeding centers, then kidnapped.  Trucks donated by the West
to distribute relief instead carry these unwilling migrants.  Western
food nourishes government troops as they march of to burn rebel's crops,
adding to the famine in northern areas."
     "Americans have taken pride in their attempts to save Ethiopian
peasants from starvation, even though it has meant helping one of 
Africa's most repulsive governments.  But that government is now making
us accessories to mass murder.  The only proper response is to suspend
American aid immediately in an effort to shock the regime into halting
its genocidal 'resettlement'"


David Olson

"To become Red is to become dead --- gradually."
        -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn