berman@ihlpg.UUCP (Andy Berman) (01/13/86)
Here's a solid reading list for those trying to understand the conflicts in Central America. I have tried to include material with a scholarly academic approach as well as more introductory material. Additionally, since Central America has a rich and distinct cultural heritage, I have include some novels and poetry: EL SALVADOR: CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE NEW COLD WAR - ed. by Marvin Gettleman et al (Grove Press) - A collection of documents, both historical and current, from a very wide range of political perspectives. This is almost required background material for any serious study of El Salvador. Gettleman was the editor of a similar collection of documents about Vietnam that served as the basis for serious debate about Vietnam in the 60's and 70's. THE NICARAGUA READER: DOCUMENTS OF A REVOLUTION UNDER FIRE - ed. by Peter Rosset et al (Grove Press) - Somewhat similar to the above, but with a focus on Nicaragua. The documents range from the speeches of R. Reagan to D. Ortega. Rosset is an Agricultual Engineer from Wisconsin who has worked for both the US and Nicaraguan Departments of Agriculture FIRE FROM THE MOUNTAIN: THE MAKING OF A SANDINISTA - Omar Cabezas (Crown Books) - A well-written candid auto-biographical account of the very unromantic life of a guerrilla leader. This book is particulary well oriented for an American audience and does well to show the psychological and political orientation of the Sandinistas. WEAKNESS AND DECEIT - Raymond Bonner (NY Times Books) - The account by an New York Times reporter of US relations with El Salvador in the 20th century. Bonner spent extensive time traveling throughout El Salvador, including the zones controlled by the rebels. He makes a strong case that US Policy never gave a damn about democracy or human rights. The "weakness" in the title is the moral weakness of our policy makers. The "deceit" refers to their deceit of the American People. PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN GUERILLA WARFARE (The CIA Nicaragua Manual) (Vintage Books) - The text of the famous Contra manual written by the Central Intelligence Agency. Short, but not so sweet. NICARAGUA: THE SANDINIST REVOLUTION (Pathfinder Press) This is a collection of speeches by Sandinist leaders. It seems almost a given that one who seeks to judge the Saninistas be familiar with their speeches and writings. NICARAGUA FOR BEGINNERS - by Ruiz. A light cartoon-based history of Nicargua by Mexico's most famous cartoonist. WITNESS TO WAR - Charles Clements, MD (Bantam Books) - A very unusual and intense account of a former US Air Force Pilot who flew combat missions over Vietnam and later went on to serve as a medical doctor in the rebel zones of El Salvador. Does an excellent job of showing the life and thinking of peasants and guerillas in the 40% of El Salvador now under control of the FDR-FMLN. ********************** Some novels, literature and poetry: ONE DAY OF LIFE - by Manlio Argueta (Vintage books/Random House) A novel tracing a single day in the life of a Salvadoran peasant. Interesting revelation of the role of the church. FLIGHTS OF VICTORY - Fr. Ernesto Cardinal (Orbis Books) - a bi-lingual collection of poems by Nicaragua's famous priest poet and Minister of Culture TO BURY OUR FATHERS - Sergio Ramirez (Reader's International) a complex novel (5 novels in one) of pre-revolutionary Nicaragua. RISKING A SOMERSAULT IN THE AIR - ed. by Margaret Randall - a very candid collection of interviews with Nicaraguan writers CLANTESTINE POEMS - (Solidarity Publications) a bilingual edition of a collection of 5 Central American poets THE INSURRECTION - Antonio Skarmeta - My personal favorite; it traces a complex father/son relationship in Nicaragua at the time of the 1979 fighting. Made into an award-winning film that very occassionally is shown in alternate or art theaters in this country. Good Reading! Andy Berman ..ihnp4!ihlpg!berman ----------------------------------------------------------