[net.politics] And you thought you were safe?

black@pundit.DEC (Don Black DTN 261-2739 MS: NIO/N9 Loc: Pole B6) (06/18/85)


	     Just when you thought it was safe---

	     Sorry about that, boys and girls.  I've been absent from these 
	pages due to an unfortunate occurrence last April.  I had a collision 
	with a planet that got in my way.  

	     Anyway, I see a few of my detractors are having a field day.  Oh,
	well.  The right of free speech, etc.  So here goes.

	     Regarding my submission about Memorial Day---many, many Vietnam
	veterans share my sentiments.  A sizable number of us have started 
	schools which teach the fundamentals of survival and warfare.  Witness
	the large popularity of magazines such as Gung-Ho, Soldier of Fortune,
	American Survival Guide, etc.  Do you think we're only playing games
	with paint guns?

	     If paramilitary groups were not a threat to the status quo, why 
	then are states attempting to pass laws prohibiting firearms training?
	Somebody out there feels threatened.	

	     Now, about taxes.  The trial of the test case, US vs Ferguson, 
	took place in Indianapolis, Indiana, on 14-15 January 1985, in a 
	non-jury trial before Judge Noland.  The 15,000 pages of evidence was
	admitted without objection by the federal prosecutor.  On a motion to
	dismiss, Judge Noland stated that the question of ratification of the 
	Sixteenth Amendment was political and he could not rule on it.  He 
	allowed the trial to proceed.  

	     Naturally, the next step is to bring the case up through the 
	courts.  Now, for those of you who think this is a Big Lie, I believe
	the transcript of the case is a public record available from the
	court.  And in a previous submission I gave the name and publisher of
	the book that contains the major documents of the case.  I'm sure
	the open-minded people on the net might want to check this out for 
	themselves.  Any good library should be able to locate a copy of the 
	book, if one doesn't want to purchase it.  After all, I just might 
	be right.  

	     Just think, if we didn't have income taxes, the IRS wouldn't be 
	able to spy on the American people or redistribute our wealth.  If we
	take a look at where our income tax money goes, every dime of it goes
	as either interest on the public debt (to the Rockefeller/Rothschild
	banking leeches) or to the "Entitlement" programs (the welfare/AFDC
	leeches).  So the rich gets richer, the poor get poorer, and the 
	workin' stiff is caught between a rock and a hard place.

	     Speaking about terrorists, The J.D.L. is still at it in California.
	Last month they firebombed the house of an official of the Institute for
	Historical Review, the revisionist library, and on 5 June they fire-
	bombed the headquarters of a German-American club near Los Angeles.
	I guess it's allright for ethnic groups to form clubs so long as you
	aren't German.  

	     And while we're on the subject, I see our buddies the Shiites are
	having a real party in Beirut.  This is a case of a group of cornered
	animals lashing out in desparation at anybody they can grab.  In this
	instance, it's a bunch of innocent bystander Americans.  Can we blame
	them, really?  

	     Let's examine a couple of points.  The Israeli army invaded 
	Lebanon, flattened their villages, destroyed their goods, arrested the
	menfolk, and caused at least one instance of the massacre of women and
	children.  The US entered the war on the side of the Israelis, shelling
	targets with 16-inch cannonfire, and bombing and strafing by air.  
	What do we expect the Arabs to do?  

	     This is another example of American politicians causing the 
	unnecessary deaths of American people in a war that really isn't ours.
	I say we ought to back out gracefully while we still have the chance.	

	     I noticed a couple of the Libertarians on the net are submitting 
	some pretty good commentary.  Keep it up, guys.

	     (And the racial descendancy of Christ is a topic for net.religion,
	not net.politics.)

	--Don Black