graham@shark.UUCP (Graham Bromley) (01/24/85)
Here's why:
1. About two hundred years ago some narrow minded politicians
in the British government treated the American colonists
very unfairly. So they said, "we've had enough of this 'ere
nonsense", and booted the Brits out.
2. To prevent a repetition of the above, an article of
the Constitution guaranteed the right of all Americans to
keep and bear arms; something to do with the need to maintain
a civil militia to guard against foreign enemies. Use of guns
against fellow Americans was not suggested.
3. Lots of people bought guns.
4. Gun manufacturers made lots of money making guns.
5. Amazingly, the number of people shot to death each year
continued to increase.
6. People who like to own guns founded societies to further
their interests.
7. Repeat items 3, 4 and 5.
8. The invention of programming languages made possible the
expression of a new and revolutionary idea:
if (people haven't got guns) {
people can't shoot each other;
Brilliant! "We've had enough of this nonsense. Let's ban
guns!" said the revolutionaries.
9. Gun companies didn't like this at all (profits, m'boy) -
and unlike the British government of the 1770's they
are smart. So they got together with societies described
in item 6., and effected powerful special interest lobbying
to obstruct gun control. "The Constitution says Americans
need guns to protect against the commies and them nasty
Brits" they said. Its the 1980's now, not the 1770's, but
this miraculously goes unnoticed. "If those commies
come over here dropping nukes, I'll pull out my Smith
& Wesson and let 'em have it!". "Look what those Brits did
to the Argentines in the Falklands. It'll be our turn next!".
10.Repeat items 3, 4 and 5, ad nauseam.
Too bad the Constitution contains that anachronism about
militias; guns would have been banned long ago otherwise, as
they have in every other society which had a serious crime
problem. The founding fathers might be appalled to see the
results of their good intent today.
This is a democratic society, but the majority of people
are often powerless against the special interest groups. They
are organized; they have money and political clout.
The special interest groups couldn't care less how many
people are killed by guns every year; it could be a million
for all the difference it would make.
What to do?
1. Don't worry about about it. Only 12000 people are killed
each year by hanguns in the U.S. In a population of about
250 million, the chance of No. 1 being hurt is after all
small. If the 12000 does't include me, why should I care?
2. Buy guns for yourself, your wife and your children, and
learn how to use them. But you'll have to carry them at all
times if you seriously intend to defend yourselves. And despite
the Constitutional guarantee of the right to keep AND BEAR
arms, it is strictly illegal to carry a gun in almost every
3. Emigrate. No other country in the world knows this madness.