simard@loral.UUCP (Ray Simard) (10/15/84)
[] From the Wall Street Journal, 15 Oct: (w/o permission): "After watching Bush-Ferraro, it occurred to us that these televised debates could be the greatest viewer sport since Roller Derby. Let's make it a weekly show. Cuomo-Falwell. O'Neill-Gingrich. Steinem-Schlafly. After each question, a panel of judges could hold up cards-9.0, 9.5, 6.5, 9.0. Howard Cosell is the obvious play-by-play man, with color by former, now retired debaters-Jerry Ford, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole. Everyone could start appearing in Miller Lite commercials for old politicians. 'Less spending!' 'Higher taxes!' "How about it, Roone?" -- [ I am not a stranger, but a friend you haven't met yet ] Ray Simard Loral Instrumentation, San Diego {ucbvax, ittvax!dcdwest}!sdcsvax!sdcc6!loral!simard