[net.politics] Thanks for proving my point.

jj@rabbit.UUCP (08/10/83)

I hope that this gets to the net. (I'm sending it from elsewhere,
a place that doesn't want rabbit!jj associated with it, via
uux, and other fiddling.)

I really appreciate how all of my critics can quote chapter and verse
of their standard arguments without reading what they're criticizing.
I further have to admit that I'm amused that my strongest detractors
argue that "Well, rabbit!jj makes a lot of money, so of course he 
can't be trusted.  Did you ever visit the South Bronx?"

Such cheap shots are what being a Democrat seems to be all about,
i.e. the use of emotion to cloud reason.  I note that the author
seemingly (although not explicitly) makes some assumptions about
my background, just for the purpose of accusing me of being a 
fascist liar (which was his intent, regardless of what
was said. <P.S.  See the definition of fascism, elsewhere in net.politics,
for an informed comment.>) 
(Aside::  I don't come from the south Bronx, I come from north
Youngstown, Ohio.  It's very similar to the south Bronx, unfortunately,
and at least as unsettled.  It just isn't as big, so I was able to
meet people from OUTSIDE it to use as role models.  It's mostly
burnt down now, but what's new?  My family (two people, total)
was below the poverty line <barely afford a 3rd rate clunker,
eat lots of starch, unsanitary housing, etc> from the time I was in 
6th grade or so.>  I was expected, in school, to act like
I was poverty stricken (in mind as well as body), and I know
what prejudice is all about.  I didn't manage to partly overcome
it by burning down and destroying, either physically or rhetorically.)
I've since lost most of my patience watching the poor, etc, getting sucked
in by the same old lies.

<Whew, end of time trip>

I noticed that the main respondant used lots of indications
where I misspelled words, etc, as emotional ammunition,
further proving my point about emotional deception.


I notice that my main detractor thinks that, because he
can find fault he is superior.   
The concept of fascism comes to mind again.   

I also remember the someone else's comments about the way
the Democrats have a way of complaining for political effect,
even when they don't have any idea what to do when they 
deceive enough people to get elected.  Apparantly it's ok to criticize even
if one doesn't have a better idea.

This terminal stinks, I can't even read its printing. <Oh, where's my