krm (12/21/82)
There are manslaughter laws and the aggreved party has recourse. Only if he is still alive. What do I do when my father is killed *and* the other driver is killed? No such thing as legal recourse. 'chard.
laman (12/27/82)
To answer part of cwruecmp!krm's question about what do you do when your father is killed, you cry. You can swear, scream, yell, and lots of other things, but you won't get him back. Some of the talk seems to be moving off the track that it is human lives we are discussing. Thank god I have never been in the position of deciding (a little sarcastic) how to react. I think you see my point, and I would like to complement the person who said the driving it a privilege and not a right. I know that I would do EVERYTHING in my LEGAL power to remove that driver's license! He lost it, because he/she sure isn't accepting his responsibilities to the other drivers (I for one). If it were possible I would love to see that person's license revoked for a very LONG time if not for his/her lifetime! And god help him if he does it again (especially without a license)! Mike Laman sdcsvax!laman