black@nisysg.DEC (04/09/85)
So the American Populist Party is paranoid, racist, etc.? Well, yeah...Ok. Sure. Where did we come from and how did we get this way? It's simple. The truth is starting to come out about organizations we took for granted as benign. We never bothered to question why each presidential administration was "business as usual," until recently. Subjugating America is sort of like making frog soup. If you throw the frog into boiling water, he's going to realize what he's in for immediately, and jump out. On the other hand, if you load the water with frog food and warm it gently, the frog eats merrily, gets comfortable, and goes to sleep. Then you drop the cover on the pot and turn up the gas. In America, it's not practical for Communists, Dual-Loyalists, and One-Worlders to execute a swift take-over. There'd be rioting in the streets and partisans in the woods. Like the frog in boiling water, we'd know immediately that doom was immenent. So they plan on doing it slowly, insidiously. They feed us pablum, so we don't recognize the poison. "If we had One-World-Government, we would have world peace. Aren't you tired of war?" "If we had One-World- Religion, there'd be no religious strife. Why do you believe in God?" "Relax--they're the best intellectual minds in the world. They must know what they're doing--don't you want the best running the country?" So while we paddle around in our cozy soup pot, the International chefs are getting ready to slam the lid on us. Chez Rockefeller is the "Betty Crocker" of internationalist quisine. Just about every recipe Baron von Rockie ever cooked up can be found in a series of books from '76 Press, available at any American Opinion bookstore. I recommend "The Rockefeller File" and "None Dare Call It Conspiracy," by Gary Allen. These are amazing documents on an amazing subject. While all you do-gooders are out there protesting South Africa this Spring, remember who runs your university. The Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates are massive contributors to places like Colombia, Harvard, Berkeley, Northwestern, etc. These universities owe their fealty to Rockie. Don't expect them to divest themselves of stock in Rockefeller companies. Yes, Virginia, there IS an Establishment. --Don Black "The American Chauvinist"
js2j@mhuxt.UUCP (sonntag) (04/11/85)
Don Black writes: > So the American Populist Party is paranoid, racist, etc.? > Well, yeah...Ok. Sure. > Even he admits it. And he goes on to prove the paranoia part: > (story about frog soup deleted. Really disgusting. Starts a soup with a live frog and water full of 'frog food' (read: flies, gnats, slugs, etc.) That's not how *I* would go about making frog soup. But why not save the recipes for net.cooks?) > So while we paddle around in our cozy soup pot, the International > chefs are getting ready to slam the lid on us. Chez Rockefeller is > the "Betty Crocker" of internationalist quisine. Just about every > recipe Baron von Rockie ever cooked up can be found in a series of > books from '76 Press, available at any American Opinion bookstore. > I recommend "The Rockefeller File" and "None Dare Call It Conspiracy," > by Gary Allen. These are amazing documents on an amazing subject. > > While all you do-gooders are out there protesting South Africa > this Spring, remember who runs your university. The Rockefeller > Foundation and its affiliates are massive contributors to places > like Colombia, Harvard, Berkeley, Northwestern, etc. These > universities owe their fealty to Rockie. Don't expect them to divest > themselves of stock in Rockefeller companies. > How awful! This foundation is a massive contributor to all kinds of great universities. That's pretty incriminating. -- Jeff Sonntag ihnp4!mhuxt!js2j "Pulled a muscle in my ear!"-Penfold