brener@milrat.DEC (11/06/84)
as for grenada: in grenada we saw a curfew that was imposed for all grenadians, not just americans . a curfew as stated recently was also in effect in Chile after the coup as *thousands* were getting gunned down. not only were chileans executed but so were some americans. however america didn't invade, after all they didn't have to, they set up the coup. if you don't believe me use your freedom of information act that ronald regan is whittling away. once again it's the old "open and friendly" for u.s. economic development rap. as for the chronic was preparers: the chronic war preparers have a massive vested interest in keeping america terrorized, it is their welfare system they are protecting. the sarcastic proposition that this is akin to a doctor poisoning the water supply is bogus to say the least. the AMA would be a better comparison as they are the repres- entative group that is looking out for their own best interest. some people in the medical field as well of out have often noticed the actions that the AMA have taken to protect themselves and their high salaries by thwarting or humiliating other forms of progressive medicine that have worked for millions for thousands of years (e.g. oriental medicine). This includes ritual ostracization of qualified individals who oppose the power structure. Also, using the police officer to back your arguement is equally as bogus because the average officer is not the leadership. Crime and ill health are very tangible to us, it is very visible. Because the dangers of the "EAST-WEST" are not so tangible we rely on the voice of vested interest to tell us what we need. you must remember that ronald regan, caspar weinberger and george shultz were all at some time employed by defense contractors. defense contractors suck up criminal sums of money from a terrorized america, it is in their best financial interest to keep it that way. steve b