mahoney@bach.DEC (We're off to see the Wizard...) (09/04/85)
> Wrong! Thats not what secular humanism teaches. It teaches little children > how to think about suicide. It teaches them that some people's lives are > worth less than others. It teaches them that homosexuality and premarital > sex are choices for them to consider. It also teaches them to ignore any > values they may be learning in the home and that values are purely subjective > and how to make their own values. (if any!) > > Come on! No more BS! Secular humanism is designed to eliminate God from > our society and its central target is the YOUNG! > > And its working just fine! Because most parents don't have the slightest > idea what is going on in the public school systems. > > If anybody is interested in finding out, Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book > that tells all the gory details. Can't remember the name off hand but > will find out and post it! > > > Dan I am an ardent Catholic (or at least believe that I am) and feel that everything you just said is bull. I went to a Catholic school and was taught I gather what would be secular humanism i.e. chemistry, biology (not creationism Darwin was the man of the day) there was also a pretty good chapter on the reproduction process (my my that is sex). We learned all about math and all these other terrible stuff but in all my secular humanist teaching never once did I hear about committing suicide or about eliminating God or any of that stuff. The Catholic Church learned its lesson back at the time of Galileo to stop interfering with science. (Remember some of the greatest scientific ideas and discoveries came out of monasteries and from very religious people.) The church no does not have offical teachings (I believe this is true) on what can be seen as purely scientific areas (abortion is different because they see the soul as entering at the moment of conception so it is a moral and not scientific decision) it leaves physics and biology and math alone. I beleive that Religion and science do not have to coexist as enemies that as all else Natural Laws come from God. That the big bang is part of Natural Law as are the laws of physics and so forth. That all science is delving deeper into the awesome depths of infinity (I was taught that God was infinate in all ways) so we are just coming to a better understanding of God and his many ways of reveling himself to us. I feel the more we understand about what is around us the more we understand about ourselves and thus the more we can understand about God. I do belive we are made in God's image but what that image is not one of flesh and bone because god does not exist in physical sense (that means in the body). We are like God in the fact that we can understand communicate think and feel a vast amounts of emotions such as love (which is what makes as most like God). What was the serpent then it was the fact that we could also deny God by hating and turning against Him in other ways the serpent was the free will that he gave us and the sin was our striving to be like a god rather then being like God. This I feel has haunted man since time on end you can see it in the fact that people sit in judgement (something Christ came strongly out against) they try to take away another persons rights (such as in South Africa and the Soviet Union) thus take away free will. This is the serpent that still is there goading as on. (I apologize for prostelyzing but I feel it is necessary to make my point) The bible was never meant to be a complete scientific work a guide to the universe it was meant as a way for man to understand his relationship with God. For all you Creationist I have one important question if Genesis is correct and must be believed than shouldn't the Book of Deuterotomy? If so then I do hope you all keep a kosher home. Or do all these people have a special hookup with God and know which selective parts of the Bible to believe nad which parts not to beleive. Now I realize that you are saying that well he went to a Catholic school so it doesn't count. Well both my parents are teachers in these terrible public schools that are teaching kids how to commit sucide and so forth. Number one my mother has tryed to help more kids get there lives together after coming out of screwed homes where parents just don't give a damn about what the kids are doing. Why do I say try because the way the laws are teachers can screwed over very quickly and easily (such as law suits) if they are not careful so you can go just so far. My parents don't teach about suicide or premartial sex or any of your choice descrptions she teaches math. I am sorry to disappiont you on that (my father teaches Social Studies) maybe they should go back to school so that they no that they are teaching the wrong things. Do not blame what is wrong with society on schools there already is enough pressure put on teachers (that is something that stopped me from going into teaching). They have to be babysitters look out for child abuse plus as I see it teach good manners and religious belief. I am sorry I want to teach my children what to believe and how to behave I do not want a school to do it. The teacher should be there to teach there perspective subject and be allowed to do it with out worring about teaching about premaritial sex. Why are people so gun ho about giving to teachers what is a parental responsiblity. There are I feel some slight differences though sex eductation is not the same as teaching about the morality of premaritial sex. This problem (if it is one) has been with us since society began and probably will remain. People have had sex before marriage long before sex education was started in school the idea ws to try to stop pregnancies and the passing of communciable diesies. They figuared if you understood what you where doing maybe you could then take neccessary precautions. (I personally am against premaritial sex but feel that sex education is necessary) I also do not believe you can teach someone to choice homosexuality I admit not to know alot on the subject. I thought that general physchiatric opinion was that to decide wether or not to be a homosexual was decided in the first six years of life along with other general principles of life. I also don't need Ms Schlafly to tell me about the public schools since I know quite a bit about them first hand. Plus using her as a source is like having Anita Bryant tell me about homosexuals. There has been much discusion about religion and secular humanism. It as anything else could be a religion but science itself I do not belief can be. If secular humanism wants to use science as a base so be it but that does not mean it speaks for science. It speaks for secular humanism and that is it. Science is I feel an acceptance of the unknown and trying to understand it give it form and consistance and thus bring a greater cohesion to what is going on around us. Science uses fact proof and reasoning to get ahead ideas that are very good and skills that are necessary. These skills are as much from God as anything else and do not mean that you deny him in anyway. In conclusion Science and Religion are good and can coexist. Religion should be taught at home and not in school. Science and principles of reasoning should be taught at school (also at home). Good manners morality and the like should also be taught at home, teachers are too low paid to be expected to have to teach these also. God can not disappear (man can do alot but not quite that much) but belief in him can wan and it is up to parents (many who do not actively teach any form of religion or any religious beliefs) must change this. I apologize for this bombastic message I went on longer than I meant to. Brian Mahoney The ideas of God sometimes become the ideas of people. "I don't know what DEC believes on this issue nor do I care"