wetcw@pyuxa.UUCP (T C Wheeler) (08/13/84)
I wonder why it is that Ferraro's husband dose not want to reveal his tax returns? Could it be that we might find out that he is the landlord of several Porno houses in New York? How could a woman who is so tightly bound to NOW allow her husband to be involved in such enterprises? OR, is there something even more interesting hiding in those returns? She has never filed a proper financial statement according to the House Ethics Committee. Why is this? Is there something wrong somewhere? On the other hand, what the hell is all this interest in Ferraro other than being the first woman on a major ticket? Isn't it Mondale who is running for the office? What the hell has he had to say other than this bullpucky about taxes? It seems he has turned the campaign over to Gerry while he keeps a low profile. Is this a Ferrro/Mondale ticket or what? Fritz hides up in the North Woods while Mondales Mouth wanders around the country shooting from the hip. Remember folks, if you vote for Ferraro, your going to get Mondale. Ferraro will then do nothing more than cut ribbons at super market openings and go to funerals. All this hoopala about Ferraro is nothing more than eyewash. The real character hiding in the wings is old tax em and spend it Mondale. Jimmy Carters protoge and close bosom buddy of Bert Lance (the king of the no interest loan). T. C. Wheeler
gtaylor@cornell.UUCP (08/14/84)
Yeah...and it would only get worse, I suppose, if we considered the alternative on the Republican end-a B-movie snakeoil salesman with his trigger finger on the button, and the once decent and moderate George Bush cutting the ribbons instead. Bill the cat for sure. All the old folks are eating cat food anyway. ________________________________________________________________________________ If you ask me, I may tell you gtaylor@cornell it's been this way for years Gregory Taylor I play my red guitar.... Theorynet (Theoryknot) ________________________________________________________________________________
david@fisher.UUCP (David Rubin) (08/14/84)
Well, you may not like Lance's banking practices, but at least in the Carter administration, close friends with dubious business practices resigned. With Reagan, they're promoted to Attorney General. David Rubin {allegra|astrovax|princeton}!fisher!david
kiessig@idi.UUCP (Rick Kiessig) (08/15/84)
Seems to me that Ferraro's husband is a slum lord in New York. It seems pretty obvious how disclosing his tax return could severely hurt his business (this is the reason given by Ferraro for not disclosing his tax returns). Making lots of money at the expense of poor people, etc. I don't see how disclosure would help Ferraro, either, except in terms of getting the press off her back for a while (until they decipher the contents of the disclosure, to find out why she didn't want to release it in the first place). She was originally being billed as a person on the side of the "working class", and her connections with her husband and his "low income housing" would likely not be perceived as a positive thing by many. [Personally it doesn't bother me at all - the ugly thing is Ferraro's misrepresentations]. -- Rick Kiessig {decvax, ucbvax}!sun!idi!kiessig {akgua, allegra, amd, burl, cbosgd, decwrl, dual, ihnp4}!idi!kiessig Phone: 408-996-2399
tonjon@fluke.UUCP (Tony Johnson) (08/15/84)
I think the point of Ferraro's media attention is that eight years from now, she MIGHT (heaven help us) be president. In addition, while it's true that Mondale is the fellow we're supposed to look at on the presidential side, the idea of a woman in a heretofore mans office is fascinating to many viewers and to lots of arm-chair political scientists in the media, AND (lets face it) she's better television than any of the other candidates (as Johnny Carson pointed out; regardless of who wins the election, the Democrats have the bathing suit contest hands down!!. Okay, okay, it was sexist, but they LIKED it on the tonight show.). These sexist (maybe) comments reflect my own opinion and do not necessarily express those of my employer, John Fluke Mfg Co., Inc. Tony Johnson, Everett, WA.
david@fisher.UUCP (David Rubin) (08/17/84)
[In case someone doesn't know it, what follows is sarcasm.] Imroved relations with the rest of the world? More respect form our allies? Oh, you must be talking about the Phillipines, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, South Africa... Seriously, do you think that all those anti-Pershing demonstrations in Europe were a sign of increased esteem for the US? Funny, but no one protested when Carter's finger was on the button. Hey, and how about that Reagan standing UP to the Soviets. Lily-livered Carter imposed a grain embargo and cancelled the '80 Olymics, but macho Reagan really showed them. Reagan really knows how to stand up to the Russians---he whines, and calls them names, and jokes about bombing them. Real tough guy, that Reagan. Bet he can't wait for another Caribbean island to have a Marxist coup so he can show how firm with Moscow he can be... Boy, he really earned some respect in Lebanon. Sent in the Marines as peace keepers, then sent them in again to support the Phalange, and then was surprised that enemies of the Phalange began treating the Marines as enemies, too. But he showed those Shiite militia, didn't he? And how about Reagan standing up to those Iranians? Carter, well he let them walk all over him just because they had some hostages, but Reagan wouldn't have let that stop him. Just look at how effectively he retaliated for the Embassy and Marine Compound bombings in Beirut, just look at what he's doing to them for obstructing vital shipping lanes. Bet if he calls them "international outlaws" once more, they'll just start burning their Korans and become true believers. You see, Reagan know that Teddy (as in Kennedy, see?) Roosevelt had it all wrong. Action means nothing in acting; words are everything. Speak loudly and carry a small stick! David Rubin {allegra|astrovax|princeton}!fisher!david Moral of the story: It makes no difference how tall in the saddle you are if the gosh darn saddle isn't on a horse!
mmt@dciem.UUCP (Martin Taylor) (08/17/84)
************** Gee, looking at the economy, improved relations with our allies, respect from the rest of the free world, and the alternatives demonstrated empirically by France and other socialist nations, it sure looks like whatever's in that snake oil bottle works well. Thank you, I think I'll just order another four years in November. Ray Simard ****************** Improved relations? respect ?!? alternatives ???!!!!??? I think poor Ray's been smoking his snake oil, not drinking it. Even the Conservative papers in Europe hardly hint at improved relations, and Reagan gets much the respect that Don Whatisname got in "The Godfather". As for alternatives, it's very hard to even try, when your "good friend" is hitting you over the head every time you move. -- Martin Taylor {allegra,linus,ihnp4,floyd,ubc-vision}!utzoo!dciem!mmt {uw-beaver,qucis,watmath}!utcsrgv!dciem!mmt
faustus@ucbvax.UUCP (Wayne Christopher) (08/17/84)
> Gee, looking at the economy, A deficit twice as large as that of any previous administration, a substantial increase in the number of families below the poverty line... > improved relations with our allies, and the lowest level of relations between us and the Soviets since the 50's... > respect from the rest of the free world, after the Beiruit fiasco, our involvement in Central America, and "the bombing starts in five minutes", wwho couldn't help respecting us? > and the alternatives demonstrated empirically by France and other > socialist nations, and everybody knows that it's a choice between Reagan and socialism... > it sure looks like whatever's in that snake oil bottle works well. > Thank you, I think I'll just order another four years in November. If the country can last that long under Reagan's second term... Wayne
simard@loral.UUCP (Ray Simard) (08/21/84)
[] >Yeah...and it would only get worse, I suppose, if we considered >the alternative on the Republican end-a B-movie snakeoil salesman >with his trigger finger on the button, and the once decent and >moderate George Bush cutting the ribbons instead. > >Bill the cat for sure. All the old folks are eating cat food anyway. Gee, looking at the economy, improved relations with our allies, respect from the rest of the free world, and the alternatives demonstrated empirically by France and other socialist nations, it sure looks like whatever's in that snake oil bottle works well. Thank you, I think I'll just order another four years in November. (What put the old folks on cat food anyway? Inflation robbing the value from their fixed incomes, that's what! Inflation before Reagan > 13%, Inflation after Reagan <4%. What else can I say?) Then again, I'd rather have Bill the Cat than Jimmy Two any day! [ I am not a stranger, but a friend you haven't met yet ] Ray Simard Loral Instrumentation, San Diego {ucbvax, ittvax!dcdwest}!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!loral!simard -- [ I am not a stranger, but a friend you haven't met yet ] Ray Simard Loral Instrumentation, San Diego {ucbvax, ittvax!dcdwest}!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!loral!simard