[net.politics] Ken Arndt and Don Black: *CONTROVERSY SETTLED!!*

shiue@h-sc1.UUCP (steve shiue) (10/31/85)


	A quasiscientific analysis of the writing styles of Ken Arndt
and Don Black using the style program has revealed that these two
individuals are probably the same (p<.05 - data not shown - mail
requests for data to /dev/null).  If Arndt/Black can prove that he are
indeed distinct sentient beings, and can appear in Cambridge together
simultaneously, I will be quite pleased to treat him both to lunch at
Elsie's.  The inquisitive reader can see the results of this incredibly
*rigorous* analysis documented below - this data, with an accompanying
review and discussion will be published in the current issue of The
American Journal of Pathological Psychology.

< arndt
> black
< 	(Kincaid)  7.3  (auto)  6.4  (Coleman-Liau)  7.1  (Flesch)  7.8 (71.7)
> 	(Kincaid)  8.4  (auto)  7.3  (Coleman-Liau)  8.6  (Flesch)  8.8 (62.1)
< 	no. sent 166 no. wds 2676
< 	av sent leng 16.1 av word leng 4.20
< 	no. questions 25 no. imperatives 1
< 	no. nonfunc wds 1430  53.4%   av leng 5.28
< 	short sent (<11) 36% (60) long sent (>26)  14% (23)
< 	longest sent 115 wds at sent 10; shortest sent 2 wds at sent 37
> 	no. sent 45 no. wds 683
> 	av sent leng 15.2 av word leng 4.48
> 	no. questions 4 no. imperatives 0
> 	no. nonfunc wds 387  56.7%   av leng 5.69
> 	short sent (<10) 29% (13) long sent (>25)  13% (6)
> 	longest sent 35 wds at sent 45; shortest sent 4 wds at sent 1
< 	simple  54% (90) complex  30% (50)
< 	compound   7% (12) compound-complex   8% (14)
> 	simple  56% (25) complex  33% (15)
> 	compound   7% (3) compound-complex   4% (2)
< 	tobe  30% (104) aux  14% (47) inf  13% (43)
< 	passives as % of non-inf verbs   6% (17)
> 	tobe  36% (27) aux  20% (15) inf  13% (10)
> 	passives as % of non-inf verbs   8% (5)
< 	prep 10.3% (275) conj 3.9% (104) adv 6.6% (176)
< 	noun 24.0% (641) adj 12.7% (341) pron 10.5% (282)
< 	nominalizations   1 % (26)
> 	prep 12.0% (82) conj 2.3% (16) adv 4.0% (27)
> 	noun 27.5% (188) adj 17.0% (116) pron 7.2% (49)
> 	nominalizations   2 % (13)
< 	subject opener: noun (45) pron (34) pos (6) adj (17) art (8) tot  66%
< 	prep   3% (5) adv  12% (20) 
< 	verb   1% (2)  sub_conj   4% (6) conj  11% (19)
< 	expletives   1% (2)
> 	subject opener: noun (10) pron (6) pos (3) adj (8) art (2) tot  64%
> 	prep   7% (3) adv  13% (6) 
> 	verb   2% (1)  sub_conj  11% (5) conj   2% (1)
> 	expletives   0% (0)

			-Steve Shiue

Driver's licences will be required of Arndt/Black for the
lunch - just present one copy of this posting each to the
guy behind the counter at Elsie's for a roast beef sandwich.

"No... no... NO!!!  It's TOO gruesome!   ...But I'll do it!"
	-Bugs Bunny

"Survival of the fittest - and besides, it's fun!!"
	-Daffy Duck