[net.politics] Ray "the Sham" Shamie: IIIrd & final part

rrizzo@bbncca.ARPA (Ron Rizzo) (11/03/84)


Shamie's employee-education program, "Wake Up! America", begun in the
mid- or early-70s, is considered a success (by Shamie).  In a report
Shamie wrote & sent to employees , he noted:

	In the November, 1978, election, our employees voted 6 to 1
	against forced bussing [sic.] of schoolchildren, 3 to 1 for
	Edward J. King for governor, a conservative who won by a
	narrow margin, & 6 to 1 against tax classification, which
	passed by a 2 to 1 margin.  Our people differed from the
	public by a factor of 12.  [2]

Shamie also created a Productivity Communications Center (PCC) "to
spread the gospel to other corporations" [1].  According to the
Boston Globe, Shamie had John McManus, "a Birch staffer since 1966
& currently its public-relations director, speak to a meeting of
corporate executives of various firms in 1977"  [2] through the PCC.

On December 30th, 1976, Shamie distributed to Metal Bellows employees
a blatantly political questionnaire soliciting answers to questions
on issues that have been the trademark & the obsession of the radical-
-right for decades.  This was a part of the "Wake Up! America" program
(whose title is a pet phrase of the far right) which also included
"films, pamphlets, letters from Shamie, & literature in the company
library to stimulate various forms of political activism" [2].  Some
of the questions were:

	Will you indicate below which which answer closely expresses
	your opinion on the following: (circle one) [yes, no, undeci-
		Resign from United Nations
		Promote Free Enterprise in school systems
		Remove Communists from Government
		Reinstate House Unamerican Activities Committee
		Keep the Panama Canal -- its [sic.] ours
		Reinstate the Constitution and Bill of Rights
			as the law of the land [!?!]
		Prohibit busing of school children
		Protect right to own firearms
		Reject socialized medicine
		End secret agreements by Secy./State and President
			of US

Finally, to switch from Shamie's attempt at fraud about his political
allegiances to his position on actual issues:  Shamie is opposed to
ERA, abortion, & equal pay for equal work [3].  His Democratic oppo-
nent, Lt. Governor John Kerry, favors all three.  Shamie claims to
support the idea of an ERA but is aginst the wording which states:

	Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or
	abridged by the Inited States or by any state on account
	of sex.

	The Congress shall have the power to enforce by appropriate
	legislation the provisions of this article.

Shamie said: "I believe the wording of the proposed ERA should be
clarified so there will be no danger of penalizing women's colleges,
veterans' programs, churches & synagogues and the like".  But he
hasn't offered any variant wording.  [3]

"Shamie opposes federal funding of abortions for poor women & also
favors an amendment to the US Constitution that would give states
the right to regulate abortion" [3],  & thus the power to effect-
ively outlaw or sharply restrict abortions [3].  

Shamie has asserted that "the Soviets have a first-strike capabi-
lity", which is entirely false [4].  He's said that federal efforts 
to reduce poverty have created "a poverty industry" in which 70% of
funds is spent on administration; again, "this not only wrong, it
is ridiculous: less than 10% goes on administration" [4].

Shamie has said nothing about CIA actions in Central America; he's
opposed to the nuclear freeze.  He favors virtually every new weapon
proposed by the Defense Dept. [4]

Shamie's campaign of evasion, coverup, & outright fraud & falsehood
has become typical of New Right campaigns in many states in the 80s
and illustrates the moral & political bankruptcy of the rightwing

In summary, make sure to VOTE on November 6th, but ensure you know
who & what you are voting for.

1. "The Real Ray Shamie" by Michael Segal & Renee Loth, BOSTON
   PHOENIX, 10/16/84.
2. "Right Answers: Shamie's Loaded Questions" by Richard Gaines,
   BOSTON PHOENIX, 10/23/84.
3. "Shamie, Kerry far apart on issues involving women" by Chris
   Black, BOSTON GLOBE, 10/23/84.
4. "The Shamie Difference" by columnist Robert L .Turner, BOSTON
   GLOBE, 10/23/84.

					Ron Rizzo

The views herein expressed are my own & do not necessarily reflect
those of my employer.