arlan (04/28/83)

While sitting here at lunchtime reviewing the comments on my latest
diatribes against collectivists, it is apparent that I owe apologies
to some who have mistaken my intent.  And for that I apologize--
it was my intent to rail against those who oppress individual rights,
and to wish upon them the curses they have brought on mankind this
century.  It was also my intent to use perfect spelling and formatting
of those comments.

For the spelling and formatting mistakes, I apologize--my home terminal,
the VIC-20, uses a 24-character-per-line format, and it is sometimes
difficult, in the heat of the moment, to keep track of an 80-line count.
The keyboard is somewhat different than my good ol' HP2621P, and so
additional keystrokes seem to have crept in.  

For those errors, I apologize--no wish to appear "rednecky".  As far as
the hostile intent of the remarks themselves, I offer no apologies.  I
intend to live in a free world, and hope that others who feel the same
way, and who are unfortunate enough to live in oppressive societies,
can someday set their own course.

And if that makes me nonLibertarian, and a "radical, right-wing,
redneck" in the opinions of leftists, so be it.

Better redneck than red.

--Dr. Arlan Keith Andrews, Sr., Sc.D., PE