[net.politics] Presidential Candidates, who do you

nrh@inmet.UUCP (02/10/84)

inmet!nrh    Feb  9 02:24:00 1984

David Bergland for President
Jim Lewis for Vice president


 - US out of Central America, the Caribbean, Lebanon, France
   Germany, Japan, and (ultimately) as far as possible out of
   North America.

 - Stop the arms buildup (At least, the PUBLIC, THEFT-SUPPORTED
   arms buildup).

 - Your money for what you want, not for programs decided on by others
   for "your own good", or for the "good of society", or "for the workers".

 - Fight elitist, political methods of decision-making.

 - For a tiny, little, hardly-there-at-all Government.

 - Deregulation of all drugs. 

(Note -- this form taken from charm!tpkq's Socialist party blurb --
I couldn't resist).  
I plan to vote for these people for two reasons:  

	1. IT WORKS:  Do Democrats cut taxes?
	Do REPUBLICANS?  Nope.  Do Libertarians?  Yup -- Dick Randolph
	managed to get the Alaska Income tax repealed.  I doubt
	that Bergland will get the Office, but  even if he doesn't, the
	vote's not wasted -- those votes COUNT -- pols watch them, and
	react to them.  I'd like to tell Reagan, Mondale, and all
	the others that they'd better rein in the Government.  This'll

	2. ON PRINCIPLE:  Where do you stand on farm price supports?
	On the draft?  On the regulation of drugs?  On what
	consenting adults may do in private?  How's this for a rebuttal:
	I don't care where you stand -- I shouldn't have to.  On the other
	hand, you shouldn't care where I stand.  The only way we can
	come close to making it truly not matter is to 
	remove Government's power to interfere with people's lives.
	What! you say!  Where will this country find soldiers to fight
	a war?  (Same place we found 'em in WWI -- with no draft)  What
	about the chaotic drug situation?  (This is bad and worse.
	Do you really LIKE prohibition, though? Do you really
	think it makes reduces drug use?  Do you think Prohibition
	reduced Alchohol use and helped society more than it hurt?)

I've rambled overlong.  Let me just close this way.  
The Democrats and Republicans have brought you The Drug Enforcement
Administration, the IRS,  the Deficit,  Inflation, Prohibition, and
Ronald Reagan.  The Socialists have brought you Stalin, British
Socialized Medicine (check THAT out for usefullness sometime), rent
control (and the delightful ease in finding apartments in New York City
(not to mention the cheery responsiveness of New York City Landlords),
Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and Welfare.  

The Libertarians (or people close to them in avowed rhetoric) brought
you the Bill of Rights.

Which group would you choose?