keithl@sri-unix (11/29/82)
Dense-pack or not, orbital defense systems will sooner or later make any ICBM system worthless. Space lasers may be too big, missile interceptor platforms may be too slow, but sooner or later some smart cookie is going to figure out a way to blow up ICBMs during launch, when they are impossible to hide and loaded with explosive fuel. <imagination on> Imagine 6 million little rocket interceptor packages, each containing about 200 grams of solid fuel and 100 grams of VHSIC-style circuitry, with solar cells, battery, a lens, CCD imager, small receiver, etc., weighing about 500 grams total. World War III is announced in such a way as to turn these little packages on, in heat-seeking mode. An ICBM boosting to 5000 m/s at 5 g's will need about two minutes to do so, leaving an infrared trail visible for hundreds of kilometers. Our little interceptor has up to 500 meters per second delta v, allowing it to "get" ICBMs in an area of perhaps 10000 square kilometers during that 2 minute boost. If we have 100 shuttle loads of these things in orbit, and they are randomly distributed, that's about 100x coverage of the surface of the Earth (the redundant coverage is needed to counteract dense pack style salvo launches). If these little guys cost $3000 each (we're making 6 million, so they should be cheap) the whole system would probably be cheaper than the MX. The interceptors probably can't tell the difference between a "good guy" ICBM and a "bad guy" (I find it difficult myself) so if we orbited such a system we'd be stopping ICBM wars in general. Tough for the Nuke Moscow folks. Cruise missiles could get through, but a war that takes hours rather than minutes would be easier to call off. There will be a small risk of getting hit by an inert interceptor during a space mission passing through interceptor orbital altitude (I figure about 1 in 10,000 for a shuttle sized vehicle), but I think the risk is probably worth it. <imagination off> Okay, gang, let's see the flames! Let's show the defense folks that we really CARE about war! Keith Lofstrom uucp: {ucbvax,decvax,chico,pur-ee,cbosg,ihnss}!teklabs!tekcad!keithl CSnet: keithl@tek ARPAnet:keithl.tek@rand-relay