[net.politics] Quote about overall situation in Mid. East-and a question:Reply

rao@utcsstat.UUCP (Eli Posner) (01/01/84)

I'm going to answer (refute) all of mprvaxa!tbray 's points :

1)  Yes, a couple billion dollars could have re- settled and re- built
    homes for the 'Palestinians'. Everyone's always complaining about their
    standard of living -> the Arabs THEMSELVES could have solved this
    problem with no sweat. (however, the politics wouldn't be completed)

2,3)How about reading my article again! The meaning is pretty explicit.
    He (Herzog) said at first that it was a Palestinian refugee problem, which
    indeed it is, but afterwards, he cleverly stated "..Arab refugee problem";
    meaning that it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the Arabs, just as the Jewish 
    refugee problem is the responisibility of the Israeli government ( which
    it has successfully completed ,except for a couple hundred Jews in barbaric
    countries like Syria and Iran). Thus it becomes an ARAB problem.
    (Us Jews have Yachdut and Uchdut meaning 'togetherness and oneness', unlike
    the Arabs. Thank g-d, 'cause if they did, Israel would be in bad shape.)

4)  No, that's just my point; the Arabs DON'T spend any worthwhile 
    amount of money in ANY way towards the Palestinians.

Once again I'll say it : the Palestinian problem is the Arab problem 
(especially Jordan's [ since Jordan IS Palestine]) NOT the Israelis
problem. In 1948, the West Bank was given to the Palestinians by the UN, but the
Jordanians captured it and thus CREATED (yes) the refugee problem by making
the lives of the Palestinians miserable and not giving them adequate housing.
In 1967, the Israelis captured the West Bank (after being attacked from it by
Jordan) and really made the lives of the Palestinians better, contrary to
the PLO etc propaganda which we have all heard. Ask any Palestinian in the
West Bank! The Israeli government just released a new plan ( I don't remember
how much) to give more housing to the Palestin's -> more than any Arab
government EVER DID.

Now your question about PEACE NOW. Tough issue. I have pretty much mixed 
feelings. Immediately I'll state that I am totally against the MOVEMENT
but not against the basic idealogy ( peace). I am against their means
to achieve this - to return captured land.
I'll talk briefly. The peace with Egypt is not REAL peace just paperwork.
Real peace is like US-Canada relations. There will never in the near
future be a real peace. Peace with Syria will definately never happen,
therefore I am against any peace-for-Golan-Heights agreement.To endanger
the lives of the innocent (you guys love that word) civilians of the Galilee
for a piece of paper ??!!! NEVER!!!! Do you know what the situation was on the 
Golan before '67 ????! Hell, man!! I have a cousin who was born in a bomb
shelter and didn't leave it until she was 6 months old , because of the
Syrian shelling of mostly civilian areas. Syria needs a total humiliation
of it's army before any negotiations begin .In '73 the IDF could have
reached Damascus in a couple of minutes but didn't because of the damn UN !!

Jordan. There could be peace but not in return for the West Bank. No way!
We're not giving that up! If any Israeli government gave it up, there
would be a civil war, I'm serious. It's the heartland of the country.
Would Canada give up Ontario, after all they captured it from the
Indians !( Was that a good example?!). What could be done , however, is
to make a, say a provincial system (like Canada), and have the West Bank as
a 'province', and have all the residents , Jews and Arabs, vote  etc.

Personally , I am closer to Gush Emunim. I don't feel like explaining it now.

		Waiting to hear from you ( tbray) and anyone else,

				Eli Posner