[net.politics] Cuban missile memory

murphy@hou2a.UUCP (11/22/83)

                 The Cuban missle crisis occurred when I was in the 
            eighth grade. I recall seeing a poster around that time
            that read:

                    IN CASE OF NUCLEAR ATTACK:

                    1. Bend over
                    2. Place head between knees
                    3. Kiss your ass good-bye.

                I remember thinking, "this is it. WWIII", when U.S.
             warships were sent over to Cuba. It was scary.

                                                Rich Ganns

jrc@ritcv.UUCP (James R Carbin) (11/23/83)

At that time, I was a new high school mathematics teacher.  It was next to
impossible to accomplish much of any value as the students were generally
so distracted and upset over the events of that week.  

as ever,

j.r.      {allegra,seismo}!rochester!ritcv!jrc

aeq@pucc-h (Sargent) (11/29/83)

It's a somewhat sobering thought to think that I would doubtless have been
vaporized had nuclear war occurred in 1962.  At the time, I lived in Tucson--
home of Davis-Monthan AFB.  This also points out a further horrible feature
of nuclear (or any total) war:  It kills kids.  I was an innocent 7-year-old
at the time.

-- Jeff Sargent/...pur-ee!pucc-h:aeq (maybe: I'm not sure on 4.1c)

rlw@wxlvax.UUCP (Richard L. Wexelblat) (11/30/83)

Why is killing "innocent kids" worse than killing innocent adults?

pollack@uicsl.UUCP (12/03/83)

uicsl!pollack    Dec  2 12:21:00 1983

(joke) re: killing "innocent kids" vs. "innocent adults":

Ultra-Conservative Senator to Guatemalan General:
  "Here are your new weapons; just don't use them on unborn children."