[net.politics] Energy: a list of references from "Science"

mmt@dciem.UUCP (Martin Taylor) (04/20/84)

Here are a few references from Science that I have extracted over the
years.  They relate to questions of energy sources and uses and include
environmental, economic, technical and political factors.  They suggest
and analyze many possibilities beyond just conservation, burn oil and coal,
or build reactors.  Rational discussion of the energy topic requires that
you read at least some of these references or their equivalents, and not
just books which promote one viewpoint or another on the nuclear issue.

I am not listing these in order of importance or age, but I have grouped
them loosely be topic area.

Also, remember these are from one journal that I happen to get.  There are
specialized journals that cover all these fields in more technical detail
than the articles referenced here.  Any scientist should be able to read
and understand these ones, and be able to go to the specialized literature
for more.

An Overview

A Global and long-range picture of energy developments. W Hafele  4 Jul 80 p 174
      (A wide-ranging survey. Points out that it takes any new energy
       technology about 40-80 years to make a 10-fold increment in its
       market penetration after it first demonstrates commercial
       feasibility, and declines at the same rate after achieving its
       peak. A graph shows wood (declining lawfully since before 1850)
       coal (rising 1850 to peak about 1910 and declining thereafter),
       oil (rising to peak around 1970-80), gas (rising but no peak
       yet visible), and nuclear (just beginning its rise at the same
       slope as all the other technologies).  Solar, hydro, wind and
       so forth are not shown because they supply an insignificant
       proportion of requirements or are very localized in applicability.)

Risk Assessment

Risks of Risk Decisions. C. Starr and C. Whipple. 6 June 80, p1114
Comment on Societal Risk. D. Okrent. 25 Apr 80, p372
Risk Accounting. D. Okrent. (Vol 204 -- I don't have the date) p 1154


Fuel Conservation and Applied Research. J. Grey, G.W.Sutton, M. Zlotnick,
          14 Apr 78, p 135. (In this issue there are six major reports
          on energy issues, of which the cited on is the first.)
Bio-Energy. (Editorial by P.H.Abelson) 15 June 1979
Economic Feasibility of Solar Water and Space Heating. R.H.Bezdek, A.S.Hirshberg
          W.H. Babcock. 23 March 79
Ocean Energy: Forms and Prospects. J.D.Isaccs and W.R.Schmidt. 18 Jan 80 p265
Solar Availability for Winter Space Heating: An analysis of SOLMET Data
          1953 to 1975. J.G.Asbury, C. Maslowski, R.O.Mueller, 9 Nov 79 p679
Salt Domes: Is there more energy available from their salt than from their
          oil? G.L.Wick and J.D.Isaacs, 31 Mar 78 p1436
Electricity generation choices for the near term. D. Bodansky. 15 Feb 80 p721
Wood: Fuel of the future? (Research News) M.M.Waldrop, 27 Feb 81 p914
Solar Energy: Unsung potential for wind and biomass. (Research News)
          M.M.Waldrop. 12 May 78 p636
Energy Storage and Solar Power: an exaggerated problem. (Research News)
          W.D.Metz, 30 June 78 p 1471
Gasohol: does it or doesn't it produce positive net energy? R.S.Chambers,
          R.A.Herendeen, J.J.Joyce, P.S.Penner. 16 Nov 79 p789
Limits to wind power utilization. M.R.Gustavson. 6 Apr 79 p13
Power with heliostats. A.F.Hildebrandt and L.L.Vant-Hull. 16 Sept 77 p 1139
Solar photovoltaic power systems: Will they reduce utility peaking requirements?
          R.O.Mueller, B.K.Cha, R.F.Giese. 28 Jan 1981 p 211

Nuclear waste disposal

Radioactive waste disposal in thick unsaturated zones. I.J.Winograd
          26 June 81, 1457
The radwaste paradox. (News and Comment) L.J.Carter. 7 Jan 83, p33
Subseabed disposal of nuclear wastes. C.D.Hollister, D.R.Anderson, G.R.Heath.
          18 Sept 81, p1321
  (There are lots more articles on this "hot" topic, but these are ones
          I happened to tear out when they appeared).

Enviroment (especially Carbon Dioxide)

The environmental crisis: quantifying geosphere interactions. W.S.Fyfe
          3 July 81, p105
A Terminal Mesozoic "Greenhouse": lessons from the past. D.M.McLean
          4 Aug 78, p401
No Dinosaurs This Time. (News and Comment) R. Lewin. 16 Sep 83, p1168
Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. J.Hansen, D.Johnson,
          A Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P Lee, D Rind, G Russell. 28 Aug 81  p 957
Anthropogenic albedo changes and the Earth's climate. C.Sagan, O.B.Toon,
          J.B.Pollack. 21 Dec 79 p1363
Global deforestation: contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide. G.M.Woodwell,
          J.E.Hobbie, R.A.Houghton, J.M.Melillo, B.Moore, B.J.Peterson,
          G.R.Shaver. 9 Dec 83, 1081
The Carbon Cycle and climate warming. (Research News) R.A.Kerr. 9 Dec 83 p1107
Estimating the greenhouse effect (Letter) A.M.Perry, 9 Dec 83 p1072


Economics of nuclear power. A.D.Rossin and T.A.Rieck. 18 Aug 78 p582
Embodied energy and economic valuation. R. Costanza. 12 Dec 80 p1219
Nuclear power economics: report heats up debate. ALSO Solar politics:
          lame duck officials initiate a major new study. (Both in
          News and Comment) 17 Dec 76 p 1256


The CANDU reactor system: and appropriate technology. J.A.L.Robertson
          10 Feb 78, p407 (One of eight consecutive articles on aspects
          of energy policy)
Process innovation and changes in industrial energy use. C.A Berg 10 Feb 78
          (Another of the same group of articles).
Relaxed energy outlook masks continuing uncertainties. H.H.Landsberg
          3 Dec 82, p973
A siting policy for an acceptable nuclear future. C.C.Burwell, M.J.Ohanian,
          A.M.Weinberg. 8 June 79 p 1043
Operating a major electric utility today. T.J.Nagel. 15 Sep 78 p985
Sweden beyond oil: Nuclear commitments and solar options. M. Lonroth,
          T.B.Johansson, P.Steen. 9 May 80, 557
Power plant cooling systems: policy alternatives. J.Z.Reynolds. 25 Jan 80 p367
Residential energy use alternatives: 1976 to 2000. E Hirst. 17 Dec 76 p 1247

Martin Taylor