bottom@katadn.DEC (10/17/85)
Todd Jones writes "The constitution is dying lets give her a decent burial" I hope not Todd, I think that the Constitution is resiliant enough to survive this latest Fundamentalist attack on freedom. This "law" in NC and the ensuing efforts of the Ladies of Washington to censor music etc. are symptoms of what I call "Fallwelism". They don't appear to be constitutional and will no doubt be overturned by the courts just as soon as somebody has enough money to gain "justice". Till then read them and weep, but in time the Constitution will win out. (I hope) However I agree with all of your other points, this has got to be stopped (itiot laws concerning "morality" that is). Dave Bottom DEC Augusta Maine !dec-rhea!dec-katadn!bottom "Now remember kids DEC dosen't necessarily agree with Dave"