tom (04/09/83)
Dear Freeze Supporter, Has your government been giving your demands for a nuclear arms freeze the "cold shoulder" treatment? Well, a group of scientists at Bingo University in Utah say they have the answer: It's an amazing new scientific process called Cryogenics, and it's the hottest thing since dry ice! Seems they take some- body with creeping senility or some other affliction, stick 'em in the cooler for awhile, and keep 'em frozen 'til they find a cure. If you've really tried, and you're getting nowhere with the nuclear freeze, isn't it time to ask yourself: Why not freeze Reagan/Bush in '84 and get right down to the cause of the problem? The Tip of the Iceberg While this important research is underway, it is by no means complete. The Soviets, using data obtained from the deep-freeze research facilities in Siberia, are in the lead in this vital race. What is known in top-level circles as the "Hammer and Popsicle Report" reveals how virtually any great leader, President, or their friends can be frozen using techniques far superior to those allowed for by our present National Defense policy. By this time, you must be asking yourself, "Well, what's holding us back? Why can't our leaders meet the deep-freeze challenge?" Unfortunately, public confidence in this nation's leadership is at an all-time low, and getting the American people to support high-level programs like this is extremely difficult. But with your help, with your support, with your commitment, Reagan and Bush can be frozen. Nancy can be frozen, Watto too. That way, if we ever do have a war, we can thaw the whole crew out to fight it. What Will It Take? Concerned citizens are aksing, "What can I do right now? If it were only a matter of money... or prayer... I could see this dream through, and never have to leave my television." But it takes more. We have to show the President that we support the FREEZE REAGAN/BUSH CAMPAIGN, and that we won't stop until the entire Administration is put on ice! (Yippie!!)