[net.politics] Ronald Reagan's Homophobic Career: VI

rrizzo@bbncca.ARPA (Ron Rizzo) (11/06/84)

The following is a blatant attempt to influence how you vote on November
6th.  It's addressed to all voters who think they may vote for Reagan,
but especially to closet Republicans, [Ll]ibertarians, and gay people.
(The views expressed herein are my own, & not those of my employer.)


The Reagan AIDS record is pretty awful.  Here's an assortment of info
culled for a couple of articles, sketching a history of the (lack of
a) Reagan administration response to the AIDS crisis.

[from NYNative, 8/15-28/83, Larry Bush "Reagan Response Blasted In
AIDS Hearings", pp. 14-15]

By 1983, Reagan administration (RA) response was so inadequate that
Ted Weiss (D-NY), who chairs the House Subcommittee for Gov't Opera-
tions & Health (HSGOH) which has a mandate to act as "watchdog" over
all federal health agencies, had to institute hearings just to find
out what was going on.  Weiss accused Assistant Secretary of Health
Edward Brandt (Dept. of Health & Human Services, HHS) of OBSTRUCTING
HSGOH investigtion of AIDS crisis response by the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) & the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  He noted:

	-- an NIH memo which asked all employees, including scientists,
	   to allow interviews only if a top Reagan health official
	   was present, something that would clearly have a "chilling
	   effect" on the interviewee.

	-- that both CDC & NIH withheld research proposals & results
	   from HSGOH.

Brandt countered:

	-- HHS wished to protect employees against "intimidation".
	   Yet many government scientists have indicated a willing-
	   ness to talk publically, except when "intimidated" by
	   their boss, the Reagan administration.

	-- HHS wanted to protect confidentiality of research subjects
	   & victims.  This defense is particularly ironic: this fall
	   over 300,000 blood donors to a project to study the extent
	   of HTLV3 in the population were informed AFTER THE FACT that
	   HHS could not guarantee confidentiality (that insurance
	   companies, employers, etc. would not get hold of the info)!
	   In addition, US Statute law governing epidemics seriously
	   violates confidentiality & other ethical cornerstones of
	   medical practice & civil rights.  The HHS is certainly aware
	   of this:  confidentiality is thus not a "cornerstone" of
	   CDC operations.

Brandt's defense was feeble (a characteristic of RA reaction to criti-
cism & demands throughout the AIDS crisis).

Republican members of HSGOH echoed Reagan's overdue declaration that
"AIDS is our number one health priority" and sophistically went on to say 
that that "doesn't make AIDS the number one funding priority".  (In fact, 
AIDS funds were very low among HHS funding.)

18 months after federal AIDS effort began, no new information on the epi-
demic was available from HHS.  Yet non-HHS sources regularly announced
new statistics, facts, & research results during this period.

Virginia Apuzzo, of the National Gay Task Force (NGTF) testified:

The Reagan Administration was in the absurd & outrageous position of
following, not leading, not only the scientific community, but the general
public, in what is precisely what HHS & CDC (& even NIH) were created to 
deal with:  national medical emergencies, particularly complex & intractable
ones, whose scope swamp private & academic medical resources.

Steve Endean of the Gay Rights National Lobby (GRNL) pointed out the situ-
ation's even worse than that:  concerned organizations & even the legisla-
tive branch HAD TO LOBBY HHS & the executive branch to get them to move
on resolutions they'd already adopted, to make crucial already due decisions
about rudimentary matters, or even to get any information AT ALL about the
HHS AIDS effort.

Others who testified commented on the extremely inadequate funding the
administration budgeted for AIDS.

Stanley Matek, the previous president of the American Public Health Assoc.
testified:  "The administration's marching order to these [AIDS effort]
program directors is unequivocal: `Don't ask for any money; make us look
as good as you can with what you've got.'"

Bruce Voeller, NGTF founder, & member of 2 scientific advisory panels on
AIDS created by the Reagan administration, charged:  "HHS has not convened
a single national meeting of research scientists & physicians from the
private sector [where most of early work on AIDS was done] & gov't to
collaborate in developing a comprehensive master plan."

Voeller said the administration effectively gagged researchers: "Those in
gov't quite reasonably fear quick termination of their gov't careers if
they state their considered scientific beliefs in the face of explicit
gov't gag orders.  University researchers equally clearly tell me that
they fear gov't reprisal if they appear before these hearings or speak
their minds.  These women & men are dependent upon gov't research grants
in order to carry out their scientific research."

Marcus Conant, codirector of SF's Kaposi's Sarcoma clinic & a physician
at U of C said:  "I have to characterize the federal response to AIDS
as bordering on the negligent....I cannot help but conclude that federal
officials who say that enough money is being spent on AIDS are simply
mouthing some required political line that has nothing to do with real-


						Ron Rizzo

"Why, dahling!  The Left is what's left over, the Right is what's
 wrong, & the Middle-Of-The-Road is no place for a lady."

		    -- Electra Collage, Miss Ballot-box of 1947
		       Washington, AC/DC

thill@ssc-bee.UUCP (Tom Hill) (11/13/84)

> The following is a blatant attempt...
> 						Cheers,
> 						Ron Rizzo

	Oh Ron, please tell me another fairy tale!  :-)

nxs@fluke.UUCP (Bruce Golub) (12/21/84)

>From thill@ssc-bee.UUCP (Tom Hill) Tue Nov 13 07:23:23 1984
>References: <1106@bbncca.ARPA>
>> The following is a blatant attempt...
>> 						Cheers,
>> 						Ron Rizzo

>	Oh Ron, please tell me another fairy tale!  :-)

    I'm sure we will have four more years of fairy tails to live with, that
    is if we live.

Bruce Golub
John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.