trc (03/08/83)
With regard to social responsibility: anything that is given to one should not have strings attached unless the recipient is aware of those strings. However, there is such a thing as gratitude for gifts freely given. I think that "degree of appreciation" is a better way of looking at this question than "degree of debt" or "personal feeling of debt". (Perhaps this is quibbling - I dont seem to disagree with brian in any real way. I just feel it is important not to use a potentially confusing term like "debt" in this case.) And there is no obligation to feel grateful - it is just a natural feeling arising from the obvious benefits to one gained in living in a society. The same goes for "patriotism", at least to the degree of love of one's nation (regardless of the current govt. - I dont see governments as productive, so I dont see any way that it could rightfully have anything to give for one to feel grateful for).