[net.politics] An Historical Capsule

jmg@houxk.UUCP (J.MCGHEE) (12/30/83)

	In an article on net.nlang.celts the other day rabbit!jj wrote about
those who had been exiled from the British Isles in various circumstances and
briefly described their motivations. While I don't agree with his statement
that all Celts are brought up to hate the English (I was not) I can identify
with some of his comments and so I'm submitting the following historical
capsule to give more balance to his assessment.
	In Ireland nine men were captured, tried and convicted of treason
against Her Majesty the Queen, during what has been referred to as the "Young
Irish disorders", in 1848 or thereabouts. The nine, who were sentenced to
death, were:
	Patrick Donahue
	Charles Duffy
	Michael Ireland
	Morris Lyene
	Thomas McGee
	Terence McManus
	Thomas Meagher
	John Mitchel
	Richard O'Gorman

	The judge decreed that the defendants should be hanged until dead, and
then drawn and quartered. Passionate protests, however, influenced Queen
Victoria to commute the sentence to banishment for life and transporttation to
far wild Australia.
	In 1874 an astounded Queen Victoria received word that the Sir Charles
Duffy who had been elected Prime Minister of Australia was the very same
Charles Duffy who had been transported there some 25 years before. Curious
about the fate of the other eight, the Queen demanded that the records of those
transported in the 1848 incident be researched and revealed. This is what was
	Thomas Meagher	- Governor of Montana
	Terence McManus - Brigadier General, U.S. Army
	Patrick Donahue - Brigadier General, U.S. Army
	Richard O'Gorman - Governor of Newfoundland
	Morris Lyene	- Attorney General of Australia
	Michael Ireland - Attorney General of Australia, after the term of
				Morris Lyene
	Thomas McGee	- Member of Parliament, Montreal, Minister of
				Agriculture and President of Council,
				Dominion of Canada
	John Mitchel	- writer and prominant New York politician. His son
				became Mayor of New York City.

	With this knowledge we can better appreciate the words of Emma Lazarus
in her poem "The New Colossus" which is dedicated to the Statue of Liberty:

	"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
	With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
	Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
	The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
	Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me...

jj@rabbit.UUCP (12/30/83)

You LIE, Joe!

I specifically said that NOT all Celts were brought up to hate
the British empire.  I did not say, as you suggest, that 
all WERE brought up that way.

Please read my article again.

I do not like hate mongering, I do not like being misquoted
even more!

Rince Philib a choeil!

-Diogenes stopped here-
