[net.politics] Downing civilian planes

riddle@ut-sally.UUCP (09/07/83)

     As long as we're talking about governments shooting down jetliners,
we might as well bring up bombings of airliners by other groups.  My under-
standing is that right-wing Cuban exiles operating out of Florida (the folks
originally trained and set up by our CIA, just like the Somocistas right now)
have on occaision blown up Cuban commercial flights.  The incident I recall
hearing about was, I believe, a flight from Havana en route to Mexico City.
Not only were the bulk of the victims civilians, but they were not all
Cubans; among others, a number of Mexicans died.  I believe that I heard
about this some time back on Sixty Minutes; anybody else know anything?

                                    -- Prentiss Riddle