[net.politics] Green Peace and French Nuke Tests: Sources for Rick McGeer

orb@whuxl.UUCP (SEVENER) (10/29/85)

Rick McGeer asked:
> > 
> > Now this I did not know.  When did Greenpeace hold a demonstration in Moscow?
> > What was the demonstration (a sit-in, protest march, riot?)  Did any Muscovites
> > join them?  How did the Red authorities react?  Are the Greenpeace people still
> > in Lubyanka prison?  How about their Russian partners, if any?
From the New York Times, Sept. 1984:
Greenpeace: Global Gadfly for Ecology
In the 13 years since Greenpeace was formed in Vancouver, Canada, it
has been called the Don Quixote of environmental groups, tilting at
toxic waste dumpers andat whaling ships from small rubber boats, dyeing
baby seals green to make them unfit for slaughter, releasing balloons
in Leningrad urging, "Soviet Union: Stop the Atomic Tests!"
"All our support comes from the public," Mr McTaggart said, adding that
most donations are $5 and $10, "We don't get any grants.  We have to be
absolutely nonpolitical.  We attack the left, the right, and the center, and
no one with the organization is allowed to run for political office."
From the New York Times, Nov. 1983:
Some Czechs Question Need for Soviet Missile Response
PRAGUE, Nov. 5 (AP) - Some Czechoslovaks are questioning the wisdom of
the deployment of Soviet medium range missiles in their country, the
Communist Party newspaper Rude Pravo said today.
Rude Pravo said it had received letters since the Soviet Union said last
month that it would respond to the deployment of United States
Pershing 2 and cruise missiles in Western Europe by stationing missiles
in Czechoslovakia and East Germany.
Most letters "show a resolve to do all for the defense of peace," said
Rude Pravo. "But there are also some from which one can sense doubts 
whether the recently announced steps for the strengthening of defense
are 'necessary at this stage.' "
Other letters ask, "whether we should not have waited until the 
Pershings are stationed."
"What will the defenders of peace in the West say to this?" and
"Who really started all this?" said Rude Pravo.
From the New York Times, Nov. 1983:
Marchers in Rumania Assail Arms Plans of East and West
BUCHAREST, Nov. 12 (AP) - About 30,000 people joined a Government-
sponsored march today against missile deployment in Europe by both
East and West.
The Soviet Union has reportedly been pressing Rumania to accept 
deployment of Soviet missiles if Soviet-American arms talks fail
and new missiles are deployed in Western Europe.
So far only East Germany and Czechoslovakia have been declared ready
to station new Soviet weapons in response to any Western deployment
starting next month.  Rumania has pursued an independent foreign
policy and is the only Soviet-bloc country that does not contribute
soldiers to Warsaw Pact maneuvers and does not allow Soviet troops
on its territory.
********** END OF QUOTES ******
Get informed! Read the foreign press, the back pages and don't go
taking the 6 o'clock news on TV for the whole truth.
The world is a lot more complicated than Reagan and most Americans
                    tim sevener whuxn!orb