Oldest | Popular
french (0 replies, 06/02/82)
"Accents in french or other languages" (0 replies, 06/04/82)
Nous voila dans net.nlang . . . (2 replies, 06/04/82)
Allez-y (0 replies, 06/08/82)
recherche + France (0 replies, 06/09/82)
German and/or other languages (3 replies, 06/09/82)
Assoc for Literary & Linguistic Computing (0 replies, 06/10/82)
Polish, Russian, French, etc... (1 reply, 06/15/82)
Autres Languages (4 replies, 06/15/82)
"ov" is not an English word. (0 replies, 07/03/82)
ov (1 reply, 07/04/82)
offffffffff (1 reply, 07/05/82)
second verse, same as the first (0 replies, 07/05/82)
Of (0 replies, 07/05/82)
puzzle (0 replies, 07/06/82)
"chairperson" (1 reply, 07/08/82)
A person by any other name still has a gender (0 replies, 07/08/82)
Regarding man, chairman, etc. (0 replies, 07/08/82)
chairmon, chairmyn (0 replies, 07/08/82)
man, woman, he, she, him, her, it, creature, etc. (0 replies, 07/08/82)
...chairperson (1 reply, 07/09/82)
more Person by any other gender still has a name (0 replies, 07/09/82)
Italian spelling (1 reply, 07/09/82)
Genderless language (0 replies, 07/09/82)
revised orthography (0 replies, 07/09/82)
nonsexist (0 replies, 07/09/82)
chairpersibling (0 replies, 07/09/82)
ghoti? gheh! (1 reply, 07/09/82)
More words and sex (1 reply, 07/10/82)
Noah Webster's language reforms (0 replies, 07/11/82)
Escaping sexism (0 replies, 07/11/82)
Genderless titles (0 replies, 07/11/82)
genderless usage (4 replies, 07/12/82)
bakeress (0 replies, 07/12/82)
Man<--> manus misinformation (0 replies, 07/12/82)
We don't need no language control.. (0 replies, 07/12/82)
is it dj or j? (0 replies, 07/12/82)
Phonetic alphabet (2 replies, 07/12/82)
ghoti (3 replies, 07/13/82)
sexist terms (0 replies, 07/13/82)
sexless words (5 replies, 07/13/82)
LOGLAN anyone? (0 replies, 07/13/82)
chairPERSON, postPESON (2 replies, 07/13/82)
Sapir Whorf theory (1 reply, 07/13/82)
nlang (1 reply, 07/13/82)
scrabble (0 replies, 07/13/82)
often, government, toward (2 replies, 07/13/82)
silent letters (1 reply, 07/13/82)
Beyond "ghoti" (0 replies, 07/13/82)
spelling in scrabble (1 reply, 07/14/82)
"re: often" (1 reply, 07/15/82)
About, aboot (1 reply, 07/15/82)
Puzzles (4 replies, 07/15/82)
A Long Diatribe Mostly About Spelling Reform (0 replies, 07/16/82)
island (3 replies, 07/16/82)
Noah Webster (1 reply, 07/16/82)
The Sex Life of the Pronoun (0 replies, 07/16/82)
Route etc (0 replies, 07/17/82)
Nose words (0 replies, 07/18/82)
A job worth doing is worth doing well (1 reply, 07/19/82)
Dun Laoghaire, a Reply to Goldstein (0 replies, 07/19/82)
Regularity of Languages (1 reply, 07/19/82)
Loom of Language (0 replies, 07/20/82)
Austrailian English Request (0 replies, 07/20/82)
pronunciation of "Dijkstra" (0 replies, 07/21/82)
Jargon (0 replies, 07/21/82)
Call for members (0 replies, 07/21/82)
thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog revisited (0 replies, 07/21/82)
IT (4 replies, 07/21/82)
foreign language programming - an anecdote (0 replies, 07/21/82)
Rebuttal from a non-sexist viewpoint re: re: IT (0 replies, 07/22/82)
What about homonyms (0 replies, 07/22/82)
sexism, ideas, and language (0 replies, 07/22/82)
English Spelling (0 replies, 07/23/82)
Other Languages (2 replies, 07/23/82)
interlanguage homonym? (0 replies, 07/23/82)
Another language anecdote...that I survived (1 reply, 07/24/82)
Spelling is not language (2 replies, 07/24/82)
Pronunciations (1 reply, 07/25/82)
Homonyms (0 replies, 07/26/82)
Programming in other languages (6 replies, 07/27/82)
request for copy of article on non-sexist language (0 replies, 07/27/82)
Language anecdote (0 replies, 07/27/82)
yes, but are you moving your lips? (1 reply, 07/27/82)
I don't move my lips when I read, but ... (0 replies, 07/27/82)
French Fortran (0 replies, 07/28/82)
Rational spelling (3 replies, 07/28/82)
Obsolete Letters (0 replies, 07/28/82)
another anecdote (1 reply, 07/28/82)
I dont move my lips when I read, but ... (0 replies, 07/28/82)
A Kollekshun ov Kwotashuns (0 replies, 07/28/82)
sexist language (0 replies, 07/29/82)
About correct spelling.... (1 reply, 07/29/82)
Interlang Homonym (0 replies, 07/29/82)
Interlanguage Homophones (0 replies, 07/29/82)
another school anecdote (0 replies, 07/29/82)
Witness for the prosecution (0 replies, 07/29/82)
daltonism (0 replies, 07/29/82)
Rational Pronunciation (1 reply, 07/30/82)
rvpalliende still reforming (1 reply, 07/30/82)
God save the English Language (0 replies, 07/30/82)
Riddle (0 replies, 07/30/82)
The <- Ye -- from the Enclycopaedia Brittanica (0 replies, 08/01/82)
Do USA citizens speak AMERICAN or ENGLISH??? (0 replies, 08/01/82)
yet another language anecdote (1 reply, 08/02/82)
AMERICAN vs ENGLISH (0 replies, 08/02/82)
burro (0 replies, 08/02/82)
How Dare the British Criticize How We Speak.. (1 reply, 08/02/82)
non-phonetic reading (3 replies, 08/03/82)
people who live in glass houses... (1 reply, 08/03/82)
Le dernier des Mohicans (0 replies, 08/05/82)
A Renshaw projector? (0 replies, 08/05/82)
Concocting New Names: Clipping Service (0 replies, 08/06/82)
five graders (2 replies, 08/09/82)
Differences in food types (0 replies, 08/10/82)
Secret Documents from Namelab (0 replies, 08/11/82)
Ye == The (2 replies, 08/11/82)
More on pronunciation (0 replies, 08/13/82)
he vs. she (1 reply, 08/13/82)
Laissez-Faire spelling reform (4 replies, 08/13/82)
He, She, It (0 replies, 08/13/82)
He, she and it (0 replies, 08/15/82)
Spelling Examples (0 replies, 08/19/82)
Official Languages (5 replies, 08/21/82)
have you ever read ... (0 replies, 09/04/82)
Flaming chickens (0 replies, 09/14/82)
those colorful Italians (0 replies, 09/18/82)
reJoyce (1 reply, 09/21/82)
New Names in Sweden (0 replies, 09/22/82)
French translation needed...can you help? (0 replies, 10/14/82)
"Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim" (0 replies, 10/20/82)
Dog Bite Victim (1 reply, 10/25/82)
Wordlist Info Request (0 replies, 10/27/82)
Headlines (0 replies, 10/27/82)
Squid Helps Dog Bite Victim (0 replies, 10/29/82)
headlines encore dump (0 replies, 11/01/82)
Fictious (0 replies, 11/03/82)
Wordlist Info Request Continued (1 reply, 11/11/82)
Pronunciation query (0 replies, 11/16/82)
Pronouncing acronyms (0 replies, 11/23/82)
POSH (3 replies, 11/24/82)
unusual words (0 replies, 11/24/82)
Yow (0 replies, 11/25/82)
I knew they existed! (2 replies, 11/27/82)
origin of "nope" (0 replies, 11/28/82)
Linguistic Relativity (0 replies, 11/29/82)
Acronyms and folk etymology (1 reply, 11/29/82)
I knew they existed (0 replies, 11/29/82)
Word definition (1 reply, 11/30/82)
cop acronym (4 replies, 11/30/82)
< heighth (1 reply, 11/30/82)
nope explained????? (0 replies, 11/30/82)
Not only acronyms, but ... (0 replies, 11/30/82)
nope and yah (0 replies, 11/30/82)
origin of 'nope' (1 reply, 11/30/82)
Linguistics and 'Linguistic Relativism' (0 replies, 12/02/82)
nope, yep, maybeep + a funny pronunciation (0 replies, 12/02/82)
Seeley's Joke (0 replies, 12/02/82)
Little known words (0 replies, 12/03/82)
High & Dry (0 replies, 12/03/82)
Mammel's Joke (0 replies, 12/03/82)
yow survey results and repeated words (0 replies, 12/03/82)
More Des Plaineses (0 replies, 12/04/82)
funny pronunciations (1 reply, 12/06/82)
Other Pronunciations (0 replies, 12/07/82)
Is the English language "insane"? (2 replies, 12/07/82)
potato (2 replies, 12/07/82)
Des Plainses redux (2 replies, 12/07/82)
< hads (0 replies, 12/07/82)
Standards (2 replies, 12/08/82)
SPUD Derivation (0 replies, 12/10/82)
repeated words words words (0 replies, 12/10/82)
Des Plaines Illinois (12 replies, 12/10/82)
Repeated Words (3 replies, 12/11/82)
Mammel"s Joke (0 replies, 12/11/82)
Is the English language insane? (2 replies, 12/11/82)
Yep and nope (2 replies, 12/11/82)
Adjectives following the noun (0 replies, 12/11/82)
hads (2 replies, 12/11/82)
OED (0 replies, 12/12/82)
Germanic Affrication (0 replies, 12/12/82)
Titles and names (0 replies, 12/13/82)
Titles, names, and rags (1 reply, 12/13/82)
Heighth (5 replies, 12/13/82)
Is "sen~or" contemptuous? (3 replies, 12/13/82)
Hierarchical Developments (0 replies, 12/14/82)
Mark Twain's revenge (0 replies, 12/15/82)
Pronunciation Survey (0 replies, 12/16/82)
Computer analysis of text authorship (0 replies, 12/16/82)
Des Plaines, boss, Des Plaines! (1 reply, 12/16/82)
Special characters in other languages (0 replies, 12/16/82)
Obscure English (0 replies, 12/17/82)
punctuate this (0 replies, 12/17/82)
Comp. E.'s who need help (0 replies, 12/20/82)
More obscure words -- a definitive source for them (0 replies, 12/21/82)
Interesting newspaper article (0 replies, 12/22/82)
town-names & provincialism (2 replies, 12/23/82)
structured nonsense (2 replies, 12/26/82)
Fossil negations and "flammable" (0 replies, 12/29/82)
I lately lost a preposition (0 replies, 12/29/82)
fossil words now usually used in (0 replies, 01/01/83)
quoits anyone? (1 reply, 01/01/83)
fossil words now usually used in one context (14 replies, 01/02/83)
fossil negations (1 reply, 01/03/83)
an obnoxious observation about prefixes (0 replies, 01/03/83)
fossil expressions (1 reply, 01/05/83)
Translations? (0 replies, 01/05/83)
written vs. spoken language - which one used on the net ? (1 reply, 01/07/83)
words which mean their opposites (5 replies, 01/09/83)
Usage of "biweekly", "bimonthly", etc. (1 reply, 01/11/83)
Chortle (0 replies, 01/12/83)
Usage of "comparable" (0 replies, 01/12/83)
Bi- vs. Semi- Usage (2 replies, 01/13/83)
define 'intelligent' (0 replies, 01/14/83)
With Respect To The Definition Of Intelligent (0 replies, 01/14/83)
Computer intelligence? (0 replies, 01/15/83)
bi-centennial parse date string (0 replies, 01/15/83)
"while" vs. "compared with" (3 replies, 01/16/83)
while vs. compared with (0 replies, 01/16/83)
Intelligent ::= computer (1 reply, 01/17/83)
Streets and Numbers (0 replies, 01/17/83)
this will die down bi- and bi (1 reply, 01/17/83)
bi-centennial (3 replies, 01/17/83)
'intelligent' terminals (0 replies, 01/17/83)
"intelligent" terminals (0 replies, 01/18/83)
no flames please (0 replies, 01/20/83)
Words that mean their opposite (2 replies, 01/20/83)
a puzzle (2 replies, 01/20/83)
Origins. (0 replies, 01/21/83)
Opposites (1 reply, 01/22/83)
intelligent != computer (0 replies, 01/23/83)
intelligent=computerlike (0 replies, 01/25/83)
houxa.151: new bug word? (0 replies, 01/26/83)
new bug word? (2 replies, 01/26/83)
Mulligatawny (0 replies, 01/27/83)
juggernaut (1 reply, 01/27/83)
definition of misfeature (1 reply, 01/28/83)
Same Word Opposites (0 replies, 01/29/83)
Answer to my Puzzle (0 replies, 01/29/83)
Infinity Clarified (0 replies, 01/29/83)
Ellison reference (0 replies, 01/30/83)
intelligence is what intelligence does (0 replies, 01/30/83)
Another puzzle (2 replies, 01/30/83)
Another opposite-meaning word (0 replies, 01/31/83)
Re answer to Shakespeare pun puzzle (0 replies, 01/31/83)
terminal intelligence (1 reply, 01/31/83)
Cholmondeley (1 reply, 02/01/83)
Swell (0 replies, 02/05/83)
Nonstandard intensifiers in English (0 replies, 02/06/83)
"I could care less" (0 replies, 02/06/83)
comparable pronounciation (2 replies, 02/07/83)
Does "livid" mean anything other than white? (1 reply, 02/09/83)
What is it that this is? (0 replies, 02/11/83)
Possibly Posslq (0 replies, 02/14/83)
A *new* Derivation of 'hack', With Verse (0 replies, 02/16/83)
Sentential Auto-antonymy (0 replies, 02/16/83)
grating words (1 reply, 02/17/83)
Fubar entemology (1 reply, 02/17/83)
Opposites? (4 replies, 02/17/83)
Opposites? parse date string (0 replies, 02/18/83)
Surprising words (6 replies, 02/18/83)
antinomies (0 replies, 02/21/83)
It"s OK by me. (4 replies, 02/21/83)
Yiddish/German (0 replies, 02/21/83)
Questions Needed (0 replies, 02/21/83)
where does the word "flame" come from? (0 replies, 02/21/83)
pondering POSH (0 replies, 02/22/83)
The use and misusage of English (1 reply, 02/22/83)
UPPER/lower case (1 reply, 02/22/83)
A Word That Means Posslq (1 reply, 02/22/83)
POSH: Oh No, Not Again (0 replies, 02/23/83)
where does the word 'flame' come fro (0 replies, 02/24/83)
Posslq finds favor (10 replies, 02/24/83)
names (1 reply, 02/24/83)
p.s. to "names" (0 replies, 02/24/83)
Usage of biweekly, bimonthly (2 replies, 02/24/83)
about those -ate verbs (0 replies, 02/24/83)
What can be done? (3 replies, 02/25/83)
Using data as a singular noun (1 reply, 02/25/83)
and still more surprising words (6 replies, 02/26/83)
leman or what (0 replies, 02/26/83)
Port Out starboard Home: the real reason (0 replies, 02/26/83)
core memory (2 replies, 02/26/83)
bimonthly and semimonthly (0 replies, 03/01/83)
billion (9 replies, 03/01/83)
The Exception Proves The Rule (0 replies, 03/01/83)
abusive language and core (0 replies, 03/01/83)
Original meaning of PROVE (0 replies, 03/05/83)
An alternative to posslq (5 replies, 03/08/83)
Two Apposite Gags (0 replies, 03/08/83)
The original meaning of ilk (0 replies, 03/09/83)
Pittsburgh Rhyme (2 replies, 03/09/83)
words (6 replies, 03/09/83)
zoftig? (2 replies, 03/09/83)
Amusing play on words (0 replies, 03/10/83)
diction and all that/which (2 replies, 03/11/83)
lemans for sale (0 replies, 03/15/83)
Therapy (0 replies, 03/15/83)
interlingual puns (15 replies, 03/16/83)
POSH, once more (2 replies, 03/17/83)
Difficulty of recursion (0 replies, 03/22/83)
Cognates in lots of languages (7 replies, 03/23/83)
Words fraught with meaning (2 replies, 03/24/83)
Mother Goose and P.D.Q. Bach (1 reply, 03/25/83)
Similarity to ponder (0 replies, 03/26/83)
Puns needed for research (1 reply, 03/28/83)
sentry1.1457: Re: Cognates in lots of languages (0 replies, 03/29/83)
Computers in the Humanities Conference (0 replies, 03/29/83)
"fossil words again" (0 replies, 03/30/83)
Posh, starboard, and larboard (2 replies, 04/01/83)
alternative to POSSLQ (3 replies, 04/01/83)
taxi (1 reply, 04/05/83)
The Missionary Position (0 replies, 04/08/83)
Recursion (0 replies, 04/17/83)
POSSLQ (24 replies, 04/20/83)
English (0 replies, 04/20/83)
phrases that rankle (14 replies, 04/25/83)
genderless pronoun (3 replies, 04/26/83)
syntactic sugar (1 reply, 04/28/83)
generalized man (0 replies, 04/28/83)
In Defense of # (0 replies, 04/29/83)
nonsexist writing and all that (1 reply, 04/30/83)
What is Loglan? (1 reply, 04/30/83)
prefixes and the women's movement (0 replies, 04/30/83)
Loglan Grammar (0 replies, 05/01/83)
genderless pronouns, a lighter touch (0 replies, 05/02/83)
Sexism and our poor English (1 reply, 05/02/83)
fe, wo and English (0 replies, 05/03/83)
prefixes and the women"s movement (0 replies, 05/03/83)
Lost its meaning: where does so long come from? (0 replies, 05/09/83)
Sexism and non-sexist language (1 reply, 05/10/83)
Loglan Alphabet (0 replies, 05/10/83)
comments on 'Syntactic Sugar' (0 replies, 05/11/83)
"rate of speed" rankles (1 reply, 06/01/83)
"still as a verb" (0 replies, 06/01/83)
"true fact" (0 replies, 06/02/83)
Rate: a dictionary's viewpoint (0 replies, 06/03/83)
-ize (0 replies, 06/03/83)
Can computers see? (0 replies, 06/06/83)
RATE: a dictionary view (1 reply, 06/07/83)
foot pedals (1 reply, 06/08/83)
a # is a sharp? .... octothorpe defined (0 replies, 06/09/83)
Self-reference (1 reply, 06/09/83)
meaning? (2 replies, 06/13/83)
It's greek to me. (0 replies, 06/13/83)
Rate of speed (11 replies, 06/13/83)
the hardest natural language (0 replies, 06/13/83)
android sheep (0 replies, 06/14/83)
Halliday & Resnick off the hook (0 replies, 06/15/83)
"change in displacement" (1 reply, 06/15/83)
sign in London's Heathrow airport (11 replies, 06/16/83)
Forwarded message from UCLA (5 replies, 06/16/83)
Spelling and usage (1 reply, 06/16/83)
super precision (0 replies, 06/16/83)
YACS (0 replies, 06/16/83)
wiggle = ~ (0 replies, 06/17/83)
Request for your version of character names (0 replies, 06/17/83)
single quote = pop (2 replies, 06/18/83)
Sick of sic (1 reply, 06/18/83)
What the * is called (0 replies, 06/20/83)
Braces are always curly (0 replies, 06/21/83)
'*' = splat (0 replies, 06/21/83)
Palindromes-- test the "rev" program (0 replies, 06/21/83)
Another character name (0 replies, 06/22/83)
A Query (3 replies, 06/22/83)
"What do these words have in common" solution (1 reply, 06/22/83)
Male Loop, Cross Bar-Hickey, Nipple (0 replies, 06/23/83)
"Letters in common" revisited....... (3 replies, 06/23/83)
Loglan Examples (0 replies, 06/24/83)
'$' ?? CHING! (0 replies, 06/24/83)
What is the # called? (17 replies, 06/24/83)
Four in a row (1 reply, 06/28/83)
sign in London"s Heathrow airport (12 replies, 06/28/83)
Consecutive-letter words (2 replies, 06/29/83)
Let's all be laid waste (0 replies, 06/30/83)
proposed name for file redirection chars (4 replies, 06/30/83)
semordnilaPalindromes (0 replies, 06/30/83)
More character names -- bet you haven't heard this one (0 replies, 07/01/83)
Punctuation problem, new one (0 replies, 07/01/83)
Terminal Italics (0 replies, 07/02/83)
virgule/over/solidus (0 replies, 07/04/83)
Could be offensive to some (0 replies, 07/05/83)
letter endings (1 reply, 07/06/83)
"pun" (0 replies, 07/06/83)
Names of compound characters (0 replies, 07/06/83)
'ngry' words (4 replies, 07/08/83)
humorous sign (4 replies, 07/11/83)
What"s it called? (1 reply, 07/12/83)
What's it called (0 replies, 07/12/83)
Yet More Palindromes (0 replies, 07/12/83)
What's it called? (3 replies, 07/12/83)
Punc Prob (0 replies, 07/13/83)
origin of 'kludge' (0 replies, 07/14/83)
linguistic bias in loglan (0 replies, 07/14/83)
three-l Lllama (0 replies, 07/14/83)
Any esperantists out there? (7 replies, 07/14/83)
What is the name of that character + closing line of letters (0 replies, 07/14/83)
Rotatable words (0 replies, 07/15/83)
"Re: What do you call characters?" (4 replies, 07/15/83)
kludge and the Devil's DP Dictionary (0 replies, 07/16/83)
T. Crapper (2 replies, 07/16/83)
Words in Alphabetical Order (4 replies, 07/16/83)
what's it called II; tape holes instead of paper (0 replies, 07/19/83)
Are there any other rotatable words? (0 replies, 07/19/83)
'Re: What do you call characters?' (4 replies, 07/20/83)
Another interesting sign (5 replies, 07/20/83)
Esperanto and Linguistic Bias (0 replies, 07/20/83)
origin of 'kludge' wanted (3 replies, 07/21/83)
Linguistic Violations (6 replies, 07/21/83)
Creole grammars and contrived languages (1 reply, 07/21/83)
"Kludge or Kluge?" (7 replies, 07/22/83)
English as Vocab. Base for International Language (1 reply, 07/22/83)
'Kludge or Kluge?' (0 replies, 07/22/83)
What base for an "international language" (1 reply, 07/22/83)
pointer (0 replies, 07/22/83)
Words with ... query (0 replies, 07/22/83)
Respect Definition (0 replies, 07/22/83)
Punning in Loglan (0 replies, 07/24/83)
Another useless bit of info and nostalgia (0 replies, 07/25/83)
"respect (0 replies, 07/25/83)
Origin of Kludge (0 replies, 07/26/83)
four vowels (0 replies, 07/26/83)
What do you call characters? (0 replies, 07/27/83)
Complement to "avuncular" (0 replies, 07/28/83)
Spelling (1 reply, 07/29/83)
How many words have... (0 replies, 07/29/83)
Ree: Double negatives, and Russian (1 reply, 07/29/83)
They (0 replies, 08/02/83)
Help on hack[er]s (0 replies, 08/03/83)
Another useless bit of info (5 replies, 08/04/83)
quantum leap (7 replies, 08/04/83)
Chinese (0 replies, 08/04/83)
Creole languages and double negatives (3 replies, 08/05/83)
Nathan Hale (0 replies, 08/05/83)
Spanish and double negatives (0 replies, 08/07/83)
Ree: Double negatives, and Russi (0 replies, 08/08/83)
etymological query (0 replies, 08/09/83)
homogenous vs. homogeneous (0 replies, 08/09/83)
Persons who requested the four-vowel list read on... (0 replies, 08/11/83)
Double negatives, and Russian (2 replies, 08/11/83)
Some Pullet Surprises (0 replies, 08/11/83)
Cryptic Porchtoot Puzzler (0 replies, 08/12/83)
Japanese (0 replies, 08/14/83)
Pedants, Please: Re-posting (1 reply, 08/14/83)
'fish' is spelled 'ghoti' (4 replies, 08/14/83)
Yet another typewriter challange.. (0 replies, 08/16/83)
Translated Country Names (0 replies, 08/18/83)
Jesus Christ as an expletive (0 replies, 08/18/83)
Quench me? (0 replies, 08/19/83)
ETs in New Jersey (0 replies, 08/20/83)
A Challenge (5 replies, 08/22/83)
Let them eat cake (4 replies, 08/23/83)
Double negatives (0 replies, 08/23/83)
More typewriter fun (2 replies, 08/23/83)
A pointer to Loglan books (2 replies, 08/23/83)
Huh? (0 replies, 08/24/83)
Dieresis puzzle answered (0 replies, 08/24/83)
pronoun survey (0 replies, 08/26/83)
THIS IS A FORMAL APOLOGY (2 replies, 08/26/83)
Re (2 replies, 08/26/83)
Pig Latin Filter (0 replies, 08/27/83)
Wrong! (0 replies, 08/27/83)
the classic ambiguous (1 reply, 08/27/83)
multiple negatives (0 replies, 08/27/83)
re pronoun survey (0 replies, 08/30/83)
search for nlang/computer research (0 replies, 08/30/83)
So many JEWS???!!! (6 replies, 08/30/83)
Yet another puzzle (3 replies, 08/30/83)
diaeresis and no-L (0 replies, 09/06/83)
Pronunciation of 'Honda' (2 replies, 09/06/83)
lightninginginginging (0 replies, 09/07/83)
the word 'prepend' (1 reply, 09/10/83)
"Jesus Christ!!" (0 replies, 09/10/83)
words that can be typed with one hand (0 replies, 09/12/83)
I missed a triple-homonymn (0 replies, 09/13/83)
Removing concepts from a language (1 reply, 09/14/83)
quantume jump (0 replies, 09/14/83)
sinc (0 replies, 09/14/83)
Changing meaning of term "hacker" (11 replies, 09/15/83)
Swearing by Deities (0 replies, 09/16/83)
"Hackers" Strike Back (0 replies, 09/16/83)
missing 1pex (0 replies, 09/16/83)
lightninginginging (0 replies, 09/16/83)
Changing Meaning of "Hacker" (0 replies, 09/16/83)
Yet another definition of "hacker" (0 replies, 09/16/83)
hack (2 replies, 09/17/83)
hackers (0 replies, 09/17/83)
New Yorkers don't have an accent? (0 replies, 09/17/83)
`hacker' (0 replies, 09/18/83)
triple (12 replies, 09/19/83)
Foreign Words (1 reply, 09/19/83)
lllooonnnggg monosyllabic words (1 reply, 09/19/83)
Japanese & Oriental Languages (0 replies, 09/20/83)
chinese homonyms (0 replies, 09/20/83)
what does "Non Serviam" mean? (4 replies, 09/21/83)
words that can be typed with one (0 replies, 09/22/83)
regional homonyms (2 replies, 09/22/83)
Chinese Romanization (0 replies, 09/23/83)
'Hacker' and software persons (0 replies, 09/23/83)
negatives galore (0 replies, 09/24/83)
Chinese<==>English transliteration (3 replies, 09/25/83)
Missing Words (10 replies, 09/27/83)
kinship terminology (0 replies, 09/27/83)
modification of languages by invasion (0 replies, 09/28/83)
letter from the Loglan Institute (1 reply, 09/29/83)
Strange News Report (0 replies, 09/30/83)
American accents (0 replies, 09/30/83)
Latin = Loglan ? (0 replies, 10/04/83)
Words with 3 successive occurrences of the same letter (0 replies, 10/04/83)
American Accent (3 replies, 10/04/83)
Latin and Loglan (3 replies, 10/05/83)
Book of Foundation (0 replies, 10/05/83)
A problem with dictionaries (0 replies, 10/05/83)
hackers and other changing terms (1 reply, 10/07/83)
Latin Non Loglan Est (1 reply, 10/08/83)
logical languages (0 replies, 10/08/83)
galoot (0 replies, 10/09/83)
Possible regional homonym, (1 reply, 10/10/83)
Unmentioned quiz (5 replies, 10/11/83)
W as a vowel (0 replies, 10/11/83)
'w' as vowel (1 reply, 10/12/83)
person (11 replies, 10/12/83)
'w' as a vowel (0 replies, 10/13/83)
person, persons, people (0 replies, 10/14/83)
Interesting language (0 replies, 10/14/83)
Vowels, Tenses and Incoherent Mutterings (1 reply, 10/15/83)
seven vowels? (10 replies, 10/15/83)
Quack, quack, Im an American (1 reply, 10/15/83)
Quack, quack, I'm an American (10 replies, 10/16/83)
Indian character sets wanted (1 reply, 10/17/83)
Vowels, Tenses and Incoherent Mutter (0 replies, 10/18/83)
regional homonyms? (7 replies, 10/19/83)
Go read net.jokes <3207@umcp-cs> (0 replies, 10/19/83)
no == number ? (1 reply, 10/19/83)
Wanted: peculiar plurals (0 replies, 10/21/83)
an obnoxious observation about prefi (1 reply, 10/24/83)
Peculiar Plurals (0 replies, 10/25/83)
Interesting use of language (3 replies, 10/25/83)
Indian typefont found (0 replies, 10/26/83)
A Question (0 replies, 10/26/83)
~400 English verbs of <= 7 words (0 replies, 10/27/83)
Headline (0 replies, 10/27/83)
Pronunciation of Woman/Women (0 replies, 10/27/83)
vowels problems (1 reply, 10/27/83)
Apostrophes and alot (2 replies, 10/28/83)
What is a vowel, anyway? (2 replies, 10/28/83)
Tenses and Aspects in English and its relatives (4 replies, 11/01/83)
Speaking Latin, Speaking Loud (3 replies, 11/01/83)
Pronunciation of Granada/Grenada (7 replies, 11/04/83)
I got my mojo workin' (0 replies, 11/06/83)
"Verbal shortmouth" (0 replies, 11/09/83)
mojo (1 reply, 11/11/83)
etymology requested (5 replies, 11/17/83)
Phoenix and Akaeakamai learn sentences (0 replies, 11/17/83)
Technical German (0 replies, 11/18/83)
the whole nine yards (1 reply, 11/18/83)
three sheets to the wind (0 replies, 11/21/83)
Proper English Usage during Nuclear War (1 reply, 11/22/83)
Bug in "The Day After" (2 replies, 11/24/83)
Verbal shortmouth (0 replies, 11/25/83)
A nit to pick: German on the airwave (0 replies, 11/26/83)
Interesting Instructions (1 reply, 11/28/83)
Long Names vs. Pop-Up Menus (0 replies, 11/29/83)
7s Softer Ingeniring Conferens (0 replies, 11/29/83)
Hypocritical H.S. English teachers (0 replies, 11/30/83)
long command names - one solution (1 reply, 11/30/83)
redundancy in language (1 reply, 12/01/83)
American Languages (3 replies, 12/01/83)
It's Day After (7 replies, 12/01/83)
Prepositions, Ending Sentences with (9 replies, 12/01/83)
Long Names --> Short for free (2 replies, 12/01/83)
long words in menus? (0 replies, 12/01/83)
A nit to pick: German on the airwaves (1 reply, 12/01/83)
American Language, parsing (0 replies, 12/02/83)
'Verbal shortmouth' (3 replies, 12/02/83)
girls (1 reply, 12/02/83)
redundancy in language and mis-pronunciations (3 replies, 12/03/83)
net.nlang.* (2 replies, 12/06/83)
expert-friendly: are long names a waste of time? (17 replies, 12/07/83)
Long words in menus (0 replies, 12/07/83)
long names and hardware... (3 replies, 12/08/83)
Correct Pronunciation (0 replies, 12/08/83)
Tom Lehrer on girls (0 replies, 12/13/83)
Punctuation problem (7 replies, 12/13/83)
Women vs Girls (0 replies, 12/14/83)
The term "girl" and class pronouns (0 replies, 12/15/83)
DECtalk announcement (1 reply, 12/15/83)
"net.nlang.*" bites the dust (0 replies, 12/16/83)
redundancy in language and mis-pronu (3 replies, 12/22/83)
Thou, you, and youse error (0 replies, 12/22/83)
Flame on net posters' English -- ENOUGH! (0 replies, 12/23/83)
Danish on the net (0 replies, 12/23/83)
How to say "Walesa" (2 replies, 12/28/83)
Du (0 replies, 12/31/83)
need a word (1 reply, 01/05/84)
De-referencing (0 replies, 01/09/84)
Of garden paths... (2 replies, 01/09/84)
Bad news for hackers (2 replies, 01/10/84)
"Hacker" (0 replies, 01/11/84)
summary of non-sexist terms for "gentlemanly" (4 replies, 01/12/84)
pasts (0 replies, 01/12/84)
boustrophedonic wordjazz (1 reply, 01/13/84)
synonyms for "gentlemanly" (4 replies, 01/13/84)
one-hand typing (3 replies, 01/14/84)
gentlebeings (0 replies, 01/14/84)
summary of non-sexist terms for 'gen (0 replies, 01/17/84)
Synonyms for gentlemanly (3 replies, 01/20/84)
Capitalized pronouns (9 replies, 01/21/84)
Lost Positives (2 replies, 01/21/84)
DECtalk for disabled on the Today Show (0 replies, 01/22/84)
dect (0 replies, 01/24/84)
flammable <--> inflammable (1 reply, 01/26/84)
hoser -- an alternate Canadian viewpoint, eh? (1 reply, 01/27/84)
Canadian slang: "hoser" (3 replies, 01/27/84)
A question; articles in Aramaic (2 replies, 01/30/84)
"employe" flame (3 replies, 01/30/84)
Do "a" and "the" mean anything? (0 replies, 01/31/84)
'employe' flame (0 replies, 02/02/84)
flammable vs. inflammable (0 replies, 02/02/84)
French language is not unwashed (0 replies, 02/02/84)
Getting hosed (5 replies, 02/04/84)
Question about 'an' (0 replies, 02/04/84)
"woman" as an adjective (3 replies, 02/06/84)
`FUBAR' etymology (1 reply, 02/07/84)
Literacy - Who/whom (0 replies, 02/08/84)
Language Flame (1 reply, 02/08/84)
Loglan: an artificial natural lang. (0 replies, 02/08/84)
Obfuscatory Personal Pronoun / Re: Hes or Shes, or, Shes or Hes? (0 replies, 02/08/84)
Alarming past participle (3 replies, 02/08/84)
Bilingualism on the way out (0 replies, 02/09/84)
Singular/Plural space shuttle (0 replies, 02/09/84)
job opening in New Jersey for a Technical Writer (0 replies, 02/09/84)
Missing positives (4 replies, 02/10/84)
Question about "an" (5 replies, 02/10/84)
Obfuscatory? Personal Pronoun (0 replies, 02/10/84)
Loglan: An Artificial Natural Language (0 replies, 02/10/84)
More Loglan Archives (0 replies, 02/10/84)
Meaning of 'dizain'? (0 replies, 02/12/84)
It's yah (0 replies, 02/13/84)
'woman' as an adjective (1 reply, 02/13/84)
A puzzle -- Roast Mules (0 replies, 02/13/84)
Style Books (2 replies, 02/14/84)
"write it right" (0 replies, 02/15/84)
'lost positives' (3 replies, 02/15/84)
Loglan message archive (0 replies, 02/15/84)
Singular/Plural (7 replies, 02/16/84)
matching adjectives (1 reply, 02/16/84)
initial h's (3 replies, 02/17/84)
Standard Cyrillic/ASCII mapping? (1 reply, 02/17/84)
matching adjectives, sexist pronouns, &c. (0 replies, 02/17/84)
On Computing Anagrams (0 replies, 02/17/84)
He/she replacement. (0 replies, 02/18/84)
Sexism in language (0 replies, 02/18/84)
reposting of Bi-directional verbs (3 replies, 02/18/84)
There never was a solution to LOONDERK. (0 replies, 02/20/84)
id AA27063; Thu, 23 Feb 84 04:06:19 pst (0 replies, 02/23/84)
Something overheard from Sarajevo (0 replies, 02/24/84)
Latin ??? (0 replies, 02/24/84)
Replacement for he/she (21 replies, 02/28/84)
The power of words -- German generic pronouns (1 reply, 02/29/84)
flammable vs. inflammable and Strunk & White (5 replies, 02/29/84)
Latin and culture (2 replies, 03/01/84)
another anagram (3 replies, 03/01/84)
usefulness of Latin (1 reply, 03/04/84)
Revenge bites minced chuck meat (1 reply, 03/05/84)
Ambiguous airline instruction (0 replies, 03/06/84)
origin of 'magic cookie' (0 replies, 03/06/84)
Loglan, anyone? (0 replies, 03/07/84)
LOGLAN's Dr. Brown and PL/I / Re: Orphaned Response (0 replies, 03/09/84)
Consider / Re: Latin And Culture (0 replies, 03/09/84)
Is net.nlang.greek out there? (0 replies, 03/09/84)
Let the user beware... (0 replies, 03/11/84)
And as a non-logical conjuction - Request for pointers (0 replies, 03/12/84)
local specialty foods (0 replies, 03/15/84)
Looking for the source of a word (0 replies, 03/16/84)
Jabberwocky (0 replies, 03/17/84)
"Play" as term for printing out? (2 replies, 03/21/84)
regional expressions (3 replies, 03/22/84)
English in China, Japan ??? (1 reply, 03/23/84)
Regional spelling - pastromi in Massachusetts. (0 replies, 03/23/84)
Regional expressions - Grinders in Massachusetts. (3 replies, 03/24/84)
another local sandwich term (0 replies, 03/26/84)
New Englandisms (1 reply, 03/27/84)
Regional usage -- Greek food (1 reply, 03/28/84)
Machine Readable Bible Wanted (1 reply, 03/28/84)
Football (0 replies, 03/29/84)
Seamstress. Seamster? (0 replies, 03/29/84)
seamstress (0 replies, 03/30/84)
Heros ==? corrupt (0 replies, 04/02/84)
Improved version of sentence ending with prepositions (0 replies, 04/02/84)
Classic Song Title (1 reply, 04/03/84)
local words (14 replies, 04/03/84)
football/soccer (5 replies, 04/04/84)
Regional expressions - Grinders in M (2 replies, 04/04/84)
Sarah Stillwater Tongue Twister (0 replies, 04/05/84)
Using a preposition to end a sentence up with (4 replies, 04/05/84)
Meaning of 'Gon-Teilung' (0 replies, 04/06/84)
Wanted - Sarah Stillwater Tongue Twister (0 replies, 04/06/84)
More Regional Pronunciations (4 replies, 04/06/84)
More Regional Pronunciations - height-th (0 replies, 04/06/84)
A "local" pronunciaton (0 replies, 04/06/84)
Loglan request (1 reply, 04/07/84)
Responses on "berserk" (0 replies, 04/07/84)
Meaning of Gon-Teilung (0 replies, 04/08/84)
Synopsis of "berserk" responses (0 replies, 04/09/84)
col-yoom (0 replies, 04/13/84)
another regional pronunciation (1 reply, 04/13/84)
Yreka Bakery (1 reply, 04/15/84)
V6 "dsw (4 replies, 04/16/84)
The British - correction and further note on terminology (0 replies, 04/19/84)
Double word antonyms (0 replies, 04/19/84)
British Subject -- retraction of "correction" (0 replies, 04/20/84)
The British flag (5 replies, 04/20/84)
Context-Free Contextual Generalizing (1 reply, 04/23/84)
Come with (0 replies, 04/24/84)
Request for unknown (2 replies, 04/24/84)
word pair - wordpair antonyms (3 replies, 04/26/84)
Book/Author Request (0 replies, 04/26/84)
The holoalphabetic "Jocks vend, fix, quartz BMW glyph." (1 reply, 04/26/84)
Interesting sentence (0 replies, 04/27/84)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (0 replies, 04/28/84)
Turning on to final prepositions (0 replies, 04/30/84)
You get that for which you pay. (0 replies, 04/30/84)
what do I care?? (0 replies, 04/30/84)
Regional Pronounciations (11 replies, 04/30/84)
Final prepositions, You Get What You Pay For (0 replies, 04/30/84)
Regarding ice monsters... (0 replies, 05/01/84)
The British flag - correction and further note on terminology (4 replies, 05/02/84)
Final prepositions (0 replies, 05/04/84)
For what is grammar good? (16 replies, 05/05/84)
Final prepositions turn me on. (15 replies, 05/05/84)
Writers' Workbench description (0 replies, 05/05/84)
You get what you pay... (1 reply, 05/14/84)
Making less grammatical mistakes (2 replies, 05/15/84)
misused abbreviations (0 replies, 05/18/84)
Proof that spelling matters! (0 replies, 05/18/84)
NOED (8 replies, 05/18/84)
misused abbreviations, e.g. "i.e." (7 replies, 05/19/84)
Fictional languages: a guide to Elvish (0 replies, 05/20/84)
Inappropriate Articles (1 reply, 05/20/84)
e.g., i.e., QEF (0 replies, 05/22/84)
Comment on e.g. & i.e. (0 replies, 05/23/84)
Magazine Writing Standards (0 replies, 05/23/84)
Hyphenation (0 replies, 05/23/84)
E.G., I.E., For Example (3 replies, 05/24/84)
Question Mark (0 replies, 05/24/84)
Talk, Official (1 reply, 05/26/84)
letters :: syllables ratio high or low (0 replies, 05/26/84)
letters :: syllables :: words ....ratio high or low (0 replies, 05/29/84)
Longest one syllable word. (5 replies, 05/31/84)
Isn't advertising wonderful? (0 replies, 06/01/84)
Request for pointers to natural language interfacing (0 replies, 06/04/84)
Any new irregular verbs? (13 replies, 06/05/84)
Deutsch: Mittelstufe (0 replies, 06/09/84)
british, "pommies" (0 replies, 06/10/84)
british (2 replies, 06/11/84)
New Safire Book (0 replies, 06/20/84)
'pommies' (1 reply, 06/22/84)
amusing etymological coincidence (0 replies, 06/23/84)
The Name of the Rose (0 replies, 06/28/84)
Mediterranean Language Review (0 replies, 07/03/84)
What do you call a collection of male servants? (0 replies, 07/11/84)
Top Secret == Mild Spoiler == (0 replies, 07/14/84)
Words with no vowels? (1 reply, 07/22/84)
French & APL (0 replies, 07/23/84)
English & American -- drifting further apart? (0 replies, 07/27/84)
Words without vowels? (4 replies, 07/28/84)
vowels (0 replies, 07/28/84)
Just a simple question (1 reply, 07/31/84)
Canadian vs. American pronunciation (0 replies, 08/01/84)
British English, American English (1 reply, 08/02/84)
British English/American English and singing (1 reply, 08/02/84)
The American Language (0 replies, 08/04/84)
Lammas Fair - N.H. (0 replies, 08/06/84)
British English/American English (2 replies, 08/07/84)
All men... (1 reply, 08/07/84)
Off the net for a while (0 replies, 08/08/84)
Free Stuff, Minds, and Language (0 replies, 08/08/84)
Linguistic evolution; American/British English (1 reply, 08/08/84)
British, American spelling of past tenses (0 replies, 08/10/84)
The King's English? (1 reply, 08/11/84)
Britanglish (1 reply, 08/13/84)
Who speaks the King's English?? (3 replies, 08/13/84)
the King's Spanish (1 reply, 08/14/84)
american/english (0 replies, 08/14/84)
Pronunciation of "Auel" t (0 replies, 08/15/84)
On having virtually no crime rate. (2 replies, 08/16/84)
the Pillsbury list (0 replies, 08/17/84)
How many text characters in a lifetime... (1 reply, 08/19/84)
lukaut ... taim yu yusim 'English' (0 replies, 08/27/84)
"WELCOME" on LA 84 Olympic posters (0 replies, 08/27/84)
Americanized and Biritshised English (2 replies, 08/28/84)
taim yo usim pidgin (1 reply, 08/30/84)
In Search of... (0 replies, 09/03/84)
Yu laik save dispella Pisin? (0 replies, 09/06/84)
a random sighting (0 replies, 09/10/84)
Multiple ways to parse a phrase (0 replies, 09/10/84)
How do you pronounce 'often'? (2 replies, 09/14/84)
Pattern Symbolics (0 replies, 09/14/84)
On Holy Wars: the etymology of 'First' (1 reply, 09/17/84)
Son of `often pronounced OFF-en' (0 replies, 09/18/84)
Origin of `fuck' (1 reply, 09/18/84)
"Our Concern is Growing": Ortho"s Triple Ambiguity (0 replies, 09/18/84)
often pronounced OFF-en (2 replies, 09/20/84)
droll advert (0 replies, 09/21/84)
"Our Concern is Growing": Ortho's T (0 replies, 09/21/84)
Stolen book (0 replies, 09/22/84)
Ambiguity and punctuation (1 reply, 09/22/84)
source sought : Chomsky (0 replies, 09/22/84)
THEY'RE, THEIR, THERE -- PLEASE............. (0 replies, 09/24/84)
The ambiguity of "stolen" as a pastry (0 replies, 09/24/84)
Ambiguity (2 replies, 09/24/84)
don Fulano de Tal (0 replies, 09/25/84)
"Our Concern is Growing" & book stolen (0 replies, 09/25/84)
"Our Concern is Growing" & ambiguity (0 replies, 09/28/84)
Any Esperanto enthusiasts out there? (0 replies, 09/29/84)
Origin of Words (2 replies, 10/01/84)
Etymologies (0 replies, 10/07/84)
"Our Concern is Growing" (1 reply, 10/07/84)
``bozo'' -- an etymology (3 replies, 10/08/84)
Terminat etc. (0 replies, 10/09/84)
just for fun (2 replies, 10/09/84)
Bilingualism (0 replies, 10/11/84)
YAA (0 replies, 10/13/84)
A possibly unique word (0 replies, 10/13/84)
Origins of Words (8 replies, 10/14/84)
"Our Concern is Growing": Ortho's Triple Ambiguity (9 replies, 10/15/84)
Ring around the rosie... (1 reply, 10/16/84)
Origins of the "F word" as a folk myth. (1 reply, 10/18/84)
Meaning of "kangaroo sale" (0 replies, 10/18/84)
defining "software" (3 replies, 10/18/84)
help me! (2 replies, 10/19/84)
Natural Language Deficiencies in Runyon (1 reply, 10/25/84)
Origin of that strongest of words (6 replies, 10/26/84)
Natural Language Deficiencies in Hopi. (4 replies, 10/26/84)
Verbs without Tenses: NO DEFICIENCY (0 replies, 10/26/84)
Strongest of words (0 replies, 10/27/84)
Teaching children to be bilingual (18 replies, 10/31/84)
TP being sued (0 replies, 10/31/84)
Speling Reform (0 replies, 11/01/84)
Natural Language Deficiancies (0 replies, 11/02/84)
a horny dilemma (5 replies, 11/05/84)
fear of 13 (0 replies, 11/05/84)
Sanskrit (2 replies, 11/06/84)
natural language deficiencies (0 replies, 11/06/84)
Murphy's Laws??? (3 replies, 11/06/84)
Spelling Reform in Academia (0 replies, 11/07/84)
Datum, museum, coliseum: a reply to Gordon Moffett (0 replies, 11/09/84)
A, B & C =? A, B, & C (0 replies, 11/09/84)
natural language deficiencies? (24 replies, 11/10/84)
Phonetic spelling isn"t practical (2 replies, 11/10/84)
Phonetic spelling isn"t practica (0 replies, 11/10/84)
Phonetically spelled languages (0 replies, 11/11/84)
The Soapy-Woof theory of talk. (2 replies, 11/11/84)
Datum, museum, coliseum: a reply from Gordon Moffett (0 replies, 11/12/84)
A game proposal (0 replies, 11/12/84)
Murphy (1 reply, 11/13/84)
Positive thinking (1 reply, 11/14/84)
managers students children (0 replies, 11/14/84)
The singular of "opera" (0 replies, 11/14/84)
Phonetic spelling isn't practical (7 replies, 11/15/84)
Phonetic spelling -- for French? (0 replies, 11/15/84)
The physical laws of spelling reform (2 replies, 11/15/84)
Murphy biographers, language freaks, and others that clog net.jokes (0 replies, 11/16/84)
The Soapy-Woof theory (0 replies, 11/18/84)
The singular of broccoli (0 replies, 11/19/84)
The singular form of data (8 replies, 11/20/84)
Loglan comments, references wanted. (0 replies, 11/20/84)
Murphy's Laws (9 replies, 11/20/84)
Spelling Reform (24 replies, 11/20/84)
For Your Eyes Only (1 reply, 11/20/84)
non-English Articles (23 replies, 11/23/84)
The singular form of "broccoli" (0 replies, 11/25/84)
Phonetic spelling (2 replies, 11/26/84)
What's in a Name (6 replies, 11/28/84)
A Declining Diet? (0 replies, 11/29/84)
A Declining Diet (0 replies, 11/29/84)
Linguistics and orthography (0 replies, 11/30/84)
Doubleplusungood Talk (0 replies, 12/01/84)
Metaphor (0 replies, 12/03/84)
looking for text (0 replies, 12/04/84)
The plural of pragma (4 replies, 12/04/84)
Spelling reform does *not* discourage reading literature (2 replies, 12/04/84)
George Bernard Shaw quote/comeback (3 replies, 12/04/84)
i'm declenchin' my jaw on this diet (0 replies, 12/05/84)
"You're welcome" in German (0 replies, 12/06/84)
A bit of Japlish (1 reply, 12/07/84)
Don't mention it (5 replies, 12/11/84)
Esperanto->English translator and grammar posted to net.sources (2 replies, 12/12/84)
Father Goose Tales (0 replies, 12/17/84)
By any other name ... (1 reply, 12/19/84)
"he or she" - a grammatical problem solved REPOSTED (0 replies, 12/19/84)
'enry 'iggins in America (17 replies, 12/24/84)
"he or she" -- a grammatical problem solved (1 reply, 12/27/84)
soldier's names (0 replies, 12/28/84)
ascii codes for other natural languages (0 replies, 12/29/84)
P.U.? (4 replies, 12/30/84)
Lumbulbo^serca konkurso (1 reply, 01/03/85)
"rtfm" origin? (0 replies, 01/03/85)
Dangerous Frogs :-) (0 replies, 01/04/85)
Soldier's names, origins (2 replies, 01/06/85)
Non-gendered Pronouns (0 replies, 01/07/85)
"American" (1 reply, 01/07/85)
Death for we who deserve it (8 replies, 01/08/85)
Is this in error? (2 replies, 01/09/85)
Usono, Usonano, Francujo, Franco (0 replies, 01/10/85)
enskribo en ^sercan konkurson (0 replies, 01/10/85)
more stupid word combinations ... (1 reply, 01/10/85)
Genderless Pronouns (1 reply, 01/11/85)
Esperanto and the origins of some interesting words (5 replies, 01/11/85)
Lesson One in the Free Esperanto Postal Course (0 replies, 01/11/85)
Lesson One in the Free Esperanto Postal Course. Sign up today! (0 replies, 01/14/85)
"Their" as a substitute for his/her (10 replies, 01/14/85)
A ridiculously simple question (1 reply, 01/14/85)
The Esperanto alphabet (0 replies, 01/14/85)
'they' as third person singular indefinate sex pronoun (1 reply, 01/14/85)
American Heritage dictionary (0 replies, 01/15/85)
Esperanto diacritics (0 replies, 01/15/85)
I'm right, aren't I? (1 reply, 01/15/85)
Wanted native FRENCH speaker/technical translator (0 replies, 01/15/85)
learning/retaining a language: learning Esperanto first (1 reply, 01/15/85)
Gender-specific responses to s/h (0 replies, 01/16/85)
Rezultaro de la lumbulbo^serca konkurso (0 replies, 01/16/85)
Learning/Retaining a Language (1 reply, 01/16/85)
substitutes for his/her, their, etc. (0 replies, 01/16/85)
Info on learning Esperanto (1 reply, 01/16/85)
Esperanto Birdoj-kun-samaj-plumoj ^ce USENIX-o (0 replies, 01/16/85)
Learning Latin (0 replies, 01/17/85)
homonymns vs homophones (3 replies, 01/17/85)
Lesson One in the Free Esperanto Pos (0 replies, 01/17/85)
Problems with Esperanto (6 replies, 01/18/85)
nonsexist writing (0 replies, 01/18/85)
Learning Latin and Greek (2 replies, 01/19/85)
Gender-specific responses to s/he (30 replies, 01/21/85)
Compendium of Esperanto root origin responses (0 replies, 01/21/85)
"Lei" (3 replies, 01/21/85)
Esperanto and the origins of some in (8 replies, 01/21/85)
Bubblers (0 replies, 01/21/85)
Zap! (14 replies, 01/22/85)
Where does "on the fritz" come from? (3 replies, 01/22/85)
Common names in other countries (4 replies, 01/23/85)
Texts (0 replies, 01/24/85)
Invented languages (4 replies, 01/25/85)
Other languages on the net (3 replies, 01/25/85)
Homo, Vir, and Latin (0 replies, 01/25/85)
Dialectization in Esperanto. (0 replies, 01/26/85)
sayings (9 replies, 01/26/85)
Need help in Classical Greek or Native American Language (0 replies, 01/29/85)
call for papers (0 replies, 01/30/85)
wanted: verb conjugator (0 replies, 01/30/85)
homo/vir (0 replies, 01/30/85)
Gender-specific honorifics (0 replies, 01/31/85)
Esperanto: example of flexibility and expressiveness (0 replies, 01/31/85)
Linguistic Mind-Model (3 replies, 01/31/85)
Words for love" (1 reply, 01/31/85)
Whiskey (0 replies, 02/02/85)
WITTGENSTEIN Discussion on Usenet (1 reply, 02/02/85)
CRICKET (1 reply, 02/03/85)
The meanings of names (3 replies, 02/03/85)
Gender-Specific Pronouns (18 replies, 02/05/85)
Gender-specific neuter pronouns (11 replies, 02/05/85)
Gender of two latin nouns (0 replies, 02/05/85)
Reverend Moon speaks to Moses, Buddha and Christ... (0 replies, 02/06/85)
Crossword puzzles (7 replies, 02/06/85)
Esperanta limeriko (0 replies, 02/07/85)
Summary: Learning/Retaining a Language (0 replies, 02/07/85)
Dialectization (1 reply, 02/07/85)
Guys and goys, and Halloween (0 replies, 02/08/85)
SCCGL call for papers (0 replies, 02/08/85)
Immolation (1 reply, 02/08/85)
Favorite Sign of the Week Award (0 replies, 02/08/85)
Useful phrases in Esperanto (0 replies, 02/08/85)
More on "Problems with Esperanto". (4 replies, 02/08/85)
Official Language Of USA (1 reply, 02/09/85)
Word for SO,lover (0 replies, 02/09/85)
the word "love" in English vs Hungarian (5 replies, 02/09/85)
Reference Errors (0 replies, 02/10/85)
the word "love" in English... (1 reply, 02/11/85)
Winston Churchill (0 replies, 02/11/85)
Wanted: French films on Beta video-cassette (0 replies, 02/11/85)
Grammatical Rules--authority quoted! (0 replies, 02/12/85)
Is Esperanto a "natural language"? (0 replies, 02/13/85)
Love in tennis (0 replies, 02/13/85)
"net.nlang" (1 reply, 02/14/85)
Esperanto courses at San Francisco State Univ. (1 reply, 02/14/85)
WITTGENSTEIN Discussion #001 (0 replies, 02/15/85)
French-language films (0 replies, 02/15/85)
Writing from right to left (6 replies, 02/15/85)
Grammatical Rules (10 replies, 02/20/85)
etymology of phrase, "kicking the tires" ?? (3 replies, 02/20/85)
Hungarian words for "love" (0 replies, 02/21/85)
I've got to (0 replies, 02/21/85)
language and location in "The Gods Must Be Crazy (0 replies, 02/21/85)
Underlying Structure of Words (4 replies, 02/21/85)
Corrigenda (2 replies, 02/21/85)
Free ESPERANTO classes in Berkeley (0 replies, 02/22/85)
More on "Problems with Esperanto": changing less than ever! (0 replies, 02/23/85)
Idiomatic phrases for insanity (0 replies, 02/26/85)
Beleta fabelo (0 replies, 02/26/85)
Possible origin of "immolation" (2 replies, 02/26/85)
Mozart KV (0 replies, 02/26/85)
Inflammable vs. Flammable (0 replies, 02/27/85)
I gotta (0 replies, 02/27/85)
preposition position (1 reply, 03/01/85)
idioms denoting insanity. (0 replies, 03/01/85)
Hebrew & need phonlogy paper topic (0 replies, 03/01/85)
Proving (1 reply, 03/01/85)
Dutch "ij" (1 reply, 03/03/85)
What is origin of "korl"? (0 replies, 03/03/85)
A guide to Esperanto sources: books, magazines, tapes, etc. (0 replies, 03/03/85)
Esperanto and Computers: translation, speech systhesis, on-line stuff (0 replies, 03/03/85)
Semantic Reversals and Shifts (0 replies, 03/04/85)
More semantic reversals (0 replies, 03/05/85)
" (7 replies, 03/07/85)
Webster's Second (2 replies, 03/07/85)
What is origin of \"korl\"? (1 reply, 03/09/85)
Flammable posting (3 replies, 03/09/85)
Missing it (1 reply, 03/11/85)
Disoriented (1 reply, 03/12/85)
Spelling of Kluge (0 replies, 03/13/85)
Seeking word lists with frequency of use (0 replies, 03/13/85)
Heidegger references (0 replies, 03/13/85)
Evolution of Computer Jargon (1 reply, 03/14/85)
phrase etymology (0 replies, 03/14/85)
10 Chuchillian quotes (0 replies, 03/14/85)
"Parisian French" (0 replies, 03/15/85)
Malayalam Language Taught at UT Summer School (0 replies, 03/16/85)
What to speak in Brussels (0 replies, 03/18/85)
WITTGENSTEIN Discussion #002 (1 reply, 03/18/85)
phrase etymology: "swell" (1 reply, 03/18/85)
Looking for native Basque speakers (0 replies, 03/20/85)
Swiss German dialects (0 replies, 03/21/85)
Another Semantic Reversal (1 reply, 03/21/85)
Text-to-speech program request (0 replies, 03/21/85)
Kluge/kludge definitions (0 replies, 03/21/85)
Daily linguistic tidbit: "'em" not from "them" (0 replies, 03/22/85)
I've got it (2 replies, 03/22/85)
Androgynous vs Hermaphroditic (1 reply, 03/22/85)
Etymology of 'Yankee' (0 replies, 03/22/85)
pooh-pooh (1 reply, 03/22/85)
GRAPEshot? (0 replies, 03/23/85)
'make love' (0 replies, 03/23/85)
Multi-language computer glossary (0 replies, 03/23/85)
Esperanto as a practical solution to the language barrier for travelers (0 replies, 03/23/85)
I too Became a Junkie ... a poem (0 replies, 03/23/85)
Grapefruit (3 replies, 03/24/85)
Pay through the nose (0 replies, 03/25/85)
Terms which have outlived their descriptiveness (1 reply, 03/26/85)
Article about USENET to appear in Esperanto Newsletter (0 replies, 03/26/85)
Derivation of Yankee (0 replies, 03/26/85)
language and location in "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (3 replies, 03/26/85)
Fun with an Esperanto dictionary (0 replies, 03/27/85)
alot, awhile ?? (0 replies, 03/27/85)
"Parisian French," other French and accents (1 reply, 03/27/85)
Definition of "kludge" (1 reply, 03/28/85)
Yankee Doodle (5 replies, 03/28/85)
More retronyms (0 replies, 03/28/85)
Prepositions; misinterpretations; evolutions (1 reply, 03/28/85)
Dept. of Misc. Petty Grievances (0 replies, 03/29/85)
Tradenames used as generic nouns (10 replies, 03/30/85)
A pole apart (0 replies, 03/30/85)
odd definitions (2 replies, 03/31/85)
Ending with prepositions (0 replies, 03/31/85)
Pledge of allegiance (0 replies, 03/31/85)
Language and Correctness (0 replies, 04/01/85)
Ascii Phonetics for English (0 replies, 04/01/85)
Being taken care of. (5 replies, 04/01/85)
elemenopee (0 replies, 04/01/85)
Rationalizing English (4 replies, 04/02/85)
phonemic spelling system (0 replies, 04/03/85)
Esperanto tongue-twister (0 replies, 04/03/85)
The Possessive, the Plural & the 's (0 replies, 04/03/85)
Daily linguistic tidbit: etymology of 'America' (6 replies, 04/03/85)
online texts (0 replies, 04/03/85)
Sloppy Prose (4 replies, 04/03/85)
Lets finish off the pledge of allegiance ... (1 reply, 04/04/85)
Semantic reversals (41 replies, 04/04/85)
Goodbye, Columbus (0 replies, 04/04/85)
"Silverware" (0 replies, 04/04/85)
A whole nother story (13 replies, 04/04/85)
Kludge and dictionaries (8 replies, 04/05/85)
Phonetic spelling in ASCII (0 replies, 04/05/85)
GRAPEfruit? (14 replies, 04/05/85)
Study War No More (0 replies, 04/05/85)
"I have it" vs "I have to" (3 replies, 04/07/85)
Still more retronyms (0 replies, 04/07/85)
Machine Translation of Human Languages (0 replies, 04/09/85)
Wreak/wrought/wright (0 replies, 04/11/85)
The first interactive Esperanto conference on CompuServe (0 replies, 04/11/85)
Etruscan (0 replies, 04/12/85)
anglish is a musing (10 replies, 04/14/85)
Ambiguous advertising slogans (1 reply, 04/15/85)
Reduplication as a Plural (0 replies, 04/15/85)
collectible words (4 replies, 04/16/85)
Reduplication (6 replies, 04/16/85)
Request for net.nlang.africa (1 reply, 04/16/85)
net.africa (0 replies, 04/17/85)
SCCGL correction (0 replies, 04/18/85)
jobs for linguists (0 replies, 04/18/85)
Origin of 'fag' meaning 'cigarette' (0 replies, 04/22/85)
On "orphaned" words. (16 replies, 04/22/85)
Kibernetikistoj por Esperanto (0 replies, 04/22/85)
idiomatic phrases indicating insanity? (9 replies, 04/22/85)
Origin of expletive (4 replies, 04/24/85)
Baseball Retronym (0 replies, 04/24/85)
kiwi fruit (0 replies, 04/24/85)
Types of Vegetarians (0 replies, 04/25/85)
Wanted: PL/1 Compiler for Unix System 5 (0 replies, 04/26/85)
tuna vs. tunafish (1 reply, 04/27/85)
"What do you call a <foo> in your part of the country?" (0 replies, 04/27/85)
tuna fish vs. horse mackerel (0 replies, 04/28/85)
Seeking origin of 'posh' (6 replies, 04/30/85)
Old names for foods (1 reply, 04/30/85)
Orphaned Response (28 replies, 04/30/85)
tuna fish (21 replies, 05/01/85)
gooseberries (0 replies, 05/01/85)
Gooseberries, currant events (0 replies, 05/01/85)
net.nlang.africa has been created (0 replies, 05/01/85)
Issue No. 13 of LNLJ order form (0 replies, 05/02/85)
retronyms (8 replies, 05/03/85)
The Whiles of Yorkshire (0 replies, 05/03/85)
Language Families/Native American Languages (0 replies, 05/03/85)
The Queen's English (5 replies, 05/03/85)
Liver-haters (1 reply, 05/04/85)
Use of THE - US vs Eng (16 replies, 05/04/85)
request for agricultural term (0 replies, 05/07/85)
Collectives: they aren't just for breakfast anymore (0 replies, 05/07/85)
English Horns (3 replies, 05/07/85)
Trivia --> net.misc (0 replies, 05/07/85)
The magic number nine. (6 replies, 05/08/85)
Need Basque translated (3 replies, 05/08/85)
Personal parser defenses (0 replies, 05/08/85)
Personal Defenses (2 replies, 05/09/85)
Pop vs. Soda (7 replies, 05/09/85)
Types of "vegetarians" (5 replies, 05/09/85)
tuna fish. Also, kiwifruit. (3 replies, 05/10/85)
Cybernetics conference in Esperanto: InterKibernetik '85 (0 replies, 05/13/85)
sexist language/bad attitudes (1 reply, 05/13/85)
The V *F* W (3 replies, 05/15/85)
3 sheets to the wind (2 replies, 05/15/85)
'B' is for William (0 replies, 05/16/85)
Etymology of "Red Herring" (0 replies, 05/16/85)
Linguistic Bibliography (0 replies, 05/17/85)
Brand New (2 replies, 05/17/85)
nonsense words (7 replies, 05/17/85)
english "horns", etc. (6 replies, 05/18/85)
Regional Newsgroups (1 reply, 05/18/85)
GO, NO GO (1 reply, 05/21/85)
nonsense words for files (6 replies, 05/21/85)
latin (3 replies, 05/21/85)
More Rational English Spelling (2 replies, 05/22/85)
Welcome Europe to net.nlang; Esperanto vs English (1 reply, 05/22/85)
Want Info. on Jive Talk (1 reply, 05/22/85)
What's the word for ... (0 replies, 05/22/85)
poetry reading by Mary Kinzie (0 replies, 05/22/85)
where did the 'B' come from? (8 replies, 05/23/85)
Lectureship in Computational Linguistics (0 replies, 05/25/85)
Word-processing and Greek fonts (0 replies, 05/28/85)
experlisp (0 replies, 05/29/85)
English Dialect, as seen by Americans (2 replies, 05/30/85)
We're really all Veccuppians... (2 replies, 05/30/85)
Origin of phrase (1 reply, 05/31/85)
Fun with languages... (0 replies, 05/31/85)
silly latin tags (1 reply, 05/31/85)
a request for a technical term concerning male homosexuality (0 replies, 06/05/85)
How about "Yankees"? (5 replies, 06/05/85)
Charming typo (18 replies, 06/06/85)
Another Esperanto conference on CompuServe, Sunday the 9th 9pm EDT (0 replies, 06/07/85)
Ups and Downs (1 reply, 06/09/85)
Vaxen could care less (0 replies, 06/10/85)
More Vaxen (0 replies, 06/10/85)
signs missing letters (0 replies, 06/12/85)
Darkening letters on signs to make new ones (0 replies, 06/13/85)
vaxen, oxen, and foxen (0 replies, 06/13/85)
Until Tomorrow this is Joe Newsman (0 replies, 06/14/85)
signposts (4 replies, 06/16/85)
-en plurals, and chicken as a plural. (0 replies, 06/17/85)
-en as a diminutive (0 replies, 06/17/85)
amusingly corrupted famous signs (0 replies, 06/17/85)
English plurals in -en (0 replies, 06/17/85)
multi-font keyboard (0 replies, 06/17/85)
Net.Nlang Submission (0 replies, 06/17/85)
Infix? (8 replies, 06/19/85)
New discussion on Slovak (0 replies, 06/19/85)
Derivation of O.K. the true facts (0 replies, 06/19/85)
I could care less (1 reply, 06/19/85)
THEY vs ONE vs YOU vs coinage, as gender-neutral indefinite (0 replies, 06/19/85)
term for SO's relatives (3 replies, 06/20/85)
Infix (0 replies, 06/20/85)
English Plurals, etc. (0 replies, 06/20/85)
Gender-neutral indefinites: who's arguing what? (1 reply, 06/20/85)
Vaxen and vixen (0 replies, 06/20/85)
Etymology mistaken for "real" meaning (0 replies, 06/21/85)
Use of "Vaxen" as plural (3 replies, 06/22/85)
Conscious changes in grammar, spelling (0 replies, 06/22/85)
Why the vax, but not the Unix?? (17 replies, 06/22/85)
Puns in English and Esperanto (1 reply, 06/23/85)
Examples of puns in Esperanto (0 replies, 06/23/85)
`the' and `a' ? (1 reply, 06/23/85)
of "images" and the like (1 reply, 06/24/85)
a newt and an adder (1 reply, 06/24/85)
Artificial vs natural language (1 reply, 06/24/85)
names for ASCII symbols (0 replies, 06/24/85)
Neon Failure (6 replies, 06/24/85)
Hwaet? (0 replies, 06/25/85)
e (0 replies, 06/25/85)
neon? failure (1 reply, 06/25/85)
Road signs etc. (0 replies, 06/26/85)
A norange and a whole nother story. (1 reply, 06/26/85)
Goal-effects of nonsexist lang, + expand vs restrict (0 replies, 06/27/85)
Harvard Phonetically Balanced Sentences (0 replies, 06/27/85)
ENGLISH Phrase Books (0 replies, 06/27/85)
non-causal use of 'because' (3 replies, 06/28/85)
Gender-Neutral indefinites (1 reply, 06/29/85)
Ah ! The Good Old Times (2 replies, 06/29/85)
Squeezing files. (2 replies, 06/30/85)
Good Old Times (0 replies, 07/01/85)
Non-sexist language (14 replies, 07/01/85)
Morenyawanna know about dollars (0 replies, 07/02/85)
the closed class of pronouns (4 replies, 07/02/85)
WANTED: NLP system (0 replies, 07/03/85)
survey (0 replies, 07/04/85)
Derivation of O.K. (17 replies, 07/05/85)
words and their opposites (19 replies, 07/06/85)
Slavic languages (4 replies, 07/08/85)
list of Names for ASCII symbols (0 replies, 07/08/85)
question about names for symbols (21 replies, 07/09/85)
Reading Chinese (2 replies, 07/10/85)
Slavic aspects (1 reply, 07/10/85)
In search of a sexless pronoun. (0 replies, 07/11/85)
d*mn, sh*t, f*ck, un*x (0 replies, 07/11/85)
Slavic languages and sealing wa (0 replies, 07/14/85)
Pronouns devoid of gender connotations (16 replies, 07/15/85)
Slavic languages and sealing wax (1 reply, 07/16/85)
d*mn, sh*t, f*ck, un*x: Patterns You May Not Have Considered (3 replies, 07/16/85)
Non-sexist language --- AND --- ascii characters (0 replies, 07/17/85)
colloq use of 'horny' in application to women (0 replies, 07/17/85)
Origin of term "rolling thunder" (0 replies, 07/17/85)
Third person pronouns (0 replies, 07/18/85)
Bulgarian Orthodox Church? (0 replies, 07/18/85)
Name for part of speech (2 replies, 07/19/85)
Dictionaries (2 replies, 07/19/85)
randy (0 replies, 07/20/85)
True Cognates, False Friends (1 reply, 07/20/85)
Generate and Select (0 replies, 07/20/85)
We need some new terminology (0 replies, 07/22/85)
Shwa (0 replies, 07/23/85)
Corrupted Signs (7 replies, 07/23/85)
Kiel malseksismigi Esperanton? (0 replies, 07/23/85)
Translation needed (1 reply, 07/24/85)
Was the pun intended? (1 reply, 07/26/85)
Extended Deadline-2nd ACM Northeast Regional Conference (0 replies, 07/27/85)
John Kennedy, Jelly Donuts and Berlin (0 replies, 07/27/85)
Credibility (15 replies, 07/29/85)
Query on ergative languages (5 replies, 07/29/85)
Kennedy's use of German language (4 replies, 07/29/85)
Names for symbols (6 replies, 07/30/85)
"Controlled experiment": redundancy or retronym? (7 replies, 07/31/85)
Singular/ Plural determiners in coordinate NPs (7 replies, 07/31/85)
Sona-graph users (0 replies, 07/31/85)
troff special chars - naming them (1 reply, 08/01/85)
Sexless language (2 replies, 08/02/85)
Adjective order (3 replies, 08/06/85)
the word "won't" (11 replies, 08/07/85)
wanted: Spanish, French or Portugese posters (0 replies, 08/07/85)
False cognates (16 replies, 08/08/85)
Rabu (0 replies, 08/09/85)
about diacritical (0 replies, 08/12/85)
net.doggerel (1 reply, 08/13/85)
Worst of the Bay (3 replies, 08/16/85)
Is there a name for this symbol; # ? (0 replies, 08/16/85)
Translation of Japanese Technical Documents (0 replies, 08/17/85)
Query on language evolution (0 replies, 08/17/85)
New group for human communication issues, theory, & research (0 replies, 08/18/85)
Looking for a Spanish dictionary (0 replies, 08/19/85)
Looking for German Language Correspondent (0 replies, 08/19/85)
Latin Occult Palindrome (2 replies, 08/20/85)
Tyranny of the computer (3 replies, 08/21/85)
Any English/X Dictionaries On-Line? (0 replies, 08/21/85)
"X is a noun, not an adjective" (0 replies, 08/21/85)
more diacritical marks... (5 replies, 08/22/85)
about diacritical marks (16 replies, 08/22/85)
Looking for an oddball word (0 replies, 08/22/85)
Rhetorical Device Query (3 replies, 08/23/85)
Resurrecting Dead Metaphors (1 reply, 08/25/85)
German dynamite (0 replies, 08/25/85)
"Data points"/English speaked here. (0 replies, 08/26/85)
"Data points" (9 replies, 08/28/85)
request for technical term denoting organic fat (0 replies, 08/29/85)
Diacritics... (3 replies, 09/02/85)
National alphabets and computers (0 replies, 09/04/85)
Crossword cheater (0 replies, 09/04/85)
slow Russian shortwave broadcasts (0 replies, 09/06/85)
Automatic Abstracting (0 replies, 09/10/85)
The "#" Symbol (2 replies, 09/12/85)
more on 2d pers pron... (0 replies, 09/13/85)
I input, I inputted, I am inputting? (3 replies, 09/14/85)
Friends and Plain Speech (0 replies, 09/15/85)
International Workshop on Multimodal Dialogue Structure (0 replies, 09/16/85)
Second person singular (8 replies, 09/17/85)
Past participles in English (2 replies, 09/18/85)
Louisianans (1 reply, 09/19/85)
derivation of adj's from reduced relatives (0 replies, 09/19/85)
Misplaced Prepositional Phrase (0 replies, 09/21/85)
News Article (1 reply, 09/23/85)
Whilst and While (1 reply, 09/23/85)
2nd pers pron in different languages (2 replies, 09/24/85)
names of animal categories (6 replies, 09/24/85)
Pray, Praying, Prayer (1 reply, 09/24/85)
German translation of English computer terms (1 reply, 09/24/85)
Second Person Plural (12 replies, 09/26/85)
\"Guys\" is to \"<?>\" as ... (3 replies, 09/29/85)
Possessive plurals of last names (13 replies, 09/30/85)
Internationalisation (0 replies, 10/03/85)
E.B. White (0 replies, 10/03/85)
Past participle of 'open' (0 replies, 10/03/85)
Can anyone identify these languages? (3 replies, 10/16/85)
Inflected Languages (2 replies, 10/19/85)
Foreign Language Technical Material (2 replies, 10/19/85)
Fussbett etc... (0 replies, 10/20/85)
Can anyone identify these languages (2 replies, 10/22/85)
World languages (6 replies, 10/22/85)
Horrible Hack to tell Scand. Languages apart (13 replies, 10/23/85)
Foreign brandnames (1 reply, 10/25/85)
outwith (0 replies, 10/26/85)
Hor.Hacking Finn./Eston./Hung./Turk. (0 replies, 10/28/85)
SCIENCAJ GASTOJ EL CHINIO (0 replies, 10/30/85)
Origin of "bought the farm" (2 replies, 10/31/85)
Vikings (2 replies, 10/31/85)
Origin of 'under the weather' (1 reply, 11/01/85)
versatile word (3 replies, 11/01/85)
Scand. Languages - Finnish - Korean (2 replies, 11/05/85)
literacy (6 replies, 11/06/85)
Looking for beginning Esparantists. (0 replies, 11/08/85)
What's in a Name? (0 replies, 11/09/85)
Making Esperanto Universal.. (1 reply, 11/10/85)
ESPERANTO EN <CINIO (0 replies, 11/11/85)
Zillions of cases in Ural-Altaic languages? (1 reply, 11/12/85)
Sumerian (0 replies, 11/13/85)
Finnish/Estonian/Hungarian/Turkish/Mongol (0 replies, 11/13/85)
A SURVEY -- PLEASE RESPOND (0 replies, 11/14/85)
Hor.Hacking Finnish/Estonian/Hungarian/Turkish (6 replies, 11/15/85)
Hor.Hacking Finnish/Estonian/Hungar (0 replies, 11/15/85)
easily misunderstood sentences (0 replies, 11/15/85)
Nucular Peeves (0 replies, 11/17/85)
Metathesis (2 replies, 11/18/85)
Help! Need Finnish translation. (0 replies, 11/18/85)
Help!! Ancient Biblical City of Shechem (0 replies, 11/18/85)
Pet Peeves (11 replies, 11/19/85)
Estonian Cases (0 replies, 11/19/85)
Sentences easily misunderstood (0 replies, 11/19/85)
writing systems (0 replies, 11/19/85)
English glides (2 replies, 11/20/85)
Origin of gringo (0 replies, 11/20/85)
apology for earlier posting (0 replies, 11/20/85)
Mangled Prayer (0 replies, 11/25/85)
Esperanto as a practical aid to the language barrier for travelers (6 replies, 11/26/85)
Syllabic Sibilants and other objects of wonder (0 replies, 11/26/85)
ASCII AU ISO, KIUN FORMATON? (2 replies, 11/27/85)
Sundays (1 reply, 11/28/85)
Origin of "To Pull It Off" (1 reply, 11/28/85)
Syllabic Sibilants and other objects (0 replies, 11/29/85)
Etymology of noun ``lazy susan'' (1 reply, 11/30/85)
Tibetian alphabet software wanted (1 reply, 11/30/85)
"green grow the rushes oh" as a marching song (0 replies, 12/01/85)
Maps are not an international langua (0 replies, 12/02/85)
Texts in other languages (1 reply, 12/02/85)
RhoDisland 'R' (1 reply, 12/02/85)
Short Text with All English Phoneme (0 replies, 12/03/85)
Request for Beginning Japanese Texts (0 replies, 12/03/85)
"a message from a friend . . ." (0 replies, 12/03/85)
Sentences easily misunderstood when heard (13 replies, 12/03/85)
Double 'R' (10 replies, 12/03/85)
Old World heritage in the New World (2 replies, 12/03/85)
Finnish textbooks (0 replies, 12/04/85)
Maps are not an international language either (3 replies, 12/04/85)
Boontling (5 replies, 12/04/85)
Old World languages in the New World (5 replies, 12/04/85)
would the gentleman from europe who sent me mail 1Dec, please retransmit? (0 replies, 12/05/85)
Pri la porko (0 replies, 12/06/85)
One for our side (31 replies, 12/06/85)
"Shopping days" (4 replies, 12/06/85)
Marry merry Mary Murry (1 reply, 12/06/85)
Ve: vDisland R (0 replies, 12/07/85)
Syllabic Sibilants (1 reply, 12/08/85)
Wanted: Gaulish dictionary or related material (0 replies, 12/09/85)
ASCII IPA symbols wanted (0 replies, 12/09/85)
"Shopping days"; really "Blue Laws" (2 replies, 12/10/85)
Maps are not an international language (3 replies, 12/10/85)
Results of Boontling vote (0 replies, 12/11/85)
origin of "crap" (3 replies, 12/11/85)
origin of "crap", really: "flushing toilet". (4 replies, 12/11/85)
Days of the week, Gods (2 replies, 12/12/85)
Another Mangled SONG (1 reply, 12/13/85)
Days of the week (9 replies, 12/13/85)
north of the border (2 replies, 12/14/85)
Taboo words (6 replies, 12/16/85)
Request for Beginning Japanese Text (3 replies, 12/16/85)
A reply, posted for a friend (1 reply, 12/17/85)
The names of the days of the week. (0 replies, 12/17/85)
The Great American? Bird (1 reply, 12/17/85)
Another Mangled Hymn (17 replies, 12/18/85)
Japanese Gestures (1 reply, 12/18/85)
Being Spotted as a Foreigner in Japan (0 replies, 12/19/85)
Song Lyrics (5 replies, 12/20/85)
Early British Religion (0 replies, 12/20/85)
Oriental days of the week (3 replies, 12/20/85)
Trivial Pursuit => net.misc (0 replies, 12/21/85)
Japanese Gestures, or more to the point: Gestures (0 replies, 12/21/85)
Learn Japanese (0 replies, 12/21/85)
Being Insulting in Japanese (0 replies, 12/21/85)
Getting Japanese to Believe You're Speaking Japanese (2 replies, 12/22/85)
Beginning Japanese Text (1 reply, 12/22/85)
Learn Esperanto or bust (1 reply, 12/23/85)
Reading Japanese look-alike sentences (0 replies, 12/24/85)
anomalous sentences (0 replies, 12/27/85)
Pronouncing Japanese brand names (5 replies, 12/30/85)
A second Try at Japanese Look-Alike Sentences (2 replies, 12/30/85)
Lookalike Japanese, Mispronunciations (2 replies, 12/31/85)
"Mickey Mouse" and "Ribbet" (0 replies, 12/31/85)
Pronouncing Foreign names (0 replies, 12/31/85)
please repeat that (3 replies, 12/31/85)
Thanks (0 replies, 01/01/86)
Spoken English as an "Easy Language" (2 replies, 01/01/86)
Notes on Timbuktu and Oxcam (0 replies, 01/03/86)
American routs and Canadian roots (0 replies, 01/04/86)
Learn Japanese or bust. (10 replies, 01/05/86)
While we're mangling things... (1 reply, 01/06/86)
Chinese use of "aaahhh" (0 replies, 01/07/86)
Sioux-ry (0 replies, 01/07/86)
American routs and Canadian roo (0 replies, 01/08/86)
what's a "pantoffel-computer" (7 replies, 01/08/86)
US/UK slang differences (0 replies, 01/08/86)
Public Domain Kanji Font Wanted (0 replies, 01/08/86)
French Revolutionary Calendar (3 replies, 01/09/86)
followup on the English names of categories of animals (0 replies, 01/09/86)
Americanisms Brit/Canadianisms (0 replies, 01/10/86)
Artificial Language (2 replies, 01/10/86)
Sexist language again! (1 reply, 01/11/86)
Chewing Gum and Baling Wire (0 replies, 01/12/86)
The Dakotas (0 replies, 01/12/86)
Briticisms (6 replies, 01/12/86)
LOGLAN (4 replies, 01/13/86)
"United States" (2 replies, 01/14/86)
Southernisms (0 replies, 01/15/86)
the word "gritly" (1 reply, 01/16/86)
"Apartheid" pronunciation (2 replies, 01/16/86)
Trousers and Outback (0 replies, 01/16/86)
aUI (3 replies, 01/16/86)
Canadian accents: the "Bob & Doug MacKenzie" sound (3 replies, 01/16/86)
Indonesian/Malaysian (0 replies, 01/17/86)
Canadian/American/British English (2 replies, 01/18/86)
Call for Proper Noun Idioms (18 replies, 01/20/86)
aUI, again (0 replies, 01/23/86)
new text on natural language (0 replies, 01/23/86)
Americanisms and Canadianisms (20 replies, 01/24/86)
anyone interested in Jacques Derrida or Roland Barthes? (0 replies, 01/24/86)
Double sentences (3 replies, 01/24/86)
grammatical simplifications in English vs. German (0 replies, 01/25/86)
Canadian accents (5 replies, 01/25/86)
Ferguson/Greenberg Lecture announcement: Benji Wald (0 replies, 01/27/86)
routes and routers (0 replies, 01/27/86)
Father Goose/ Shaggy Dog / Pun / Canonical (0 replies, 01/30/86)
Translations rhyming (4 replies, 01/31/86)
The Squire on the Hippopotamus (0 replies, 01/31/86)
latest Japlish (1 reply, 01/31/86)
Sex is Funny to Eskimos - need clarification (0 replies, 02/03/86)
Canadian English spelling list (0 replies, 02/05/86)
Translations and Truth (0 replies, 02/05/86)
Esperanto Mailing-List (0 replies, 02/06/86)
Prolog (0 replies, 02/07/86)
latest ish (1 reply, 02/08/86)
Puns (0 replies, 02/09/86)
Phoneme phrequencies (0 replies, 02/11/86)
Greatest Hits (0 replies, 02/12/86)
American routs, Canadian roots (3 replies, 02/12/86)
Godel or Goedel (0 replies, 02/12/86)
Roots 'n' things (0 replies, 02/13/86)
R & L in Chinese (1 reply, 02/13/86)
Venerean sexadecimal? (2 replies, 02/15/86)
The term "Native Americans" (0 replies, 02/15/86)
Venerean Sexadecimal?! (1 reply, 02/16/86)
Bekos! (0 replies, 02/16/86)
Currency symbols (0 replies, 02/17/86)
Goedel (1 reply, 02/17/86)
'ooo' vs. 'u' (0 replies, 02/17/86)
New high-end VAXes (0 replies, 02/17/86)
Sex is Funny to Eskimos (4 replies, 02/18/86)
Cicero's grave (0 replies, 02/18/86)
Need onomatopoei citations (0 replies, 02/18/86)
Easy languages (27 replies, 02/19/86)
Etymology of garden and town (0 replies, 02/20/86)
can, will, may, shall, must, ought (0 replies, 02/20/86)
Opinionated theory why puns are not funny (0 replies, 02/21/86)
Puns and pains (1 reply, 02/21/86)
Extended character sets -- tabulation (0 replies, 02/22/86)
Travel to Nicaragua & work at your profession/hobby for 2 weeks (0 replies, 02/23/86)
etymology of Swedish word 'semla' (0 replies, 02/24/86)
y with two dots (2 replies, 02/25/86)
English verbal miscellany (3 replies, 02/26/86)
'through' -> 'thru' (3 replies, 02/28/86)
verbs, particles and prepositions (0 replies, 02/28/86)
Arcane C hacks? (1 reply, 03/02/86)
Grammar and Spelling on the Net and Elsewhere (3 replies, 03/03/86)
gender neutral pronouns - need help (0 replies, 03/03/86)
The eytmology of fubar (0 replies, 03/05/86)
Harbors and harbours (9 replies, 03/06/86)
Query (0 replies, 03/07/86)
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (1 reply, 03/09/86)
advice on cleaning old kimono (0 replies, 03/10/86)
Searching for a word (9 replies, 03/10/86)
nonsense line (3 replies, 03/10/86)
Availability of English Grammar, Dictionaries (2 replies, 03/10/86)
Help Wanted (0 replies, 03/13/86)
"he or she" - a grammatical problem solved (14 replies, 03/13/86)
Phonemic/phonetic typefaces (1 reply, 03/15/86)
He and She (3 replies, 03/17/86)
Proof by citation (3 replies, 03/18/86)
Cdn/US differences (2 replies, 03/18/86)
Metaphysicians (6 replies, 03/20/86)
Pet names in different languages (4 replies, 03/20/86)
"he or she" (0 replies, 03/21/86)
Grammar and Spelling on the Net (28 replies, 03/21/86)
I'm going away for 2 weeks vacation (0 replies, 03/21/86)
"Verbatim, the language quarterly" (0 replies, 03/22/86)
Words, words, words. (0 replies, 03/23/86)
Request for Machine Readable Jane Austen (2 replies, 03/25/86)
Irresistible grammar flame (2 replies, 03/25/86)
"Thanks in advance" considered rude (2 replies, 03/26/86)
origin of foo (2 replies, 03/27/86)
Use of the plural *VAXEN* from the singular VAX (0 replies, 03/27/86)
Derivation of `Moscow' (1 reply, 03/28/86)
Usenet Phrase Guide--request for help (10 replies, 03/28/86)
Ural-Altaic languages (0 replies, 03/29/86)
Letter Salutations (15 replies, 03/29/86)
translation wanted from MontyPythonEnglish to American English (3 replies, 03/29/86)
Spelling on the net (0 replies, 03/29/86)
When does an Acronym become a Word? (4 replies, 03/31/86)
troff character names for Greek fonts (2 replies, 04/02/86)
Words which are plural in one language, singular in another (0 replies, 04/06/86)
Satire for the masses (3 replies, 04/07/86)
Looking for Papers. (1 reply, 05/15/86)
Flame etymology clarification (4 replies, 05/17/86)
Esperanto (3 replies, 06/02/86)
Update #2 on technical travel to Nicaragua (0 replies, 06/23/86)
Reply to 'Update #2 on technical travel to Nicaragua' (17 replies, 07/18/86)
Naming 'data chunks' (0 replies, 08/15/86)
Q: How can structure be learned? A: PDP (1 reply, 08/19/86)
Q: How can structure be learned? Pedantic quibble (0 replies, 08/27/86)
PBS's 'Story of English' (1 reply, 09/30/86)