[net.nlang] Net.Nlang Submission

diamond@glivet.DEC (Dave Diamond) (06/17/85)

Re: Infix

My professor for Intro to Linguistics taught us about the English expletive
infix this way:  Take two words that you wouldn't think to use the infix with:


				TATTAMAGOUCHIE  (not sure what it means, but
						 it serves for demonstration)

Now add the expletive infix to each one.  If you compare your result with your
friends, you'll probably find that you insert the 'f' word in the same place.

I end up with "Ala-f*ckin'-bama" and "Tattama-f*ckin'-gouchie"...  I'm not sure
why we do it this way (I haven't read the book mentioned in previous postings
and my class was a survey level course).

					Dave Diamond
					Digital, Nashua NH (as well as a pre-
						senior linguistics major at the
						University of New Hampshire)
