drv (01/08/83)
Sometime ago, over a year I believe, Games Magazine had a small puzzle which featured words that mean their opposites. I seem to recall that there were close to a dozen and none of the one's I've seen in the recent articles rings a bell. I've looked through my back issues but haven't come up with it yet. Only one I remember is "dust" which can mean to wipe dust off something or to put dust on it (dust lightly with flour, for ex.). Does anyone out there recall that issue of Games and can you post the other items? I'll keep looking. Dennis Vogel ABI Piscataway
mts (01/11/83)
How about the word "cleave" which means "to adhere firmly", and also "to divide". Mary T. Sarantakos
djo (01/20/83)
OR, concerning up and down, The house burned [up,down]. (personally I prefer up)