[net.nlang] A Kollekshun ov Kwotashuns

miker@sri-unix (07/28/82)

Forskor and seven yeerz ago owr forfatherz brawt forth on this
continent a nioo nashun, konseeved in libertee and dedikated to
the propozishun that awl men ar kreeated eekwal.

Now iz the winter ov owr diskontent
Made gloreeus summer by this sun ov York.

The time haz kum, the Wolrus sed, too tawk ov mennee thingz,
Ov ships and shooz and seeling waks, ov kabbijez and kingz.

In the beeginning woz the Werd, and the Werd woz with God,
and the Werd woz God.

Ask not wot yor kuntree kan doo for yoo, ask rather wot yoo
kan doo for yor kuntree.

Wuns upon a midnite dreeree wile I ponderd week and weeree
Over mennee a kwaint and kiooreeus volioom ov forgotten lor.

I wonderd lonelee az a clowd
That floatz on hi or vaelz and hilz.

Erth hath not eneething to sho mor fare
Dul wood hee bee in hiz sole hoo kood pass bie
A site so tuching in itz majestee.

The kerfioo toles the nell ov parting dae
The lowing herd moovs slolee or the lee.

	Hmm, well, it does grow on one, doesn't it.