keller@uicsl.UUCP (06/23/83)
#N:uicsl:8600006:000:1266 uicsl!keller Jun 22 12:55:00 1983 key words: sex, hardware, capitalization, punctuation, grammar I wanted to hang a kitchen witch from a ceiling lamp so I bought a nut with a loop on it to hold up the glass cover to the lamp. Since this witch came with strings attached I hung her till dead from the loop. Then I read the description that came with my purchase: MALE LOOP AND/OR FEMALE LOOPS No Canopy can be installed without a suitable Loop and the installation of a fixture requires fastening the chain of your fixture onto a Loop. The Loop provides the only possible passage-way through which you can slip (or loop) the wires of your fixture into the cavity of your Canopy to connect the wires to the lead wires of your outlet. A Loop should normally match the fixture it is used with. But for lack of a perfect match Brass Finish is universal. On Canopies with a 7/16" center hole, with mounting holes, you will use the male threaded Loop and fasten it to the Canopy with a Lockwasher and Locknut. On all -> others, you would require a "4" Cross Bar-Hickey and -> Adapter Kit" and a 2-inch 1/8-IP Nipple and a female Loop. -> Also, male and female Loops are useful components for hanging Planters, Shelves, and many other applications of interest to Model Makers and Hobbyist.