ecn-pa:scott (11/24/82)
Could someone give me a definition of "crufty"? I haven't been able to figure it out from context. Scott Deerwester Purdue University Libraries (BTW, was there ever a winner for the "figure out what trb stands for" contest?)
CSvax:cak (11/30/82)
>From the SAIL/MIT/CMU hackers' dictionary...
CRUFTY [from "cruddy"] adj. 1. Poorly built, possibly overly complex.
"This is standard old crufty DEC software". Hence CRUFT, n. shoddy
construction. 2. Unpleasant, especially to the touch, often with
encrusted junk. Like spilled coffee smeared with peanut butter and
catsup. Hence CRUFT, n. disgusting mess. 3. Generally unpleasant.
CRUFTY or CRUFTIE n. A small crufty object (see FROB); often one
which doesn't fit well into the scheme of things. "A LISP property
list is a good place to store crufties (or, random cruft)."
[Note: Does CRUFT have anything to do with the Cruft Lab at
Harvard? I don't know, though I was a Harvard student. - GLS]