[net.nlang] Issue No. 13 of LNLJ order form

li51x@sdcc3.UUCP (li51x) (05/02/85)

I am posting this for Michael Smith, who is handling orders this year.
He asks that orders (and payment) be received by May 15, 1985.
							--Michelle Gross

Linguistic Notes from La Jolla     Number 13, 1985	(Please post)

Working papers in linguistics from the faculty and students of the 
Department of Linguistics, University of California at San Diego

	Syntax/Semantics Issue

James Fife		"Copulation and Existence"
Nora Gonzalez		"Object to Subject Raising in Spanish"
Mark Johnson		"A GPSG Account of VP Fronting in German"
Geraldine Legendre	"Object to Subject Raising, Reflexive Passive,
			 and 3 to 2 Advancement in French"
Michael B. Smith	"On the Correlation of Subjecthood and
			 Ephemeral Dummies in German"

Individuals:  $6.00 each (ppd. domestic)
              $7.00 each (ppd. overseas and Canada)
Institutions: $8.00 each (ppd. domestic)
	      $9.00 each (ppd. overseas and Canada)

				"Linguistics Notes from La Jolla"
				Department of Linguistics, C-008
				University of California, San Diego
				La Jolla, California 92093

Numbers 5-12 are available at the same rates.  For a list of contents
of back issues send a self-addressed stamped envelope to LNLJ.  All
orders requiring overseas mailing will be sent via surface mail.  If
air mail is desired, please indicate so on the order form and additional
postage will be charged.  Prepayment is required.  To order LNLJ No. 13,
return order form with payment to the above address.

Name_____________________________________	LNLJ No. 13 Quant Pay't
						Indiv Rate  _____ _____
Address__________________________________	Instit Rate _____ _____
						   Total    _____ _____
	            Send check/money order in US funds (payable to LNLJ)