[net.nlang] ghoti

amh (07/09/82)

Well, enouf ov this discussion ov ghoti, i guess i must roll up
my sleeves and toss in my two bits.
(If this appears in net.jokes, do not assume that i am not taking
this seriously, it's just that this is my first attempt at inews)
People who think that ghoti is an alternate spelling for fish
obviously do not understand english pronounciashun.
1) gh is only pronounced f at the end of a word.
2) o is only pronounced i when preceeded by w.
3) ti is only pronounce sh when followed by a vowel.
Do not get me wrong i like spelling reform,
if anything i would rather go back to middle english
in which there were many acceptable alternative spellings.
What matters is that the idear (i'm from New England)
gets across.
	i look forward to being warmed by many flames.

aldon (asa alden, aldyn, ogden, waldo)
hynes (asa hines, hunes, heinz, haynes etc.)
BTL Pisc.

trg (07/09/82)

1) gh is only pronounced f at the end of a word.
2) o is only pronounced i when preceeded by w.
3) ti is only pronounce sh when followed by a vowel.

	1) as in though
	2) as in wolf
	3) as in tie

amh (07/09/82)

1) gh is only pronounced f at the end of a word.
2) o is only pronounced i when preceeded by w.
3) ti is only pronounce sh when followed by a vowel.

	1) as in though
	2) as in wolf
	3) as in tie

Note difference between only and always.
A implies B does not mean B implies A.
Ogden Haynes
BTL Pisc.

jcwinterton (07/13/82)

Derived by George Bernard Shaw using GH as in couGH,
				      O as in wOmen,
				     TI as in attenTIon.
The word, is, of course, FISH.
Thanks for all the mail from those who participated, which included
the information that the Spanish, Russians, Germans and just about everybody
has tried to do something about their orthography except les Francaises and
the English.
John Winterton.