anton (07/11/82)
Funny, I always thought m.s. stood for meteor shower or meteor scatter. Does this mean such people are just a short blaze, soo goen and pretty ineffectual ? The subject certainly seems to come around with the same kind of regularity as meteors. {Aside: I could have used the term 'mark-space', but laura, not being a swl (no, not 'sweet young lady, short wave listener) might take offence.} Perhaps those of you in netland endowed with a good SF collection could look up a story called 'The masculinist rebellion' which appeared in F&SF about 3 years back. Maybe we will have top go back to wearing codpeices as the last bastion of male establishmentarianism. Currently, the best approach for rabid ***ists is the same one as is used for rabid dogs. Notice there is no rabies in England. The women also have a lot more freedom and self determination. "Revolutionaries are more interested in the furor and bloodshed they create than in the reform that is supposed to come out of it." /anton aylward