[net.nlang] More words and sex

jce (07/09/82)

while we're at it, let's get rid of all this Miss/Mrs/Mr/Ms crap.
It wasn't much of a step to go from Miss/Mrs to Ms; after all,
the issue should be that gender is unimportant.  How about one
generic title for everyone?  For instance, M. Smith, M. Jones.
But that's flawed, it might be confused with Monsieur, a blatantly
sexist word.  From now on, we should all go by Mx, pronounced
"mix" or "mux."  This will make the world safe for democracy by
concealing our genders from the sexist element.

Mx. John Eldridge	harpo!floyd!jce

mem (07/10/82)

Considering M. instead of Mrs., Mr., etc... ever read Kafka?  every
main character is simply "K"... the initial letter of the last name
(kafka was wierd).  let's eliminate titles altogether, call me M1003
(but that gets into Ayn Rand, doesnt it...)