bdp (08/12/82)
An update on that reading/drinking group with the funny Irish accent: We will be starting to read James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake some time in early September (after the current software crunch that myself and some others are experiencing.) For starters, I would like to invite all interested net.folks in the central New Jersey area to come over to my place in beautiful, rustic Piscataway. For the first meeting I will even provide the Guinness and some random cheeses and carbohydrates. Plan on about one 2-hour session per week. This should take us at most 20 weeks to complete but, oh, what a joy! Please write to me if you or anyone you know is interested. Let me know what weekday night would be best for you. Bruce Parker Room 1D251 BTL Pissthataway 201-981-6198 or ..!(mhux*)!pyuxjj!pyuxcc!bdp (The Ballad of Persse O'Reilly -- in A major, sort of) He was fafafather of all schemes for to bother us Slow coaches and immaculate contraceptives for the populace, Mare's milk for the sick, seven dry Sundays a week, Openair love and religion's reform, (chorus) And religious reform, Hideous in form.
bdp (09/21/82)
Subject: an oral reading of Finnegan's Wake Sorry for the delay in getting back to you folks. I've been busy with work. I've also been recovering from a skydive I took in mid-August which resulted in a broken leg. But enough excuses! In lieu of any other preferred night for reJoycing, I suggest we meet on Monday nights from 8 to 10pm. We'll see how this works out and perhaps change the meeting time later. For the first reading, I'd still like to offer my apartment. Drink and random carbohydrates will be provided. Please read the first two chapters for 27 Sept (pp 1-48 in the Penguin Paperback edition.) You should also read the last chapter if you've time. You might also like to pick up a book or two of criticism on The Wake. Anthony Burgess seems to have a few coherent things to say. Directions to my place: address : 71 Royal Drive #234 Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 phone : 201-968-2513 Take 287 to the Dunellen exit. You are now on Stelton. Go through one (1) light and right at the second light. You will cross a set of railroad tracks and bear left at a three-way intersection. You are now on New Brunswick Avenue. Continue until you see a sign on your left for Royal Gardens Apartments. Turn left in front of the sign. Continue in past four speed bumps. The apartment is on your right, Building 71, Apartment 234. If you've any questions or problems, let me know. Bruce Parker BTL Pissthataway Room 1D251 x9168