[net.nlang] He, she and it

gamiddleton (08/15/82)

I have noticed a rather bizarre linguistic quirk in several of the people
I work with.  When talking about computers, they refer to them as 'it', but
programs are referred to as 'he'.  This habit is harmless, but a few days ago
it caused some confusion, when a certain program was confused with its writer,
since the pronoun 'he' was used for both of them, in two consecutive sentences.
The point is:  why do we do this?  and why not call programs 'she'?  This
would be a reasonable thing to do, first of all, since most of the programmers
around here are male, it would prevent the above-mentioned confusion.
Secondly, we can eventually modify the usage of 'he' and 'him' to cover humans
in general, irrespective of gender, and reserve 'she' for software.   A
strange idea, and probably thoroughly impractical.  By the way, is there anyone
out there who calls programs 'he', like us?  Or 'she'?

 -Guy Middleton