[net.nlang] Sapir Whorf theory

rvpalliende (07/10/82)

Patrick Wood says that we should change people instead ov language.
The Sapir-Whorf theory says that we are influenced by our language.
(Remember 1984?) So, people won't change unless you change the
language. (According to Sapir and Whorf,that is)
Some times it's easy to change a language, as in "Ms."
Others aspects, like the custom ov using a male pronoun whenever the sex is
unknown, are very difficult to change. Have you ever read something
which uses female pronouns? I have, and although I'm no male chauvinist
I thought it (looked?/sounded?) too weird.
For example the sentence
"When a child is born her mother is the most important person
in her world"
That's funny to say the least. And babies are an example where
"it" is used for a person. (Maybe that's the solution)

phw (07/13/82)

The Sapir-Whorf theory says people are influenced by language...this
however does not imply that language is the only means of change.

				P. Wood