[net.nlang] More on pronunciation

davy (08/13/82)

pur-ee!davy    Aug 12 15:43:00 1982

	A note on pronunciation and spelling.  This list came out around here
several semesters ago, and refers to a British instructor's rather unusual
(at least for us Indiana types) pronunciation of some words.  These words are
spelled here semi-phonetically.  I take no credit for the list; and, before 
our Canadian friends get upset, please remember that this is only in jest.

NOTE: For clarification, the instructor's name was Anthony P. Reeves

--Dave Curry, Purdue E.E. Department
decvax!pur-ee!davy ihnss!pur-ee!davy

	Baldwin's  B R I T I S H } E N G L I S H  dictionary
		for use in EE466 under A. P. L. Reeves
		(With additions made by Mark A. Yoder)

AEPEERLL ::= APL ( Anthony's Programming Language 
		 | Annoying Programming Language
		 | Awkwod Programming Language
		 | A write only Programming Language )
ARBITREE ::= arbitrary
ANYTHIN ::= anything
ANYTHINK ::= same as above
AWKWOD ::= reeves speech pattern
CAWRSES ::= causes
COMPUUTA ::= what the PDP-11/70 claims to be
DAATER ::= data
DRAWR(ING)[on the overhead] ::= what reeves does 'till his felt tip runs out
DRAWR(ING)[on the board] ::= what reeves does with multi-coloured chalk
FOTRAN ::= obsolete language
FIGGER ::= figure
HAWF ::= how much of a WURD a byte is
HEAH ::= not there
I DEAR ::= ford has a better one
INSTROOKSHUN ::= as opposed to DAATER
INTERPERAATE ::= interpret
INTRUPT ::= interrupt
IOHTER ::= AEPEERLL index operator
LITUHL ::= not big
MODN ::= what the PDP-11/70 is (modern)
OHM WORK ::= what you hand in once a week
OHTO ::= addressing mode of the 11
SIMPLA ::= also what the 11 is (simpler)
SOAR ::= past tense of see
THIN ::= thing
URIDGIN ::= origin
VAWST ::= the size of virtual memory
WEREING ::= what a computer does when it runs (wereing around)
WUUSH ::= what a disk drive does
"substantial amount" ::= less than HAWF

1st printing:	Fall 	1977
2nd printing:	Spring 	1979
3rd printing: 	Late Spring 1979
4th printing: 	Late Spring 1981