[net.nlang] Ascii Phonetics for English

ellis@spar.UUCP (Michael Ellis) (04/01/85)

This seems to be a worthwhile topic for this newsgroup. Somebody should 
develop an ascii phonetic notation, and it might as well be us!

>To start the ball rolling, I'll propose one that could be based
>on ASCII characters.  There is a problem, of course, in that we
>have only 26 letters, and roughly three dozen phonemes, depending
>on dialect.  So obviously we use digraphs.  It would be better if
>we could use superposed diacriticals, but what can you do?
>First, the consonants.  English consonants can be organized roughly
>as follows:
>          lab dnt alv ret vel phr
>vd.stop    b   d           g
>vl.stop    p   t           k
>vd.affr        c       c~
>vl.affr                j~
>vd.spir    v   d~  z   z~
>vl.spir    f   t~  s   s~      h
>vd.nas     m   n           n~
>vd.smiv    w   y   l   r
>Note some funny things, like 'c' meaning 'ts', with 'c~' for 'tsh'.


English has no use for your symbol (c), which, incidentally, you've
placed in the wrong row -- I believe you meant to switch c <=>j.

And since digraphs in +h have been firmly established in many languages, 
why not use them?  I'd modify your chart as below:

          lab l/d dnt alv ret vel phr
vd.stop    b           d       g
vl.stop    p           t       k
vd.affr                    j
vl.affr                    c
vd.spir        v   dh  z   zh
vl.spir        f   th  s   sh      h
vd.nas     m           n       ng	(-ng- in finger is (ngg))
vd.smiv                l   r

Another possibility is to use (h) for (ng) since they have complementary
distribution. Or maybe (q), which is otherwise unused.


>Now for the vowels.  They're a bit more confusing, because most
>English-speaking people can't even define "vowel", and think that
>many things are consonants when they're vowels.  But here goes:
>           front mid  back
>st.high      i^        u^   ["Strong" high vowels]
>wk.high      i         u    ["Weak" high vowels]
>st.mid       e^        o^
>wk.mid       e    u~   o
>low          a^        a


My counterproposal again dispenses with the diacritics:

           front         mid         back

semivowel   y	`yet'                w   `wet'
st.high     iy  `beet'               uw  `boot'
wk.high     i   `bit'                u   `put'
st.mid      ey  `bait'               ow  `boat'
wk.mid      e   `bet'                o   `bought'
low.diph    ay  `bite'               aw  `bout'
low         ae  `bat'                ao  `pot' 
                         aa  `but'
diph                     oy  `boy'
schwa			 a   (first syllable in about)

The above method using (y) and (w) to indicate English `long' vowels
is already in common use in many linguistic texts. 

Ideally, (ae) and (ao) should be digraphs (written together as a single
character).  Since \a\ is never followed by \e\ or \o\ in any English
dialect I know, no confusion should occur when they are written separately.

One optional addition is to use (1) to represent unaccented (i), the final
vowel of `happy'. Then accented syllables contain (i e ae aa ao o u) and 
unaccented syllables (a 1).

>Note that with one exception, I've used '~ to mark consonants
>and '^' to mark vowels.  This pattern will continue with the
>"special" vowels that double as consonant sounds:
>             m^ n^ l^ r^

I'd write these sounds as (am) (an) (al) (ar) unaccented or (aar) accented.
Note that vocalic (m) (n) (l) never occur in accented sylables.

Incidentally, all diacritic marks have been dispensed with in my notation.


>Dialect difference are to be handled in a straightforward manner,
>by using the "superset" of phonemes that are distinguished in the
>standard "generic" English, plus pronunciation rules that say how
>each dialect maps the phonemic symbols into sounds.  Thus, in my
>native dialect (West Coast North American), the 'o' and 'a' sounds
>are merged into one intermediate sound.  But this doesn't change
>the fact that the spelling system distinguishes them.  I just have
>to learn the spelling of the words that are homophones.

[From this I assume you pronounce cot and caught identically]


This is actually an intriguing problem, but it may be harder to solve
than you suggest. There are at least three kinds of problems:

1) In many cases, english dialects preserve phonemic distinctions even
where there are differences in pronunciation. For example, British
speakers usually drop (r) following vowels, but preserve the lost sound
via compensatory vowel lengthening. British speakers would have the rule

2) Unfortunately, many dialects contain distinctions that are nonexistent
in others. Words like `new', `dew', `tune', `sewer' (Br= nyuw dyuw tyuwn
syuwar, Am= nuw duw tuwn suwar) would be viewed  as containing `silent 
letters' by American speakers, following the rule (y) => 0 /(t,d,n,s) _ VOWEL

3) Some dialectical discrepencies require the addition of extra symbols to
account words having different phonemes in different dialects.  The most
obvious phonemic shift I know of occurs in the vowels in (path) and
(ox).  I believe that at least two extra vowels will be required (here
called (a') and (o')) to handle the words below:

	British		American	Common
        -------         --------        ------
cat	kaet		kaet		kaet
path	paoth		paeth		pa'th
ox	oks		aoks		o'ks
bought	bot		bot		bot

Another example is the (d)-like sound in American `pretty', `little'.
Some British dialects make this a glottal stop, others pronounce it
as an ordinary (t). Shall we call this (t') ?

I wonder how many more such additions would be required to handle the
majority of english dialects?


Here's how I'd have spelt your examples:

>Some samples using this spelling system:
>Su~m sa^mpl^z yu^zin~ d~is spelin~ sistm^:
 Saam saempalz yuwzing dhis speling sistam: [.. yuwz1ng .. spel1ng..]
>	Old		Nu^		Yet anaadhar sistam
>	---		---		--- ------- ------
>	cat		ka^t		kaet
>	cot		kat		kaot
>	caught		kot		kot
>	coat		ko^t		kowt
>	curt		kr^t		kaart
>	coot		ku^t		kuwt
>	word		wr^d		waard [wurd]
>	weird		wird		wird
>	ward		ward		word
>	warred		ward 		word
[Du~z eni^wu~n pronawns d^i^z difrentli^?]
[Daaz eniwan pranawns dhiyz difrantli ?] [..en1wan..difrantl1?]
>	they		d~e^ [or d~ey]	dhey
>	them		d~em		dhem
>	this		d~is		dhis
>	these		d~i^z		dhiyz
>	think		t~in~k 		think  [thiynk/thiyngk]*
>	button		bu~tn^		baatan
>	bottom		batm^		baotam
>	throttle	t~ratl^		thraotal  [thraot'al]
>	thirsty		t~r^sti^	thaarsti  [thaarst1, thurst1]
>	prince		princ		prin(t)s **
>	prints		prints		prin(t)s **
>	grep		grep		grep

*(nk) == (ngk). Also, English only seems to allow 5 (6) vowels to occur
 before this sound (iy, ey, ae, aa, o), and (ao) in polysyllables:

	length		long
	hang	hung	(congress)

**Most dialects of English I've heard confuse all cases of:

NASAL+FRICATIVE <=> NASAL+STOP+FRICATIVE as in the below examples:

	mf	<=>	mpf	lymph (limf) or (limpf)
	ns	<=>	nts	prince	(prins) or (prints)
	nsh     <=>     nch     mention (menshan) or (menchan)
	nth	<=>	ntth	ninth (naynth) or (nayntth)
	ngsh	<=>	ngksh	junction (jaangshan) or (jaangkshan)
