[net.nlang] chairPERSON, postPESON

laura (07/07/82)

hmm.  i dont have any strong feelings on the matter, but can bet that it
would be easier to 'PERSON' existing words than to do the alternative:

It is hereby decreed that the word 'man' is strictly neuter and 
equivalent to the word 'person'.  Now what are you guys going to think
up to call yourselves???

laura creighton

Personally, I find 'chairperson' a rather ugly word to have to listen to
much like 'functionality' and 'burglerizing' <what ever was wrong with
burgling??> but then language changes whether I like it or not.

thomas (07/07/82)

No, it should be chairPERCHILD!  (Son, is after all, sexist).
(Or maybe chairCRITTER - after, assuming a human is chauvinistic!)

jcwinterton (07/13/82)

	Let us all ignore this nonsense and perhaps it will go away when
the grease for the media hacks goes away.
John Winterton.