[net.nlang] Spelling and usage

joe@cvl.UUCP (06/15/83)

Ron, you failed to note that Jim's alleged correction

    I agree with Charlie Strom.  This single most important language for
    any person to know, programmer or not, is their native tongue (e.g.,
					   usage: should be "i.e." ^^^^

was wrong.  At least, I hope he didn't really mean to suggest that the
native tongue of every person is English, rather than that English
is an example of the native tongue of a person.

"E.g." translates as "for example," "i.e." as "that is."

Now, shouldn't this discussion really be somewhere else?  I realize
that you arpanauts don't see such enlightening "group remedial grammar
sessions" on net.nlang, or net.flame, or net.misc.  But some of us have
seen a lot of it lately.  Perhaps what we need is a multi-network-wide
decree to the effect that grammar and spelling may be corrected as
vehemently as desired BY MAIL ONLY, and no public acknowledgement of
such errors is to be allowed.

rael@inuxe.UUCP (06/16/83)

I haven't read the original article but if you are suggesting (as it appears
to me you are) that the original article should have used "i.e.", you've
just proved yourself wrong.

Pardon me for any misspellings or non-sequitory statements, Spanish is my
ative language.

					Dan Vanevic