[net.nlang] Esperanto courses at San Francisco State Univ.

polard@fortune.UUCP (Henry Polard) (02/04/85)

Five courses in Esperanto will be given at San Francisco State University
from July 1 to July 19, 1985.  Three semester units of university credit
are available for each course.  The courses are:
Basic course (An Introduction to Esperanto)
Advanced Basic Course (Getting Along in the Esperanto-speaking World)
Intermediate Course
Advanced Course(Esperanto and its Linguistic Structure)
Methods Course (Methods of Teaching Esperanto)

For further information write via USPS to:
	Cathy Schulze
	410 Darrell Road
	Hillsborough, CA 94010
	(415) 341-1796


Henry Polard (You bring the flames - I'll bring the marshmallows.)
N.B: The words in this posting do not necessarily express the opinions
of me, my employer, or any AI project.

neal@druxv.UUCP (Neal D. McBurnett) (02/14/85)

Indeed, I hear that these courses are wonderful.  In three weeks you can
learn all the grammar and enough vocabulary to carry on a basic conversation!
The instructors this summer are Duncan Charters - one of the best
teachers around, James Cool, with 5 summers experience teaching at
the summer program, and Amri Wandel, ex-president of the World Esperanto
Youth Organization, who is also a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of
Maryland Astronomy Program.  Amri is on the net (allegra!umcp-cs!cvl!amri).

The courses cost $70 a credit (mostly 3 credits).  The best deal, though,
is the lodging: where else can you stay in San Francisco for $108 a week
in the middle of summer (in a dorm, of course....): 15 MEALS A WEEK PROVIDED!

-Neal McBurnett, ihnp4!druny!neal, 303-538-4852