[net.nlang] chairmon, chairmyn

rvpalliende (07/08/82)

The problem with chairman is that the spelling tells us what the
etymology ov the word is. Even the word woman has man in it.
There's a feminist group who call themselves "womyn", to make it clear
that they don't want to be associated with men. Since the y is awkward,
and both "a" and "e" have male connotations (as in man and men) then
what about using "o", or "u"?
What do you think about the following non-sexists respelling?
Old spelling          New, non sexist one.
woman                 womon
women                 wimon
chairman              chairmon
chairmen              chairmon  (after all, in spoken language the plural
                                 ov words like these isn't pronounced)
cinnamon              cinnamon
man                   man
men                   men
person                person (The word person has nothing to do with the word
                              son. Those who think otherwise should use the
                              spelling sun)
human                 humon  (Note that the etymology ov this word has
                              nothing to do with the word man).
doberman              dobermon
Question: would it be Supermon, or Superman?